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85.71% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 41: Phase 1: The Prelude To Insanity

Chapter 41: Phase 1: The Prelude To Insanity

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Special thanks to SplingoSplongo for the UNPAID and kind labor of Beta Reading this!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

There were barely forty minutes left before the start of the Chunin Exams.

The sun cast long shadows through the Academy Building's tall windows, filling the hallways and rooms with a warm, golden glow.

A warmth that sharply contrasted the situation at hand.

Even now, some of the participants are eager enough to fight each other.

In a particularly spacious hallway in the Academy Building, there stood Sasuke, Akira, Sakura, and Rock Lee.

Guided by the latter to this place to engage in a fight.

Sasuke, or is he Nara Akira? stood across from the spandex-donned Shinobi.

The atmosphere was tense, as the confrontation could begin at any moment.

-Akira POV-

In my life, very few examples embody the phrase "a wolf in sheep's clothing" as well as this one.

Apart from the obvious example of Faceless.

Might Guy and his student, Rock Lee, epitomize that term.

Truth be told, I'm not surprised Sasuke didn't correct Lee's mistake or my... Misdirection.

The inquisitive and excited smirk on his face said it all...

"Yosh! I will test my skills against you! Genius of the Nara Clan!" Lee exclaimed seriously, his fists clenched in determination, yet the eccentric way he said it made it hard to take him seriously.

He turned to Sakura, who raised an eyebrow at his... Sudden nervous look?

Sakura immediately deciphered the meaning behind it and gave him a deadpan look, "Not interested," Her tone was flat and unyielding.



"He's certainly... Something," I mutter aloud, turning to look at Sasuke to make sure he's not underestimating him.

Luckily he isn't, although the slight cringe on his expression was evident.

The tenseness of the atmosphere returned in full force as Lee got into a stance, declaring, "I have heard a lot about you, Nara Akira. They say you are the Strongest Genin, but even with your prowess, I will win!"

"...We'll see about that," Sasuke replied evenly, his eyes narrowed.

Both Sakura and I held our breaths, as Sasuke's muscles noticeably tensed.

Only for Lee to tilt his head in confusion mumbling, "Are you not going to summon those creatures of yours? Aren't you weak without them?"


I couldn't decide whether to feel pleased at being underestimated or insulted.

I guess I'll settle for both.

Sasuke, maintaining his impersonation of me, stated confidently, "Won't need them against you."

Lee's eyes narrowed dangerously as he retorted, "I hope you won't regret that!"

And so, the battle began:

Lee's body shot forward with great momentum, launching a powerful kick towards Sasuke's face.

"Leaf Violent Wind!" He shouted the technique's name as the force shook the air itself.

Reacting swiftly, Sasuke blocked the powerful blow with his forearm, the sound of the impact echoing along the spacious hallway.

At the force delivered by Lee's kick, Sasuke's body was pushed at least a few feet.

It would've sent him flying, were he not applied his own strength to resist it as his feet and stance kept him firmly on the ground.

Sasuke let out a pained huff, struggling against the force of the blow.

Sakura was stunned by the speed and strength of Lee's initial attack as I murmured, "Strong Fist Taijutsu Style."

Shifting her gaze to me, I elaborated, "The opposite of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist. It is a brutal Taijutsu style that specializes in powerful blows with the intent of causing maximum damage and breaking bones. It is an extremely offensive style of Taijutsu, in contrast to the Gentle Fist's defensive style."

I lifted a finger, "There are two clear downsides to this style. The first and glaring one is that it is very taxing on the body to use. One must be exceptionally conditioned to use it properly."

Lifting a second finger, my eyes narrowed at the fight before us, "The second, is that it is hard to weave Ninjutsu or even Genjutsu while using it. It is a low-range taxing style that both Nin and Gen Jutsu do NOT favor, for the most part."

She blinked, biting her lip, "It's certainly living up to its name... One hit like that and I'd have..."

Yet, Sasuke and Lee were indifferent to our conversation.

Lee was undeterred, as he dashed towards Sasuke to continue his assault, shouting, "Impressive! But can you handle me without your creatures?!"

Sasuke's expression was neutral, as his body stilled in concentration.

Lee jumped above Sasuke, his body spinning as he launched a kick at Sasuke, "Leaf Spinning Wind!"

Sasuke ducked under the first kick without much trouble.

And as for the 2nd kick...

I nodded as I expected this outcome, "If he got hit by that one, I'd bully him for months."

Lee's spin came to an abrupt halt, as Sasuke clutched onto his shin with a firm grip.

Lee's eyes widened as he immediately reacted by sending another quick kick whilst airborne.

A haughty smirk formed on Sasuke's face as he snarked, "Don't get so full of yourself. I only let you hit me before... And, I've been hit harder."

"He's tarnishing my reputation by having an ego..." I deadpanned at Sakura.

Who ignored me, as her entire being was focused on the fight, trying to not miss a single detail, her eyes wide with awe at the exchange between the two superior Genin.

Though calling them Genin is a bit of a stretch at this point.

Sasuke exerted all his strength in an attempt to slam Lee to the ground.

Lee's follow-up kick was for naught.

Sasuke's hand shot out, catching the kick with a firm grip, "Too slow," he smirked.

Sending a duo of powerful punches toward Sasuke's wrists with the intention that he let go of his grip and escape the dire situation...

Lee was countered once more.

Pivoting, Sasuke let go and let the built-up momentum and gravity do their magic...

Sasuke's knee made clean contact with Lee's chin with a solid thud, sending the spandex-clad Taijutsu user airborne.

