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50% Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju / Chapter 34: After

Chapter 34: After

**Tokyo Streets**

Kenjaku, followed by the Disaster Curses, walked down the bustling paths of Tokyo. 

"Was it really necessary to use two fingers to gauge the strength of that Zenin kid?" Jogo asked.

"An incomplete dummy would have been useless," Kenjaku replied. "Besides, we had an excellent harvest. The fact that Megumi Fushiguro was trained by the so-called Big Three personally was an eye-opener. He held his own and had the upper hand against a three-finger Sukuna. This was just to ensure that Senju Hashirama's seal did not, in fact, affect the power of the King of Curses... Megumi was just a bonus."

"Hmph, I hope that wasn't an excuse," Jogo said skeptically.

Hanami then began to speak in an unintelligible language.

"Shut up! I can't understand a single word. It's so gross!" Jogo exclaimed.

The group entered a shop.

"Welcome! Table for one, sir?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes, one please," Kenjaku said.


**Jujutsu High**

"It's my fault..." Satoru said, his voice heavy with regret. "I sent him to his death."

"I'm sorry, Sensei. I wasn't good enough to restore his heart in time," Megumi said, his disappointment palpable.

"You did your best, Megumi. Why don't you take a breather?" Suguru said, gently sending Megumi outside.

"It was my fault... Suguru, I killed him. I was careless," Satoru said, his sorrow deepening.

Hiroshi entered, observing the scene. "My, oh my, would you look at that? Satoru is being emotional," he remarked.

"I'm a nice guy who's always thinking about the students," Satoru said, attempting to mask his grief.

"He's not dead, so don't bother sulking," Hiroshi said.

"Yuji's alive?" Satoru asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Hiroshi said confidently.

**Jujutsu High**

As if on cue, Yuji stood up, prompting astonished looks from Suguru and Satoru.

"How'd you know?" Suguru asked Hiroshi, baffled.

"If you think Sukuna's vessel is that weak, then you're mistaken," Hiroshi declared. Though he let on confidence, in truth he surmised that Yuji might have made some sort of binding vow with Sukuna to ensure his survival.

"I see, perhaps I was too hasty," Satoru admitted, relieved yet introspective.

"Woah, my dick's hanging out" Yuji blurted out, noticing his state of undress just as the nurses handed him a patient's gown.

"Yuji," Satoru began, stepping forward and dapping him up. "Welcome back."

"Hey! I'm back!" Yuji exclaimed with his typical enthusiasm.


**Outside Jujutsu High**

"Live long, he says?" Megumi mused aloud.

"How can he say that when he's dead?" Nobara questioned, the weight of the situation pressing down on her.

"Is this your first time experiencing a friend's death?" she asked, turning to Megumi.

"It's a first for my classmate," Megumi replied solemnly.

"I see," Nobara nodded, observing Megumi's composed demeanor.

"Yet you look surprisingly calm."

"You too."

"Of course. I've only known him for two weeks. I'm not so weak that I'll cry over a man's death," Nobara declared, trying to mask her discomfort with the heat.

"Darn it. It's so hot."

"You're right. I wonder when we'll get to wear our summer uniforms," Megumi mused, attempting to shift the conversation to a lighter topic.

Their exchange was interrupted as Maki Zenin approached, her expression clouded with concern.

"What's going on? Your face looks even worse than usual, Megumi! Are you mourning?" Maki inquired, her tone a mix of worry and curiosity.

"Zenin-Senpai" Megumi said

"Don't call me by my last name!" Maki retorted, slightly irritated.

"MAKI!" Panda hollered.

"I'm talking here! Don't you know why they look so depressed?" Maki pressed, looking between Megumi and Nobara and she looked at Panda and Inumaki behind the tree.

"Someone really died yesterday!" Panda suddenly interjected, his voice carrying a somber and hurried note.

"Bonito flakes," Inumaki added cryptically.

"SAY...IT...EARLIER!," Maki exclaimed, her earlier misstep making her feel thoughtless.

"That would make me a heartless witch, wouldn't it?" Maki tried to defend herself.

"But that's who you are!" Panda quipped.

"Tuna mayonnaise," Inumaki chimed in.

"You're wrong! I can be considerate, okay?" Maki insisted, her frustration evident.

"Who are they?" Nobara finally asked, pointing at the newcomers.

"They are the second-year students," Megumi explained.

"Be gentle with your juniors," Maki instructed, her gaze softening.

