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5.88% Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Isekai'd
Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia original

Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia

Author: kiingshet12

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Isekai'd

Inside a dark room late a night, there was only one thing that led up the room. It was a computer screen which flickered with light as a young man was watching the latest episode of My Hero Academia.

"YEEESSS... damn now I gotta wait for the next season."

The young man was James Hans. James had an ordinary look with black hair and brown eyes with an average build as he didn't do much except for work and watch anime. Occasionally he would go hang out with a few friends but that always tired him out afterwards and had more of an introvert personality.

After finishing the latest episode of My Hero Academia, he let a sigh as the story was finally going in a suitable direction. The MC, Midoriya Izuku was no longer a coward and had gained some confidence and direction of where he wants to go and is steadily improving himself.

Sliding out of his rolling chair he looked at his phone and saw that it was late at night around 11:30 p.m.. Seeing the time he knew that he should head to bed so that he can go to work early in the morning tomorrow but decided to do go grab a drink at a nearby gas station.

James quickly got dressed and went outside and started walking to the gas station. He looked up at the dark sky that had a few stars and said, " How nice would it be to live in a anime world. If being isekai'd was real than My Hero Academia would be a nice experience. A modern society with a mix of super powers. Fighting Villains would also be nice too."

James continued to walk on side walk as he gazed at the sky. Just as he was about to reach the gas station, he saw bright light flash from behind and saw could barely make out the large semi-truck coming towards him. " Crap... I can't move out in time. I'm dead for sure." 'Crash'.

With a huge headache, James slowly opened his eyes and saw an area that was pitch black. He looked around and saw a bright white light shining down a throne and saw a figure sitting down staring at him with a smile.

James assumed that it was the afterlife so he walked forwards and said, " Hi. I guess I'm dead huh."

The figure chuckled and said, " Yes." with a bright smile.

James nodded his head and asked, " What happens now?"

The Figure smiled and said, " Well you have two options, go to heaven or rei..."

James immediately interrupted loudly, " Reincarnation."

Although only the mouth can be seen, it was a little speechless. He nodded his head and continued, " Since your death was a little untimely, I can arrange a few things for you such as where you want to go to and a gift. Take your time to think..."

James again interrupted, " My Hero Academia world with the haki ability from one piece please."

The white figure simply sighed as he heard the request. The Japanese fantasy culture sure do hit the spot sometimes. He nodded his head and said, " Is that all? Although you will only get those two things, are there other arrangements you want?"

James was surprised by the additional 'benefits' he can ask but if he asks for any other power he feels like it may be too overpowered and that would just be boring. Haki alone is satisfying for him and doesn't want to be too overpowered and just added, " Hmmm. I want to take Midoriya Izuku's place and I don't want my haki to be considered a quirk. Furthermore, by haki, I mean all three just for clarification."

The white figure nodded his head. " I can arrange that but you have to work on it yourself. I won't be giving you a system or anything else. I will send you there right away."

James hurriedly bowed and thanked him as a bright light covered his body and sent him flying through space and time. He closed his eyes as he waited for his moment.

" IZUKU! IZUKU!! What's wrong. Why did you faint so suddenly!"

James slowly opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged woman with green hair hugging him and crying. James slowly got up and looked around him and at himself. He saw a old bald man with grey moustache with a white coat next to some computers. He looked up and saw the green haired woman crying and hugging him tightly.

James immediately knew where he was in the plot of My Hero Academia and knew what just happened and who the woman was. Looks like he wasn't reincarnated as a new born baby but entered the body of Midoriya Izuku at the age of four. Luckily, he skipped four years of doing nothing and could start his preparations early.

He looked up and grabbed his new mom's hands and said, " Mom, it's okay if I was born quirkless. I can still be a Hero. Let's go home."

Midoriya Inko immediately stopped crying in surprise by the words of his son. She looked at the calm son in front of her and couldn't help but take another look. The boy in front of him wanted to be a hero so bad and wanted a quirk so much but now he looked calm and collected. She shook her head as she thought that he was simply in shock. She nodded her head and said, " Okay Izuku. Let's go home. Mom will make you your favorite food tonight."

James smiled and took her hand as the two walked out of the hospital and entered the car soon after. Putting his seatbelt on he noticed that his mother was a little quiet and kept looking at him.

James smiled and said, " Mom what's wrong?"

Inko, " Well... are you really okay Izuku? I know you wanted a quirk so badly after you saw that Bakugo already awakened his quirk."

James nodded his head, " I know mom. But after I woke again I saw you crying. I know you feel bad for me but don't worry mom. I still want to be a hero. Even if I don't have a quirk I still want to try. If I don't make it then I will do something else."

Inko was speechless by the sudden maturity that appeared in her son. She nodded her head and thought that such a young boy have to go through life being quirkless while all of his friends will likely have a quirk will make him really sad. She nodded her head as she continued to drive.

They two arrived home and Izuku waited for dinner while trying to act as normal as possible while his mother cooked food. The portion of food was made for an adult and a child as Izuku looked at his food and began to eat. Since he doesn't need to train his quirk, he can train his body until he graduates middle school and enters high school and applies to UA. Furthermore, he can have the chance to meet All Might roughly a year before he graduates too so if he can train up his body and manage to catch up to higher physical level, then he can use All Might's quirk if he manages to convince him.

James looked up at his new mother who was trying her best to put up a happy face, he said " Mom. I'm going to start training from now on. I will need to eat more so that my body can keep up. Can you make more food and adjust my nutritional diet please?"

Inko saw that serious expression on her son and smiled and said, " Of course Izuku. Anything to help you."

James smiled again continued to eat. After finishing his food, he quickly went to bed to think about what to do from tomorrow onwards.

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