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33.33% Keyaru the new healer hero / Chapter 1: WORD COUNT... PLIZ SKIP
Keyaru the new healer hero Keyaru the new healer hero original

Keyaru the new healer hero

Author: Eroski

© WebNovel



The battle against Lady Nagant had been one of Izuku's most intense and he won by a narrow margin, and in part due to her own hesitation. He had pushed himself to and beyond his limits to talk to her, and to convince her to change sides. She had been left charred and burned by it, and had to be taken to a hospital at first to slowly recover. 


Once the war finally ended, and she was stable, she had been taken to prison on account of her past crimes. But now, years after the war, she was being released from prison on account of both his recommendation as the new number one, and due to her contributions during the war. 


Izuku had been eagerly awaiting her release. He was standing at the gates of the maximum security prison, waiting patiently with a bouquet of flowers. He had grown quite a bit since his teenage days, and was now a solid height, carrying broad shoulders and was visibly muscular. 


There was a loud noise, as the gates opened, and the woman he was waiting for walked out, her steps steady and a calm smile on her face. He had almost forgotten how attractive she looked, with her shoulder length violet hair, well built arms and legs, and the serious facial features, which were now smiling. She walked up to him, a bag full of her personal items slung over her shoulder, and clad in a prison jumpsuit, though that didn't look remotely bad on her. Her eyes glanced at the bouquet, and let out a small huff, lightly punching him in the chest. "You'll lose ratings if people see you giving flowers to a villain."


"Ah, was that a bad decision?" 


She took them from him, glancing down at their soft petals. Roses, blue thistle and violets which matched her hair. "I like them, but if this is your attempt at seduction you could definitely use some work."


He blushed, shaking his head. "N-No! I-I just thought they were a uh…good gift?" 


She stared up at him, slowly raising an eyebrow. He didn't know how to react, just stiffly standing under her inspecting gaze. Finally she hung her head, smile widening. "We'll work on it." She looked back up, rolling her neck from side to side. "You got a ride for me Mr. number one?"


He held his hands out, both palms facing up as he looked slightly sheepish. "…Me?" 


She blinked at him, before glancing back down at his outstretched hands. She shrugged, approaching and wrapping an arm around his neck, before jumping up and landing in his arms. "This is pretty good, but points away for being unconfident about it."


"I'm not trying to seduce you!" 


"I hope not, you should be doing much better than this." She smirked up at him, cradling his flowers against her chest while she was held up by him. He flushed, not expecting the sight nor her actions, and now holding the beautiful woman bridal style. "Well?" 


He shook his head, letting out a small breath. "R-Right!" Green electricity crackled around him, and he crouched down, before shooting up into the air. The wind pressure was strong, almost painful against her as she shot up, the plastic surrounding her flowers rustling loudly in her hands. They reached the apex of their leap, and simply hung, as he used Float to gently glide. 


She had seen the skyline of Japan many times, positioned high on various skyscrapers, waiting hours or even days for her target to walk into her crossheirs. She had seen it with Izuku before, when the two fought, and they were moving between buildings while she fired at him soaked in rain and the light of the moon. Yet still, somehow the familiar view was beautiful. Completely and utterly beautiful. The sun's beams shining between the massive buildings, the illuminated cityscape, millions of people all living in what looked from there like such a small place. Her smile only widened more, as she felt a complete and utter feeling of happiness and euphoria. 


She closed her eyes, feeling the cool wind on her face. She took a deep inhale, catching some of the smoky and woody scents of a masculine cologne. She huffed again, looking up and catching that the man holding her was staring straight at her face, his own a bright red. He looked away instantly, clearing his throat. "Nice…uh…weather?" 


That actually got a laugh out of her. She could feel her legs resting on his thick arms, and his large palm carrying the weight of her body easily. "Points added for the cologne, but some subtracted for that." 


He hung his head slightly, letting out a sigh. "Fair." He paused for a moment, letting the air whip around them while they floated off into the city. "You uh, have you put any thought into where you're going to go?" 


Nagents smile slowly faded, and she let out her own sigh, as she turned to look into the cityscape as well. "I've got nowhere to go. I can't bring myself to go back to heroism, nor would any agency want the person who killed her last boss. Logistically, I could probably go back to contract killing, but morally, I just…don't want anymore blood on me. I'm already so soaked in it." She let out a long sigh. "Maybe I'll become a prostitute." 


Izuku hacked, caught off guard. The woman under him smiled, chuckling as he coughed into his shoulder. They wobbled in the air as he lost balance, but she wasn't at all afraid of falling. He gathered his bearings after a moment, looking down at her. "P-Please don't joke about that." 


She shrugged in his arms. "It's kinda a half joke. I really don't have anywhere or anything I can do. Consequence of my own actions, but still." 


He didn't say anything, and she looked up at him, seeing an odd expression on his face. His eyes were closed, and he took a deep breath. He looked down at her, swallowing thickly before speaking, a light blush on his cheeks. "You could stay with me." 


Kaina flushed, pulling her bouquet closer. "What…what exactly are you offering me here?" 


"A-A place to stay, while you figure something out…or just, to stay." 


She shook her head lightly, violet hair brushing up and getting pushed by the wind. "You've got such good ideas and such poor execution." 


"C'mon! That's too harsh!" 


She laughed once more, the sound dark and rumbly, but full of joy. "Maybe it is. You got a girl who'll be upset about you taking in an old cougar?" 


"C-Cougar?" He shook his head again. "You're only like…"


"39 now. So, what, triple your age?" 


"Not even double! And! Uh, no, no girlfriends. I had a short thing with Ochako but uh, it didn't work out." 


She raised an eyebrow. "Big," she reached over and squeezed one of his biceps. "Strong, loyal, the most powerful man in the world both physically and politically, cute freckles. How the hell did she fail to lock you down?" 


He blushed at the compliments. "It's uh…uhm…private." 


"Was it…do you have a thing for feet?" 


He got wobbly in the air once more, and the woman under him laughed her low chuckle once more. His face was flushed, and he let out a long breath. "I don't remember you making this many dirty jokes!" 


"Well, I was trying to kill you back then." She let out a long sigh. "You get that deep in your own head, you just get angry. Lash out at everything and everyone. A lot of who you met has changed since I've had some time to come to peace with things. Being able to see you actually change things for the better while I've been away was…I don't have words to describe it. I'm so much happier, I just feel…free. That's all thanks to you." 


He flushed again. "And you're repaying me by implying I've got a foot festish?" 


She shrugged. "Hey, as the number one hero, I feel like you get a pass to be into anything. Feet, armpits, I don't know, roleplay? I'm not well versed in fetishes. Anyway, I'm saying whatever it was, she should've learned to love it." 


He swallowed thickly once more, and the two started descending down towards one of the high rises. "What makes you so sure she broke it off and not me?" 


"Because," The two touched down at a balcony, and she didn't get off immediately, looking right up at him with her wide smile. "I know your type, loyal to a fault. A girl would pretty much have to cheat on you before you'd break up with her, and hell, if she apologized well enough you'd probably even forgive that." His face bloomed red once more, as she pulled herself out of his arms, stretching out her back while holding both her bag and her flowers. "Shame you're so bad at picking up chicks. You could get any girl, and probably any guy, if you just got a little bit better at it." She turned to look at him, his large frame still blushing. "This our stop or?" 


"Y-Yeah!" He pulled open a glass sliding door, revealing a luxurious penthouse suite. It was colorful, with lots of paintings and some pictures done up in the area, alongside comfortable looking furniture, a large nice kitchen, a bathroom with a massive tub and a large shower, and of course, a massive bed. 


Kaina let out a whistle looking at everything. She glanced up at the paintings especially, seeing that they were much different then the typical painting she'd see when she painted the walls of other penthouses with the head of some rich but corrupt hero. Those were typically all abstract, nothing really interesting, though they'd no doubt try to convince you otherwise by citing the price tag. Instead, what she was looking at was a landscape painting of the city, and next to it were similar, some paintings of heroes in action, others just simplistic things like birds or the classic fruit bowl. "You pick all of these?" 


He walked past her, nodding and looking up at it as well. "Oh uh, y-yeah. When I first got this place I wanted to decorate, so I went to some art fairs and conventions. It was kinda funny how excited people got when I bought things from them." 


She could definitely imagine that. Some struggling artist goes to a local fair, only for the number one hero to buy from them. They would be set for life with the number of other people looking to buy from them. It was pretty much a one way ticket to the mainstream. There was also just the simple fact that the number one liked what you made. "You probably made their decade by doing that." 


"I-I don't think It's that big of a deal." 


Her head snapped to look at him, from where he was…getting out cooking utensils. A large pan and a couple of spices specifically. "You…first of all, why are you…do you not have a chef?" 


"Oh, uh, no I figured it was…probably good to learn myself right?" 


She started walking towards him. "Ok fair, second. You're, and I can't emphasize this enough. The most powerful person in the world. If you agreed to fight for like, Indonesia, they would let you be king of some of the islands." 


"I don't think they-" 


"They'd be dumb not to!" She walked right up to him, looking up with an exasperated expression. "Midoriya, you could win a war single handedly. You're the biggest war preventer since the invention of the nuke. Where exactly is this lack of confidence coming from?" She pulled a stool over, sitting down on it and leaning back against the kitchen counter. "I've met people whose quirks let them turn their fists into lead, who've had god complexes. Stared into the barrel of my sniper, certain they wouldn't die because they were, special, and chosen. You're actually both of those things, and act like…I don't- like you're a garbage collector, who does good work but is replaceable." 