Blood trickled from Lee's mouth as he soared through the air.

Sasuke huffed as he observed Lee's body about to hit the ground, only for him to collect himself mid-trajectory and land gracefully on the ground.

Wiping the blood on his face with his sleeve, Lee smirked, stating his impressed view, "Amazing... You are this strong and not even using your Kekkei Genkai, just Taijutsu! I apologize for underestimating you! Yosh! I'll ask for Guy-sensei's forgiveness later!"

Sasuke kept his guard up, though he tilted his head slightly, puzzled by Lee's next move.

"Could you give me a moment?" Lee genuinely inquired as he lowered himself.

"...What are you planning? If you plan on setting up a Juts-" Sasuke answered with a question, only for Lee to lift his palm.

"I only use Taijutsu." He asserted with a deadly serious expression.

Sakura's eyes widened, "He's a Taijutsu specialist? Hey! Lee do you mean you don't use Ninjutsu because you'd rathe-"

"My beautiful pink angel! I can only use Taijutsu. I am incapable of Nin or Gen Jutsu." He declared with naught a change of expression, gently unbuckling the weights on him.

...How can he say something so cringeworthy with a straight face like that?

Sakura seemed to not register his flirtations, as her as well as Sasuke's focus were the weights Lee was holding.

...If he takes those off, it's a whole different ball game.

Sasuke recognized Lee's intentions, mumbling, "Weights?" Turning to look at me.

"Those ones are definitely heavier than the ones I got you." I stated.

"Yosh! Now I can move freely!" Lee's announcement echoed loudly in the room as he dropped the weights that held him back.

Though he hadn't dropped them from a significant height, when they hit the ground, the floor caved in with a resounding crash, sending vibrations through the hallway and kicking up a small dust cloud.


It was apparently too much for Sakura as her jaw was completely unhinged and she lost all prior elegance or calmness, imitating my blonde teammate at the sighting, "WHAAAAT?!" She shrieked in shock.

My eyes narrowed, I couldn't help but think that he better activate that Sharingan or he's fucke-

Oh never mind he just did.

A pair of Crimson Orbs with two and three tomoe respectively were stuck on Lee's visage.

Only... For Lee's figure to freeze at the sighting.

"S-Sharingan?!?!??!" Lee gasped loudly.

"Nara Akira has gained the Uchiha's Lost Bloodline?!" He accused Sasuke, rudely pointing an accusatory finger at Sasuke.

He turned to me, with those wide round eyes, "And you are fine with it?! Uchiha Sasuke?! Isn't that Bloodline theft!?"


"Should we correct him?" I asked aloud.

And before I could even get an answer...

"LEE YOU FOOL!" A loud shout rang in the room, as what appeared to be a speeding bullet in my eyes flew right into Lee's face.

That bullet was a man, and Lee's face was his target.

The blow rang like an explosion from the sheer force exuded, and I, for a moment, feared for Lee's life, as he loudly guffawed blood and his body impacted the nearby wall, kicking up a cloud of dust.

That fleeting fear and concern I felt died a horrible death just a moment later when the dust cleared.

A groveling, bleeding, Rock Lee and a disappointed Might Guy who stood with folded arms.


Appearing disoriented from the literal fountain of blood and a large bump on his head, Lee replied with as much determination as he could muster, "Y-YES! GUY-SENSEI! I DO!"


"Should we go?" I nonchalantly asked my teammates.

Sakura was as perplexed as my ducky teammate with the oddball situation in front of us, nevertheless, she replied firmly, "When this rude guy's getting properly punished? No way! He could've hurt Sasuke before the Exams! I'm seeing this through!" Sakura folded her arms in indignation.

"That wouldn't have happened," Sasuke replied as deactivated his Sharingan.

"Sakura's inherited her Sensei's infamous sadistic streak it seems..." I remarked, making an observation on Sakura's Anko-induced personality traits.

"Hell no!" She flailed her arms in complete denial.

...I ain't convinced.

Much to our utter bewilderment, Lee suddenly let the waterworks flow, as he cried a literal river from both his eyes, stuttering, "SENSEI... I... I..."

Guy gently lowered himself to Lee's height, going down a knee as he hugged him gently, "That's enough Lee. You don't need to say it."

He started crying as well, "YES! That is what youth is all about! Mistakes and Youth go together! As long as no one got hurt-" He saw Lee's messed up expression and the rather large bleeding bump on his head and adjusted his statement.

"Badly, then it is a lesson!" He placed a reassuring hand on Lee's shoulder, giving a thumbs-up, and a weird visual Genjutsu manifested behind him.

"Is that a rainbow? And a sunset?" Sakura wiped her eyes to check if she was just seeing things.

"Release!" Sasuke was trying to escape reality.

...Guess they see it too, huh?

Lee bawled like a baby, "YESH! GUY SHENSHEI! YOU ARE TOO NICSHE!"

Rising up and wiping the tears from his face, Guy elaborated, "But even so, I cannot, in good conscience, let you get away unpunished. Therefore, after the Chunin Exams, your punishment is... 500 Laps around the Village with a handstand!"


"YESSSSSSS! GUY-SENSEI!" Lee saluted, ignoring the clear pain coursing through his body.

His body is shaking from the pain, yet he's completely unfazed.

Guy then turned to us, his gaze lingering on each of us for but a second.

"You guys... Kakashi's Students correct? Uchiha Sasuke and Nara Akira..."

At the calling of my name, and that gaze, i couldn't suppress the shiver that went down my spine.

Terrible memories of a distant past appeared in my mind's eye.

A lone prayer echoed in my psyche:

Please don't recognize me.

