In the heart of the Watchtower, a tense conversation unfolded between the members of the Justice League and John Constantine's newly assembled team, the Mages of the Round Table. The air crackled with anticipation and suspicion, as the two groups grappled with the implications of Constantine's bold move.
Constantine, ever the master of persuasion, stood at the center of the gathering, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that mirrored the urgency of the situation. He revealed to the surprised League members that Chloe Decker, the human detective who had joined his team, was none other than Lucifer Morningstar's wife.
This revelation sent shockwaves through the room, deepening the League's apprehension about Constantine's alliance with the devil. They questioned the motives of both Constantine and Lucifer, wondering if their partnership was truly rooted in a shared desire to protect the world or if there were ulterior motives at play.
Constantine, anticipating their concerns, explained the origins of the Mages of the Round Table, a lineage of powerful sorcerers that traced their roots back to King Arthur and his legendary knights. He emphasized that their mission was not to supplant the Justice League but to complement their efforts, providing a unique perspective and approach to the growing threats facing humanity.
As the conversation progressed, Constantine revealed a chilling fact that sent a shiver down the spines of everyone present: Lilith, the first wife of Adam and a powerful demon in her own right, had escaped from Hell. Her escape signaled a resurgence of dark forces, a threat that demanded the combined might of the Justice League and the Mages of the Round Table.
The news of Lilith's escape sent a jolt of urgency through the room. The League members, recognizing the gravity of the situation, agreed to collaborate with Constantine's team, understanding that their combined strengths were the only hope of preventing Lilith from unleashing chaos upon the world.
With the threat of Lilith looming large, the two groups put aside their differences and forged an uneasy alliance. They knew that their success depended on mutual trust and cooperation, even if their methods and approaches were vastly different.
Constantine, Lucifer, Chloe, Jason Blood, and Dr. Fate stood shoulder to shoulder with the Justice League, their combined power radiating from within. They were the Mages of the Round Table, a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.