He shrunk slightly under her words, sheepishly continuing to get out cooking things. "I-I mean it's good to be humble right? A-And I don't think that I'm as big of a deal as you're making me out to be." 


She narrowed her eyes as he got out a carton of eggs, alongside two frozen pork chops. "Midoriya. I…I don't know how else I can impress on you, that you upset the balance of the world. And…Well…I would definitely much rather you be like this then an egomaniac, but you also should be confident. No one can stop you. Take what you want a little."


"Again, didn't you start killing people because the elite were acting like that?" He placed the two slabs of in a large bowl, cracking two eggs and starting to beat them in another.


"The elites were having me kill their opposition to further their own political gain, and I had to live with children idolizing me while I was caked in the blood of innocent men. I'm telling you to stop stuttering when you ask for things. I mean, god, you could single handedly decide the next Prime minister if you speak in support of them, and I question if you could even correct a waitress who got your meal wrong."


"I don't want to be rude to them!" 


"They were the ones that messed it up!" She let out a long sigh, holding her head in her hand while he dipped the pork slices into the beaten eggs, coating both with the egg and seasoning them, before transferring it to a bowl filled with breading. "Alright, I'm taking this into my own hands. From now on, I'm going to teach you to be more assertive." 


He turned both slices over, before pouring a thin layer of oil into a cast iron pan and turning the heat on. He waited for it to heat up, letting out a satisfied breath and turning to her. "I don't think you need to do that, I mean, I get some confidence might help, but, I, well it would be an inconvenience to you and-" 


"Ahp! No! What do you want, no dressing or sugar coating." 


"Um…I'd like it if you-" 


"Nope! Try again." 


"...I don't want you to do that." 


She nodded, a smile on her face. "Better. Now, not a request, a command." 


He paused, mouth opening as he struggled to find something to say, before finally letting out a sigh. "Don't do that…please." He threw some pieces of the bread into the pan, and it sizzled. He placed both pieces of pork down onto it, the sound and smell of sizzling meat filling the air. 


She let out a sigh. "Getting there." 


He shook his head, large curls shaking like a tumbleweed. "I don't think I have it in me to be some…I don't know, commanding, dominant personality. I just…Care to much what other people think."


"What if that's what the other person wants?" She was leaning back, her forearms against the kitchen counter, leaving her breasts almost inviting his gaze.


He peeled his eyes away from her, and back down to the cooking meal below him. "What…What do you mean?" 


"Just what I said. Midoriya, there are girls who you could punch and they would thank you."


"I would never! Unless they were villains I guess, but still!" 


She laughed at his outrage, shaking her head as well, ruffling her violet and blue highlighted hair softly. She shifted her arm, holding onto the counter for a moment, unintentionally showing off the definition on them. It seemed like she had spent a long portion of her prison stay working out even more, and it had done nothing but enhance her looks. "Alright, that's probably a very small minority I'll admit. But lots of girls like some rougher treatment. Hands on the throat, spanking, some like full on slapping. Trust me on this one," She smirked at him. "I had some fun with some cute girls when I was an assassin." He raised an eyebrow, and she shrugged in response. "The girls love a morally dubious woman, and I was looking for some cheap comfort, what can I say?" 


"I was more curious about you…well…"


"Oh what? With other girls?" She waved a dismissive hand. "Wasn't fully intentional, just kinda happened, and at a certain point you visit enough lesbian bars and you get a reputation. Never been with a guy, but I'm not opposed." 


"I'm…learning quite a bit about you today."


She snorted, nodding her head at the food, before turning and opening a few random cabinets, eventually finding the plates and grabbing two. "Gotta say though, always wanted to know what It'd be like on the other end of that. Hand around my neck, the one getting treated rough, that kinda stuff. Was always just kinda a turn-off to know I could absolutely wreck any of the girls I met outside the bedroom."


She handed him the plates, noticing the bright red blush to his face as he accepted them. She let out another laugh, grinning and sitting back once more. "I being too crude for your innocent ears?" 


"N-No just…nothing." 


Her smirk seemed to widen, though he was very pointedly not looking in her direction. "You thinking about how you don't fit that profile~? How I wouldn't be turned off if you took control?" 


"Nope!" He lied, evident to both of them. "Katsudon!" He walked past her to his table, putting her plate of the food across from him, and she hopped off of her stool with a small shake of her head. 


She pulled the chair back, sitting down in it and taking the chopsticks he handed her. "Thanks for the meal, seriously, I appreciate all of this more than I could express." 


"I-It's really nothing. You…deserve a second chance, you know?" Her smile faded slowly, and she looked down at the food, taking a bite of some of the well made crispy pork. "You…do know that right? Kaina? You know you deserve a second chance?" 


She took a deep inhale, and looked up at him. "So! How's your sex life?" 


"Kaina." He looked up at her with a serious expression. "Say it." 


She blinked up at him, swallowing nervously. "Uh? How I think your sex life is?" 


He didn't flush like he was earlier, now laser focused on something he cared about. "Say you deserve a second chance." 


"M-Midoriya I don't think-" 


"Say it." 


She flushed slightly, looking away. "I…you…uh…" 


He stood up from his chair, causing her to flinch slightly, as he walked around the table and kneeled down slightly to be on eye level with her, grabbing onto her shoulder. "Kaina, you deserve a second chance, and I want nothing more than to give it to you. I would give a second, third, forth chance. I thin-...I know you're a good person, and I'm willing to stake my life on it. So please, agree with me that you deserve more than a prison cell."


Her typically serious or smirking face was a bright red, and she was looking away from him, silent. 


He let out a sigh, hanging his head slightly. He steadied himself, before reaching over and lightly grabbing her hand, taking it into his. "Kaina? Talk to me." 


"I…killed a lot of people Midoriya. A-A lot. And yeah, none of them were saints but…I still…I mean try to tell that to the families, that I deserve a second chance." 


"I would if that's what it took."


She flinched slightly, still not looking at him. "Please don't. I, Midoriya, I don't want you to…you'll…it would be bad for you to be seen with or around me. Y-You should really just kick me to the curb. T-That's the smartest thing you could do right now."


His hand squeezed hers, the callouses on both hands rubbing against each other. "Weren't you just telling me I should take what I want a little? I want you to accept that there's no world in which I give you up like that. I want you to understand that you're a good person, despite everything. That's what I want." 


She was still silent, utterly unable to respond to him. He closed his eyes, letting out another soft sigh, standing up to his full height, still holding her hand. "It'll take time. Just promise you won't go running out on me alright?" 


She nodded, a low whimper leaving her mouth at the sudden onslaught of mixed emotions and sudden attention. He smiled, raising her hand up to his and softly kissing the back. "Good…You know, it's kinda hard to imagine you dominating all those girls when you're all blushy like this." 


She jerked her hand back after he spoke, but still couldn't make eye contact, her blush deepening. "...Was a…different situation." She grumbled out lowly. 


He chuckled, walking back to his seat and sitting down, eating his well made food quickly now that it had almost cooled. 


It took the former villainess a long moment, but she did eventually tame her blush, facing her bowl and eating slowly. It was admittedly, much much better than prison food, and if she could focus on the taste at all, she'd probably be moaning. Unfortunately, her mind was far too preoccupied with thoughts of forgiveness and redemption, trying to catalog if she was deserving by measuring her past sins. She kept re-running the count, but couldn't see herself as anything other than irredeemable. 


They both finished at about the same time, and Izuku stood up, grabbing his plate and extending his hand for hers. She blinked away her slight haze, and let out a small breath. "You aren't cooking and doing the dishes in your home where you're letting me stay for free." 


"Wha-? I have a dishwasher, It's easy." 


"No, no way," She extended her hand, grabbing onto his plate instead and standing up. "C'mon, this is literally the bare minimum I can do to pay you back." 


"You don't need to p-"


"I do. And unless you want me selling my body to make money, lets comprise on me helping around here." 


He deflated at that, and his grip loosened around his plate. She huffed, taking it from him and making her way to the sink. She rinsed both plates off, scraping any remaining food into his trash can, before pulling the dishwasher open and slotting the plates in. She rolled up the sleeves on her prison jumpsuit, grabbing the pan he used and searching for a moment, before finding his dish soap and squirting some onto it. Her sleeves up like that, he caught a better view of the muscle on her arms, it was by no means bulging or even particularly obvious at a glance. But, take a second to observe, and there are visible results of her hard work. It was all tight, close to her body and refined. Rather than bulking up it looked more like she had forged what she already had into its strongest possible form. She was all utility with no unneeded mass. It was somber in one way, to see her body so finely crafted for the role she had been forced into, but also very, very pleasing to look at. She took a second to find a sponge, before starting to rub at the pan's surface. 


It was a domestic scene, one that was utterly unexciting, save maybe for the fact she was an ex assassin in a prison jumpsuit, but it was enchanting to Izuku. This sort of life had been what he had wanted since…forever. A woman in life whom he could share his difficulties with. Where he could cook and she would clean, and then they could swap. Someone just to be there for him, whenever he needed, because he would drop anything to help her. He swallowed thickly as the scene played itself out in front of him, the woman he had dropped everything to help now repaying him in a similar way. 


