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11.42% Ketch Me as I Fall / Chapter 4: 4

Chapter 4: 4

I came back after a hot shower had gotten rid of the excess hair I'd chopped off. There were now several pizza boxes on the table, unopened and waiting. Jack and Ally sat further down the table, talking softly. And Elly sat on Lucifer's lap, laughing at something he had said just before I came in. A spark of jealousy hit me suddenly.

My hand instantly snatched up the ring that hung around my neck. I pulled on it tightly, snapping the chain and shoving it into my pocket. It didn't feel quite so heavy there.

"Hey!" Elly said, the smile on her face soft and kind. "Everyone should be here soon."

"Great." I fell into a chair and folded my arms over my chest.

"Your hair looks nice." She tried again.

"Great," I repeated.

Elly's smile dropped from her face, finally grasping that I was in no mood to talk. I know it was rude of me, but there was something vile in my gut that demanded control of the situation and refused to give that control up at this moment.

Not that it lasted long before we heard the bunker door open and footsteps on the metal stairs that led down. I rose to my feet, waiting for the worst as my brothers made their way over to us. But the worst never came. 

Sam was the one who greeted us first, and for a long time, he stared at me, taking in my complete image quietly. He looked good. His dark brown hair tied back in a small ponytail. His hazel eyes studied me carefully. He must have just come from work too, as he wore a nicer suit and tie, the jacket folded neatly over one of his arms. It was almost a surprise when he rushed forward and pulled me into a suffocating hug. It was the gesture of someone who had truly missed me, something I had so deeply missed myself. I relaxed into him, exhaling as he kissed the top of my head softly.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Sam whispered before pulling back, his hands taking my shoulders as he looked over me again. He smiled brightly now. "You look good. How are you?"

I couldn't help but smile back at him, all thoughts of anger and secret affairs gone from my mind. It was so good to feel accepted again. So good to have someone back in my life who loved me.

"Much better now," I answered. "Looks like you finally finished school. How'd you manage that?"

"Oh, ya know. Had to smudge a few birth dates and social security numbers," Sam shrugged as if this was an everyday occurrence. "It's so refreshing to finally be done though." He reached up and loosened the tie around his neck.

"I'm so proud of you, Sammy." I was. It was more a miracle than anything that his life had been normal enough to do that. And now I was asking so much of him to hunt again.

My eyes left him and found my older brother, beard now trimmed and wearing his usual attire, lurking behind. Dean had his hands in his pockets and was looking around the bunker with a blank stare. He looked awkward as he caught my glance, a silent apology already in his eyes as he walked over.

"Look, Alex, I…" He trailed off, snatching my arm and pulling me from Sam and into another hug. "I was so scared I'd lost you for good." He said softly. "And demon or not, you're still my sister. I'm sorry about the holy water…and death threats."

"Don't go soft on me," I warned, returning his hug. I let go of him and pushed away, inhaling deeply. "I believe the pizza is for everyone?"

Elly nodded, tears in her eyes. She quickly removed herself from Lucifer and walked out of the room swiftly. We all silently watched her leave, not even Lucifer daring to speak. And even when the sound of a door slamming came down the hall, he did little more than wince.

"Well," Dean cleared his throat. "I'll eat if no one else will." He walked over to the table and snatched up one of the boxes, content to eat the whole thing himself. He took a seat and flung his feet onto the edge of the table, already stuffing a slice into his mouth.

Soon enough after that, everyone had taken their share and light conversation had filled the room. It felt so close to how it used to be. It felt so familiar and yet there was something so different about it.

"I...I did it!" Ally's excited voice carried over from where she was practicing simple tricks with Jack.

"You did it!" Jack congratulated her with a hug.

She was all smiled as she turned to Lucifer. "I moved the pencil, Dad!"

"That's great, Ally." He replied halfheartedly, almost like he hadn't been paying attention.

Her face fell at that, turning down to look at her lap. She had wanted a bigger reaction from him. It made me think that they must've been a lot closer than they were at this moment.

I moved over to the pair of Nephilim and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You're doing great," I said. "Jack didn't even get a hang of that so fast." I winked at the other Nephilim, wanting him to just go with it to help Ally feel better. "You're very strong and it shows."