Please don't recognize me.

Please don't recognize me.

Sakura's eye twitched for a moment, a scary smile on her face at his ignorance of her existence.

He gave a quick bow, "I apologize for Lee's actions today, I swear on this beautiful face of mine that it won't happen again."

Breathing a sigh of relief at him not recognizing me from our little training session a couple of years ago, I waved him off, "It's fine, he didn't hurt any of us."

Guy blinked for a moment at that statement, scrutinizing each of our appearances, and seeing naught an injury, his eyes then shifted to Lee who was shyly picking up his weights and reattaching them.



"Okay, let's get out of here..." I mumbled.


"But hey, at least it got the blood flowing right? He was pretty strong." I commented offhandedly as we approached Room 301, our steps reverberating through the empty hallway.

Sasuke smirked in excitement, clenching his fist, "It's a shame I didn't get to fight him without the weights. I didn't expect an Exam filled with Genin to have someone like him... This'll be fun."

Fun, huh?

...In some ways, yes.

As for the most part? That's a firm No from me.

But, for what I intend, I'll have to act like it.

Sakura sighed, "I was hoping to showcase my skills and the results of my training, but if the Exam is filled with monsters like him, I doubt I'd amount to much... Maybe support the two of you..."

I waved off her concern, "He's probably an exception."

Her eyes narrowed in frustration, giving me a clearly unconvinced glare, "Like the two of you? Three people and counting, Akira. At this rate, the exception will be the rule."

Continuing my stroll unperturbed, I chastised, "Now where's your prior confidence, Miss Haruno? I remember how confidently you strode into Lord Third's office. Where's that Sakura?"

Her tone turned lifeless, as her shoulder slumped, "Long dead... When that weirdo could move faster than what I could see... While having who knows how many dozen or even hundreds of kilograms of weight on his person!" She complained.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her, stating mercilessly, "He's likely trained very hard and for a very long time. Do not expect to catch up in a measly-" Only for his words to be cut off by a familiar voice blocking our path.

Beside Room 301, leaning on the wall, was my favorite masked Sensei.

Which isn't really impressive considering I only have one masked Sensei.

"Yo!" He eye smiled.

"Anything of substance?" I questioned as we paused beside him.

He shook his head, as he straightened himself before us, "Nah, I'm here to wish good luck to my favorite ducklings~!"

"And Sakura-chan." He added in monotony.

Noticing Sakura's sour expression, he gently explained, "Anko's been extremely busy. She would have been here if she could, but knowing her, who can say?" He shrugged.

It seemed like this wasn't Sakura's day as she gave a dryly thanked Kakashi, "Thanks for cheering me up. Kakashi-sensei..."

"Good luck? Do you really think we need that?" Sasuke smirked lightly.

Humming, Kakashi replied, "Probably not. But, I'm also here to congratulate you on all three of you arriving here. The applications are individual but the test itself is for Teams. If any one of you had decided not to take the Exam, it would have been the end for the other two."

I lifted an eyebrow, "A bit dramatic don't you think? This exam occurs twice a year."

He hadn't reacted, as he approached Sasuke and myself, patting our hair in what could be interpreted as either a degrading or encouraging gesture, still unconvinced myself.

Passing us by, he said, "Go on in, you wouldn't want to be late."

Nodding, I pointed at the door leading to Room 301, "The paragon of punctuality has spoken! Onwards! Team 7 and Sakura!" I lead the charge forward, my hand firmly placed on the door's handle.

Sasuke snorted.

Sakura chuckled.

It was with this warm atmosphere, and our heads held high, that we entered the tense room.


Upon entering Room 301, in an instant I had taken in the features, for the most part, aligning with my clouded memory of this place:

An incredibly large, maybe larger than I could recall, room filled with desks.

A board, a bathroom all the way in the back.

And with our entrance...

I felt the weight of over a hundred pairs of eyes fixed firmly on us.

Too many to discern any clear intentions behind those gazes, though thankfully, there wasn't any apparent malice.

It wasn't that we were fashionably late.

It was that everyone else seemed to be quite punctual and early.

So many varying figures, with headbands of many minor Villages, the only Major Village being Sunagakure participating in Konoha's Chunin Exams.

Judging by the physiques, the age range was incredibly varied - Ages twelve to maybe even twenty-year-olds.

No sight of my second target, oddly enough.

But Gaara was here, and I hadn't let my gaze linger too long.

The first impression is that undoubtedly - There are more Shinobi here than I recall being.


Among the others though...

Team 10.

"I know, I was thinking the same thing. A load of trouble." Shikamaru's voice rang out tiredly as he approached the three of us alongside his team.

"Isn't it a bit early to be complaining, Shika?" I chuckle lightly.

"Not too early to get a few calories in." Choji chimed in, munching on a few chips.

"Shikamaru! Choji! Ino! How are you three?" Sakura smiled with a wave.

Normally, I would have done a double take at Sakura greeting Ino with a cheery smile.

However, from what Ino told me when I visited her shop and before she suddenly went on a silent streak with me, is that they've settled their... Sasuke-induced conflict.

Although Ino's been trying to do it for a while now, I am happy Sakura has come through.

Ino shot towards Sakura, giving her a tight hug, "Honestly? I'm a little nervous."

Shikamaru deadpanned at me and pointed a thumb at Ino, "And she's the one who insisted we take this Exam. Nervous and all."

Turning to glare at Shikamaru, Ino exclaimed in annoyance, clinging to Sakura harder, "Hey! Asuma-sensei wanted us to participate as well! So stop complaining already!"