She pushed some of her violet streaked hair out of her face, before glancing back at him, and raising an eyebrow. "What? I have something on my face?" 




She smiled, shaking her head slightly. She finished up cleaning the few dishes he had left, drying her hands off with a nearby hand towel. She let out a small breath, turning to face him. "Alright. Been a minute since I've had to do dishes honestly. You have any other plans with me besides eating?" 


The phrasing provoked a small blush once more, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, I thought we could go out and buy some clothes for you, since you're still wearing that jumpsuit, but I also figured you'd be hesitant since I'd be the one buying everything." 


"Damn straight I'm hesitant. You're feeding me, giving me a place to stay, you were a large part of why I got out in the first place, and now you're going to buy clothes for me? You have to tell me if we're actually married and I forgot about it."


"W-We are not." 


"Then I need to put my foot down at some point. I'll try and find an odd job or something. Construction maybe, somewhere they don't do background checks. I've got some spare clothes in my bag, enough to last me a while if I wash them regularly. The morals are a little gray, but I also have some money stored up elsewhere, I can dig it up in a few days. I'll be up and out of your hair soon, so, don't worry about it." 


Izuku stood up, and took a calming breath, closing his eyes as he gathered himself. He approached once more, placing a hand on her shoulder, opening his eyes. They were steely and determined, almost intense as he looked at her. "I wan-I'm going to buy you clothes. You…you can get a say in it or not, but one way or another, I'm going to be buying you things to wear."


She looked at the hand on her shoulder, and let out a small sigh, looking up at him with a small smirk. "Nice~ That was pretty hot. You should save it for someone who'll turn into a blushing mess and agree without thinking though." 


"You…were pretty blushy a few minutes ago." 


A red tinge reached her cheeks again, and the edges of her smirk wobbled slightly. "That was different! God." She rubbed at her face with her hand, and looked up at him. "Sorry, all that assertive stuff will work great on everyone else, but I as your sensei am immune from it." 


He seemed to take a moment to consider, before stepping slightly closer, hand still on her shoulder. "I'm going to buy you clothes." 


"No, you're not." 


He nodded, and looked down at her, face serious. "I'm going to buy clothes, and I want you to wear them. You can pay me back by doing that." 


"Unless they're kinky clothes, that's not much of a payback."


Her words caused him to pause for a second, letting out another calming breath. He gathered up some more courage, and his other hand reached down, cupping her cheek gently, and pushing her face up slightly so they were making direct eye contact. "Kaina. I'm going to buy you clothes, no matter how much you protest or resist, you can't stop me. Your choices are to have some say in what I buy, or to have none." 


She looked up at him, swallowing slightly, and their eyes locked in a sort of non-verbal clash, neither willing to look away as they tried to impose their will onto the other. They held that position for a long, drawn out moment, both breathing a little heavy. Whether it was the position, with his hand on her cheek, or his new height difference, or just that he had more will in this moment, she was the first one to break eye contact, looking away. 


"I'm going to regret teaching you that." 


He smiled softly, pulling his hands away and back towards himself, flushing as he let go of her. He coughed into his hand. "Well! Shopping trip then?" 


"Won't we get swarmed by the press if you walk out of here? Especially with me in tow. Every outlet for miles will be aching to get their hands on that story." 


He let out a small kinda sad laugh. "Y-Yeah…they um, sorta assume I'm dating any girl I'm seen with. It's made class reunions a little difficult honestly." 


She stretched her back, and grabbed her bag from where she had put it down, fishing out a change of clothes so she didn't look like an escaped convict. "Why don't you date any of them? Few pretty cute girls if I remember right." 


He walked towards the large penthouse bed, opening his wardrobe and pulling out a large All Might hoodie, which he threw over his large body. "Um, well, sorta a mixed bag of reasons. But none of us ever really clicked like that I guess." 


"Except, which girl was it, Ochako you said? That the round one with gravity stuff right?" 


"Y-Yeah…" He trailed off, looking sort of like a sad puppy. 


Kaina walked over, giving him a pat on his broad back. "Cheer up big guy. Lots of fish in the sea, especially for you. Your little clothes buying thing would definitely be more than enough for a lot of people. Corner some store clerk while we're out like that and I guarantee they'll be the most loyal little wifey you could ever dream of." 


"That seems like an awful way to start a relationship." 


"You're rich, strong, powerful, and caring. How many times do I have to tell you? You could start a relationship however the hell you want. The fact that you have an ex who broke up with you is a fucking miracle." 


He flushed again, rubbing at his neck. "I…It wasn't really a thing I could control." 




"No!" He shook his head. "Whatever, let's get going. You agreed, remember?"


"I don't quite recall that."


"You totally did, c'mon, It'll be just as fun for me as it will be good for you to get clothes!" 


She rolled her eyes, before making her way into the truly massive bathroom he had, closing the door behind her as she changed out of her prison jumpsuit. She walked out after a few moments wearing a black tank top which showed off her arms and the smooth lightly scarred skin stretched over her attractive muscles. It cut off low on her chest, covering most of her stomach but leaving a small strip of exposed smooth skin between her hips and navel. She had a pair of unbelted jeans on which clung onto her shapely ass. Izuku did his best not to look whenever she was in front of him. But he would be a liar to claim that his gaze never flicked down.


She stretched out her arm as she walked past him towards the door, the length of orange cloth in her hands. "Mhm! Much better. You want me putting this anywhere in particular or?" 


"I mean, do you want to keep it?" 


"Not particularly." 


He extended a hand, and a strand of Black Whip shot out, wrapping around it and pulling it towards him. His arms temporarily glew, red lines marking up his body, and he tore it easily, as if it was paper. Shredded into a thousand small pieces, he walked over to what Kaina now recognized as a fireplace, throwing the scraps of cloth on it and leaning down, lighting it. 


He dusted off his hands, looking pleased with himself. "All good now!" 


"...I suppose that works." 


He nodded, walking past her and to the door, which he opened for her, stepping aside so she could walk in front of him. She nodded to him, smirking slightly, and moved past. "That to be a gentleman or to stare?" 


He caught up quickly, walking next to her. "No clue what you're talking about!"


She snorted, as the two walked to an elevator a short distance away. "We really need to get you a girl, you're going to fall for me at this rate, and lord knows that would be a disaster." 


"What, uh…why exactly would that be a disaster?" 


They stepped into the elevator, and Izuku hit the lobby button, and they started descending down. Kaina leaned against the side, thumbs slotting into the small pockets in her pants. "The number one hero dating a recently freed convict, who was a contract killer? You don't see any issue with that?" 


He frowned, shaking his head. "I don't see any issue with Izuku Midoriya dating Tsusumi Kaina." 


Her smirk seemed a little sad, as she looked away, staring at her own reflection in the silvery metal of the elevator. "We're both a little more than Midoriya and Kaina at this point. You've gotta watch that image of yours." 


"I don't care about my image." 


She scoffed, glancing at him. "That's a bold-faced lie. You're following All Might's precedent. That means being so perfect you don't seem human. Dating a former assassin? That's a pretty damn big blemish."


He was silent, shuffling slightly on his feet. "Uh, well…I mean, I wouldn't want the public in all of my business anyways. So, they might not ever know?" 


"They'd learn. Maybe you could hide it for a while, but they'd learn." 


The elevator was silent for a long while again, the descent from the top floor a long journey. Kiana let out a small sigh after a couple of long moments. "You'll find a nice little wifey I'm sure. Someone just as bright eyed and innocent, someone not over 10 years older than you. And I'll make sure you know how to nab a good one~" 


"You…that sounds a lot like kidnapping." 


"Some girls are into that." 


"...There's no way that's true." 


She shrugged lightly. "It's more of like an, unrealistic dirty fantasy type thing, but hey, read a couple of female targeted romance novels, chances are super high the protagonist gets kidnaped at some point." 


"But like, rescued by the male lead right?" Kiana grinned at him, saying nothing. "But they get rescued right?!"


The elevator dinged, and Kiana walked out. "Oh look, it's our stop." 


"Kiana?! Girls aren't actually fantasizing about being kidnapped right?!"


She hummed to herself, ignoring him as they walked out of the lobby. 


The walk to the mall they were going to was long, but the air was fresh and the openness of everything was still fresh in Kiana's mind. Even beyond her time in jail, it felt like the first time she had been truly free to choose her own path since high school. She could walk down any street she wanted, in any direction she pleased. 


The world wasn't perfect, but it also wasn't the trainwreck she had tried to burn down with her. Heroes were still idolized, but they were good ones now, not stained with blood. Heroes like the boy following her, all blushy and sweet, like a highschooler around his first crush. 


She was pretty aware he probably had feelings for her. He was frankly pretty bad at hiding it. She didn't dislike that, hell, she was honored. All it took was a rooftop scuffle where she was trying to murder him. It was probably thanks to her looks, which she would be the first to admit, were real pretty. But it was a bittersweet feeling, to know she had the number one hero crushing on her. Because as much as she might want to reciprocate the feelings, well, she had made her reasons clear. She was old, jaded, bitter, mean, and a well known criminal. She would never be able to clean the blood off of her. Not really. She knew that, he knew that, the world knew it. 


She didn't mind though, it was pretty damn obvious he needed some more time spent around girls. A little more confidence and ability to assert himself, and she was sure he'd find some cute young thing his own age. Hell, maybe he'd win back Ochako. She'd stick around, let him get used to girls who weren't his classmates or mother, then find her own path doing…something. 


