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40% Kid Flash In The MHA Verse / Chapter 3: Class Rep

Chapter 3: Class Rep

Class 1-A started the day with homeroom. Aizawa entered the room and sat at his desk.

"Good morning. Today your assignment will be…" Everyone stared in anticipation of the next crazy thing the caterpillar would make them do. "Choosing a class representative."

"Alright, a normal class activity!" The guy with electricity powers cheered.

*Class rep? That's boring…* Unlike the rest of the class, Wally West had no interest in becoming class rep, it would just be a bunch of public speaking and official stuff with the teachers. Wally loved attention and public speaking, but this just seemed like a drag.

"I don't care how you do it, just decide by the end of the day." Aizawa curled up in his sleeping bag and rolled off into a corner. Then chaos ensued.

"I wanna be class rep!"

"Pick me!"

"I want to be the leader!"

With students volunteering left and right, it had gotten noisy. That's when Iida calmed the storm.

"Silence!" Everyone quieted down. "Deciding class rep should be done with order and democracy, it's an important job to lead others and communicate with people. Therefore, we should decide with an election!" Despite what he said, Iida had actually raised his hand higher than anyone else. The class looked to Aizawa.

"I don't care." With the OK from the teacher, voting began.

*Hmm, Iida seems like he'd be good at this, but he's a bit extra. That ponytail girl… *Wally looked at the chalkboard where all the candidates names were written. *Ah, Momo Yaoyorozu, she's cute and smart, she'd be good. Midoriya is on there too, he's smart. Although… Kirishima is personable and confident, I bet we'd have a lot of fun with him in charge. I think I'll go with Kirishima."

After tallying up the votes, Wally saw that Midoriya had gotten 3 votes while Yaoyorozu and Kirishima got 2. Iida was visibly trying to hold in his disappointment, but he was really bad at it.

"Alright then, Midoriya will be class rep. Decide quickly on who will be his deputy rep out of the two that tied." The scruffy caterpillar said.

"Wait we tied? Then how will we decide?" Kirishima asked.

"Just give me a show of hands." Aizawa sighed. "Hands up for Kirishima." Out of everyone, Wally, Sero and a blonde guy put their hands up. "Now for Yaoyorozu." This time, everyone else but Bakugo put their hands up. "Ok, then it's decided. Yaoyorozu will be his deputy representative."

The rest of the class was normal, so time went by quickly until they got to lunch.

"Hey Wally, come sit with me!" Kirishima said to him.

"Sure." Wally took his tray and sat by the redhead.

"I almost became deputy there, thanks for putting your hand up with the other guys."

"No worries, I don't want to be class rep, so I just voted for you because you seem like a fun guy."

"Oh, so the other vote was yours? Thanks man!" Kirishima smiled.

"Don't mention it. So, why are you in the hero course?"

"Me? Well… because I want to be like my hero."

"Who's that?"

"He's a pro hero named, Crimson Riot. He's a super manly guy who saves people with confidence and honor. I don't have a super flashy Quirk, but if I can be like him… maybe… Anyway, enough about me. What's your story?"

Wally wanted to hear more of what Kirishima was saying, but clearly it was a touchy area. "Well… I used to be a pretty bad kid back in the day, I made a lot of trouble for my family. Long story short, someone set me straight, a The pro hero Flash. He has the same Quirk as me, so he took me under his wing and taught me what it means to be a hero. So, after spending a while studying under him I wanted to go to an act hero school, and one thing happened after another and now I'm here at UA."

"That's super manly! Looks like we both have a hero we look up to huh? And would've thought you have personal connections to the second best hero that's so cool!"

"Yeah, I guess we do." Wally chuckled. "Although, it helps that he's my uncle now."

"The Flash? What do you mean?"

"Yeah. Hey, that reminds me. I've been trying to perfect a move that he taught me, you wanna train with me after school?"

"Totally! I'm always up for-" Kirishima didn't get to finish talking before an alarm went off.

"Attention everyone, there has been a level 3 security breach, all students please evacuate outdoors." Said a mechanical voice on the PA system.

"What does that mean?" Wally asked.

"It means that someone is trespassing on school grounds!" Wally heard someone shout.

"Trespassers? I'm gonna check it out and see who's at the door. I'll meet up with you later Kirishima." Wally told his new friend.

"Alright." With that, Wally zoomed off. He checked the whole interior of the school, nothing out of the ordinary. Then he ran outside and checked the perimeter, there he saw a huge crowd of reporters and cameras and other various media.

"Hello Wally! The news has been on our back for days, I should've known it was them." Wally was right, after word of All Might's employment at UA had gotten out, the media had been trying to get information out of the students and teachers there for days. "Whatever, there's no threat, so I'll just chill out here until the teachers kick them out." And Wally did just that, after the police arrived to escort them off the property, Wally went back to class to continue with his day.