Rolling his eyes, Shikamaru turned to Sasuke, as they both exchanged greetings with mirrored respectful nods.

Choji turned to Sasuke as well, "Want a chip?"

Sasuke gave his classic reply, "Are they Tomato flavored?"

Choji answered quickly, "N-"

"No thanks," Sasuke affirmed.

"Well, well, look who we have here." A boisterous and confident tone rang out as it approached us.

Our heads turned to catch sight of Team 8 - Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru, Aburame Shino, and Hyuga Hinata.

"H-Hello" Hinata greeted us all politely.

Shino was being Shino as he made little effort to acknowledge everyone's presence, only nodding respectfully to me, Sasuke, and Shikamaru.

Prompting Ino and Sakura's twitching eyebrow.

Choji was chill about it.

Kiba, the voice of his team, quickly scrutinized us all, "I see all the Rookie Genin have asse-"

He blinked, "Huh, where's the idiot?"

Hinata's face visibly deflated at that question.

Guess her teammate didn't get the memo.

His question was directed at me, and I shrugged in response, stating the blunt truth, "He was an idiot."

Eyes widening for but a moment, he laughed, "Pfft! BAHAHAHAHA!"

Wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, "Of course, of course. That's the obvious outcome isn't it?" He smirked haughtily at me.

Inuzuka Kiba is an intriguing individual.

At first, I'd coldly assumed it was Teenage Rebellion that made him take a firm stance against his Clan's treatment and opinion of me - Standing against even his mother, a tyrannical mother who frightens him.

But, from further interaction with him, he's just a genuinely good guy who can think for himself.

It's surprising how rare that quality is...

He is, albeit, a little headstrong, conceited, a bit of an asshole, and otherwise - Which is a little rich coming from me.

With this, he is an oddity for a Clan like Inuzuka, which had a firm "Follow The Pack Leader" type of mentality.

It is partly because of that, that he has my undying respect.

Regardless, I'll always hand him out a reality check if needed.

Like now.

I hummed, "Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that. Idiot or not, Naruto's stronger than you."

Frowning for but a microsecond, Kiba scoffed, replying, "We've done our own specialized training. The three of us got much stronger. Sasuke, and even you for that matter..." He hadn't completed his sentence, letting the meaning sink into my and Sasuke's head.


Kiba really didn't get the memo huh?

A collective look of disbelief crossed everyone's faces among the current Rookie 9.

Sasuke snorted at Kiba's claim, "You seem awfully confident, Kiba. I expect you to live up to it."

Kiba smirked back, "Heh, you bet. Right, Akamaru?!"

"ARF!" Akamaru barked his agreement.

Shikamaru groaned, "Ugh, they're here too?"

"What? Disappointed you're going to lose? You lazy bum?" Kiba chuckled at Shikamaru's distress.

Shikamaru hadn't mustered the energy to respond, simply leaving Kiba hanging.

Kiba blinked, "That reminds me, Mom was incredibly relieved with the news, so... Congratulations on your engagement, Aki-"

"Thank you." I flashed him a cold smile.

Seeing that I was not about it, he raised his arms in surrender, "Alright alright, I'll drop it... Sheesh, if I got engaged to a pretty girl I'd be over the moon..." He shook his head in disappointment.

Shino mumbled his first sentence, "Such a future is highly likely should you seek it. Why? Because you are the future Patriarch of the Inuzuka Clan. And father has stated that females love dogs."

I couldn't help but blink at that slight out-of-character mumble, as I questioned, "Why'd your father mention something like that?"

Shino answered robotically, "Good Marriage prospects are notoriously difficult for Aburame Clan Members. Why? Because females usually do not like bugs. Information on what females like is crucial to attract a proper wife."


An awkward silence enveloped us at his remark, the nine of us seemingly in our own little world, ignoring the stares from the 100+ Shinobi in this room.

"A-At least he's earnest?" Ino chuckled awkwardly.

Suddenly, an approaching voice called out to us, "Hey! You guys! You should be more quiet."

A man, a familiar man approached us with a stern and lecturing tone, that had a light friendliness to it, "You guys are rookies just fresh out of the Academy right? Wailing around, this isn't a picnic."

Unclenching herself from Sakura, Ino stood strong, hand on her hips, "And who do you think you are?"

His steps echoed lightly on the ground as he approached, casually introducing himself, "I'm Kabuto Yakushi."

I made a point not to show any outward reaction, concealing my recognition and apprehension behind a calm facade.

He and Orochimaru are the biggest wildcards in the coming ordeal.

He's a man who can take down multiple ANBU-level Shinobi on his lonesome, his true capabilities shrouded in layers of cunning and deception despite my foreknowledge of him.

He's not someone I can straight-up mess with.

Gesturing to the judgemental and gruff glares that were an admittedly weak intimidation tactic sent our way, he started, "But instead of focusing on me, look at this."

The closest to us was a couple of Genin from Hidden Rain, "They're from the Hidden Rain, a mysterious village with short-tempered Shinobi." Kabuto elaborated.

Most of us gaining a slightly apprehensive expression prompted Kabuto to nod empathetically, "Everyone's a little nervous about the exam. So it's best to keep it down so you don't cause a scene."

"But I get it, you're clueless rookies. Reminds me of how I used to be." He scanned each one of our faces.

Much to my dismay, his dissecting stare had lingered on both myself and Sasuke, his voice was contemplative, "Nara Akira and Uchiha Sasuke... Your confidence makes sense, but..."

"These guys eat overconfident and arrogant Rookies for breakfast, so you should be careful." He pointed a thumb at the hundreds of Shinobi.