The mall was a brightly lit thing, not as populated now that it was later in the day. It'd probably be dark out by the time they left it. Izuku pulled the hood up on his hoodie, hiding his identifiable bush of hair. Kiana didn't bother. Not many people actually recognized her, her face was never televised, save way way back when she killed her old boss.


She felt bad about him paying for her, so decided to go as cheap as possible. She started walking towards a Book-Off, a secondhand store with cheap clothes. Izuku's hand fell down on her shoulder, and he pushed her lightly in the opposite direction. She glanced at him, and he was simply smiling. He started walking towards a fancy boutique, and she grabbed his shoulder, pushing him in the opposite direction. They both stared at each other for a long moment again, before they finally found a middle ground in an average chain store. She sighed, Izuku humming happily as he followed her like a duckling, letting her pick out clothes. 


She was still very much checking the tags and finding reasonably priced clothes, but he seemed to be picking his battles with that. He countered her by adding a second pair of whatever she got. She rolled her eyes, looking at the racks of clothes while speaking. "You better not do that rich romance novel thing where you buy the whole store's supplies." 


"That's a thing? Also, how many romance novels have you read?" 


"I had lots of long stakeouts, and times when I needed to wait days before a target would be available. Had to kill time somehow, and the romance books were the cheapest." Also the most enjoyable ones for lonely days where she wanted to recede into her own head.


"Huh, really though? Buying a whole store's supplies? Where do they keep all the clothes?"


She paused for a moment. "You know, that's a good question. Most of the time it's just a thing that happens then gets moved past. Probably in whatever mansion the girl is in at any given point." 


"But…the logistics of that…" 


"I don't think they worry about logistics too much, it's more a way to show off the male leads wealth and dedication." 


"Couldn't he just buy expensive things for her then? Why everything in a store?" 


"Eh, not as dramatic. Though a lot of times they do that too. It's a girl's fantasy right? Having a man who can blow through money like that and think nothing of it." 


"Alright but, wouldn't it be concerning to have a partner who thinks that little of spending so much? I mean, I get that I'm kinda doing that to you a little bit, but like, It's not that much money to get you a few outfits. But the whole store? Like, everything? Most of it wouldn't even fit you right? I mean, yeah, I'd make back whatever I spent in 5 minutes of merch sales, but still. That money could've been much better used, not buying clothes that don't even fit someone." 


"That's honestly another good point. I wonder what they do with the clothes that don't fit?" 


"Donate it hopefully. 'S what I would do if my partner bought a ton of clothes for me that didn't fit."


"I like that you're the one getting spoiled in your own mind."


He flushed, shuffling in place. "J-Just saying."


She picked out a couple sets of clothes, all on the cheaper end, a level she could probably have afforded if she had managed to dig up a few of her stored cashes. Lots of people paid in cash, and she sure didn't put that into a bank. Most of her fortune so to speak was buried in the floors of different warehouses and random parks. 


Izuku paid happily, and she shifted slightly on her feet, feeling guilty about it. While he was talking to the cashier, she saw some little girl, separated from her parents. She was staring up in awe at Izuku, and Kiana realized that from her angle, she probably got a look straight up at Izuku's face, and figured out his identity. 


She crouched down, to be on the girls level, and the girl noticed, looking at her. She darted over, looking from side to side before whispering. "A-Are you Mr. Deku's girlfriend?"


Kaina smiled, glancing up at the boy who was still in the process of paying. "Nope, afraid not. Just a good friend. Good job being quiet though, we're being stealthy right now." 


Her eyes lit up wide, and her volume rose a little in excitement. "Like a secret mission?!" Kaina raised a finger to her lips, and the girl blushed, going back down to a whisper. "Sorry. Are you also a hero Ms?" 


Kaina paused. 'No, I'm an ex assassin who realized the error of her ways.' That was a little complex for a kid, and vaguely concerning. A little lie wouldn't hurt anyone, she supposed. "I am, but you can't tell anyone alright~? I'm a secret hero."


"Oh my gosh! That's so cool! I'll keep it a secret, promise!" The little girl extended her hand for a handshake. 


Kiana reached a hand out, hesitating for a moment. She had to remind herself that there wasn't any real blood on her right now, before she pushed her hand out and shook the little girl's hand. "Why don't you go track down your parents alright?" 




The little girl scampered off, and Kaina picked herself up with a small sigh, turning to see Izuku grinning at her. "What?" 


"Nothing!" He turned around, picking up the bag of clothes. "Alright, anything else you need?" 


"Underwear probably." 


He flushed a little, which was funny. The two walked out of the store and made their way towards one of the women's undergarments stores. Outside of the store, Izuku coughed into his hand, holding out a black card to her. She looked down at his outstretched hand, and grinned. "Oh~?" 


"K-Kiana please." 


"No no, you were talking all that big game~" She deepened her voice in a poor imitation of his. "You can have some input or none, but I'm buying you clothes." She looked up at him, still smirking. "Well, I chose none this time. Go on big guy, go buy me some underwear." 


"...You know, I think I get why those novel characters buy everything. Having to personally choose seems far more embarrassing." 


Kiana giggled, the sound a light and bubbly thing, the first of its kind he had heard from her. Her face peeled into its small smirk. "Well~?" 


"P-Please at least come in with me? I'll look like a pervert dressed like this." 


She rolled her eyes, planting a hand on her hip. "Well, it would be a pretty bad look to be buying womens underwear all alone. But I'm not going to say anything, I want to see where you go with this."


"I-Is this part of your assertiveness thing? Is there a lesson of some kind here?"


"Nope! Most girls would actually probably hate it if a guy bought underwear for them. I'm just messing with you." Without dropping her grin, she marched into the store. 


Izuku, still a blushing mess, walked in with her, and she turned to him expectantly. He winced. "Please, Kaina, I'm sorry, don't do this to me." 


She didn't respond, still just staring at him. He closed his eyes again, taking another calming breath. He nodded his head slowly, settling himself. "Ok, ok Izuku, you can do this." 


She raised an eyebrow, still not speaking, as he moved past her and towards the bra section. He looked over the racks holding racks, and paused, as he noticed the different sizes. He very slowly turned to her, seeing her shit eating grin. He whimpered slightly, before turning back. 


She broke out laughing, holding onto his arm while her other hand clutched her stomach. It took her a long moment to gather herself, the pleasant sound of her laughs echoing out. They were slightly subdued, but the short bursts of laughter were soft and uncharacteristically gentle. She pulled herself back up after a moment, a few laughs still breaking from her lips as she stared at his crimson red face. "I-I'm a D cup." She reached out and grabbed one of the pairs, squeezing it twice quickly. "About yay big."


His blush didn't recede, and he returned to his inspection. Deep in enemy territory, he played things safe, picking up a black sports bra and accompanying undergarments, along with a few plain black bras and underwear. He let out a resolute breath as he looked at the cashier. Kiana rolled her eyes, taking the few pieces of cloth out of his hands. "Relax, I'm already messing with you, I won't make you buy it as well." 


He let out a relieved sigh, and once again handed her his card. She didn't want to accept it, but was lacking other options. She took it and marched up to the cashier, a bored looking woman who was tracking her as she approached. She forced her expression into a practiced smile, nodding her head. "Will that be all?" 


"Yup." She popped the p, watching as the woman scanned and placed the items into a bag.


The woman glanced at her, then to Izuku, still in his hoodie disguise, who was already making an exit. She then glanced back at Kaina. "Hey, do you, uh, need me to call security? If that guy is giving you trouble?" 


Kaina blinked, before chuckling softly. "Na, you got him all wrong, dudes a huge softy. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Between the two of us, you should worry for him."


The woman looked relieved, finishing bagging. "Sorry, don't like to assume but, you know. Big guy, keeping the hood up like that, walking around with a pretty woman…" 


"He likes his privacy, but I appreciate the compliment." She grabbed the bag from her, paying with Izuku's card.


"Mind if I ask why you're buying so many new pairs all of sudden?" 


"Oh," The card was accepted. "I just got released from prison." The girl's eyes widened as Kiana winked at her, before turning around and waving over her shoulder as she made her way out. 


Izuku was standing awkwardly outside, and she hit him lightly on the side as she walked out. "You look more like a pervert loitering outside the place." 


He hung his head slightly, before outstretching a hand to hold onto her bags. She rolled her eyes again, placing his card in his hand before pushing past him and turning, walking backwards as she kept her eyes on his. "C'mon now~ I've gotta be a little independent don't I?" She turned back around, bags to her side.


He caught up, walking alongside her softly. "I personally would be fine with you becoming dependent on me." 


"Mhm. You know, the cashier asked if I needed security to escort me out." 


"Huh? Why did th-" He stopped speaking for a moment, blinking rapidly. "I-I don't look that suspicious do I?!"


She laughed again, a sound he was becoming increasingly invested in hearing more of. "Sorry, my bad for making you pick stuff out for me. You weren't bad though actually~ lots of simple clean stuff." 


"S-Sorry if I didn't pick something you wanted." 


She turned to him, raising an eyebrow, before sighing. "Midoriya, don't apologize for something I made you do." 


"Izuku. I picked out your underwear, I think you can probably call me by my first name."


