In the boundless cosmos, Earth stands out as a unique jewel, where humans, believing themselves to be the sole sentient beings, thrive. This perception shatters when an unexpected event in New York unveils a power capable of catapulting Earth's technological evolution at an astonishing rate.
A powerful Earth organization rises from the shadows, driven by a mission to prepare humanity for looming challenges and potential threats previously unheard of in the cosmos. Yuro Kubomi, a young martial arts prodigy, unexpectedly finds himself intertwined with this organization's destiny. As he navigates this new path, his role's significance and potential impact on mankind remain an enigma.
Guided by seasoned mentors and pushed to the limits of his abilities, Yuro is thrust into a vortex of intrigue and combat. As mysteries unfold and stakes escalate, Earth must grapple with its newfound place in the universe and the realization that it may not be alone.
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