"Duly noted," I replied neutrally.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted in affirmation.

Sakura narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "So, what do you want?" She cut to the chase.

Lifting his arms in a placating gesture, Kabuto flashes a friendly smile, sweatdropping, "No need to be so suspicious, I just want to give some friendly advice to my fellow Konoha Genin." He pointed at his forehead protector.

Continuing, "It's just that I always wished there was a guiding hand for me when I took the Chunin Exams... I've lost a few teammates in this exam..."

Prompting a gulp from Choji, "Is this your second time?" He innocently asked.

Shaking his head, Kabuto smiled with mirth and slight self-deprecation, "Try seventh. This exam is being held every six months."

Shikamaru clicked his tongue, his tone overflowing with irritation, "Which makes it your 4th year." He communicated his observation.

Kabuto nodded, "Exactly."

Kiba folded his arms, smirking, "So you're just a loser. That's what you're telling me."

Chuckling, Kabuto replied, "True. But that also makes me-"

"A source of information and experience." I cut him off.

Kabuto smiled, pleased, taking out a stack of cards, "As sharp as I expected." He gently lowered himself, placing them firmly on the ground.

Sakura's eyes widened in recognition, mumbling her observation, "Nin info cards... Anko-sensei taught me about those."

Nin Info Cards are straightforward tools.

They contain encrypted details and information about specific shinobi.

Each village typically holds these cards/papers, with each Shinobi having his own respective encrypted information paper, which includes details such as its weaknesses, strengths, mission completion records, and other details.

These papers are usually for internal Village uses, in case a Shinobi goes Rogue for example.

The Creation Process is similarly straightforward:

Select Paper/Card: Choose the intended slip of paper, card, or even a stack of papers.

Apply Fuinjutsu: Encrypt the paper using Fuinjutsu.

Pretty simple.

At its most basic level, encrypting information with Chakra using Fuinjutsu is easy.

However, Advanced Fuinjutsu can make the encryption highly complex, involving:

Specific Chakra levels.

Unlocking only with the creator's Chakra.

A rhythm of sending Chakra.

Failsafes to burn the information if tampered with.

And so on.

From the looks of things, Kabuto's cards, for instance, appear to be custom-made, which is quite impressive.

Especially when you consider there are at least two hundred from the count of things...

Placing his finger on a specific card and seemingly channeling chakra, the ink slowly reveals the information beneath it:

A map of the Five Great Nations, accompanied by a detailed graph on specific locations.

Choji curiously approached, overlooking the graph, mumbling, "Wow, really detailed! What kinda info is that?"

Kabuto explains, "This is the number of those taking the exam and the breakdown of what country they're from."

Kabuto placed a finger on each village as he spoke, "Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Waterfall, and Sound. The finest Genin from these villages are here. The Hidden Sound is new, founded just a year ago, so there's limited information on them. Though given their a new village, I wouldn't expect much from them."


"Ino. Can we leave?" My cousin pleaded mercy.

"No. Have some confidence." He was shut down immediately.

"What a drag..."

"M-Makes you lose your confidence..." Hinata murmured under her breath with concern.

"...What did I just say, Hinata-chan?" Ino threatened.


Letting the stakes and situation truly sink in, Kabuto continued:

Encrypting the card, Kabuto gave a theatrical wave of the rest of the cards, "Now then... Anything else you'd like to know? Maybe someone dangerous you'd like to keep an eye out on?"

Sasuke nodded immediately, "Rock Lee of the Hidden Leaf. Do you have any information on him?"

Kabuto sneered confidently, "Do I?" He pulled out a card and revealed the information on it.

Eerily suspicious, concerning, and detailed:

Kabuto read it aloud, "Rock Lee, Year older than you guys. Mission History is 20 D - Ranks and 12 C - Ranks."

Placing a finger at the tiny picture of Gai, "His sensei is the infamous "Konoha's Sublime Green Beast Of Prey" Might Guy. Consequently, Rock Lee's Taijutsu skill has soared this year. The rest is nothing impressive... Well, it's literally nothing, he seems to have no skill in any other discipline."

Sakura's eyes gleamed in understanding, murmuring, "It's just like he said..."

Continuing, Kabuto read through the information, "Last year, he gained attention as a talented new Genin but he hadn't participated in the Chunin Exams. Thus, just like you guys. This is his first Chunin Exams alongside his teammates, Hyuga Neji and Tenten."

Humming neutrally, Sasuke grunted in gratitude, "Hn."

"Anyone else?" Kabuto lifted his head from the paper as he gently encrypted and folded it back.

Kiba called out, "Yeah." Turned to me with a broad grin.


"Got anything bout Nara Akira?" He chuckled sinisterly.

I narrow my eyes dangerously at him, "...I take back my respect for you, mutt."

Without further delay and ignoring my glare, Kabuto pulled out a card.

Placing his finger on it, he was about to reveal the information underneath.

The key word is "About".

I swiftly clenched my muscles, as I blurred, lowering myself swiftly and shoving my hand down the shadows.

My hand appeared below the card holding my information, and I promptly snatched it and stored it manually in my Shadow Storage.

At that moment, everyone turned to me with wide and exasperated gazes.

None more so than a disappointed Kiba.

"What? Did you really think I'd just let him read out my information like that?" I stated bluntly with a tilted head.

What went unsaid is how suspicious it is that he has that information.

Even as a "Fellow" Leaf Shinobi.

Kabuto's eyes sharpened for but a millisecond, while the rest of his face remained as easygoing, loose, and friendly as before, shrugging, "Fair enough. I'll just make another one."