"Thanks, Alex," Ally said, still pouting as she flicked the pencil away from herself.

"Wanna try teleporting?" I asked her in a low voice. "You can go anywhere you want to."

"Alex that's not a…" Jack started, but I held up a finger and he fell silent.

"It'll be fine. I'll go with her." I waved off his disapproval. "How about it kid?"

"Anywhere?" Ally asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes.

"Anywhere." I nodded.

"Like, the Effiel Tower?"

"We could go to the top of Mount Everest if you wanted to, but I wouldn't suggest it." I smiled.

"Why not?" She asked, slightly concerned.

"Because the Yeti is very real and doesn't like visitors. He'll rip your arms off faster than we can get out of there." I joked.

"There's no Yeti…" Jack mumbled, confusion on his face as he tried to remember if Yeti were real or not.

"Wanna go to Vegas?" I asked with a wink.

"I'm not twenty-one. Is there anything I could even do there?" Ally questioned, tipping her head to the side in the same way her mother used to.

"Oh, sweetheart." I clicked my tongue. "I can make anyone let you do whatever you want." I smiled at her, memories of my own first time in Vegas coming to mind. I hadn't been twenty-one either. "What do you say? And if you get uncomfortable I'll show you how to leave." I stuck my hand out towards her.

"Alex…" Jack tried to warn.

"Come on Ally." I interrupted him again with a smile. 

The young girl hesitated, taking a quick look at her father who still looked lost in the room, even if he seemed to be having a conversation with Cas. She turned back to me, bit her lip, and slowly slid her hand into mine. 

"Perfect." I laughed.

In a snap of my fingers, we were on the central square of Caesars Palace. I turned to the kid, smiling as she did slow circles of the place. Her blue eyes sparkled under the millions of glittering lights.

"This is amazing." She was breathless. "I wish I could've done this at home. It would've come in so handy and so beats running away to my room or the park." She turned her focus back to me. "How did you do it?"

"I'll let you take us back," I replied, smiling at the happiness that flooded her features. It was like she was seeing snow for the first time. "For now, let's focus on having some fun. What am I for if I can't be the cool aunt?"

I smiled at her more as I started towards one of the many rows of slot machines. Ally was quick on my heels as we walked past patrons and casino staff, none of whom gave us a second look. Why would they? So many kids of people came in and out of this place daily, we were just two more in the crowd. We came to an empty slot and I pulled the chair out for her.

"Ever wanted to win one of these things?" I asked, leaning up against the side of the machine.

"You joking?" Ally asked, quickly taking the seat and facing the machine. "I think just about everyone has."

This was going to be just the kind of fun I needed. I thought as I waved my hand through the air, pulling coins into it from my pocket and handing them to her. Ally grinned wider as she took the coins from my hand and put them into the machine. She shook her hands out before grabbing the lever and trading glances with me. I nodded and she pulled down. Loud video game-like sounds poured from the machine and brought it to life, the lights reflecting off the smoke-filled room. I pressed a hand to the side of the machine and closed my eyes, mentally working through its inner workings and finding just the right pattern of dials to stop on. And then…jackpot.

The dials stopped on three images of the casino's logo, all looking the same. In the same instant, a much louder sound came from the machine itself, and confetti shot from the top. Lights began to flash and thousands of coins started to spill from the machine. We both scrambled to find something to catch them all as they continued to pour out. I snatched an empty beer stein from a nearby game and watched as Ally raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, laughing. "I'm gonna use it to catch the coins, not magically refill it."

"Could you magically refill it?" She asked, helping me scoop money into the glass.

"I'm not that talented. But I can do this." I said as we stood and I tapped a waiter on his shoulder as he passed. "Could you bring us a few drinks for winning?" There were no words of disagreement, not even a hesitation. Merely a nod before he turned away from us and walked off towards the bar. "Let's see if you're a better drinker than your mother."

The waiter returned shortly with two steins of beer and handed one to each of us. I watched Ally as her eyes grew wide. I smiled as I put the chilled glass to my lips, chugging down the liquid in a few loud gulps, hoping she would follow in the example. When I lowered the glass again I was proud to find she had downed at least half of it, glass still to her lips as she tried to keep going.

