For the entire time we spent in the computer room, we talked and that's how we became friends. After that, we started hanging out together. A month later, he told me he likes me and he enjoys when we hang out. He then asked if we could be a couple. He was sweet and really cool, so I agreed.
We fell apart because there wasn't any love or even any strong feelings between us. So I'm guessing that is why he took on the first opportunity when someone else offers sex to him. He didn't really care about me or my feelings.
I was deluded and thought I loved him because he was so great and treated me well, but really I didn't love him at all.
With Tyler it was different.
This feeling that I have as it regards to him was unidentifiable. I've never felt this way before. Not with Logan.
What I feel for Tyler is new and unexplainable.