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20% Journey Though The Gate / Chapter 1: Obtaining a Book and a Ring
Journey Though The Gate Journey Though The Gate original

Journey Though The Gate

Author: MonarchWorld

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Obtaining a Book and a Ring

My day started like any other school had just let out and I was heading home. But along the way I got a text from my younger brother Alex telling me to hurry home.

Hitting the gas, I make it home in record time and rush into the house worried something was wrong. Inside Alex was reading a journal. Alex was a runner for the track team so it was hard to find him not wearing running shorts and a t-shirt. He was short which was weird for a runner he was barley four and a half feet tall even though he was in the tenth grade. However, don't let his size fool you the kid can run last year he even made it to nationals in the one-hundred-meter dash.

Walking over to him I tap him on the shoulder before I ask "What are you reading?".

He must have just noticed me because he looked surprised. "You got here fast", He muttered. As he closed the book.

"You did tell me to hurry home. So, what's so important that I needed to get home so fast." I asked before I noticed on the cover of the notebook, he was reading was a purple flower a nightshade to be exact. Before our mom Tonya Harper died, she made wrote her will in a journal she wrote everything, she was leaving behind for us when she passed.

Tonya had pancreatic cancer and by the time we noticed something was wrong it was already too late. The chemo and radiation slowed down the clock and gave her about another year to live. However, the drugs and radiation soon lost their effectiveness and she passed away.

After she passed, we lost the journal and had been looking for it for the past three months without any luck and now here it was.

Alex must have noticed my expression because he said, "Yeah, it's mom's journal Evan said he found it when he was going through the storage unit."

Evan was our stepfather he married our mom about a year and a half before our mom passed away. If I'm being completely honest with you, I didn't really like the guy very much that was until Tonya was diagnosed. When our mom was diagnosed, we all expected Evan to walk out on us and he proved us wrong. After all that's what every other guy mom had dated or got married to when there was a compilation.

While Alex and me where brothers and shared the same mom, my father had walked out on our mother before I was even born apparently, he never even wanted kids. Alex's father on the other hand died in a car crash and passed away when he was six.

Our mother closed herself off after Alex's father had passed that was until Evan came along. He was good to her and he has been taking care of us ever since Tonya had passed.

"What's in it what's it says?" I managed to ask.

"No idea it's in some kind of code and I have no idea how to crack it. Hear you look maybe you will have some luck?", He said before passing me the journal.

Taking the journal from Alex I start flipping through the pages and all I saw as a bunch of numbers and commas. Taking a closer look, I noticed that the journal was divided into sections and at the beginning of each section was the title of a book.

After a few hours of research and failed attempts we final had a break though and discovered that the journal uses a book cipher however before we can get to far on the decoding Evan walks in.

"Hey, Ash having any luck?" Evan asked me.

I let out a grin before replying, "We think that the journal is using a book cipher were testing it now? Want to help." I gesture to the chair across the table.

He looked surprised for a second before letting out a smile and taking a seat before asking, "How can I help?"


It took the whole weekend before we final decoded the whole journal.

As it turns out Tonya left behind a huge sum of money for all of us. Besides money though Alex got the cars, Evan got the house and I got a key. At first, I was angry I mean all I got was a key while everyone else got house or a car. But when I calmed down, I took a closer look at the key I notice an inscription and after searching around on the internet for an hour of I learned that the key goes to safety deposit box at one of the local banks.

Excited I get up and tell Evan I'm heading to the bank only for him to break the bad news to me, "You know the bank is closed on Sundays, right?". Hearing those words was like hearing my soul shatter.

The rest of the day was a blur I think that was mostly because the suspense of not knowing what was in the safety deposit box was killing me. At the moment I wanted nothing more than to rush to the bank to find out what my mom had left me. You know when you have something on your mind and you can't think of anything else well that's my situation right now.

I woke up tired the next day it was hard to get to any sleep I was tossing and turning the whole night I was too excited to sleep. Getting out of my bed I hurried to get ready for another day of school. After going through my morning routine, I left the house and was on my way to school.


Ring! Ring!

Hearing the bell ring the teacher dismissed the class. As I was making my way to my car a familiar voice called out, "Hey, Ash you ok you've been out of it all day." I was surprised looking behind me I see my one and only friend Grace Kinderman. Grace was wearing her favorite grey hoodie along a pair of sweatpants and white RWBY t-shirt. She had her raven black hair pulled into a ponytail. She was waving in my direction probably trying to get my attention.

Grace had been my friend since the fourth grade when I transferred to her school. I had transferred mid semester so it was hard to make any friends. But just when I had lost all hope, I noticed during recess one day that some of the more popular girls were kicking someone one on the ground after working up my courage, I try to stop the bullies. When I got closer however, I notice that the situation was a lot worse than I had expected the popular girls had been kicking a girl with raven black hair but what worried me was that she had blood running down her forehead. Not knowing what to do I help drag her to the teacher and explain the situation and the girl was taken to the nurse's office to get looked at.