Kiba's disappointment quickly shifted, to a snort at Kabuto's admittance, "A good sense of humor, this one! Hahahah!" He slapped Kabuto on the back.

A sudden movement caught my attention.

Akamaru barked, prompting Kiba's immediate roll to the side.

A kunai flew towards Kabuto who was beside Kiba.

Sliding back, Kabuto easily dodged the kunai, and from the air dropped a man with a hidden sound headband.

With decent speed, he propelled forward, letting his fist fly towards Kabuto's face, who leaned his head back to dodge the blow.

The nine of us stood there in bewilderment, our eyes transfixed on the exchange and the smirking Kabuto who dodged the blow.

As he was about to counterattack, suddenly, his glasses shattered loudly.

All eyes were on this exchange, murmurs, talks, and even bets already taking place among the other Shinobi, finding this simultaneously interesting and amusing.

Sasuke's eyes sharpened, "He dodged the blow... What's the tri-?!"

"BLEUGH" Kabuto dropped to his knees, suddenly vomiting.

Shikamaru's eyes were similarly narrow, as he immediately gave the correct answer, "Sound-based, judging by that reaction. It's not Genjutsu."

Alongside the lanky man came his other two Sound Shinobi teammates.

Sakura reacted quickly, appearing by Kabuto's side, "Are you alright?!" Her voice was laced with concern, her prior suspicion of Kabuto almost immediately dissipating at the situation before us.

Slowly rising up with Sakura's help, Kabuto flashed a weak thankful smile, "I'm okay. Thank you."

Truth be told, I'm not surprised at how quickly this guy gains trust.

It might be my prior knowledge speaking, but his acting is superb.

"Hey! What's your problem?!" Ino shouted in indignation.

The Sound Shinobi's eyes narrowed with glee, "What's my problem? You should ask what his problem is. A four-year veteran? And he's this pathetic. What a sorry sight." He shook his head in disappointment.

Pointing at the dismayed and shaken Kabuto, he declared, "Make sure to write this down in your wee little cards."

"The Three Hidden Sound Ninjas. Definite Future Chunin." His other teammates arrived to stand protectively and proudly beside him.

As silence reigned in the room, I broke through it, my voice ringing loud and reverberating throughout the room.

Cracking my neck, I chime in, a sadistic and cheery smirk on my face, as my steps echo on the floor as I approach the man before me.

Our eyes meet, arm's length from each other, as I raise my head to look at him squarely, him being slightly taller than myself, "I guess the Hidden Sound has little hope if they'd let a bunch of Corpses rise to Chunin."

I could feel the suspicious looks from a few of my friends, even though I didn't turn to face them.


"What are you insinuating...?" The Sound Shinobi, seemingly their leader and the one who injured Kabuto radiated paltry killing intent in my direction.

My smirk broadened, "You heard me~"


I immediately turned my head, as an explosion of smoke appeared beside me.

From it, a stern order thundered, "Quiet down you worthless lot!"

The smoke cleared, revealing the figure of Ibiki Morino alongside an entourage of Chunin Proctors.

His eyes scanned through the entire room in a rather intimidating glare, coming from an intimidating man.

Prompting a few audible gulps.

Then, his eyes narrowed at me for a moment, his gaze was just as indecipherable as Kakashi's, perhaps more so.

A moment later, it shifted to the Sound Shinobi beside me, he blatantly pointed and warned, "Hidden Sound guys, stop messing around before the exam. Do you want me to fail all of you?"

The Sound Shinobi beside me shifted to scowl cutely at me, only to turn his gaze back to the proctor.

"I apologize, this is our first time... We got a bit carried away." He hadn't meant a word of it, obviously from his tone.

...At least he's smart enough to recognize a figure of authority.

He proceeded to turn around with his teammates, to head back to their collective seat.

The girl Sound Shinobi complained, "What's with the "We"? I didn't want this! He was too pathetic to-"

"Shut up."

Ibiki called out to the Sound Shinobi, "Stop. Going back to your seats won't be necessary."

The Sound Shinobi paused, their figures stilled in apprehension, the bewilderment on their faces transparent.

The lanky Sound Shinobi, their leader, questioned, a concern that wasn't there tainted his prior overconfident tone, "And... Why is that?"

Ibiki smirked viciously, "To those with peas for brains, I am the Examiner for the Chunin Exam's First Test. My name is Ibiki Morino... I won't waste your time, so I'll cut to the chase."

Presenting a box and drawing out a tab with a number, Ibiki continued, "We will now begin the first examination. Instead of your current arrangements, you will draw these lots to rearrange your seating. And then, we will hand out the exams."

Murmurs spread around the room, shocked at the fact we were taking a paper test.

Sasuke couldn't help but say, "It's a good thing the Dobe missed this one..."

"True." Sakura's expression hardened, even though she had excelled in paper tests back in the Academy.

Suddenly, Ibiki's notable killing intent spread around the room, silence reigning at the flare-up.

"There will be no fighting without my permission. Even if permission is granted, for now, killing will not be tolerated. The pigs that disobey will be failed immediately."

He let the message sink in, before stating with finality, "Am I clear?"

And so... The first test began.



Seeing these questions in person, the only thing I can think of is that this is pure bullshit.

What the fuck are these?

A complicated cryptogram... As for the 1st question?

Did I mention these questions get harder and harder as one progresses?

And do these all have to be answered within the hour?

...Just from that one can already assume that we're supposed to cheat on this.

I mean, I could try and answer them - I'd probably nail four or five by the hour.

But, truth be told, I don't have to worry.

Or answer anything really.

Beyond the test of Information Gathering and such, this is primarily a test of resolve and courage.