"Fair enough. Tsusumi then. First name basis feels more than fair considering everything you've done for me." She was becoming aware that she was walking a thin line. She wanted him to be able to get used to girls, and be more confident in his own skin. By contrast though, she was firm in her belief he could and should do better, and she didn't want to toy with his feelings.


She was deep in her own head as they walked back to Izuku's penthouse suit. She could see the balcony they had landed on earlier all the way near the top of the skyscraper. Izuku cleared his throat, getting her attention. "So, uh, T-Tsusumi, we could take the elevator up, or, uh…" 


She rolled her eyes once again, grabbing her bags and holding them up against her chest, before jumping up against him, expecting him to catch her. He did in a rush, grabbing her before she hit the ground with a small grunt. She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him with a small grin once more. "Getting used to touching a girl yet?" 


"D-Don't say it like that." He looked up at the balcony, shuffling his footing slightly. Green electricity started dancing around him, and he crouched down slightly, before shooting up into the sky once more. The intense wind pressure bearing down on them thanks to their rapid ascent knocked Izuku's hood down, his curly hair rustling rapidly. She braced herself against him, clutching onto his body as they rocketed up.


The ride was much shorter this time, and after a short feeling of weightlessness at the apex of the rise, Izuku stuck his tongue out, and a strand of blackwhip shot out from it, wrapping around the banister of his balcony and pulling them the rest of the short distance. 


She let out a small noise as she jumped out of his arms, smoothing out her outfit and pulling a lot of stray hairs out of her face, tucking them behind her ear. She stretched for a moment, bag held high in the air as she twisted her body to the side. She let out a long sigh as she relaxed, turning to Izuku. "That was a neat trick with the tongue there. Ladies must love it." 


He flushed again, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I haven't used it for that before..."


"I'm teasing you, Mido-Izuku. Actually, have you even," She wiggled her eyebrows. "You know." 


The blush on his face didn't recede. "Um, y-yes, but only twice. With Ochako." 


She let out a hum. "Was it-" 


"It had nothing to do with feet!" 


She broke into laughter once more, her head tilting back slightly as she did, her gentle sounds echoing into the night sky, her body backlit by the moon's soft silver light. Izuku's blush intensified.


She took a moment, learning up against the banister and looking out on the moonlit city. She had a smile as soft as an angel's feathers, the cool night wind blowing her hair softly. She looked happy, gazing out over the large cityscape.


Izuku had to tear his eyes away from her, instead slowly walking to be next to her, also looking out. She glanced at him, a light smile still on her face. "You know. I've seen so many sights like this: rooftops, cityscapes, nightlit towns. It's never looked as pretty as it does right now. Wonder why." 


He swallowed thickly, waiting a little longer than usual in case she had something else to say. "...Would it be arrogant to say it's the company?" 


She huffed, not looking away from the glittering city below. "Na…probably accurate." She turned, leaning her back on the banister and looking at him. Her violet eyes seemed soft, vulnerable almost, as her highlighted hair swayed in the breeze. She took a long breath, looking up into the night sky. "...Izuku," Her voice was soft, quiet and gentle. "Thank you."


He blushed at the quiet trust and vulnerability she was showing him, turning to look outwards once more. "...I…Can I tell you…why Uraraka and I actually broke up?" 


"'Course. Just so you know I'm going to be biased towards you though, so don't look for an objective opinion."


He rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh…We had different opinions on what a relationship should be. I always thought…I guess that if you do it right, you sorta…stop being two different people and start being one unit. I didn't get that she thought it was different, and that she wanted to solve her problems on her own. I did something stupid for our anniversary, which was what actually broke us apart. She…her goal for the longest time has been getting her parents out of poverty. At the time I was riding the after war high, both money and power. She was also doing good, more than well off enough to support them, but, well not really as good as I was, just because of the role I played in the war. So I…I bought her parents' apartment complex." He swallowed thickly, the hand on the back of his neck moving up to half cradle his own head, leaning most of his weight on the banister. "It was stupid in hindsight. But at the moment I just thought it would be helpful. Let them stay for free." 


Kiana let out a long breath, looking up at the night sky. "She must've chewed you out pretty bad." 


He let out a small huff. "Brutally. Said I wasn't treating her seriously, was acting like money was all that mattered, but also that I wasn't respecting the money I was fortunate enough to have. She thought I didn't get any of what she grew up with, yelled at me to go without food for days at a time, to go shopping with friends with 50 yen in my pockets for spending money, to have to listen to my parents talk about losing their home every night at dinner. If they have dinner." 


"What did you say?"


"I…really should've just apologized. Made it right somehow." 


"You didn't? That doesn't sound like you." 


He was quiet for a long while, his head slowly hanging down, forehead pressed against the banister while he looked at the balcony floor. Kiana was right next to him, still looking up. "I didn't have a great childhood either. So...her acting like I had always been here irked me pretty bad. That and I just didn't get why she was mad in the first place. So I told her that she should try having a single mother. Should try getting beat everyday at school because she was presumed quirkless. Should try watching her mom grind herself into the ground working and be fundamentally unable to help. Should try feeling immense guilt anytime she got a gift, because she'd know how much back breaking labor went into it."


There was a moment of silence, before Kiana put a hand on his shoulder, looking down at him for a moment, before looking back up. She closed her eyes, feeling the cold air tussle her hair. "She didn't take kindly to that huh?" 


"Slapped me. Which…was pretty awkward since it caused me to start floating." 


Kiana was silent, but he could feel the hand on his shoulder shaking lightly. He turned to look up at her, seeing her other hand covering her mouth, body shaking slightly as she tried desperately to block out laughter. 


He scoffed, looking back down, before starting to slowly chuckle. "It actually was pretty funny, all things considered. All that tense yelling at each other, and the slap, then I just started slowly rising up into the air. Then she had to decide whether or not to let me down, while also apologizing for hitting me. But I was just floating. Pink outline and all."


The shaking got worse, her eyes closing as she half folded over herself, shoulders starting to jump up and down under suppressed laughter. Izuku smiled looking up at her. "You can laugh, it's alright. Was about a year ago now." 


She shook her head from side to side, tears starting to prick at the side of her eyes. She let her hand off her mouth to take a deep inhale, a few chuckles escaping as she wiped the corner of her eyes. "Ugh, s-sorry, should've taken that more seriously. The image of that charged conversation, the slap, then j-just-" She started laughing again, clasping her hand back over her mouth as her shoulders jumped up and down again. She took several deep breaths as she calmed down again. She turned around, facing the same direction as Izuku again, and wrapped an arm around him, pulling his side against hers. "You're a good guy, really. Much as I might hype you up, truth is sometimes shit just doesn't work out. You and her couldn't see eye to eye. That's not your fault, and it isn't hers. She definitely shouldn't have hit you though." 


"Ah, well, I can take it." 


"Still. You deserve better I guess. Plenty of people would be happy for you to spoil them rotten." 


He shook his head lightly. "It isn't so much about that. I just-" He frowned. "I already mentioned, but I grew up without a dad. Growing up like that, I…I think that the most important thing for a relationship is being there for your partner right? I want someone who thinks the same way as me. Who…I don't know…someone who'd also do whatever they could for me. Ochako would lend an ear or help if it was a little thing…but I just…" 


"You want someone you can really depend on. And you want them to depend on you in turn." 


"Yeah! I mean, isn't that the point of a relationship?" He lifted his head up, standing straight which left their side hug a little comical with the much smaller woman wrapping her arms around the larger man. "I mean like…Was I really just supposed to sit back and do nothing while she struggled?"


"Couldn't tell you. My only relationships have been cheap and physical. I really couldn't tell you what's right and what's wrong." 


He glanced at her. "If It…If it was you in her position, how would you have reacted?" 


She paused, looking out at the cityscape once more, humming lightly as she thought. "I would've done some inappropriate things to you." 


He raised a slow eyebrow. "Like…? In like a…? What kinda things are we talking about…?" 


She shook her head, that quiet gentle laughter peeling out once more. It tapered out into a long breath. "I'd love someone doing something like that. Of course, I'd be frothing at the mouth looking for some kinda way to pay you back. Inappropriately included." 


He blushed, and tentatively reached his hand out, holding onto her far shoulder, wrapping his arm around her back while she still had him in the small side hug. She looked up at him with a small smile still on her face. Before it slowly faded, and she withdrew her arm, turning and walking towards the room.


She let out a small sigh, sliding the door to the suite open and shaking her head softly. "We shouldn't think about hypotheticals like that." 


He opened the door fully, walking in and closing it behind him. "Why not?"


She shook her head softly. "You know why. Don't make me say it for the tenth time." 


He frowned, silent. She chuckled softly, shaking her head lightly as she moved further in. "It's like I keep saying, you'll find a good partner I'm sure." 


"I just don't get why you're so adamant it can't be you." 


She waved him off over her shoulder as she dropped her bags and fell back onto his couch. "Only the ten or so reasons we keep going back and forth on." 


He shook his head softly and shuffled in place for a moment. She looked at him, curious. He closed his eyes again, doing that thing where he took a breath and gathered himself. 


