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Kanisha in space Kanisha in space original

Kanisha in space

Author: Tom_Fairy

© WebNovel

Episode 1

(The episode opens in space, where a rocket is on the moon)

(A red button on the outside of the rocket blinks)

(In the rocket is a long tube filled with green liquid and In the middle is a girl that looks like a 13-year-old who has long black hair, brown skin, green snake-like eyes, snake tongue, no clothes, and has long python tail with a hook end)

(The girl opens her eyes and the container along with the rocket unlocks)

(The girl falls on the ground)

The girl (body on the ground face first): Owww! (Gets up)

(The girl's tail glows and an orange long sleeved shirt with pictures of books all around it including the sleeves, blue jeans with yellow stripes, and black boots)

(The girl's tail stop glowing)

(The girl looks at herself with fascination)

(The girl's name is Kanisha)

(Kanisha walks around and sees space)

(Meteors pass by)

(Not much in space, a few stars)

(Kanisha's eyes glow as she saw stars)

Kanisha (looking around): How did I get here? (Touches her head) Why can't I remember?

(Kanisha walks to the Rocket and looks at it)

(Kanisha sees a flash of people in lab coats)

Kanisha (shocked) (confused): What was that?

(The screen shows the inside of a spaceship, there is a chair, a giant screen, a keyboard with a bunch of buttons, a white door on the side, red door on the wall, a steering wheel, and a poster of a rock band)

(In the chair, is a green alien with a human body, green skin, two antennas, blond hair, rainbow eyes, wearing a blue/black space suit, and red boots; has a long black thin tail with crosses on it and looks like he is 15-year-old)

(The alien's name is Ted)

Ted: I can't wait to explore this place (looking at Earth) (sees a red blinking light) Wait, what is that?

(Ted types on the keyboard and sees an image on the moon)

Ted (looks at the image): Something is on the moon or someone (zooms on the image and sees Kanisha) oh my gosh I was right

(Ted puts the rocket in full blasket and the rocket heads to the moon)

(The screen switches to Kanisha walking on the moon)

Kanisha (walking): Weird, I remember that I lived on Earth, but nothing further

(Kanisha's tail goes up and she starts running)

Kanisha (running): Weird, why am I running?

(Kanisha's tail turns into a bubble and puts Kanisha in)

(The rocket appears)

Ted: I made it, now where's that person?

Computer: Coming in too quickly, brace for impact

Ted: What do you (sees how close the moon is getting) (screams)

(Kanisha screams as the rocket is heading close)

(The rocket crashed and landed on a crater)

(Kanisha opens her eyes and see she is unharmed)

(Kanisha's tail turn back normal and Kanisha is no longer in a bubble)

(Kanisha slowly walks to the rocket)

(Ted gets out of the rocket and is coughing)

(Kanisha sees Ted and gasps)

(Ted turns around to see Kanisha and smiles)

Ted (smiles): It's you

(Kanisha looks confused)

(Ted runs to Kanisha and hugs her)

Kanisha: Excuse me, who are you?

Ted (puts Kanisha down): Sorry, I am Ted and I'm here to help you get off here, wait where's your helmet

Kanisha: Helmet?

Ted: That is weird, you don't look alien, yet you can breath in space without a helmet

Kanisha: Alien? Space? Slow down, can you explain slowly

Ted: You shouldn't be able to breath because you seem like a human except your eyes, fangs, and tail (eyes widen) Oh! (Snaps his fingers) you are a mutant

Kanisha: A mutant (sees a flash of somebody roaring in a cage, but just a shadow) that makes sense

Ted: Wait, that look, are you suffering from amnesia?

Kanisha: Yes, I can't remember much about my past.

Ted: Hmmm, I have a mind searcher, which can help me gather your thoughts so your mind will be sorted out

Kanisha: Thank you, Ted

Ted: Alright, it's in my ship

(Kanisha and Ted walk to the ship)

Ted: Sorry about the ship, this happens a lot

(Ted presses a yellow button on a keychain)

(The rocket flipped right side up)

(Kanisha and Ted go into the spaceship)

(The episode ends)

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