But, I at least have to make a showing of trying, since my teammates have some rather anxious expressions.

They'll figure it out.

The second reason I have to make a showing is this guy right beside me.

Who is answering the questions at mind-boggling speed...

He whispered in a friendly manner, not ceasing the strokes of his pen, "Need help? They are pretty complicated."

Pretty complicated my ass you snake-loving fuck.

"No need, thanks for the offer. Kabuto."

Yes, as luck would have it, I'm seated next to the Number 1 Orochimaru Lackey.

It was around ten minutes after the exam began that people started cheating and some were already getting disqualified for getting caught.

Outcries of protest were short, but a stern glare from the proctors and Ibiki himself was all it took to shut them up.

While I was scribbling away at the test, I felt a sudden jolt, a contrastingly numbing feeling.

A sudden loss of control gripped me, a sensation I had only experienced once before.

Many years ago, before I was revealed as a Kekkei Genkai User to the public.

Something I had sternly requested to never be used on me ever again.

-Ino POV-

Mind Body Switch Technique, success!

'Sorry, Akira... But you're my best shot!' I smiled apologetically, making sure my thoughts cut through clearly to Akira's consciousness.

Lowering my head as Akira, I lift up the paper test, only to find...

"Huh?" I mumble in Akira's voice.

'Those are... Just nonsensical scribbles? Why?'


Suddenly, my mind was flooded with a chaotic overflow of voices, each one more furious and bloodthirsty than the last.

I felt a chilling connection to over a hundred distant presences, their collective rage crashing over me:
















-Akira POV-

I felt control return to my body, the Whiskers I planted in the Forest Of Death forcing her out.

I slowly turned my head to glare sharply at the Ino behind me.

Her quickened and nervous breath, the paler and sweat-glistened skin, painted a vivid picture of her internal turmoil and regret.


This isn't good.

No, "Isn't Good" is an understatement.

This is bad.

It'll definitely cause problems later...

My nonsensical scribbling and the Whiskers...

She didn't seem to recognize where they were located.

But if she catches sight of them in the Forest Of Death, she's smart enough to put two and two together...

Ino's eyes widened with a mix of shock and horror as she realized the gravity of her mistake.

Her voice trembled as she mouthed a barely audible, given our distance, apology, "S-Sorry." 


I don't believe "Sorry." will cut it...

I never wanted to be subjected to any sort of mind probing or Yamanaka Jutsu. Ever.

...It would've been fine should she have gone through this at ANY other time.

Not now.

Not when hundreds of Whiskers roam the Forest Of Death.

Not when...



Getting mad at her right now will serve me zero purpose.

I turned away with a sigh, needing to focus on my thoughts.

I'd rather not tell her, or anyone for that matter about what I know or my plans.

Of all the damned times she's decided to use the Jutsu, I explicitly told her not to...


The plan doesn't change, I'll adjust if necessary.

But this wasn't in the matters I could have imagined going wrong.

Regardless, I'll need to think up an excuse, better than the one I had already thought of.

This'll bite me later, I'm sure.

The plan has priority.


After forty-five minutes, Ibiki Morino's voice shook me out of my thoughts, "Okay, we will now begin the 10th question."

Room 301 had thinned out noticeably, with many participants disqualified, though a significant number of teams still filled the room, the atmosphere growing tenser with each passing moment.

His eyes glided through the remaining teams, giving us all an even look, "Now then... I'd like to go over the added rules for this question."

Kankuro having returned from the restroom, prompted a comment from Ibiki, "Heh, nice timing. Was your doll play beneficial?"

Kankuro's figure froze, as he tried to mask his surprise, only for Ibiki to sigh, "Just sit down..."

Ibiki continued without delay, "I'll now explain. These are the Rules Of Desperation."

Placing his hands and leaning on the table, Ibiki's gaze sharpened, "First, for this 10th question... You must decide whether you will take it or not."

Teams exchanged glances of dismay and perplexion.

Sakura immediately raised her hand, "Examiner Ibiki! What happens if we don't decide to take it?!"

He smirked, "I was getting to that... If you choose not to take it, your points will be reduced to Zero and you and your teammates will fail."

Sakura gulped, as her eyes narrowed, she turned her head to look at me and Sasuke.

The three of us exchanged looks, I gave a resolute nod to encourage them that I was staying.

I relayed with a mouth whisper, "The three of us are taking it."

Sasuke and Sakura had mirrored expressions, smirking their approval to stay and take the 10th question.

Ibiki's smirk grew downright sadistic, "Now don't get too excited... If you do decide to take it and answer incorrectly... That person will lose the right to ever take the Chunin Selection Exam."

...What he's insinuating is that whoever fails will never get to Chunin.

Framing it in such a way is effective, but what he's relying on is that no one thinks of the Mission Points System.

Collective gasps and outcries of protest reverberated in the room, Kiba being one of the primary voices, "What kind of dumb rule is that?! There are guys here who have taken the exam a dozen times over!"

Ibiki shrugged, chuckling, "You guys are just unlucky. This year, it's my rules. Luck plays a vital role in a Shinobi's life, it's the luckiest who survive and thrive. But... I am giving you an out."

Silence reigned as everyone patiently awaited his offer, "If you're not confident, as your luck had run out with me here this year... You can always try again next year. Raise your hand, and you and your team will be spared, you can always try later."

Once again, I turned to my teammates, giving them a thumbs-up.

As I took a deep breath to get ready for my next move...

After all, I need as many Teams in the next Exam as possible.

A smirk took the place of my contemplative frown, my voice rang out loudly, "Are all of you really that stupid?"