He walked over to her. She smirked, before he climbed overtop of her, hands pressing on either side of her head, showing off his well defined biceps and forearm muscles. His body was held up slightly above her, a knee down the side of her thighs, so he wasn't full on lying on top of her. There was a clear nervousness in his eyes, but also a fire. He took another of those small breaths. "Tsusumi. I…" He swallowed thickly, while the girl under him felt a welling of dread, knowing where this was headed, but letting him get his feelings out first. "I've loved you since we fought. Your compassion, the goodness buried inside you that always shines through, the cold beauty, and now the warmth and playfulness. I-I just…I…I want you." His emerald eyes stared dead into her soft violet, resolve burning in his features. 


Tsusumi paused, making sure she had said everything he wanted to. She reached one of her hands up, eyes catching her burn scars along her own forearm. She cupped his cheek in her hand, a sad smile on her face. "I'm honored. Really. But you deserve better than this old lady." 


His resolve didn't waiver, nor did his position, steady overtop of her. "I…there isn't any better." 


She scoffed, hand still on his cheek. "There is. So, so much better." 


"...Not for me."


She let out another fond breath. "Izuku. You hardly know me. This is a crush, and it's super cute, and I'm very flattered. But you'll get over it. You'll find a nice girl, who you love and cherish, and who loves you back in equal measure." 


"Why can't that be you?" 


"Because…I'm…Dirty. Still wet with blood. Always…always going to be that way." 


He swallowed thickly, eyes not losing that iron will. "I don't care. I don't care what other people think, I don't care what any of my friends think, I don't…I don't care that that's what you think. You're a good person. A-And you're good with kids, you're kind, you're fun to be around, you're pretty. You…you take me seriously, but treat me like a person." He shook his head softly. "No. I-I reject your rejection." 


"That's…not how that works." 


"That's how I'm making it work. You…never once said you didn't like me back. P-Please tell me if that's because you're trying to let me down easy, or if it's because you do like me back, you just won't admit it."


Tsusumi was silent for a moment, mouth open but struggling to find words. "I…you…It…It wouldn't change anything would it?" 


"It would change everything." He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against hers, murmuring softly, their lips inches from each other. "Please. I'll be selfless in everything else, let me be selfish about this. Don't think about other people, don't think about if you're worthy or right, don't think about anything at all. Just…just tell me what you feel." 


Tsusumi squirmed slightly under him, her hand drawing back from his cheek. "…I-It wouldn't be fair to you." 


"That's not what I asked. What do you feel? How do you feel about me wanting you to be mine, and wanting to be yours?"


"I-I really ca-"


"Please. Say it. I want to hear a real reason, or I'm not accepting this rejection." 


She paused for a long moment, unable to speak, before finally, in a quiet whisper, she responded. "I…really like it. I feel so happy someone as good as you thinks that way about me. But it will only hurt more that I…I can't act on those feelings." 


He shook his head again, opening his eyes and looking at her full of devotion and determination. "You don't have to. Just…let me act on mine." He lowered himself down, his chest pressing against hers as he sank deeper down onto the couch. His lips pressed down against hers.


Tsusumi could feel an immense swelling of emotions in her chest, mixed affection, guilt, joy, and arousal. His lips felt good against hers, and he pulled away after a moment. He stared down at her for a long moment, before lowering his head down, burying his face in her shoulder. She swallowed thickly, the taste of the food he made earlier on his lips. She could feel his warm breath on her collarbone, and his hair tickling his cheek.


He let out a long breath, relife tinged in its sound. He murmured against her soft skin. "Thank you." His large body had hers pinned to the couch, though the pressure was very comfortable, like having a weighted blanket covering her. She was silent, unsure what to say as she grappled with the whirlwind of emotions. 


They stayed like that for a moment, her hands eventually coming up to hold onto his sides, while he rested on top of her. Tsusumi could feel each of his breaths, his chest rising and falling against her. He pulled back up after only a few, and she could see his face once more. "Tsusumi. I want more of you, just…just stop me if you need to." Before she could respond, he lowered himself down, their lips pressing against each other once more. He pulled away after a moment, head not lifting up, as he planted another kiss to her cheek, then down on her chin. 


He moved down, kissing her neck, and shuffling back slightly to continue his trail. When he met the top of her tank top, he shifted down past it, shuffling down slightly more. His hands reached down, grabbing gently onto her legs while he planted soft kisses on the smooth strip of skin between her shirt and jeans. 


He leaned up, body now settled between her legs, and looked her in her eyes. She was frozen, caught between feelings of desire and of guilt. She was watching him, a blush on her cheeks, and a hand covering her mouth. He had clear arousal in his eyes and frame, and he let out a shaky breath, glancing back down at her waist. "You can stop me at any point. But…please don't." His large hands reached down, pushing the button through it's small slot, opening her jeans. He unzipped the small zipper, revealing dark purple fabric underneath it. He swallowed thickly again. "Guess I should've gotten you some that matched your hair." He grabbed both of her legs, pulling her closer. He grabbed the waistband of the denim fabric, pulling them down. They bunched up around her knees, and he had to lift her legs up high to finish stripping them off. He rested her legs on his shoulders, throwing the pair of jeans aside. 


"I-Izuku…" He paused, glancing up at her. She was still a crimson red, her head to the side, staring at the couch cushion instead of looking at him. One hand was still covering her mouth, the other wrapped almost defensively around her own stomach. She gulped, eyes flicking to look at him, before looking back at the couch. "...P-please don't stop." 


He let out a relieved breath. "You're the only thing that could stop me right now." She nodded softly, and he turned his attention back down. Her legs on his shoulders still, he reached down and grabbed onto the piece of fabric covering her, and gently pulled it up, holding her legs together above herself for a moment to fully strip it off. He placed them back down, leaving him once more between her legs, now with nothing in the way. 


His hands reached down, wrapping gently around her hips and pulling her body up. Nestled between her legs, he lowered his head down. 


It was a position that would've been difficult for anyone else to hold long, considering he was holding most of her weight up, only her head and shoulders down on the couch, and his head now between her strong thighs.


He let out a heavy aroused breath, and the woman under him shivered from the feeling of his breath on her most sensitive place. He didn't hesitate much longer, extending his tongue and starting to drag it along her outer lips. Tsusumi let out a small whimper, the sound muffled by her hand covering her mouth. 


Izuku's eyes slowly dragged up from his work to hers. She was still staring at the couch cushions, her face still a bright red. He needed to get her to, well, either relax or get very heated. One way or the other, he knew how to get her there. He looked back down, taking in the sight of her wetness. It was cute, in his biased mind. He couldn't really tell how to objectively rate what he was looking at, given he had only been intimate with one other girl ever. But, just the fact that it was Tsusumi's he was looking at, was enough for it to be cute in his own mind.


He refocused on his task. He wasn't overly familiar with what he was doing, given his relative inexperience. He had only ever done this with Ochako, and she was just as inexperienced. Still, anything he lacked in technique, he more than made up for with enthusiasm. 


His emotions were a thunderstorm right now. They were intense and rolling, striking down with bolts of possessiveness and determination. He wanted her, badly. This was his way of proving it. 


His tongue flicked and dragged, experimentary and scanning. His eyes locked onto the woman under him, as he observed her for reactions, twitches, gasps, moans, anything.


In the meantime, he started getting into a rhythm. One of the hands on her hips opened, and strands of Blackwhip shot out, wrapping around her exposed stomach and allowing him to remove the other one. The newly freed hand made a slow trail towards her raised lower body. He slowly positioned his hand just above, his thumb reaching down and gently rubbing her clit.


She tensed up instantly, back arching slightly, her thighs clenching around his head slightly. Not that he minded at all, the sensation frankly comfortable. She let out a small whimper, closing her eyes tightly as the feelings spread through her. The reaction incensed Izuku, inspiring more confidence in his abilities.


He kept his hand there, gently rubbing her clit while his tongue licked up and down, tasting her sweetness on his tongue. He pulled his hand back slightly after a moment, and began using his tongue to stimulate her instead, bringing his hand under and starting to gently insert a finger into her. He curled it up, dragging it in and out in slow, methodical movements. 


It was a time investment to eat her out like this. She was tense even if she was aroused, and getting her to loosen up enough to really feel the pleasure took time. However, he obviously was too busy doing something much more fun to count the time, and didn't care how long it took. He would make this the first orgasm. Of many, hopefully. 


He knew in the back of his mind, even if he rocked her world like a professional, it wouldn't fix the underlying issues she was having with him. But it sure as hell wouldn't hurt things. 


Ochako had disliked him eating her out the one time they had tried. He had been inexperienced, sure, but he had been trying, and he was determined to figure it out. She was the one that stopped him after only a few minutes, saying it was far too embarrassing for her, and that she didn't like that he was looking at her so closely. 


She didn't get it at all, but he genuinely liked what he was doing now, and what he was doing then. It was hard to expressly state why exactly that was. The taste wasn't necessarily good, despite how enjoyable it was to experience. He was left with a sore neck from looking down as much as he had when he did it to Ochako, and there was no stimulation happening to him. 


At the same time though, it was immensely arousing. The twitches and moans, the taste, figuring out what she liked and what she didn't. It was like a game, and the reward was watching the woman under him writhe and moan with immense pleasure. He didn't mind being in this position for hours if that was what it took and that was what she wanted. He would eat her out as long as it took. 


He didn't have to wait that long thankfully. As her thighs started clenching even tighter around his head, a long moan breaking free from her lips. One of her hands moved up behind her head, clutching onto the couch while the other still worked to muffle her noises. 


