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96.15% Jaehaerys Targaryen: The Dragon Mage / Chapter 23: Chapter 22

Chapter 23: Chapter 22

As Vhagar's wings beat rhythmically against the backdrop of the azure sky, Laena could feel the weight of their purpose intensify with each passing moment. Bloodstone, with its craggy cliffs and churning waves below, seemed a world apart from the political intrigue and danger that now engulfed King's Landing. Yet, here on this remote outpost, the fate of the realm was being decided in whispers and plans.

Dismounting Vhagar, Laena's boots found solid ground with a soft thud against the rugged stone. Her silver-gold hair cascaded over her shoulders as she turned to face Vaelar and Garth, who stood resolute and prepared for the challenges ahead. Vaelar, his features weathered by battles fought and alliances forged, met her gaze with a firm nod, his eyes betraying both determination and concern.

"We must return swiftly," Laena reiterated, her voice carrying the urgency of their mission. "Otto's ambitions threaten not just the crown, but the stability of the realm itself. The Trial by Seven is our chance to expose his treachery and restore honor to the throne."

Garth, the younger of the two but no less steadfast, gripped the hilt of his sword with a quiet resolve. "We ride with you, cousin," he affirmed, his voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within.

Myrcella, standing beside them, exuded a calm resolve that belied her youth. Her eyes, a reflection of the Targaryen legacy she bore, gleamed with unwavering determination. "Together," she added, her tone unwavering, "we will ensure justice is served."

With synchronized movements born of years of shared purpose, the four of them mounted Vhagar once more. The great dragon, sensing their unity and purpose, spread its wings wide and launched into the sky with a powerful surge. The wind whipped around them as they soared, bound for King's Landing and the crucible of fate that awaited them.

In the heart of the capital, Jaehaerys and Daemon continued their rigorous training, each clash of steel a testament to their readiness for the Trial by Seven. In the days to come, alliances would be tested, loyalties challenged, and the future of the realm would hang in the balance.

As Vhagar soared over the Narrow Sea, carrying its riders towards the tumultuous currents of King's Landing, Laena knew that their actions would shape not only the fate of their family but the destiny of the Seven Kingdoms themselves.

In the heart of the Red Keep's training yard, where the whispers of Targaryen history resonated in the ancient stone, Daemon and Jaehaerys Targaryen engaged in a mesmerizing dance of blades that spoke volumes of their lineage and the impending challenge that loomed before them. The clash of steel reverberated like a symphony, each strike composing a crucial note in the rhythm of their rigorous training.

Daemon Targaryen, seasoned and masterful, moved with a fluidity that masked his formidable strength. Dark Sister, his Valyrian steel sword, shimmered in the sunlight as he deftly countered the relentless attacks of Ser Harwin Strong. Each parry and riposte flowed seamlessly into the next, a testament to decades spent honing his mastery of combat.

Beside him, Jaehaerys Targaryen mirrored his brother's determination, wielding Dragons Wrath, his own Valyrian steel blade, with a speed and precision that belied his youth. Ser Gawen Cobray, known for his speed and cunning, pressed Jaehaerys with a flurry of rapid strikes and feints, testing the young prince's agility and reflexes. Yet Jaehaerys met each challenge with unwavering focus, his movements a blend of grace and determination.

"Again!" Daemon's voice cut through the intensity of their exchange, a command that spurred both combatants to push themselves further. Ser Harwin renewed his assault with vigor, only to meet Daemon's swift parry and a counterstrike that sent the knight stumbling backward, momentarily off balance.

Across the training yard, Jaehaerys pivoted gracefully, deflecting Ser Gawen's strikes with precise movements before launching a counterattack that forced his opponent onto the defensive. Their swords clashed in a symphony of steel, the sound echoing against the ancient walls of the Red Keep.

As the sun descended, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Daemon and Jaehaerys continued their relentless training. Each movement became more calculated, each strike more purposeful, as they prepared themselves not just for physical combat but for the strategic challenges that awaited them in the Trial by Seven.

Beyond the clash of blades, a profound bond of trust and camaraderie deepened between the cousins. They understood that their unity, their ability to fight as a cohesive unit, would be paramount in the coming conflict. With each spar, they not only refined their skills but also fortified a shared resolve to safeguard their family's legacy and uphold the honor of the realm.