The attention of the entire room shifted to me, my haughty insult easily garnering everyone's looks.

I pointed at Ibiki, stating with narrowed eyes, "The first part of this test. Is to see how well we can gather information. Are you telling me nine out of these ten questions can truly be answered within forty-five minutes? Cheating WAS a requirement."

Ibiki's even glare was firm on my person, he clearly knew who I was, but his expression was unreadable.

I continued without issue, "Furthermore, with how Examiner Ibiki presented the test, it was heavily hinted that we have to cheat. The extra rules regarding detracting points for cheating is your proof right there." I pointed at the written rules on the whiteboard.

Letting my words sink in for everyone, I went for my second point, "As for the 10th question... It is a test of resolve and determination. Tell me, what else could it possibly be? It's psychological warfare. This man, Ibiki Morino is the Head of Konoha's Department of T&I. The pressure to not take the Chunin Exams "forever"? To not fail your teammates as well if you didn't answer the 10th question correctly?"


I slammed my fist on the table, prompting an amused smirk from Kabuto for just a split second, "Empty threats! Did all of you forget the Mission Points System? Even if what he's saying is true and even if you do fail the nonexistent 10th question you could never take another Chunin Exam..."



"NO!" One Shinobi exclaimed aloud with fervor.

And just like that, everyone else hopped onto the enthusiasm, the crowd and unity effect working in my favor.

I shook off the baffled looks most assuredly coming from my teammates and Shikamaru.

I'll have to get used to that this coming exam...

For this will be the Death Of Perception.

I gave one final cry of determination and glee, a wide smirk on my face, "SO STAY YOU COWARDLY RATS! WHERE'S YOUR PRIDE AS SHINOBI!?"

"WE'RE STAYING!!!!!!!!" Even Kiba joined in on the fun, shouting it aloud.

Slowly, the excitement died down, and it was then when silence returned and the slight apprehensiveness returned that Ibiki leveled a stern glare on all of us, one especially dangerous one on myself.

I ignored the stare down, because to me...

It looked like he was counting the teams left.

Much to my relief, not even a single team dropped off at my argument.

Kabuto's voice, soft and stern caught my attention, his amusement was nowhere to be found, either he masked it or otherwise, "Akira, you do know that what you just did will only make the next phase harder? These tests are supposed to filter out the unfit and weak competition. This isn't something you should do as a 1st time Rookie."

...This is a good question.

I flashed him a broad smile, a hint of bloodthirst in my tone, "What I did... Was make it even more exciting~"

Kabuto's eyes widened momentarily at my tone, as he murmured, "I see..." He then kept his silence.

Ibiki's voice rang aloud, a question hanging in the air, "I take it those that are seated are taking the 10th question?"

No one answered him, silence reigned once more as a tense atmosphere enveloped us all.


A loud sigh escaped Ibiki as he shook his head, smiling, "The lot of you... The 96 that remain... Congratulations on passing the first exam."

Expecting the reactions from those around me, I moved first.

I scoffed arrogantly, "Heh, told you so." My voice rang out loudly.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The room boomed with cheers.

"QUIET DOWN!" Ibiki yelled to stifle the noise.

Ibiki turned to look at me, "Nara Akira is correct."

...Thanks for giving out my identity buddy.

Eyes, expectedly, widen at the recognition of who I am, especially from the Shinobi from other Villages.

Ibiki continues unperturbed by the whispers echoing through the room, "Information gathering is important, at times..." He unfolded his hair cover, revealing the horrible scars.

"More important than your life. Shinobi risk their life on missions and the battlefield to get their hands on them. Remember this, for the rest of your sorry lives. Important information in your hands can be a powerful weapon for your comrades and village. Cheating properly in this translates allows us to separate those with the fitting skills for it." Ibiki lectured.

He turned to me with narrow eyes once more, "The true purpose of this test was the 10th question, reigning supreme over the prior information-gathering test."

"Taking a leap of faith, showing courage, and surviving through hardship - These are what it takes to become a Chunin. Some missions cannot be avoided, no matter the danger. Those pieces of trash who cling to the uncertain future, "There's always next year." Only to walk away from their present chances... Making such cowardly choices..."

He stated sternly, "They don't have the right to become a Chunin. That is my lesson, that is my belief."

His gaze sharpened dangerously at each and every one of us, "I would have liked to filter out those pieces of trash... However, this is also an outcome and certainty we must accept in life as Shinobi..." He looked at me with a sadistic and perhaps a smirk of approval.

"That not all goes according to plan."

Although that is a pretty obvious conclusion.

For the coming months, I pray he's wrong...

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

How do you do my fine people and 4th-dimensional beings?

Hope this chappie was to your enjoyment!

I did skip this chapter's Omake (Couldn't be bothered ngl XD)

So I'll deliver a good one next chapter.

Things are going to be heating up in the 2nd phase of the Chunin Exams.

Expectedly, this was a Written Test.

So there's nothing too much that could go wrong.

But, Akira has a plan.


It's a... Interesting plan, to say the least.

His most intricate and twisted one by far, in terms of long-term thinking.

Will it go wrong?

Is Ino gonna be a problem?

Who knows?

And things will be cascading from this point onwards.

Does Orochimaru know or even give much of a fuck about Akira?

Akira's plans rely on that very factor.

Also, a fun fact.

The S-Rank Land Of Woods mission would NOT have been written in Kabuto's Nin Info Card. If that isn't very clear.

Anywhos see ya'll next chapter! Love ya!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E O N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Wombat poop is cube-shaped. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author Note End-

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