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42.42% Kampf / Chapter 14: The Red Movement vs The Adlertruppe

Chapter 14: The Red Movement vs The Adlertruppe

Royal Guards --> Imperial Guards



The Factory ground that they were on shook hard. The shaking lasted for a good 5 seconds before returning to calm. However, calm is not the word to describe the people in the factory right now.

Felix, Tanya, Carl, and Heinrich knew that an attack had happened. 

While lying on the ground, the four people contemplated on what happened. They then look at each other and concluded that they need to do something.

Felix concluded that he needs to save his family first.

Carl concluded that he needs to keep Felix safe.

Heinrich concluded that he needs to stay at the factory and keep it safe. 

Tanya.... well Tanya concluded that if she did something here, another award may come her way....

Once the four stood up, Felix sent Goldy to the sky in order to gather information.

Tanya was curious on why Felix sent his Golden Eagle outside, so she ask him about it.

"Why did you send your eagle for reconnaissance? Does it speak to you about the enemies' positions?"

Felix just smiled captivatingly at Tanya and shushed her up with his index finger extended and placed vertically in front of his lips. This infuriated Tanya and wanted to smack the shit out of the prince. 

Before she smacks Felix head, Felix opened a magical screen on his left hand. This screen surprised them all since this was the first time they saw such a thing. Tanya herself was greatly surprised since impersonal aerial reconnaissance is still not a thing in this age.

"Incredible, how did you do this?"

Instead of answering, Felix smiled again and- there was no and... Tanya just stepped on Felix's foot...

Inside the screen an aerial view of the Palace can be seen. Besides the palace, they can also see the island where the Berliner Schloss is located. The island is found within the very middle of the capital, Berun, with 4 roads connecting the island to the mainland. 

Out of these 6 roads, the 3 roads connecting to the Western side of the island had been blown up, cutting off any land-based responders coming from a nearby military base in the west. Due to this, any land-based reinforcements may need to circumvent towards the eastern side of the island. 

There was a flight of mages who managed to respond to the threat, but they were being heavily gunned by machine guns that was rapidly place in the roof by the enemies. The mages could not send any explosive spells to the roof since technically, the palace still has numerous people inside it.

Seeing that access in the air is heavily guarded, they went back to their military base in order to report their findings. 

Going back to the screen, Felix was greatly relieved when he saw that the foyer before the throne room was magically sealed. However, numerous enemies can be found attempting to crack the seals found on the door. They cannot also use bombs on it since the door was magically strengthened, so the only way for the enemies to go inside and kill everyone is through cracking the spells on it.

Felix's blood run cold when he saw numerous dead bodies belonging to the Regiment der Gardes du Corps (Life Guards). The Regiment der Gardes du Corps are the unit which maintains the safety of the Kaiser (Emperor) and his family. 

The Regiment is divided into two units, the first unit is the one who guards the Imperial Family themselves, and the other is the one who guard the Palace. All dead bodies found can be attributed to those belonging to the second unit.

Most of the regiment is dead save for a few who were risking their lives in protecting the kitchen. 

The kitchen is the place where most of the firing can be heard. Felix pinched out the screen and saw through the window that most of the maids and butlers, are there. Together with some of his Imperial guards, and another set of Imperial guards belonging to someone, they were taking fire from the hallway. 

He can also see that the person that the Imperial Guards are guarding is his little sister which made him 'fuck all' and rush in, but Carl and Tanya stopped him... Well... Tanya sort of 'stopped' him.

"Calm down, your highness!"

"If you want to go towards your death, then rush. I will not stop you. But if you want to incriminate us also, then please do so alone. I don't need another heavyweight towards my long-awaited peaceful life."

Even though Felix knew that Tanya means every word she said, he just think that it is Tanya's way of caring for him. Yeah, he is coping.

Felix took a deep breath and thought it deeply. He studied the palace, its surroundings that was shown in the screen. He counted all visible enemies and thought of a strategy in order to eliminate all of them. After 2 minutes of thinking, he shared his plan to the others.

"Looking at the screen, there are roughly 70 enemies in the palace and its surroundings. 10 are outside guarding the front, left, and right side of the palace. 10 are in the courtyard rigging something that looks like bombs, we need to eliminate them as soon as possible."