In the fading light of the training yard, amidst the whispers of their ancestors' victories and defeats, Daemon and Jaehaerys Targaryen stood as testament to the indomitable strength of House Targaryen and the unwavering determination that burned within their hearts.

In the dimly lit council chamber of the Red Keep, Jaehaerys and Daemon stood around a large map of King's Landing, their expressions serious. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the walls as they deliberated their next move.

"We have six strong champions already," Daemon began, his voice low and thoughtful. "You, myself, Vaelar, Garth, Harwin Strong, and Gawen Cobray. But we still need a seventh."

Jaehaerys nodded, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "We need someone who is not only skilled in combat but also commands respect and loyalty. Someone who will bolster our cause and strengthen our position."

Daemon leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. "What about Ser Criston Cole? He's a formidable fighter and has the respect of the other knights."

Jaehaerys considered the suggestion but shook his head. "Ser Criston is loyal to the crown, but his allegiance is questionable. We need someone whose loyalty we can absolutely trust."

Daemon tapped his fingers on the table, his mind racing through potential candidates. "What about Ser Lyman Beesbury? He's an older knight, but he's wise and respected."

Jaehaerys thought for a moment, then shook his head again. "We need someone younger and more agile. This trial will not just be about strength but also speed and strategy."

There was a moment of silence as both brothers pondered their options. Then, Daemon's eyes lit up with an idea. "What about Ser Erryk Cargyll? He's a skilled knight of the Kingsguard and has proven his loyalty time and again."

Jaehaerys smiled, nodding in agreement. "Ser Erryk would indeed be a valuable addition. His skills in combat are unmatched, and his loyalty is beyond question."

Daemon grinned, satisfied with their choice. "Then it's settled. We have our seven champions. Now we must prepare them for the trial ahead."

Jaehaerys nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "This trial will not only prove our strength but also our unity. We will show the realm that we stand together, and we will not be easily defeated."

As the brothers finalized their plans, the weight of the impending trial hung over them. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but with their chosen champions, they felt a renewed sense of hope and purpose. The trial would be a defining moment for House Targaryen, and they were ready to face it head-on.

Vaelar and Garth arrived from Bloodstone, their expressions set with determination as they dismounted from Vhagar. Laena had flown with them, her mission to bring them back to King's Landing successfully completed. The arrival of the mighty dragon had not gone unnoticed, and whispers spread quickly through the Red Keep.

As they approached the council chamber, Vaelar glanced at his sister, admiration and gratitude in his eyes. "You did well, Laena. We wouldn't have known about the Trial by Seven in time if not for you."

Laena nodded, her eyes bright with resolve. "We need every advantage we can get. This trial will be our chance to prove our strength and unity."

Inside the chamber, Jaehaerys and Daemon were waiting, along with Lord Corlys, Rhaenys, Laenor, and Rhaenyra. The tension in the room was palpable, but it was undercut by a sense of determination and shared purpose.

Jaehaerys stepped forward to greet his cousins, clasping their hands firmly. "Vaelar, Garth. I'm glad you're here. Your presence strengthens our cause."

Vaelar nodded, his gaze steady. "We wouldn't miss this for anything. The Trial by Seven is a chance to show the realm that House Targaryen stands united, and we intend to be a part of it."

Garth, his expression serious, added, "We've been preparing for this. We're ready to fight by your side, Jaehaerys."

Daemon, always the strategist, looked at the gathered faces. "With Vaelar and Garth here, we have six of our seven champions. We need to finalize our plans and ensure that everyone is ready for the trial."

Jaehaerys nodded, his mind already working through the details. "We have Ser Harwin Strong and Ser Gawen Cobray as well. The seventh will be Ser Erryk Cargyll, a knight of the Kingsguard whom we can trust implicitly."

As he finished speaking, the doors to the chamber opened, and the three knights entered. Ser Harwin Strong, broad-shouldered and confident, walked in with Ser Gawen Cobray, whose sharp eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. They were followed by Ser Erryk Cargyll, his expression resolute and determined. Behind them, Ser Ryam Redwyne trailed in, his normally strong and imposing figure looking haggard and tired.

Jaehaerys and Garth exchanged a glance, noting the elder knight's weariness. Jaehaerys stepped forward to greet them, his voice warm but with an undertone of concern. "Thank you for coming. Your presence here is crucial to our cause."

Ser Harwin and Ser Gawen nodded their acknowledgement, but it was Ser Erryk who spoke first. "We are ready to stand by your side, Prince Jaehaerys. The Faith will not find us lacking."

