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100% Journey Of Spectrulis / Chapter 2: •°|Chapter 1|°•

Chapter 2: •°|Chapter 1|°•


"Daphne, please don't go! Spectrulis is kept secret from humans for a reason, it's dangerous!" Her father pleaded as she pulled her cloak tightly around her slim frame. "You could die!" He frantically exclaimed, hoisting himself out of his wheelchair  in a futile attempt to stop his stubborn daughter from making a fatal mistake. 

"I'm going, what you say isn't going to change that." She replied, her hand resting lightly on the doorknob. "I love you dad. Goodbye." And with that she pulled the battered door askew, and faced the raging storm outside. "Besides, I'm not human, remember?" 

"Miss Daphne! Wake up! It's just a dream, it's not real." 

Her eyes were met with warm eyes of amber illuminated by the soft glow of her night lamp. "Ta-Taziel? Did I wake you? I'm sorry if my nightmares disturbed your sleep." She warily questioned the intruding young male. 

"Daphne, never apologize. Your nightmares are not yours to control." Taziel whispered, gently wiping tear after tear from her eyes, with the pad of his thumb.

"It was...the night I left, for Spectrulis" She clarified as he pulled her into his comforting embrace. 

"Shhh, try and get some rest. Should I stay till you are asleep?" Taziel offered.

"Please do. I don't want to be alone again, not tonight." Taziel pulled her closer, sharing his warmth, giving her his sanctuary, if only for the night. 

She awoke the next morning alone, although a small letter, graced with a maple leaf sat on her night table. 



Miss Daphne, 

I am terribly sorry you had to awake this morning alone. My presence was required by the Orange Spectrum Court, not regarding you. 

Your breakfast is made and on the table, by yours truly, I hope you enjoy. 

I will be back later this afternoon. 

P.s. I did stay the night with you. 




She smiled, rolling over to face the bright sunlight, spilling in through the closed, billowing white blinds. How typical. Spectrulis, despite having fascinating inhabitants and glorious lands, it was quite behind on its use of technology, so she had become accustomed to the many letters she received in the place of a phone call. Of course she was the only one to need letters. The other inhabitants, or Spectrulae as they called themselves used a form of telepathy, undoubtedly through their powers of light which they relied so heavily upon.  

She got to her feet pulling the sweat soaked nightgown off, it's lotus petals landing in a heap at her feet. She hurried into the her changeroom to get dressed. 

"Anna? Miss Anna? Are you there?" Apparently not...guess she was dressing herself. With a sigh, she pulled out a soft, summer dress, it's iridescent shades of vibrant blue and lilac purple shimmered in the sun as she shimmied into it, and pulled her pure white hair into a loose braid, wrapped in ocean pearls.

"Simply stunning, excellent choice, Miss Daphne." Taziel's cheerful compliment filled her changing chambers.

"Taziel! Your back! How did the meeting go?" Spinning around she came face to face with Taziel, his amber eyes glowing with happiness, his mop of unruly maple leaves pinned back in a half bun. 

"It was wonderful! The Orange Spectrum Court has promoted me to the title of Lord, for my services to Spectrulis!" His normally serious expression replaced by a youthful grin. 

"That's wonderful news Taz, you deserve this more than anyone!" She gushed enthusiastically. Thrilled to have her solemn friend so cheerful. 

"That's not all, my Twin soul has appeared. This is Kalira." Taking a closer look Daphne noticed a female silhouette standing in the entrance.

A young spectrulume walked in, she had shoulder length hair of periwinkles and golden eyes. "Hi, my name is Kalira, you are Miss Daphne right?" She asked as she moved to stand beside Taziel. 

"Lady Kalira-" 

"Please just call me Kal, there is no need for formalities between us."

"Well, in that case, would you like to join me for some breakfast, Kal." She offered. 

"No thank you, Taziel and I have already eaten." 

"Oh, of course…I will see you both later then, I have yet to eat. Pleasant day to the both of you." Daphne replied with a respectful bow. 

"Daphne, is it possible to have Kal sleep with you? I don't want to push her, and she said she would feel more comfortable with another woman." Taziel asked. 