"Another 20 enemies are engaging our allies in the kitchen. 10 enemies can be found in the roof which are preventing the land-based responders to install a makeshift bridge over the destroyed bridge. 10 enemies can be found scouring the halls of the palace, vandalizing and looking for would-be victims. The last 10 is cracking the doors of the foyer towards the throne room."

"What do you suggest your highness"

"Since the military and the mages cannot respond at the soonest time possible, we need to do something internally."

"That's the right way of thinking, Felix. We cannot rely on the reinforcements since the soonest they can reach this place is at least 20 minutes, that is after reconnaissance, and other military protocols. Most likely, by the time they have arrived, the whole palace has already been massacred."

"Yes, we need to enact a fast operation intended to eliminate all tangos as much as possible."

After thinking for a bit, Felix shared his plan to his friends.

"This is what we would do, we will eliminate first the enemies that are found in the left and right sides of the palace. Looking at the screen, we can see that there are a total of 6 tangos, with 3 each side."

"After eliminating them, we would go straight towards the courtyard, flanking them on both entrances. This is the highest priority that we must go for. We can only hope that they have not yet activated the bombs."

"After cleaning the courtyard, we will head straight towards the kitchen eliminating the enemies and gathering our allies. After eliminating them, we would split up with one group towards the machinegunners at the top, and the other group heading towards the enemies at the lobby."

"That is the general direction our operation will go, am I clear?"

""Yes, your highness!""

Hearing the simple yet efficient strategy of the prince greatly surprised them. It is not easy to think of a strategy, yet alone an efficient one, in only a few minutes. 

"Alright, let's make a call sign for ease of communications. You can call me Adler-1 (Eagle-1), Tanya would be Adler-2 (Eagle-2), and Carl would be Adler-3 (Eagle-3)."

""Copy, Adler-1.""

"Heinrich, could you get us another AVH-5 and 3 magazines each, 6 for the two AVH-5, and 3 magazines for my HM G-1. Also, bring us 3 suppressed Lugers with 2 magazines each."

"Wait for a moment, your highness."

After a minute of waiting, Heinrich came back bringing with him a cart with the requested equipments, the AVH-1, the Luger, and the magazines.

Felix noticed that Tanya does not have her operation orb, since the orbs were confiscated upon entering the palace and was deposited in a locked and safe place. Felix gave her his dual core orb since he cannot still use it efficiently as opposed to the single cored orb. 

"Tanya, here take this."

"Hmm.. Dual cored? Where did you get this?"

"Secret, hehehehe"

I want to punch him so bad,

The three then gathered their equipment with the Assault Rifles hanging by their backs. Before going outside, Felix 'blessed' them.

"Come here, the two of you. I will 'bless' you."

Tanya was definitely disgusted, yet still complied since he was technically his superior, albeit temporarily. 

Felix then pressed their foreheads with his thumb and muttered a chant.

"Be blessed by the Goddess."

Both of their forehead glowed a little bit for a second and was gone. 

Both Carl and Tanya felt a little bit more calmer.

Calm? I felt CALMED???? Is this another scheme of Being X??? No.... this blessing feels... more like a true divine blessing... as opposed to the feeling I get when I use my Type-95... It feels, liberating.... free even... BUT! I still can't trust this blessing!

Looking at the changing face of Tanya, from disgust to relieve, then back to disgust, Felix was greatly amused, but he let go of it and told them to huddle for a bit.

"Alright team, listen up. The blessing I have given you is a blessing which makes you see marks on the enemy. This marks are pings by Goldy up above. He will be our eyes on this operation. The people he pinged are enemies so we must eliminate them."

"Team, today, we face a challenging mission, but I have complete faith in each and every one of you. Remember, we're not just here to complete objectives; we're here to protect our allies, secure this palace, and ensure the safety of everyone counting on us."

"We know the risks, but we're prepared, and we're ready to adapt to any situation that arises. Stay sharp, stay brave. Let's show them the strength of our resolve. This is our moment—let's make it count. Move out, and let's get it done!"

After a little bit of pep talk, they moved out of the factory.

The place the factory was situated in is in the left side of the Palace, also within the island, so they immediately went to a nearby bush and lie prone there. 