"Go on class rep, start." Yaoyorozu told a nervous Midoriya, standing in front of the class.

"Y-yes, now we'll decide the other class officers… but first, can I say something?" Yaoyorozu looked confused at Midoriya's unplanned tangent. "I think… that Tenya Iida should be the class rep instead!" Wally looked over at Iida in another seat, he seemed surprised at Midoriya's sudden outburst. "He was able to get everyone's attention in such a cool way. I think it would be best for Iida to do it." Midoriya had regained his composure and was looking at Iida.

*Wait what? What did I miss?* Wally thought.

"I'm good with that too. Midoriya's saying it, and it's true that Iida was a big help at the cafeteria today." Kirishima said to everyone.

"Yeah, and he kind of looked like the person on the emergency exit signs, didn't he?" Said the blonde electricity guy next to Kirishima.

"You're wasting time." Said the caterpillar, he scared Midoriya, who had forgotten he was there. "I don't care what you do, just hurry up and do it."

*Jeez, he's more uptight than Iida!* Wally thought. Iida got up in front of the class and got his composure.

"If the class rep has nominated me, then it cannot be helped. From this day forth, I, Tenya Iida, promise to do my best to carry out the duties of class representative!"

"We're counting on you, Emergency Exit!" Shouted Kirishima.

"Emergency Exit Iida! Do your best" Shouted the blonde.

*That blonde guy seems fun, and he's friends with Kirishima. I'll have Kiri introduce me later. But seriously, what the heck is going on?*

"What about me…?" Poor Yaoyorozu mumbled.

After class, Wally went up to Kirishima and the blonde to talk.

"Hey Kiri, what happened with Iida earlier? What's this stuff about him being an emergency exit?" Wally asked.

"Oh, when you left, Iida found out that it was the media who triggered the alarm, everyone thought it was a villain or something so they freaked out. Uraraka made Iida float and he was able to get everyone's attention and calm their panic. Me and Kaminari here saw it all!"

"What's up? I'm Denki Kaminari, we haven't met yet."

"Wally West, nice to meet you."

"So, are you still up for training? We can ask the teacher if we can use the gym!" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah I'm still in. Kaminari, you want to join us?" Wally asked.


"Mr. Aizawa, we were hoping to do some training with our Quirks, could we use the gym?" Kirishima asked the caterpillar.

"Only if you can find a teacher to supervise you." Aizawa deadpanned.

"Thanks!" Said Kirishima as the three walked off to find a teacher.

"Which teacher do you think we should ask?" Wally asked his friends.

"How about Mr. Cementoss? He's really nice." Kaminari suggested.

"Our modern lit teacher? Sure." Wally agreed.

"Yeah, he's super cool!" Kirishima cheered. The three went to the teacher's office to find him, luckily, he hadn't left for the day. When they entered, they saw the teacher across the room. Cementoss, as his name implies, resembled a cement brick, his head was a grey rectangle with eyes and a mouth, his hair was in a ponytail and he was wearing a red sleeveless suit so that his large, blocky arms were showing.

"Mr. Cementoss!" Kaminari waved to the pro hero. "Would you please supervise us to do some training in the gym?"

"Some after school training? Hmm, I'm not one to turn down an opportunity for some students to show some initiative. I have some time, why not?" Cementoss smiled at them.

"Alright!" The three cheered.

Cementoss unlocked the door to the gym and the three new friends walked inside. "Just let me know if you guys need help or tips or anything." Cementoss told them with a thumbs up.

"Thank you Mr. Cementoss!" They all said.

"So, what kind of move were you trying to do?" Kirishima asked Wally.

"Well, this is one of the many things The Flash taught me that I need to work on. I wanted to make a wind funnel." Wally told him.

"A wind funnel? How do you do that? I thought your Quirk made you fast." Kaminari asked him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well there are two ways he taught me, one of them I've already mastered, but the other one is a bit more… tricky."

"What's the first way?" Kirishima asked.

"I'll show you." Wally said with a smirk. He took a running start, then he ran to the center of the room and started running in a circle at insane speeds. Slowly, a tornado started to form and the speedster exited the vortex, now completely sustained on it's own.

"That's so cool!" Kaminari shouted

"Right? I make that by using the wind I generate when I run, if I do it in a circle then it does this." Wally told them, still smiling. "This one is the easier one to make, the other one is what I'll be working on today."

"How do you make the other one?" Kaminari asked, excited to see what he would do next.

"Basically, I do the same thing with my arms to make smaller ones. With the other one, there's only so much I can do to control the tornado, but with this one; I can aim it and attack. However, it's a lot harder to do, and it takes a good amount of armpower"

"Alright, so then let's get started! What are we gonna do first?" Kirishima said, pumped up.