Jaehaerys smiled, appreciative of their loyalty. "Your strength and skill will be key in the trial. Together, we will show our enemies the power of House Targaryen."

Garth, his brow furrowed with concern, turned to Ser Ryam. "Ser Ryam, are you well? You look... tired."

The older knight gave a weary smile, shaking his head slightly. "The years have caught up with me, it seems. But rest assured, I am still more than capable of defending our prince."

Jaehaerys placed a hand on Ser Ryam's shoulder. "Your experience and wisdom are invaluable, Ser Ryam. We are honored to have you with us."

The group fell into a moment of silence, the gravity of the upcoming trial weighing heavily on them. Rhaenys broke the silence, her voice filled with resolve. "We must prepare ourselves not just physically, but mentally. Our unity and determination will see us through."

Vaelar stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "Let us not forget why we are here. We fight not just for ourselves, but for the future of our house and the realm. We will not falter."

With their resolve strengthened, the group continued to finalize their plans, each member determined to stand strong in the face of the Faith's challenge. The Trial by Seven loomed ahead, a test of their strength, unity, and determination. But with their chosen champions, they felt a renewed sense of hope. House Targaryen would not back down, and they would face whatever came their way with unwavering resolve.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit tavern tucked away in a quieter corner of King's Landing, Ser Arryk Cargyll sat nursing a tankard of ale. It was his day off, a rare reprieve from his duties as a Kingsguard, and he intended to enjoy it in peace. The door to the tavern creaked open, and a figure robed in the austere garb of the Faith slipped inside, making a beeline for his table.

Ser Arryk looked up, his expression hardening as he recognized the High Septon. The holy man sat opposite him without invitation, a serene but determined look on his face.

"Ser Arryk," the High Septon began, his voice calm and measured. "I trust you are well."

Arryk eyed him warily. "What do you want, Your Holiness?"

The High Septon leaned in, lowering his voice. "I have come to request your service in the upcoming Trial by Seven. The Faith needs strong and honorable champions, and you are a renowned knight."

Arryk's jaw tightened. "I am a Kingsguard. My loyalty is to the King and his family. It is against my oaths to raise arms against Prince Jaehaerys and Prince Daemon."

The High Septon's expression did not change, though a hint of steel entered his voice. "The Faith Militant is being reborn to protect the realm from ungodly influences. Your participation would ensure our victory and uphold the true faith."

Arryk's eyes narrowed. "And it would mean raising my sword against my twin brother, Ser Erryk, who stands with Prince Jaehaerys. I will not betray my oaths or my family."

Seeing his resolve, the High Septon tried to press further. "Surely you can see the righteousness in—"

Arryk stood abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. He leaned forward, his voice low and menacing. "I said no. And if you try to insist further, I will consider it an attempt to undermine my honor and my loyalty to the crown. Do not test me, High Septon."

The High Septon, taken aback by the threat in Arryk's tone, slowly rose from his seat. He regarded Arryk with a mixture of disappointment and wariness. "Very well, Ser Arryk. I hope you will reconsider, for the good of the realm."

Without another word, the High Septon turned and left the tavern, his robes rustling softly. Arryk watched him go, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He took a deep breath, calming the anger that simmered within him. His loyalty was clear, and no amount of persuasion or pressure would sway him from his duty as a Kingsguard and his bond to his brother.

As the tavern door swung shut, Arryk sat back down, his resolve unshaken.


In the subdued glow of the tavern's lanterns, Arryk mulled over the encounter. His thoughts were troubled by the High Septon's audacity. The Faith's desperation was evident, but the willingness to manipulate and pressure a sworn knight of the Kingsguard was a step too far.

Arryk's mind wandered to his twin, Erryk. The bond they shared was unbreakable, forged in the fires of their shared duties and the blood they had spilled together in the name of their king. The thought of facing him in combat was anathema, a violation of everything they stood for. He took a long draught of ale, the bitter taste grounding him in the reality of the situation.

The tavern, usually a place of camaraderie and laughter, felt heavy with the weight of impending conflict. Arryk knew that the High Septon would not give up easily. The Faith's influence was vast, and its ability to sway public opinion and muster forces was formidable. Yet, he felt a grim satisfaction in having stood his ground, in having drawn a line that he would not cross.