They saw the 3 guards by the door of the left side of the palace. The palace has two entrances in its sides, one is located in the middle of the Palace, and the other is located near the back which goes towards 

They were chatting among themselves, but still alert regardless. All of them have circle marks on top of their head, which indicates that they are pinged by the Goldy as an enemy.

The distance between the 3 guards and the group is about 50 meters, which is the effective range of the Suppressed Lugers in their hands. They opted to use Suppressed Lugers first since they wanted the mission to be covert as long as possible.

"Alright. Adler-3, left, Adler-2, right. On my mark."

The trio assumed a shooting position while lying prone on the ground. They extend both of their hands while holding a Luger. They aimed by aligning the front and rear sights towards the chest of the enemies.

Felix on the other hand, has a cheat, he activated his eyes not too long ago and aligned the line towards the head of the enemy.

Felix then breathed heavily since this is the first time he will knowingly kill a person. 

Felix forced himself to calm down. Looking at her slightly panicking friend, Tanya, bumped Felix's shoulder, and signaled to him to focus on the mission first. 

Felix calmed down upon seeing the determined face of his goddess. He does not need any blessing from a God or Goddess, but a shoulder bump from his goddess would cure it all.

Felix aimed again and with a determined face, ordered them to be ready.




*pung* *pung* *pung*

Amidst the sound of gunshots firing in the kitchen and the roof, muffled gunshots silently rang. 

Felix breathed heavily upon seeing the fallen state of the one he targeted from afar. He wanted to just 'fuck it all' and ditch but he knew he cannot do that, this is his job, his responsibility. 

Upon calming down after a few seconds, Felix looked at his 'drone' screen and then continued the operation.

"Let's move."

They walked silently through the darkness, even though the Berliner Schloss has tons of lamp posts and spotlights, there are still spots where the light fails to cover.

Once they arrived at the side-door of the palace. Felix ordered Tanya to go towards the other left-side door which leads to the courtyard.

"Adler-2, go towards the entrance of the courtyard, stay there and wait for our signal."

"Roger that."

"Take care."

"You too."

Tanya went on towards the other side-door while Felix and Carl go through the hallway.

All throughout the way, Felix had his eyes glued to the screen in order to observe the position of the enemies. After 2 minutes of silently but rapidly traversing the middle hall of the Palace, they arrived within 20 meters of their enemies. 

Outside the door, Felix can see three marked enemies. Tanya, on the other hand had already arrived on her position, so he sent a notice towards Felix using the operation orb.

"Adler-1, I have already reached my position, over."

"Good job, Adler-2. Wait for us, over."

"Copy that, but make it fast, tangos are doing something with the bombs, over."

"Copy, over."

Looking at the current situation, Felix and Carl knew that they need to make haste. 

They immediately knelt down for a much better aim, with their right leg laying on the ground, and their left foot standing up a bit. They then leaned a bit forward, and aimed. 

"Take them out."

*pung* *pung* *pung*

Both Felix and Carl eliminated one target. Before killing the middle target, Felix immediately transferred his sights to the person in the middle before Carl even does.

Without paying heed to the dead bodies, they rapidly walked, albeit silently, outside in order to head towards the other side door of the right side of the palace.

Once they arrived, Felix communicated with Tanya and ordered her to get ready.

"Adler-2, do you copy? We are in position, over."

"Roger, Adler-1, let's rain hell, over."

"Roger, Adler-2, focus on the enemies by your right side, while Adler-3, will focus on the enemies on his right side. I will focus on the enemies by the center, over."

""Roger, over.""

"Ready your Assault rifles....."

Each one of them readied their own assault rifles in order to send these bastards to hell.

They also applied some body enhancement magic in order for them to 

"I forgot to tell you, only use semi-automatic mode. We do not want bombs setting off on our faces, over"

Tanya and Carl set their switches to semi-automatic mode, aimed, and waited for Felix's instruction to open fire.

"Standby we will now be gun noisy..."




In an instant, three rounds of bullets had hit three enemies dead. The others were slow to react since they were just happily chatting with one another about kidnapping the maids of the palace and doing worse than bad things to them, when suddenly the person they were talking to has a hole in the middle of their face.


Another person felled down by the gunfire of the Adlertruppe (Eagle Squad). This time, a person attempted to shout his cautions towards his allies, but...