"Well I was hoping we could just fight and I'd see how well it works in battle. What are your Quirks?" The speedster asked.

"I can generate electricity from my body." Kaminari said with a smile and a gleam in his eyes.

Denki Kaminari!

Quirk: Electrification!

He can discharge energy from his body! But if he goes over his watt limit; his brain short circuits and he becomes a huge idiot for a while!

"I saw that during the combat training, it's pretty cool! What about you Kirishima?" Wally asked

"I can make my body rock hard, It's not super flashy, but I can take a hit."

Eijiro Kirishima!

Quirk: Harden!

He can make his body super durable, able to withstand plenty of powerful attacks! Although, there's only so much damage he can take before his body goes back to normal.

"That's perfect! You're the perfect person to train with! You can withstand my vortex right?"

"Definitely." Kiri said with confidence.

"Mr. Cementoss, could you make a ring for us?" Wally asked.

"Sure thing." Cementoss put his hands on the ground and a small ring of concrete formed around them, the ring was only as tall as their feet.


Quirk: Cement!

He can generate and control and endless amount of cement from his body!

"Ok, so if one of us gets knocked out; they lose. Sound good?" Wally asked Kirishima.

"Let's go, bro!" Kirishima said, stretching his arms.

"Kaminari, do you mind sitting out for this one? I don't think your Quirk will defend you from my attack.

"Sure. I'll be the referee!" The blonde said. "Fighters ready?"

"Don't hold back!" Kirishima shouted, smiling.

"I won't!" Wally told him.

"Go!" Kaminari shouted.

Kirishima activated his harden and rushed Wally, who easily dodged by zipping to the other side of the ring. "Here I go!" Wally shouted. The speedster started rotating his arms in front of him, pointing at Kirishima. It started to create a funnel, but Kirishima didn't budge an inch.

"I think you need more power!" Kirishima shouted. Wally stopped to catch his breath, then he tried again to no avail.

"It's not working, I need to go faster!" The speedster tried this multiple times, but the vortex just wasn't strong enough. "Ugh, I know you're more durable than most, but this clearly won't work in actual combat." Wally said, disappointed.

"May I offer a suggestion?" Cementoss asked.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Wally said, confused.

"What if you stopped rotating both your arms, and just focused on one? You can put a lot more energy into it if you don't have to spread your energy out."

"Hey… that's a good idea!" Wally brightened up at the pro's advice. *Why didn't I think of that?*

"And one more thing, try shouting your attack name. I know it's not necessary to the battle, but in the future it'll really help with brand deals, it makes you more iconic."

"That's so cool! Superheroes always shout their attacks in comic books! Wait, brand deals? Are they gonna make toys of me? That'll be so cool! They'll make me into lunchboxes, I'll be on magazines, I'll get lots of interviews with hot reporters… This hero gig is looking brighter than ever! Thanks Mr. Cementoss!" Wally was ecstatic, he'd never thought of how famous he could be, and the teen had always loved attention. "Alright, Kiri, let's try this again!"

"Right!" Said the redhead.

"Round 2, start!" Kaminari shouted.

Kirishima activated his harden again, Wally took a breath and pointed his arm at Kirishima. Wally rotated his right arm as fast as he could, focusing all his energy into his arm. The wind was picking up, Wally could feel it, and he could tell Kirishima was having a harder time holding his ground as well. Then, from the depths of his heart, he got one more burst of energy and shouted. "ONE ARM WIND CANNON!" This last bit of energy was all he needed, Kirishima was knocked pulled forward onto his face.

"Wait, I thought I was blasting him? Did I make a vacuum instead? Well then how does Uncle Barry do it?" Wally thought out loud.

"Dude who cares? That was cool! Imagine what you could do against people who aren't as heavy as Kirishima! This would be great for catching escaping villains!" Kaminari cheered.

"Yeah dude, that was awesome! It's pretty hard to knock me down." Kirishima said, patting Wally on the back.

"Thanks guys. Let's try…" Wally didn't get to finish, he fell over.

"Dude are you ok?" Kaminari said, a little panicked.

Wally got up, dazed. "Yeah… I just need to eat something. I got so caught up with this, I forgot to refuel. Let's call it a day and get some noms, some barbeque would do me wonders."

"Barbeque? I know a great place over by my house! I'll carry you there." Kirishima said, picking his friend up. "Do you want to come, Mr. Cementoss?"

"I'd love to join you, but unfortunately I have to catch up on some work. You kids have fun, take care of Wally." The pro hero told them.

"Alright then, let's go get some barbeque!" Kaminari cheered.

"I'll pay, as thanks for helping me today." Wally said tiredly.

"Really? Sweet!" Kirishima said. The three friends laughed together happily as they left their training session to learn the wind cannon… completely unaware of how soon they'd need to use it.

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