He frowned slightly against her, sticking the thumb of his other hand out, a strand of Blackwhip shooting out and wrapping around her wrist, tugging it off of her mouth, letting the sound fly freely.


She arched even further off of the couch, the long moan continuing for several minutes, as her legs crossed behind his head, and her legs started twitching. He kept stimulating her, and her moan slowly peeled down, turning to soft panting. "I-Izuku, y-you already-" She cut herself off with another small moan. "You already made me-" He finally pulled away, letting out his own heavy breaths as he lowered her back down against the couch.


She was panting heavy breaths, her chest rising and falling. Blackwhip unwrapped around her wrist, and she let it fall down against the couch. Izuku leaned down against her again, his chest pressing against hers while his hand pressed down on the couch next to her head. He pressed his forehead against hers. 


He peeled himself away from her, standing up and leaning down to pick her up off of the couch in a bridal carry. 


"I-Izuku. W-We shouldn't." 


"Don't care, going to." 


He started walking towards the bedroom, the woman in his hands easily carried by him. He wasn't sure if he had loosened or heated her up yet, but she whimpered softly in his arms, clutching onto his shirt. 


He pushed the door open with his back, turning into the room and placing a knee up on the bed, lowering her down onto it. 


He looked down at her as he stood back up, throwing his hoodie off, and likewise stripping off his shirt. He was trying very hard to be slow and sensual, but couldn't hide the eagerness he was feeling. 


Tsusumi swallowed thickly watching him, the shirt and bra she was wearing starting to feel like a hindrance. She backed up slightly on the bed, before slowly her hands went to her shirt's hem, and she stripped it off, leaving her in a violet bra.


Izuku's face was heady and desire was a licking flame in his eyes. It made something deep in her resonate and swirl, a strong feeling of want and arousal digging into her chest.


She reached back slowly, unclipping her bra and looking away with a blush as she let it fall off of her. She could hear a sharp intake of breath from where he was, and the crimson shade on her face grew hotter.


She felt the bed sink down, seeing him approach. He once again covered her body with his own, lowering himself down and pressing his lips against hers. He kissed her gently for a few moments, before sitting up between her legs once more. He slowly pulled his underwear off, giving her plenty of time to object. 


She swallowed thickly, watching as the fabric slowly slid below his pelvic bones, and his thick member sprung free. She hadn't ever been with a guy, but it looked a lot bigger than any toy or strap she had ever seen. Warm and pulsing with his heartbeat. He was still moving slow, and he lined himself up with her entrance. When she didn't object, his large hands softly wrapped around her hips, and he pulled her towards him, his thick head pushing against her entrance. She felt her breath snag in her throat, a light gasp leaving her as she felt it slowly pierce in. 


That thick desire in her chest coiled and tightened, as she felt herself slowly getting filled up by him. She could feel the thickness, each vein as it pushed against her inner walls. He let out a long groan, and she a quiet moan as he pushed his hips forwards, slotting fully into her. His hands squeezed around her hips, while hers balled up, grasping tightly onto the comforter she was on top of.


He moved one hand tentatively up, resting it on her collarbone. Her breath snagged once more. And he let out a calming breath. "You…said you were curious right?" His large hand wrapped gently around her delicate throat, and her eyes widened, her inner walls clenching harder around him. He let out a small grunt, before smirking. "Like it huh?" 


He pulled his hips back, the hand still on her pushing her away slightly, before he thrusted back in, pulling her in at the same time. A loud clap rang out, and she felt that desire and arousal surge up for a moment, a moan slipping through her lips, her vocal cords vibrating against his hand with the sound. He adjusted his grip, his rough calloused hands rubbing against the smooth skin of her neck. His intense green eyes stared down at her with a mixture of emotions. Desire, want, need, possessiveness, curiosity, apprehension, dominance. He wanted her, and he wanted to keep her after. 


That coiled serpentine arousal in her writhed and struck out, it's body squeezing her core tight and barely letting her breath through the thickness of it welling in her chest. It wasn't helped by the feeling of his cock keeping her body full, feeling like a part of her that had been missing this whole time. She squirmed lightly, the friction pleasurable for him if his face quirking slightly was any tell. 


He cocked his hips back and thrusted back in once more, and she felt her body jolt slightly, her grips on the comforter tightening. He didn't rest this time, going slowly back out and pushing himself in once more. She could feel the emptiness inside her when his member left, soon replaced with the sparks of pleasure from the thrust back inside. He got into a slow and steady pace, all of it much more comfortable than mind numbingly pleasurable at the moment, but she could see the almost physical effort it was taking him to restrain himself. He moved his other hand off of her hip, relying just on his own movements to push in and out of her, and reached up for her chest. His large palm squeezed around her breast, and she let out a small moan, feeling the almost sharp spikes of pleasure coming from the grip. 


His hands were rough and calloused, tough from years of hard exercise and labor. From lifting cars off of pinned civilians, from lifting dumbells and weights, from doing his job as a shining beacon of society. Those coarse hands squeezed possessively on her breast, causing her back to arch up slightly, and were wrapped around her throat, staking his claim on her.


His thumb rubbed over her pink nipple, as he looked down at it, his body still steadily thrusting in and out. He spoke, his voice still husky. "So cute. Ever since we first met I couldn't get over how hot you were." 


She let out a small whimper, and he smirked, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. "And everything after just kept sweetening the pot. Who you are, how you look, how you act. I love all of it so much I can't describe it. I consider myself a good person, but you make me want to do awful things." He leaned closer to her, his large body caging hers against the bed. "I want to see you writhe, hear you scream my name, feel your nails on my back, see what that cute face looks like twisted in pleasure." He let go of his hand on her throat, placing it next to her head before leaning down and pressing their lips together once more, all while continuing to thrust in and out. "I was wrong earlier, when I said I'd hide you away if you stay with me. I'm going to make damn sure everyone knows you're mine." 


She moaned loud, the sound getting muffled as he brought her back into another kiss, and he started picking up the intensity of his thrusts, each impact rocking the mattress against the bed frame. He pulled his face back slightly, so he could look at her expressions as he expressed his love in the most physical way possible. It was a cute expression. He could admit in his own mind that he was perhaps biased, but looking at her with her hooded eyes, the expression of guilty pleasure, the light part to her glistening lips, her hair like a beautiful abstract painting on the mattress behind her. It was a face he wanted no one else to ever see.


He pressed his forehead against hers, reviling in the physical sensations of being inside her, the warmth, the tightness, the pleasure. The feeling of pushing in and out. Even the more benign feelings, his hips crashing into hers, her thighs rubbing against his legs, everything he was experiencing in this moment was euphoric.


She didn't seem to be doing much better. Seemingly on instinct, her hands came up, wrapping around Izuku's back, which filled him with a surge of confidence, and he once again increased his pace. He could feel himself getting close, but she broke first, her nails digging into his back as she threw her head back, body arching up against him. He could feel her insides tighten up around him hard, but he didn't stop, continuing to push in and out, though gradually slowing down. 


She let out a long shuddering breath, before taking another deep inhale, starting to slowly gather herself as her body relaxed. She spoke between pants, chest rising and falling. "F-Fuck." 


Izuku was silent, watching as now even his slow thrusts provoked twitches and jolts from her sensitive body. "'I'm close." 


"P-Pull out please." 


He nodded, slowly slotting out of her, though his cock instantly missed the warmth and comfort, and she let out a small involuntary whine herself. His member, brought so close and deprived, was throbbing slightly, and she looked up at it guiltily. He was about to move a hand down there, when she shifted under him, pushing her breasts together. She looked away, flushing. "N-Never done this before, so don't judge me if it doesn't feel great."


It took Izuku a second to register what she was doing, but once he did he felt a wave of arousal wash through his body, head to toes. "I'd be fucking crazy to complain." He shifted up, straddling her chest slightly, his wet cock resting under her tits, before pushing it forwards, and feeling it slip under them. It was warm and comfortable between her pillowy breasts, and he let out a deep moan, his hips pushing up against them, and the tip of his member pushing past them and close to her lips. 


She swallowed thickly as she saw it the first time, before watching as he pulled back and pushed back in a few more times. Finally, after gathering up the courage to do so, she leaned down and kissed it while it was up, provoking a loud groan from Izuku, which only encouraged her further.


He wanted the experience to last forever, as he saw the woman under him giving small kisses to his cockhead as he pushed in and out of her breasts, but he was unfortunately already very very close, and the extra sensations and her now much more active participation brought him over the edge. "Cumming!" He warned her before he pushed all the way up against her breasts, and she closed her eyes.


Izuku felt that building arousal all surged up in his body, surging towards his member, and he let out a long groan as it shot out, cum splattering on her face, hitting her cheek and over one of her closed eyes. A fair amount of it also dripping down onto her breasts and along her neck thanks to the angle.


He stayed hilted against her chest for a long moment, even as she drew her hands back and stopped pressing them together, leaving him slotted into the valley between. He practically fell back off of her, resting on his back right to her side as he caught his breath. She likewise just breathed in and out deeply for a few moments, coming down from the heated euphoria. 


After a while, she reached up and wiped the cum away from her eyes, before glancing around, and just leaning back, still breathing heavy. "I-I know it's what all the porno gals do, but no way in hell am I licking that off my fingers."


Izuku huffed, leaning up and gently reaching under her body, lifting her and moving to stand. "We'll shower." 