I chuckled. "Here," I said, pushing a hand under her chin and pushing up slightly. "Don't think about how much is going into your mouth, just let it slide back."

"It's bitter." She said once the liquid was mostly gone, making a face.

"It gets better the more you drink." I laughed more.

Ally didn't look like she believed me, but she threw the cup back again and finished the bottom of the drink. "You lied." She coughed. "The bottom was so much worse."

I laughed again. "Would you have finished it if I'd told you the truth?"

"Probably not." She admitted, setting the stein aside to be picked up by other wait staff later. "Aren't there supposed to be good drinks? Like Sex on the Beach or something?"

"You'd want to try something like that? It's got vodka in it." I was surprised she'd even known that was a real cocktail.

"My parents aren't here." She shrugged. "And for some reason, I've never raided their bar." She smiled at me. "I'm up for whatever. Teach me?" The smile on her face was almost flirty as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. 

"Deal." I grabbed her hand and towed her behind me until we were at the bar, our winning still jungling in our pockets and the empty stein.

As we pulled up to the bar I flagged down the bartender, a gruff-looking older man who had probably been doing this job for a while now. He gave us a questioning look as he walked over, bar towel and glass in hand.

"How can I help you?" He asked over the sounds of the casino.

"We're gonna try whatever the kid wants. It's her birthday and I wanna spoil her." I said, putting a hand on his arm gently. "Pretty please?"

"Got any ID?" He questioned, placing the glass aside and throwing the towel over his shoulder.

"I don't think that's necessary, do you, dear?" I gave him a gentle smile.

"You're right. What can I get for you." He said, his eyes turning to Ally.

I gave her a look too, waiting for her to jump on the opportunity but finding her awe-struck and stuck. Like she suddenly had no idea what to do.

I chuckled. "Let's do a Sex on the Beach and a Shirley Temple." The bartender nodded and set off to work.

"How do you do that?" Ally whispered to me as soon as the man was far enough away.

"Practice," I said. "We all have to grow into our abilities, kid."

Her eyes were wide as she stared at me, and they grew even wider as a sunset-colored drink was placed in front of her, a neat slice of pineapple on the rim. The red drink decorated with cherries that I had ordered was placed in front of me afterward. I leaned against the bar and slid it in front of her too.

"Drink up, sweetheart." I motioned towards both glasses. "Won't affect me anyway."

She hungrily reached out and took the first drink, sipping on the straw and quickly emptying the glass. She suddenly winced, her hand going to her head.

"Brain freeze." She whispered, exhaling sharply.

I reached over and gently pulled the cold glass from her hand, before replacing it with the other. I ran a finger over her ice-cold lips, collecting some of the sticky drink before turning away from her.

"Finish those up," I said, looking down at the bar. "We have some more shit to see before I show you how to get home."

We stumbled back into the bunker a few hours later, a very drunk Ally hanging off my arm as I carried her in. At first, I had been laughing too hard to notice the angry stares as we'd landed, but they set in quickly. Even Ally was giggling uncontrollably, it didn't even stop as she looked up into the faces of her parents.

"I was so worried about you," Elly said, her voice more full of worry than anger.

"Why? She was with me." I said, still laughing.

"You left without telling anyone." Lucifer shot at me, his arms folded tight across his chest. He sat straight in a chair, anger prominent in his eyes.

"Not true. We told Jack." I pointed out, setting Ally down into a chair, making sure she would stay upright before letting go. "Besides, you were all too busy ignoring her to pay attention even if I had told you."

"Is she drunk?" Elly said, her attention now fully on her daughter. She raced to her and took the giggling girl's face in her hands. "Alex, she's fucking eighteen!"

"And? I was fifteen the first time I had a drink." I shrugged. "What's the big deal? I let her have a little fun. It was better than being bored here all night. Especially in a new world that has only confused her or made her angry."


"You told me you were fourteen when you first had drugs. How is this any different?" I interuppted Elly again.

"You were fourteen?" Ally asked, still snickering. "Man, am I tired of secrets."