As he sat there, Arryk's thoughts turned to the trial itself. The Trial by Seven was an ancient rite, a test of divine will where seven champions on each side would fight to determine the outcome. The stakes were high, not just for Jaehaerys and Daemon, but for the entire realm. A victory for the Faith could mean a resurgence of their militant arm, a return to the days of fanaticism and bloodshed.

Arryk knew that his brother would be among Jaehaerys' champions. The thought gave him a strange sense of pride and dread. Erryk was a formidable warrior, but the trial would be brutal, and the outcome uncertain. He whispered a silent prayer to the Seven, not for himself, but for Erryk and the other champions who would stand in the trial.

The door creaked open again, and a familiar face entered the tavern. It was Ser Steffon Darklyn, one of his fellow Kingsguard, a silent acknowledgement passing between them as the knight made his way to the bar. Arryk realized that word of his encounter with the High Septon would likely spread quickly among the guards. He would have to be cautious, vigilant against any further attempts to sway or coerce him.

For now, he would finish his ale, take solace in the brief respite from duty, and prepare himself for the days ahead. The trial loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon, but Arryk Cargyll was resolute. He would stand by his oaths, his family, and his king, no matter the cost.

In the dimly lit chamber within the Red Keep, Jaehaerys and Daemon sat at a heavy wooden table, deep in discussion about the upcoming Trial by Seven. Their minds were racing with strategies and potential threats. A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"Enter," Jaehaerys called out, his eyes narrowing as the door opened to reveal Ser Harwin Strong.

"Your Graces," Harwin said, bowing slightly. "I have brought someone who might be of assistance to our cause." He stepped aside to reveal his brother, Larys Strong.

Larys moved into the room with a quiet, almost unsettling grace, despite the pronounced limp from his clubfoot. His eyes were sharp and penetrating, and he seemed to take in every detail of the room in an instant. Jaehaerys studied him closely, his extensive knowledge of the various magics and lore of Planetos immediately alerting him to something unique about Larys.

"Prince Jaehaerys, Prince Daemon," Harwin continued, "this is my brother, Larys. He has talents that may be of great value to us."

Jaehaerys leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Talents, you say?" He turned his full attention to Larys, his keen mind already working through the possibilities. "What kind of talents do you possess, Larys?"

Larys met Jaehaerys' gaze without flinching. "I have certain... abilities that allow me to see and hear things others cannot," he replied cryptically.

Jaehaerys' eyes widened slightly. He had heard whispers of such abilities among the First Men, those who could bond with animals and see through their eyes, known as skinchangers. It was a rare and powerful gift.

"You are a skinchanger," Jaehaerys stated, not as a question, but as a fact. "One who can warg into animals."

Larys nodded slowly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, Your Grace. It is a gift that has been passed down through our bloodline. I can see through the eyes of birds, hear through the ears of rats. It allows me to gather information that would otherwise be hidden."

Daemon, who had been listening quietly, raised an eyebrow. "That could be incredibly useful. With the Faith plotting against us and the trial approaching, having eyes and ears everywhere could give us a significant advantage."

Jaehaerys nodded thoughtfully, turning his attention back to Larys. "Your abilities could indeed prove invaluable, Larys. We need to anticipate our enemies' moves before they make them. Can you use your gift to spy on Otto Hightower and the High Septon?"

Larys inclined his head. "I can, Your Grace. I will begin immediately. With your permission, I will also keep an eye on the movements of the Faith Militant and any other potential threats."

Jaehaerys leaned forward, his expression serious. "In particular, we need to know who the Faith's seven champions will be for the trial. If we know their strengths and weaknesses, we can prepare accordingly."

Larys nodded again, his eyes glinting with determination. "I understand, Your Grace. I will find out who their champions are and report back to you as soon as I have the information."

Jaehaerys smiled, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. "Very well, Larys. You have our permission and our gratitude. Keep us informed of anything you discover. Together, we will ensure our victory in the trial and protect our family and the realm."

As Larys left the chamber, his uneven gait echoing softly, Jaehaerys and Daemon exchanged a look of determination. They now had another powerful ally in their fight against Otto and the Faith. With Larys' abilities, they could stay one step ahead of their enemies and secure their position in the upcoming Trial by Seven.

Harwin, who had been silently watching the exchange, spoke up. "Larys is loyal to our family and to your cause. He will not fail you."

Jaehaerys nodded, his mind already turning to the next steps in their plan. "Thank you, Ser Harwin. Your brother's assistance may very well tip the scales in our favor. Now, let us continue our preparations. The trial is fast approaching, and we must be ready for anything."