"I can walk you know?" She made no move whatsoever to break away from him. 


"Shh, let me have this." 


His shower is luxurious and spacious, more than good enough to accommodate the two of them. Still holding her in a princess carry, he stick his tongue out and a strand of Blackwhip shot out to turn the knob. Instantly a spray of cold water shot down on them, and goosebumps broke out on her arms. "Ugh. Hate cold showers." 


"Just give it a second to warm up." Izuku moved his grip as he sank down, sliding her down into his lap. His arms moved to rest around her stomach, folded on top of eachother and keeping her in a sorta back hug position. 


She leaned back against him with a sigh, her back pressing against his strong chest. "...I really shouldn't have done that." 


He moved his head up, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. "But you did. And it was great. For me anyways, assuming it was pretty good for you too." The water ran down both of their bodies, and the splatter of the droplets hitting the cool floor muffled any outside noise, making them feel trapped in their own little world. It was also very helpful in washing away the sweat and various liquids that had been on both of their skin.


"Probably don't assume in the future, lots of ladies know how to fake orgasms, and will do so. Communication is key."


"Wha-? Why would they fake them? If they haven't cum yet the partner should just keep going right?" 


She shrugged, feeling his head move with the motion. "Don't really know. If the guy finishes but the girl isn't close they might just to get it over with." 


"Damn, that's rough on all sides." His hands shifted, pulling her back more against his chest, now fully just hugging her from behind while she sat in his lap. "It was good though, right?" 


"Euphoric." She reached up and rubbed his wet hair. "You're…actually really good in bed. You didn't even go for my feet." 


His head dropped, and he let out a small noise like he was going to say something, before it tapered off into a groan. "Would you drop that already?" 


She huffed, relaxing her shoulders against his chest. "Nope." 


He pointed a hand upwards, and a strand of Blackwhip shot up, twisting in the air and grabbing onto a bottle of body wash before retracting to Izuku's hand. He moved it up before Tsusumi grabbed it. "Hang on, skin care check." 




"I need to see what kinda things you're using on yourself. If you use three in one, well, it won't be impossible to get a girl but it'll probably be close." 


He made a noise, letting go of it and letting her inspect it. "Get a…Tsusumi? Seriously?" 


She looked away guiltily. "L-Look, I may have had a…minor lapse in judgment," 


"You left nail marks on my back, I saw them in the bathroom mirror." 


"Minor! Lapse in judgment. B-But it doesn't change any of my points. Now I just…am going to feel really bad about all of this."


He let out a long sigh, grabbing the bodywash back from her and opening it, pouring some of it out onto his hands and putting it aside on the tile floor. He rubbed his hands together, before lightly grabbing one of her arms, running his hands over its length slowly, the soap on his hands rubbing off onto her skin, before getting instantly washed away. "You're ridiculous you know that?" 


"I think I'm being perfectly reasonable." 


"You're not, at all. You love me, I love you, we get along, we aren't strapped for cash. There's nothing illegal or morally wrong." 


"I…think it would be a little morally wrong for someone as dirty as me to date someone like you."


He let out a loud groan, his soapy hands moving to her other arm. "Is this what I was like right after middle school? You're not dirty Tsusumi." 


"I…I just don't want to be a thing that holds you back alright? You mean a lot more than I do to the world." 


"Fuck the world." He moved up past her arms and started gently rubbing her shoulders. "Fuck the news, the tabloids, fuck the press and talkshow hosts and interviewers. I swear to be a perfect, selfless hero in every single other facet of my life. But I refuse to compromise on my love. Please, let me be selfish about this." 


She shifted slightly, not responding as he moved to her chest, slowly moving around her breasts, each movement slow and gentle as he started rubbing the body wash over them. "I can handle myself, and you can handle yourself, and together we can handle each other and anything else. So, please, stop trying to deprive both of us of a good thing." 


He moved his hands down, trailing patterns down her stomach before rubbing at her thighs and hips. "A-Alright. I'll…hold off for now." 


"Forever, please." 


She was silent, as he leaned against her chest to reach her legs. He finished washing her off, and grabbed the bottle again, pouring more out into his hands before starting to clean himself off, keeping the woman comfortably in his lap. 


He reached up and used Blackwhip to grab some shampoo this time, holding it in front of her so she could look at it. "Sea breeze?"


"What's wrong with Sea Breeze?" 


She shook her head. "When was the last time you were even close to the sea?" 


He huffed, pouring some out in his hands and lightly starting to rub it into her hair. "My mom lives close to a beach, so I visit fairly often." 


Tsusumi shrugged. "Fair enough." She closed her eyes, letting her body relax down against him, feeling the water washing away at her body, and feeling his hands cleaning her. The sensations were comfortable, the warmth of the water like a blanket on a cold night. 


They finished cleaning up, and Izuku carried her back to the bed. He threw off the comforter they had done the deep on, resolving to clean it up tomorrow, before laying her down on the sheets. He fell down onto it next to her, pulled a soft blanket over their exposed bodies, and wrapped his arms around her chest, pulling her close before drifting off into sleep. 


Tsusumi did not fall asleep, though it was a struggle not too, with how tired she was from the eventfulness of the day, and with how comfortable and safe she felt in his arms. She waited a few hours, lying there in his arms, feeling his chest rise and fall against her back, feeling her own emotions with no way to suppress or distract herself from them. 


It was killing her inside, but she simply couldn't be with him. She would break apart everything he was working so hard to build, hurt his reputation, hurt his relationship with his classmates, she would be a massive weakness for an otherwise faultless man. 


So, with the afterglow faded, and the excess heat from the warm shower ebbed away, she gently peeled his hands away from her chest, replacing herself with a pillow, and watching as he let out a low grumble and clutched it closer to his chest. 


She walked silently around the room, picking up the scraps of her discarded clothes enough to look decent, before approaching one of the outlooking windows. It was all fancy and she was used to just shooting them open whenever she had to infiltrate a location like this, so it took her a few minutes to finally figure out how the damn lock worked and undue it. She slid the window open, feeling a blast of cold air infiltrating the warmth of his room. She felt the temptation to glance back, but knew she wouldn't be able to leave if she did.


She placed one foot on the edge of the windowsill, before something caught her leg, keeping her from moving. She jolted at the feeling, glancing down and seeing a tendril of Black Whip wrapped around her foot. 


There was a low groan from the bed, and soft footfalls as Izuku approached, wrapping his arms around her once more, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. "A one night stand? You're such a player." 


She tried to smile at the joke, but couldn't really bring herself to. "I need to go Izuku." 


He took a deep breath in, and she could feel his body puff up before he let it out, and decompressed. "I can't stop you from leaving. Not really." She nodded slowly, rubbing his hand with her own. "But I'll track you back down if you do." 


"Girls definitely won't like it if you tell them that." 


"Don't care." He nuzzled his head against her neck, kissing it lightly. "I will. You can do whatever, and I'll find you again, and we can have another night like this, and we can keep that little dance going until you give in. Or we can cut the middleman, cut the dancing, cut the games, and you can just accept that I'm not giving up on you. Not now, not ever." 


She was frozen once more, stuck between the cold of the outside world and the gentle comfort of the room and the man it belonged to. "I-I just can't. I can't do that to you." 


"This will hurt a lot more than anything anyone else could say."


She winced at that, and she could feel him gently try to tug her back to the room. "Please Tsusumi. Do you want me to beg? I just don't get how you could see this as a bad thing." 


"Because!" All her frustration, self loathing, guilt, it all surged up at once in some molotov cocktail of anger. "Because I don't want to be the thing that hurts you! Because you're the one good thing in this fucked up world I've seen for decaids, and I, I don't want to be the thing that ruins you! I don't want the kids that look up to you to see me next to you! T-To see this fucking monster right besides their idol!" 


His tug was much more insistent this time, and she lacked the strength to fight him, as he pulled her away from the window, and slowly brought her to the ground with him, hugging her softly as she started crying, tears running thin lines down her face as she made small sobs. She turned and latched onto him, burying her face in her chest as she felt her stomach clench and ache with pain and frustration. 


It all seemed to come out at once, everything she had pent up since the day she took her first life. All the resentment and hatred and angst and anger, all the pent up and compressed emotions finally bursting out, until she was left sobbing like a child once more. 


He clutched onto her with a protective force, letting her sob into him for as long as she needed, rubbing calming circles onto her back, until the choked noises faded into small whimpers, and she lost the energy and fire inside her to keep burning.


He picked her up once more, carrying her back to the bed and laying them both down once more. "You're not a monster." She clenched a little tighter onto him, her eyes winced shut as small trails of tears pushed their way past. "Tsusumi, you're not a monster. Please don't call yourself that."


"I am." 


"You're not." 


She whimpered again, and he just held onto her as she tired herself out. Her shoulders shook and her body ached, but he just held onto her. 


The exhaustion and the intense built up emotions finally bled dry, all swirled together until the point that she cried herself to sleep, body finally shutting down thanks to how hard she pushed it emotionally and physically. 


Izuku let out a long sigh, as she slowly calmed down into a slumber, and he wiped her tears away with his thumb, watching her for a few minutes, before leaning back down against his pillow. Hopefully, after that, she'd be a little more reasonable going forward. It'd take time, far more time than one day before she'd accept that she was deserving of love and of affection, but he was willing to wait, and to spend that time with her. 


What kind of love is love without a fight after all?

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