...he was shot down by Tanya.

The others from the opposing group attempted to find cover but their numbers were quickly being thinned by the trio.


7 consecutive shots found 3 consecutive bodies. One person took in 3 bullets while the two remaining dead people took in 2 bullets each. 

Enemies were frantically running around attempting to grab their gun or find cover. Some enemies had managed to find a cover, but they were quickly gunmed down by the Adler member who was on the opposite side of the cover.

Some people had managed to scream but they were quickly silenced by a gunshot straight to their mouth.


Within a mere 10 seconds, 10 enemies where dead. Although the enemy should've been alarmed by this time, their gunshots and the enemies' screams were muffled by the continuous firing that is coming from the kitchen and the roof. The sound from the courtyard camouflaged itself with the sounds that are coming from the enemies.

"Alright, Adler-3 check the bombs if they are armed."

Carl went straight towards the bombs and checked it if they were armed.

"Adler-1, the bombs are not active."

"Let's continue the mission then."

The trio went towards the kitchen of the palace. The kitchen is located at the back of the palace where the storage, maid's quarters, and etc. are located. 

The trio quickly traversed the hallway with their guns at the ready for any enemies that they happen to meet along the way. 

While getting closer and closer towards the kitchen, the sounds of gunshots become louder and louder, until they can see the enemies firing at the kitchen themselves. 

Looking at the position of the enemies, Felix saw many sandbags that covers the enemies, which made them safer from the pistol fire of the Imperial Guards.

Felix signed towards Carl to go towards the opposite corridor so that they are not congested and provides for a more array of firing.

Together with Felix is Tanya who was kneeling just below Felix, of course, Tanya was looking towards the enemies.

Felix then signed towards the pair to fire when he started firing. He told them earlier to make sure that they are accurate as possible in order to 

Felix waited for a bit before letting hell loose towards the enemies. 


After unloading a whole clip of magazine on the enemies, Felix saw the devastated hallway and attempted to head towards the kitchen, when a pistol bullet went past his head. He was then pulled by Tanya and was launched over her towards a nearby wall.


'I.... I haven't thought about that."

The group then heard the people in the kitchen ordering them to identify themselves.




The exchange just right now is known as an exchange of a countersign. A countersign is a prearranged signal, word, or sign that must be exchanged between a guard or sentry and anyone approaching their position. This term typically includes both the signal provided by the approaching individual and the sentry's response

A countersign may range from anything from just everyday stuff to strategic stuff such as during WW2, where the allies response to a challenge is "thunder" because the word "thunder" contains a voiceless dental fricative which does not exist in the German language. 

Going back, the two groups had met in the kitchen. The person who shot at Felix was scared out of his wits but Felix just told him that he was just doing his job. Relieved, the person who shot at Felix knelt down and greatly revered his kindness.

Almost immediately after Felix entered the kitchen, his little sister rushed towards him and hugged him tightly. 

"Brother! *sniff* *sniff* I am scared..."

Felix brushed his little sister's head in order to calm her down.

"Don't worry my dear sister. You are now safe."

Upon feeling the safe and soft hands of his brother, Lena, the little sister, suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep.

Holding his little sister in his arms, Felix passed her to the maids. He then gathered the attention of everyone in the room.


Everyone in the room stood at attention, regardless how tired they were.

"Everyone! We will need to continue our mission and make haste for I fear that the throne room will be breached in no time."

"This is what everyone will do! First, the maids, half of my sister's Imperial Guards and the remaining second unit of the Gardes du Corps, you will stay here and guard this position. Also guard my sister, if any harm comes his way, you'll face the consequences for it."


"Second! The other half of my sister's Imperial Guards will join Tanya here in order to raid the enemies in the roof!"


"Ha... those machinegunners are dangerous even for a mage like me... Looks like I'll be doing dangerous jobs even when I am in the capital..."

"I am sorry... It is an important task that only you, the ace of aces, can do..."

"Fair but you need to treat me to dinner later."


WIN-WIN YES!!!!!!!!!

Felix went back to ordering the people in the kitchen.

"Third! Half of my own Imperial Guards will hunt down the enemies lurking in the halls of this very palace! This group will be led by my own Captain, Carl!"