I pointed at the young girl who had unknowingly just proven my point. I eyed them both. "And it's not like you have much to say here either, Nightwing. You spent most of your life in a cage after you pissed off daddy dearest."

"Take her to bed, Elizabeth. We can discuss her punishment in the morning." Lucifer demanded. "She needs to sleep this off first."

"Oh, I agree. And why don't you stay with her this time? Who knows what the alcohol might do to her." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Elly shot me a dirty look before pulling the drunk girl into her arms.

I watched as Elly carefully supported her daughter and walked with her out of the room and down the hall. I waited until they were out of earshot before bursting into more laughter. This was all too funny to me. How could two people so full of their own sins be so hard on their kid? They were going to make her so much worse if they kept sheltering her. I took a seat at the table, popping my feet on the top of it as I continued to laugh.

"This isn't funny." Lucifer started.

"Oh, it's god damn hilarious, Morningstar." I smiled at the devil.

"You could have seriously hurt her!" He threw his arms out to the side.

"You think I'd hurt her?" I said, the tone suddenly serious.

"You've hurt plenty before you were a mass of blackness, Doll." He huffed.

There was that fucking name again. The one that stirred something so deep in my blood I wanted to make him regret ever saying it.

"Don't call me that, Apollyon." I hissed.

I could see the gears come to s screeching halt as the name triggered something in him. "This…this is about my daughter. Not some nickname."

"And you know I would never risk hurting her. End of story." I stood and walked closer to him, pointing a finger at his chest. "And it's not just some nickname. You keep calling me that, over and over again." I leaned down to him, sliding my finger up his chest until it was hooked under his chin and forcing him to look at me. "I'm beginning to think you want to pick up where Jamaica left off, Apollyon." It wasn't even a fight as Lucifer tried to pull away from me. There was no anger in his stare any longer, but a fire was still prominent in those deep oceans. I leaned closer until our lips were a whisper apart. "Do you?"

"I…I" Lucifer licked his lips. I could feel his warm breath against mine.

"Don't lie to me." A small nod was the response. I smiled. Who knew having the devil wrapped around your finger would be such fun?

I leaned forward and kissed him greedily, our eyes closing as it got deeper. I could feel him wanting to move but not knowing if it was ok, so I reached down for his hands and moved them for him. I put them on my hips, and it was all the permission he needed.

One of his hands swiftly jumped to my face, caressing it as he pulled me closer. I stumbled a little, placing a knee between his legs to steady myself. I had never felt him this hungry before. It was like he had been starved of something for so long and just now tasted it again. It was enough to make my head spin.

I pushed into him more, wanting more, needing more to fill the gap. Elly would be furious if she ever knew, she'd never forgive me. I fed off the danger that provided, moving my knee so I could straddle his lap. I rested my hands against the back of the chair as he took to my hips again, starting to rock them in just the right way so we could both get pleasure from it. His touch quickly became addicting again as his hands traveled up my sides, making my skin feel ice cold. His hands were rough with me, I was sure if I'd still been human, most of his touches would've left bruises. I broke our kiss and nipped at his neck, leaving a bruise for a mere second.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Lucifer panted.

"No." I agreed. "But I don't see you wanting to stop either."

I looked up into his eyes, the blue glowing with the slightest bit of red. We panted, our breath warm and our skin hot. I smiled at the way he looked at me. It was like he wanted to go on but still felt like the consequences would be too high if we got caught like this.

"We could always go back to Hell if that would make you more comfortable." I almost purred. "After all, I have always wanted to do more than just sign deals and listen to boring meetings on that damn throne."

"To Hell with us then," Lucifer said, bringing a hand to my cheek again, bringing my lips back to his.

It was hard to pull my gaze from his as we hit the cold stone of the throne of Hell. Lucifer looked at me as if I was the only source of water during a drought, and god was it enjoyable. But there was still a part of me that wanted to ignore the tingling sensation that came with his hands on my body, but it was a small enough part to ignore.

It wasn't hard to make up my mind when Lucifer jerked me against him again and claimed my mouth in another fierce kiss. His tongue slipped between my lips and I opened to him, parting my lips and wrestling my tongue against his. My hands found their way into his hair, tugging him as close to me as I could.