"Oh...uh sure, Kal is welcome to join me if that makes her more comfortable. I will set up another bed after I eat." 

"Thank you Daphne, I owe you big time." Taziel murmured as she passed them on her way out. 

"Not a problem, glad I could help, but does Kalira know about my condition? The nightmares?" She asked anxiously. "I'm afraid my screaming and crying will scare her."She added quietly as she turned the doorknob and exited, as silently as she entered. 

She entered the dining room with a small smile, as promised Taziel left her breakfast on the table, magical light domes kept the food heated till her arrival. As always, the extent of Taziel's thoughtfulness surprised her. Taking a seat at the lavious dining table she dug in, the wave of spices overflowed her taste buds, filling her with the soothing sense of sanctuary and home. She'd have to thank Taziel later for his wonderfully prepared meal. Zoning out she let her thoughts take over. 

"Who are you?" A strange voice questioned, a lilting accent graced each word, creating a flowing cadence as a short young female Spectrulume appeared and continued her questioning. "Humanii are not permitted in Spectrulis." 

"I am Daphne and I am no humanii. I am a Spectrulume, my eyes are silver opal." She had replied.  

"What of your hair? It is not in the form of any plant known to Spectrulis." The dragon maple leaf haired female asked. "And besides there is no such color in Spectrulis." She added. 

Another flashback...was this part of being in Spectrulis? Where was Taziel, he was the only one able to subdue the after effects of the flashbacks.

"Miss Daphne?" 

"Taziel?" She mumbled softly.

"Miss Daphne, I fear you are confused, I am Kalira." Came Kalira's concerned reply. 

"Kalira, please get back." Came a firm order. 

"Taziel?" Kalira asked. 

"I will explain later, please help me get Miss Daphne in bed." 


She felt herself being gently lifted out of her seat and carried into a cosy, sunlit room. The silky caress of the smooth bed sheets glided over her, cocooning her in its embrace as sleep took over and darkness fell.

She succumbed to the light moments later, Taziel and Kalira still peering down anxiously waiting for her to awake.

"Taz? Kal?" 

"Oh thank the spectrum you're alright!" Kalira exclaimed, relief genuine in her voice and face. 

"Uhm yeah, that happens quite a bit to me, sorta the norm now." She smiled sheepishly. 

"Taz, is it really that regular for Miss Daphne?" Kalira asked, utterly aghast.

 Taziel sighed. " Since Miss Daphne arrived in Spectrulis she has witnessed several flashbacks and nightmares, each leaving her helpless and drained. So yes, it does occur on a fairly regular basis for her." Answered Taz, his voice resigned and full of anticipation for Kal's fiery response.

"Why didn't you mention it earlier? Is there no cure?" Kalira retorted, worry and sorrow clouding each word. 

"It is a private matter Kalira, let's go and let Daphne get some rest, she is bound to be exhausted."

Staring up at the lavishly decorated ceiling she dragged her finger through the air, outlining each streak of color, letting her mind wander. 

"Daphne... Daphne, Have you been awake this whole time?" Taziel's concerned voice pulling her out of her trance. "It's been several hours, you should at least try and sleep. Your body needs to rest, and so does your mind." 

 "I...don't feel tired, my mind won't rest. Why am I cursed with nightmares? I'm not the only Earthling who has made it to Spectrulis."

"Daphne, sleep first, in the morning I will answer all of your questions. Let your mind rest, it's late."

"But I'm not ti-" 

"I know, but try, if not for your sake then for mine. Good night Daphne, may the rainbow shine down upon you and grant you a restful sleep." Taziel murmured before placing his pointer finger gently to her forehead, an orange glow seeping into her skin filling her with peaceful tranquility. 

"Good night Taziel. Rest well." She replied softly, using the formalities of the Spectrulae.

"Rest well Daphne." Taziel whispered as he gently pulled the door closed, the soft click echoing in the spacious room.

Her mind now at rest thanks to Taziel's blessing she shut her eyes and fell into the most peaceful sleep she had had since she was a young child, therefore it was a dream of her childhood. But not quite the one she remembered. 