"Also, do make haste, I believe they will converge on this location since they thought that they have already successfully captured the kitchen. Deal with them."


"Lastly, I will lead half of my Imperial Guards to raid the enemies who are attempting to breach the throne room."

"Adler-2, you should rapidly finish the enemies up above before we arrive at the Weisser Saal (Grand Stairs of the Berlin Palace)."

"Understood, I would lead them now."

Tanya, together with the second group, activated their operation orbs and flew towards the roof of the palace.

Felix, looked at the crowd and left some words.

"Here we are, at the climax of our mission. We are close to saving the people who are important to us, so stay strong. Live, and take care. For the Empire."


"Move out."

The three remaining teams went towards their own missions. Felix reloaded his empty guns and jogged the hallways of the palace.

While on the way, he heard Tanya on the radio reporting something which made him nervous and anxious.

"This is Adler-2, we have already secured the roof, over."

"Good job, Adler-2, how's the situation from above? over."

"Adler-1, I suggest you come here immediately, they are already inside the foyer and is close to cracking the Magic Formula on the door of the throne room."

"Copy, over."

Felix talked to his group while still jogging at a faster pace towards the Weisser Saal. Felix opted to just jog in order to save some of his energy for the fight later.

"Let's move more faster. Keifer (one of his Imperial Guards) you'll be the point person, deploy your shield at its maximum output once we are there."

"Yes, your highness."

After 30 seconds of jogging. they arrived at the corner where they hide for a bit. Felix asked Tanya the position of the enemies. 

"Adler-2, give me the positions of the enemies, over."

"Roger, Adler-1. 2 enemies by your immediate left, just above the staircase. 3 enemies are at the lobby before the foyer. The rest are inside the foyer, over."

"Copy that, eliminate those at the lobby, over."

"Roger, over."

"Alright, ladies and gents, this is it. Kiefer, once we enter the stairs activate your shield."

"Roger, your highness."

Felix breathed hard. He felt his nerves that were shaking for a bit. He mused over the fact that he does not even feel sick upon killing a person. For fuck sake, he was a nurse, he should've been the one to save people's life, but here he is, killing people. But Felix knew, this is just the start of his Kampf (battle, fight, struggle) in this world. However, this is not the time of realizations.

Felix tapped the shoulder of Keifer, his point man, indicating that the mission will start now. 

Once they turned the corner, Felix and the other members of the his group opened fire towards the 2 at the top of the staircase. 


The two enemies were surprised to feel that they they feel windy at the top of their head. They did not know that their forehead was blasted open by the guns of Felix and co..

Tanya and the others in the roof rained bullets over the people in the lobby. The enemies did not manage to react to the bullets coming their way.


Felix and his group arrived at the Foyer and told the intruders to give up....



The bullets were repelled by Kiefer's shield.

Felix and the group pressed their fingers on the triggers and opened fire on the enemies inside. 


Most of the 5 people who were at the Foyer were dead due to serious gunshot wounds, save from 2 who were just shot by Felix in the foot and the hands making them immobile.

The other members of the group went in to grab the enemies and held them down. 

After a brief of struggle, with 2 members of Felix's group lying on top of the fugitives. 

Tanya and the others came down from the roof and went near Felix.

Felix, on the other hand, came near the door of the throne room and called out towards the people inside.

"The situation is deescalated. Please come out now."


"Felix von Hohenzollern. Imperial Prince."



The door suddenly opened and an Imperial Guard checked the situation. He saw that there were two subdued fugitives being pinned down by 2 Imperial Guards. He also saw the prince right in front of him, whose clothes were a rugged here and there. He also saw the 'Argent' beside his highness, who is somehow of the same situation as the prince. 

"How long are you gonna stare at us? Look, your prince is already weak, a simple nudge would fall him over."

Felix was confused on what Tanya is saying.

Seeing the disbelieving eyes of Felix, Tanya smirked and poked his shoulder. 

Felix fell down to the ground, hard. 

"See, my dear Felix, you still lack experience."

Ah, fuck, adrenaline... wait, did she just called me dear? SHE CALLED ME DEAR!!!!!!!.......................

Looking at the passed out Felix, Tanya just shrugged, and went back inside the throne room for the debriefing...


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