Lucifer gripped onto my ass and pulled me up, my legs wound their way around his waist, our kiss never breaking. It had turned my body alight with lust. No kiss had come close in five years. Lucifer stood and started walking, carrying me towards the room's heavy doors.

This isn't right, Alex. You need to fight this.

But it was far too late for that, and I was so tired of fighting off feelings and emotions that had been dead for so long. Right now I only wanted to feel, and that's exactly what was happening as I let my body take control. I would be able to forget everything for a few hours. There would be time to regret it all later.

With a rush of air, we were in the room I had claimed as my own in Hell and Lucifer was throwing me onto the bed. The air left my lungs in a small rush, and Lucifer didn't give me time to recover before he was suddenly on top of me, his lips back against mine. One of his hands slipped under my shirt, his fingertips rough as they scratched over my stomach, then down my ribs. He cupped one breast through my bra in the same rough fashion and I arched into him. Lucifer pulled away, a barely sounded whine coming from me as he did. He looked down at me, those growing red eyes saying he had heard it either way. The smile on his face was one of arrogance as he pushed the hem of my shirt up until it was over my head and just as quickly unhooked my bra.

There was a small bit of annoyance that flashed through me at the way he looked at me. He seemed so damn sure of himself. So certain that he was the one in control here. He had another thing coming if that's what he thought. 

"What would you have done if I'd insisted on not doing this?" He asked, his tone challenging. 

"You wouldn't have." There was no hint of doubt in my voice.

I matched the burning red glare as he bent forward again and took one nipple into his mouth. A moan slipped from my mouth before I could stop it, and Lucifer wasn't about to give me time to gather my thoughts. His mouth was relentless and rough. The sensations rippled through my body, almost too much for me to handle all at once. It had been so long since I had felt like this. His tongue circled my nipple, biting it hard before moving to the other, leaving a wet trail between them. His eyes were glued to mine as he continued the assault on my other nipple. He wanted to watch me surrender to him. I resisted the urge to end this staring contest and close my eyes. I wouldn't give him that victory. He gently bit down on my nipple again and I moaned, louder than the first.

Lucifer dipped lower, the grin on his face a satisfied one. He dipped his tongue quickly into my belly button. I reached forward to batter at him, but his hands found mine and forced my hands to my side as he began to search for every spot that was still ticklish. He roamed over my hips and stomach. It was beginning to be hard not to laugh out loud. What was his game with this?

"Stop it." I gasped as he bit along my hip.

"Say the magic word, Doll." Lucifer chuckled against my pelvis. 

"Fuck. You." I hissed. 

I braced myself for worse and was almost surprised as he continued to trace his tongue over my hip bone. I almost begged him to be rougher, when his assault stopped. I watched as Lucifer unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them from my legs. Those glowing red embers traveled over me, his hands following the same path, just barely brushing against my skin. It felt so good.

I almost shuddered with another moan when he kissed me through my panties. I shivered as his hands traced my hips and the inside of my thighs. He gripped the piece of fabric and slid it down my legs, too. Then he sat back, simply admiring me. 

"Feel like it's been too long since I've seen you like this, Doll." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "You were the one who left, Apollyon."

It was almost a moment too late that I realized that might not have been the best thing to say.

"Did that Brit ever touch you like this?" Lucifer's voice had dropped, suddenly hard and dangerous.

Some words sat on the edge of my tongue. These words would be all too true at this moment. Words that would continue to go unspoken. "I thought you wanted to fuck me. Not have a conversation."

Lucifer chuckled. "Don't worry, Doll. We'll get there." His lips came crashing down on mine again. I kissed him back just as fiercely.

His hands roamed my body again until they found their way between my legs. I almost let another moan escape as his fingers brushed against my folds. It was a delicious sensation. His thumb found my clit first, rubbing the bundle of nerves lightly. Two of his fingers teased me as his thumb continued to press down. At this moment, Lucifer was all I could want.

My toes began to curl as his fingers drove me higher. I wrapped my hands around his neck, bringing him even closer to me and wrestling our tongues together again. My nails dug into his skin as his fingers became rougher, forcing me closer and closer to that finish line. There was a growl deep in his throat as I dug my nails deeper into his skin, small beads of blood soaking into his shirt as the orgasm rushed over me. It was a blur until his finger moved lower, brushing against my opening. I pushed against his chest.