"Little Lita, come on! I want to explore the ghost lotus gardens." Daphne, she  called to her younger sister, she was standing, impatiently waiting for her at the doorway of her room, dressed in a simple, yet elegant chiton. "And don't tell me you were planning to go out in that! What would our parents say, we are supposed to be role models, we are the heirs of the Court of Light."

"I know that…I just-I'll go get changed." Lita walked to her room, pulled off the cotton tunic and pants and changed into a loose chiton. Weaving her silvery hair into a loose braid Lita hurried to her side.  

Eyes snapping open she gasped. What in the spectrum was the Court of Light? 

"Miss Daphne? Why are you still up? It's well past midnight." Taziel's disapproving voice graced her ears, edged with the slightest hint of concern.

"Taziel? I...I was just uhh, just looking at the ceiling, ya know, the painting…" She stammered. 

"Daphne. I'm well aware that the ceiling was the last on your mind. Is Kalira's presence bothering you? The young lord bluntly asked. 

"No, not at all, it's just, I had another dream...I was in Spectrulis...But not." Daphne's eyes scrunched in concentration as she tried to recall more details. 

"Taziel...did you know someone named Lita? Of the Court of Light?" She asked hesitantly, fidgeting with the soft cotton bed sheets between her fingers. 

Taziel's face instantly paled, shock evident on his face. 

"Why do you ask? Of course I don't…" Taziel trailed off nervously. 

Daphne's observant, unnervingly white eyes stared him down. After a non committal "mhm hum" and sceptical eyebrow raise she sighed. "Alright." 

Kalira's face suddenly entered her line of sight along with the delicious aroma of lightberry cookies. "Are you hungr-" She began. 

"Kalira. Not now." Taziel muttered, pulling Kal out of her sight. 

"Taziel. Let's eat some cookies okay?" Daphne reasoned, pushing herself upright. Taziel's attention darting back to her before hurrying back to her side to help her get up. 

"Okay okay, you can eat some cookies. Just be careful!" Scooping her up into his arms, Taziel carried her into the kitchen. Kalira following only steps behind. 

Sitting at the table at the earliest hours of the day Daphne sadly recalled when she and her dad would sneak downstairs for a midnight snack when her mother was sleeping. 

Bangbang, bangbang.  The silence was quickly broken by the persistent knocking at the front doors. 

"TAZIEL! You better let me in right this second!" Tefla shouted. Tefla was Taziel's half-sister who had been the first spectrulae to meet Daphne. She was also renowned for her fiery temper and strong sense of loyalty. The prided traits of the Red Spectrum Court, Tefla's home. 

"I'm coming!" Taziel shrieked, racing to the front doors in a tizzy. 

Daphne and Kalira burst out laughing, giving each other knowing smirks. Shortly after they were joined by a small spectrulume. 

"Tefla! What in the Spectrum are you doing here? It's been so long!" Daphne exclaimed, thrilled to have her close friend with her again. Tefla's face broke into a wicked smile. 

"How could I not come visit my favorite little mystery?" 

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Kalira. Taziel's Twin soul."

"Oh gosh, i'm so sorry for you." Tefla exclaimed earnestly grasping Kalira's hands in her own, uttering a soft prayer. 

"What do you mean?" Confusion was pasted across Kal's face as Daphne burst out laughing. 

"Kal, she's joking." Daphne choked out in between bouts of laughter. 

"Who's joking?" Tefla asked, eyebrows scrunching in mock confusion. "I truly am sorry she is destined to live the rest of her life with my annoying brother." 

Realisation and disbelief dawned on Kalira's face. Mouth hanging open Kalira stared, completely astounded that this female was related in anyway to Taziel. 

"Tefla. What are you doing here?" Taziel asked, coming to stand at the kitchen entrance. 

"I'm staying with you." Tefla announced.

Bifen Bifen

Hi everyone

Surprise first chapter.

I know that some of the content will not make sense but it will clear itself up in the upcoming chapters and in the terminology chapters that I am working on.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.


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