When Grace came to school the next day we started talking and before long we became fast friends so much so that it was hard to find one of us without the other around.

I never did see the girls who were bullying Grace that day again from what I head however they we all expelled for the school.

I make my way over to Grace before replying, "Yeah, I'm fine I just have some stuff on my mind."

"Are you sure you're alright?", Grace ask with a hint of concern in her voice, "You know you can tell me if something happened right."

Of course, I know she is right and to tell you the truth I needed someone to talk to.

After explaining the situation, she offered to go with me to the bank and so after stopping by our lockers we get in my car and make out way toward the bank.


When we got to bank the first thing, I notice was how old the building looked. If you didn't see light through the window, I probably would've thought that the building was closed.

We make our way inside and walk up to the teller at the front desk. She was a blond with clothes that made her look like she was from the 80s but what stood out the most had to be her scarlet red eyes. She didn't seem to notice us until Grace rang the little bell on the counter. When she heard the bell ring the lady looked up and a introduced herself. "Hello my names Luna, how can I help you?", Hearing here voice I was dazed and it wasn't until Grace elbowed my side that I awoke from my stupor.

After shaking my head and collect my thoughts for a moment I asked her, "Does this key work for any of the safety deposit boxes here?"

Taking the key, she looks at it for a second before she says, "Yes it does, would you like to open the box?"

"Yes ma'am."

Luna led us to an old vault. As we got inside, when we walked in, she made her way to the far wall and grabbed one of the safety deposit boxes before walking to the wooden table in the middle of the room and using the key unlocks the box.

I make my way over but as I'm nearing the table but paused when I hear Luna speak again, "I'll wait outside call me if you need anything."

Grace is the one who answered her this time, "We will, thank for your help."

"No problem" Luna said with a smile before walking out of the room.

As soon and Luna was out of the room Grace looks and says, "You know you your drooling."

I reflexively wipe my mouth only to discover I've been had. Grace laughs into her hand before directing her attention the box. "Are you going to open it or not."

Coming to my senses I make my way to the safety deposit box and open it looking inside I see an old book, a composite journal, and a white ring. The old book bound in purple colored leather and on the cover was a title in a language I can't make out along with a silver emblem that looks like a gate. Opening the book, I notice that the text is in the same unintelligible language that the title on the cover was in. I was about to grab the journal when I heard Grace call out. "Hey Ash look at this"

She was holding the white ring. Coming over she hands over the ring to me and I take a look and upon taking an inspection I notice that it has the same engraving of a gate that the book cover had.

"It's the same symbol the book has but why a gate does it have some special meaning?", Grace asks me.

"No ideas maybe the journal has some clues. Lay the ring back on the table I pick up the journal and open to the first page. On the page was a warning telling me only to read the journal when I'm alone. Thinking that the information is private I decided to wait until I got back home to go through the rest of the journal.

Looking in Grace's direction I ask, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, let's get out of here."

Making our way to my car after saying goodbye to Luna we made our way back to the school so Grace would have her car tomorrow.

When we got to school it was just starting to get dark. I pulled up near Grace's car and she gets out but not before saying.

"Let me know if you find out what anything about the book and ring." And with those words she was gone.

Leaving the school, I made my way home.


When I get home, I make my way to my room and after locking the door to make sure I'm won't' be disturbed I pick up the journal and start reading.

The journal told me that to read the text from the book one had to be bound to the ring and the only way to bind with the ring is by dropping a drop of blood on it. Reading what the journal said at first, I was skeptical I mean I love the supernatural, magic, and all that but come on even I know all that stuff is just fiction.

As I continue reading from the journal, I learn that the book is supposedly called a grimoire. The more I read the sketchier the information got eventually I got fed up I became I mean come on this had to be all bull shit, right? After throwing everything in one of the desk drawers I make my way over to my bed, pull out my phone, and start watching anime.

Unfortunately, the only thing I could think about was the ring and the grimoire. After about two hours I finally broke and grabbed the ring and lay it on my desk I then prick my finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the ring. When the drop hits the ring, the ring starts to change colors from white into a dark red and as the ring is changing colors, I also start to feel like something has changed kind of like my mind is clearer.

Surprised by this feeling I grab the grimoire from my desk and try to read the title and to my surprise I discovered that I could now read the title it's reads Grimoire of Worlds. Curious I open the book only to be blinded by a bright light and forced to shut my eyes when I opened them again, I noticed that the grimoire and the ring were gone. Just before I could start panicking however, I felt excruciating pain in my head and I passed out.

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