"Stop with the foreplay, Apollyon. I want the real thing now." I growled against his lips.

Lucifer returned the animalistic sound, slipping from the bed with a wicked grin on his face. He stood in front of the bed now, the bulge in his pants unmistakable. There was little time to imagine what lay beneath the fabric, not that I needed to. His hands made quick work of all the buttons, his shirt dropping to the ground first. This was the first time I had seen the new vessel like this. It was still younger than the old one, and it showed in the way these angelic muscles rippled beneath his skin. I felt everything within me tighten as the desire grew thick. His hands moved onto his jeans, and in one swift motion, both his pants and his boxers were on the ground at his feet. And god, Michael hadn't only graced the new vessel with angelic looks. The thing was bigger than I could've dreamed. I took my time, taking in every new inch of him just as he had with me.

Everything about this Lucifer was gorgeous. The chiseled features, and muscles, even his damn cock. I hated Elly for it all of a sudden. Hated how she had stolen this from me. I was his true vessel. It should have been me that he had taken. Me he should have saved from eternal damnation.

All thoughts seised as he advanced on the bed again, each of his moves lithe and calculated. Every one of them aimed at showing off his new form. God, I wished this wasn't the only chance I got to see it. He put on knee on the edge, fixing me with a red-hot gaze that made me smile.

"Stop playing around." I hissed.

And he listened. Lucifer moved onto the bed and climbed between my legs, grabbing onto my hips with a dark smile. "I'll make you forget everyone else."

"Only if I can do the same for you." I smiled back.

He pulled my hips down to him hard, slamming into me fully in the same thrust. I arched against up as the momentary pain shot through me, so quickly exchanged with pleasure. Fuck. This was going to be so damn good. 

"Fucking Hell…" I breathed.

There was a sly grin twisting his lips and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face. Of course, he had all the control here. Lucifer was still a master manipulator. I still had a lot to learn from him. 

"You sound so beautiful, Doll." He sounded so proud. Damn him.

"I'm tired of talking, Apollyon." I huffed under him. "Fuck me."

Lucifer didn't take his eyes off me. There was something dark and possessive about them now as they stared through me. I challenged those eyes, daring him to stop now. It was so rewarding when he started to move again, pulling out slowly before sliding back in. Lucifer moved slowly at first, the lust in both of us pooling in our guts as he continued. 

"Stop holding back," I demanded.

Lucifer laughed but didn't move any faster.

I dug my nails into his skin hard and jerked my hips into his. "Stop holding back."

This time he listened. Those dark oceans coated in red flashed as he slammed into me again, harder and faster than the first. I closed my eyes now, holding onto his shoulders. I knew I wouldn't leave marks on him, but even the temporary ones would be a reminder of this night. Lucifer didn't seem to mind anyway.

Our lips came together again as the low hum of pleasure gathered and rose into a chorus. Lucifer lowered himself, changing the angle of thrusts and hitting an all-new spot inside of me. His mouth found my throat and he bit along it. A moan slipped from my lips. I met his gaze as my eyes opened again. I wanted to pull him even closer and hold him here in this moment.

Lucifer raised his arms and sped up more, slamming into me again and again, any hesitation gone. This felt incredible, and I tried not to jump the ledge before he did, but it was becoming so hard not to. I could feel it coming closer, the tightening in my gut that meant the edge was just a step further once again.

Lucifer tensed above me, his face suddenly twisting into one of pure pleasure. Fuck did he look amazing. Like something only a god could create from marble. His movements became jerky as he pumped into me, just enough to launch me over the edge after him. My fingers dug into his shoulders one last time before it was all over. 

Lucifer leaned forward breathing heavily, strands of golden hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. I itched to reach forward and brush them away, but that wasn't my place here. This had simply been to fill that ever-going need. Nothing else. 

Lucifer's eyes opened slowly. It was hard to look away from him as we panted, the blue overtaking the red once again. He was still a beautiful sight. All worked up by something so simple.

I was going to enjoy having the devil wrapped around my finger way too much.

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