"How is pampering considered being gentle?" Nobara questioned.

"Zenin-Senpai is the best student when it comes to using Cursed Tools," Megumi informed her.

"This is Inumaki, a Cursed Speech Sorcerer. His vocabulary is limited to onigiri filling ingredients." 

"Salted salmon roe," Inumaki concluded, his limited vocabulary leaving much unsaid yet oddly poignant.

Megumi turned to Panda.

"And this is Panda-Senpai"

"There's supposed to be another one, Okkotsu-senpai, but my sensei said that he disappeared on a mission," Megumi said.

"So you're just going to say 'that's Panda' and nothing else?" Nobara asked, pointing out that Megumi had yet to explain who Panda was.

"My apologies. Sorry to disturb your mourning. Please forgive us!" Panda said.

"Actually, we hoped that you two would attend the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event," Maki said.

"Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event?" Nobara asked, confused.

"It's an exchange event with another sorcery school in Kyoto," Megumi explained.

"But isn't that for second and third years?" Nobara asked.

"Those third-year half-wits got suspended from school. We don't have enough people, so you guys have to go," Maki explained.

"So what's the exchange for? Playing Super Smash Bros? I won't lose if they're playing the Wii version," Nobara confidently stated.

"In the goodwill event, the principals of Tokyo and Kyoto High Schools will propose their own methods of dueling. Each method takes one day, so that's two days in total. That's the official consensus. We have group battles on the first day and individual battles on the second," Maki and Panda explained.

"It's always been like this," added Panda.

"Salmon," Inumaki interjected.

"So, Jujutsu sorcerers are going to fight one another?" Nobara asked.

"Yes. It's a sorcery battle with no rules, except you can't kill. To ensure you don't get killed, we'll provide intensive training," Maki said.

"Wait, do you guys actually have time for this? I thought Jujutsu Sorcerers are always understaffed," Nobara asked.

"That's a good question. The answer is yes, for now. Human depression often accumulates from late winter to early spring and then erupts in early summer, which in turn transforms into curses. That's when we're the busiest. We're mostly busy all year long, but things should be settling down soon," Maki explained.

"So you guys are coming, right? Your classmate's dead, after all," Maki said.

From a distance, a voice was heard, "Kugisakiiiiii, Fushigurooo," which made the group turn their heads. "Itadori?!" Nobara exclaimed in shock.

Megumi pondered for a moment. "It must be Hiroshi-Sensei," he concluded.

"You're still alive?" Megumi asked incredulously.

"Don't kill me off yet, Fushiguro," Yuji replied.

Megumi then introduced Yuji to Maki and the rest. "This is Yuji, supposedly dead, but... he lived, and he is Sukuna's vessel."

"I am Itadori Yuji," Yuji stated.

Panda and the others were speechless; everything happened too fast.

Maki cleared her throat. "So... you're joining, right?"

"But if the training and the games turn out to be meaningless, I'm leaving immediately," Nobara asserted.

"Me too," Megumi added.

"Umm... Me three?" Yuji chimed in, although he didn't fully grasp the situation.

"That's the arrogant spirit we need," Maki remarked.

Bonito flakes.

"Senju Hiroshi, I'll be honest, even if we all attack and include Sukuna, we still have a great chance to lose and an even greater chance to overturn," Kenjaku said, his words serious but his face relaxed.

"He's just a sorcerer; he can be killed," Jogo insisted.

"If you saw that battle, you wouldn't be saying that. But rather than trying to kill him, we have a good chance of affixing him to a seal," Kenjaku explained.

"With what exactly?" Jogo inquired.

"With this, a Special Grade Cursed Object: Prison Realm," Kenjaku revealed.

"You're saying that we seal the strongest, but what about the other two? Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto?" Jogo questioned.

"You know them too?" Kenjaku seemed slightly surprised.

"It's hard not to know them. Sorcerers keep talking about them," Jogo replied.

"We just keep them out," Kenjaku said mysteriously.

"Show it to me!" Jogo eagerly asked for a glimpse of the Prison Realm.

With Jogo's excitement, the people in the store began combusting.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't cause a scene," Kenjaku said, covering his nose. "I'm just glad I didn't choose an expensive restaurant."

"Yuta," Jogo addressed, "How many fingers of Sukuna am I equal to?"

"If I overestimate it, then 8-9 fingers," Yujaku replied.

"That's sufficient. Give the Prison Realm to me. In exchange, I'll kill Senju Hiroshi," Jogo confidently proposed.

As Yuji returned, Megumi and the rest began training, with Yuji seeking out Gojo Satoru for specific guidance.

Yuji found Gojo Satoru slurping on a sundae, chilling with Suguru Geto, who was reading a book while his daughters brushed his hair.

"Gojo Sensei! Geto Sensei!" Yuji exclaimed.

"Hmm?" Gojo turned towards Yuji and greeted him with a casual "Yo!"

"Hello, Itadori," Suguru acknowledged.

"It's Sukuna's vessel," Mimiko approached Yuji and said, "Smile." She then proceeded to take photos with Yuji.

Yuji, though baffled, decided to go along with it anyway.

"Um, who are you two?" Yuji asked as Mimiko and Nanako took selfies with him.

"I am Mimiko," one said.

"I am Nanako," the other echoed.

"We are Master Geto's daughters," they both chimed in unison.

"They're both in sync..." Yuji thought as the twins returned to brushing Geto's hair.

"Yuji, since you're looking for me, I believe you want some training or extra training?" Satoru nonchalantly said.

"I'm weak and couldn't save anyone," Yuji confessed.

"You do a lot better than the others in close-range combat, Yuji. What you need to learn now is to control your cursed energy and some basic knowledge of curses," Satoru advised.

Yuji smiled, which Satoru noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I just thought that you're the best person to train me, so I'm happy," Yuji replied.

"I want to be stronger. Teach me how to become the strongest," Yuji insisted.

"I can teach you to become stronger, but becoming the strongest is another thing," Satoru chuckled.

"You've got good eyes, but I'm not the strongest," Satoru admitted.

Yuji turned to Suguru, prompting the reading man to say, "Don't look at me. The person you want is Hiroshi," as he flipped to the next page.

"Yeah, speaking of Hiroshi, I wonder how the Kyoto Sorcerers will perform under his tutelage. He did say that he wants to make them less trash," Satoru remarked.

"He's probably giving them Spartan training or whatnot," Suguru chuckled.

"Um...Gojo Sensei, who's Hiroshi?" Yuji asked.

"Hiroshi is the strongest. You might be familiar with his title, the God of Sorcerers," Satoru explained.

"God of Sorcerers... Sensei is his name Senju? And does he use trees to fight?" Yuji asked suddenly.

"Yeah, why?" Satoru asked.

"It can't be..." Yuji pulled out his phone and opened an episode of Naruto, the Valley of the End.

"Sensei, look! It's in an anime," Yuji exclaimed.

Suguru and Satoru watched the anime. The moment Hashirama began to fight using Wood Dragons, Satoru paused it.

"Would you look at that, Hiroshi's ancestor was also Senju Hashirama. The man could also do those constructs," Satoru said.

"How did we not notice this?" Suguru pondered.

"Does the Senju Clan exist too?" Yuji asked.

"I'm beginning to think that you aren't too keen on watching mainstream news, Yuji," Suguru teased.

"Why, Geto Sensei?" Yuji asked, baffled.

"The Senju clan is rather well-known today. The Prime Minister is also a Senju," Suguru explained.

"What!" Yuji exclaimed at the revelation.

"Haha, that's enough revelations for today. So, watch here," Satoru said as he gestured to the tin cans on a nearby bench.

Both of the cans were suddenly deformed.

"Woah," Yuji exclaimed.

"I used cursed energy on this can and cursed technique on this one," Satoru explained.

"I don't get it," Yuji said.

"Well, let's see. Let's compare cursed energy to electricity and cursed techniques to electrical appliances. Electricity alone has limited uses, right? So, electricity is charged into electrical appliances for various purposes. This can was blasted by cursed energy, and this can was twisted by infusing cursed energy into a cursed technique," Satoru explained.

"So, does that mean I can learn awesome techniques?" Yuji asked.

"But you can't use cursed techniques, Yuji. You don't have one," Satoru bluntly said.

"Except for the basics, like Shikigami techniques or barrier techniques, then non-innate ones," Satoru further explained.


Yuji had a blank look on his face. "Are you okay?" Satoru asked.

"Well... I just thought I could have skills like thunder, fire, or power bombs. Maybe even I wanted to use Spirit Gun, Bankai, Rasengan, or Dodonpa..." Yuji said.

Satoru heard "Rasengan" and remembered something. "Rasengan? I remember Hiroshi used it against me once."

Hearing this, Yuji suddenly had stars in his eyes.

"But let's begin with controlling your cursed energy first. Then you can use it to mold into non-innate techniques," Satoru said.

"I'll further develop your strengths and add cursed energy to your martial arts. Ignore useless curse techniques. I'm scared of people like you bulldozing through with basics!"

"What?" Yuji asked, baffled.

"As I said, you have impressive talent for physical combat," Satoru reiterated.

Satoru then instructed Yuji to watch movies to control his emotions and easily manipulate his cursed energy.

"Watch them with this guy," Satoru said, handing Yuji a doll.

"What's this?" Yuji asked.

"It's one of the cursed dolls the principal has. And don't rush. It's starting soon. If it doesn't receive a constant flow of cursed energy, it will wake up and attack you," Satoru explained.

"Great, more cursed dolls," Yuji muttered as he examined the doll.

Satoru smiled. "Just focus on maintaining a steady flow of cursed energy. It's all about control."

Yuji nodded, determined. "I'll do my best, Gojo-sensei."

"And remember, Yuji, mastering the basics is key. Once you have that down, we can explore more advanced techniques," Satoru said, giving Yuji a reassuring pat on the back."


In a secluded area of Kyoto, Hiroshi was in meditation.

Inside his innate domain, Hiroshi stood in front of his God Tree, observing it closely. Suddenly, he sensed a difference in the surroundings.

"Something's different..." he murmured to himself.

Turning around, he noticed another space bordering the God Tree.

"That's impossible. There shouldn't be anything else in my innate domain besides the ocean and the God Tree," Hiroshi thought, puzzled.

Nevertheless, Hiroshi approached the border fearlessly and crossed it, only to be met by a group of curses that appeared and attacked him. Swiftly dispatching them, Hiroshi continued forward, examining his surroundings.

Behind him stood the God Tree, while in front of him stretched a vast white expanse. Then, something unexpected occurred.

A Cursed Spirit materialized in front of him. Hiroshi realized, "This must be the birthplace of Curses," as he crushed the newborn curse, watching as it faded into particles.

"When I killed the curse, its energy was recycled somewhere," Hiroshi pondered, walking further. He noticed that while the God Tree behind him didn't seem to recede, he himself was making progress forward.

Looking around, he witnessed a Cursed Spirit crawling through a portal, glimpsing familiar buildings before the portal closed. "That was Tokyo," Hiroshi exclaimed.

"But what am I doing here? I was just using natural energy to meditate... or is it because I was using natural energy to meditate that it led me here?" he wondered aloud.

Attempting to use his cursed technique, Hiroshi felt a sense of difference. He had a feeling he could do something new, but he decided to explore that later. For now, he had a visitor.

Opening his eyes and standing up, Hiroshi glanced in the direction of the unexpected guest, intrigued by their presence.

He Saw Jogo a cursed Spirit he was Familiar with in his past.

Jogo realized he was found directly attacked he landed right in the spot where Hiroshi was standing, creating a massive crater, A wooden wall unraveled revealing Hiroshi unsurprised. "Jogo" Hiroshi thought, "Shouldn't he be attacking Satoru?" he thought.

"But then that was because Satoru was the strongest, but in this reality, I am the strongest," Hiroshi concluded, his confidence evident. "I wonder what more have I changed."

"HYAAAAA!!!" Jogo exclaimed, launching an attack.

"Trust me, cursed spirit, you do not want this smoke," Hiroshi smirked arrogantly, warning Jogo.

But the only reply Jogo gave him was the eruption of multiple volcano openings around him, instantly releasing their fury.

Seeing his attacks were successful, Jogo then said, "God of Sorcerers? He was nothing much," as he prepared to depart.

From the thick dust and heat, a dragon-faced dome was revealed—Shinboku no Jumon: Wood Expulsion Jutsu.

Simultaneously, all the volcano openings were crushed by wooden hands. As the dragon-faced dome opened, Hiroshi walked out.

"Hot but not hot enough. What did you say about being nothing much?" Hiroshi challenged, his demeanor calm yet imposing.

"Arrogant bastard," Jogo muttered, annoyed by Hiroshi's condescending style.

"It's gonna take more than that to even hurt me. Now, show me what you've got," Hiroshi taunted, 

A/N: Welp it's Yuta in Gojo's body...Gege Massacred Gojo Fr.

A/N: All that effort to use Infinity only to get whooped by Sukuna next chap.

A/N: What you guys think about the latest Chap 261?

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