The three men resumed their discussion, their resolve strengthened by the knowledge that they had a powerful ally in Larys Strong. The stakes were higher than ever, but with their combined strengths and the loyalty of those around them, they were determined to emerge victorious.

Meanwhile, in Rhaenyra's chambers, a sense of quiet urgency pervaded the air. Laena, Mel, Rhaenyra, and Alicent were seated around a small table, their faces lit by the soft glow of candlelight. Outside the door, Sarya Stone and Lyra Mormont stood guard, their expressions vigilant and stern.

Rhaenyra leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Alicent. "We need to know everything we can about who Ser Otto might have approached for the Trial by Seven. Any detail, no matter how small, could make a difference."

Alicent shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "I... I'm not sure. Father is very secretive about his plans. But I do know that my brother Gwayne has agreed to be one of the champions."

Laena exchanged a quick glance with Rhaenyra before speaking, her tone gentle but probing. "Gwayne is a formidable knight. It must be difficult for you, knowing he'll be raising his sword against Jaehaerys."

Alicent's eyes filled with guilt as she looked down. "It is," she admitted. "I care for Jaehaerys, and I don't want to see him harmed. But Gwayne believes he is doing the right thing, protecting the realm from what he sees as a threat."

Rhaenyra reached out, placing a comforting hand on Alicent's arm. "We understand, Alicent. It's a difficult position to be in. We just need to know if there are others we should be wary of."

Alicent hesitated, clearly torn. "Father spoke to several knights, but I'm not sure who agreed. He mentioned Ser Criston Cole's name once, but I don't know if he accepted."

Laena's eyes flashed with interest. "Ser Criston Cole... he's a skilled warrior. If he's involved, we need to be prepared."

Alicent nodded slowly. "I'll try to find out more, but it won't be easy. Father is careful about what he shares, even with me."

Rhaenyra smiled softly. "You've already helped us a great deal, Alicent. We appreciate your honesty and your friendship."

Alicent returned the smile, though her worry was evident. "I just want this conflict to end with as little bloodshed as possible. I fear for my brother, but I also fear for you and Jaehaerys."

Laena and Rhaenyra exchanged another glance, understanding the depth of Alicent's inner turmoil. They knew they had to tread carefully, balancing their need for information with their desire to protect their loved ones.

As the conversation continued, Laena and Rhaenyra skillfully guided the discussion, drawing out as many details as they could from Alicent without causing her further distress. They knew that every piece of information could be crucial in the days to come, and they were determined to use whatever they learned to ensure the safety and success of their betrothed.

Outside the door, Sarya Stone and Lyra Mormont remained vigilant, their keen eyes watching for any signs of trouble. The stakes were higher than ever, and they were ready to defend Rhaenyra and her allies against any threat that might come their way.

Larys Strong sat alone in a small chamber, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady. His mind reached out, seeking the small creatures that he could control, and soon he found what he was looking for: a rat scurrying through the dark corridors of the Red Keep. He focused on it, and suddenly his consciousness shifted.

Through the eyes of the rat, Larys moved swiftly and silently, navigating the maze of passageways until he reached his destination. He crept under a door and into a room where Ser Gwayne Hightower was in deep conversation with Ser Criston Cole.

Larys listened intently, the rat's keen senses picking up every word.

"Gwayne," Criston began, his tone hesitant, "you know my loyalty is to the King and his family."

Gwayne Hightower leaned forward, his expression earnest. "This isn't just about loyalty, Criston. This is about righteousness. The High Septon believes that Prince Jaehaerys' use of magic is a threat to the realm. We need men of honor to stand against him in the Trial by Seven."

Criston looked conflicted, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I understand the stakes, but Jaehaerys is a prince. To stand against him... it would be seen as treason."

Gwayne's voice softened, appealing to Criston's sense of duty. "Think of the realm, Ser Criston. Think of the Faith. We cannot allow dark magic to take hold. And consider your feelings for Princess Rhaenyra. How can she be safe under the influence of such sorcery?"

At the mention of Rhaenyra, Criston's expression hardened. He had tried to distance himself from his feelings for the princess, but jealousy and unresolved emotions still simmered beneath the surface. "Rhaenyra..." he murmured, his mind clearly torn.

Gwayne pressed on, sensing an opening. "You still care for her, don't you? This is your chance to protect her from a dangerous influence. Stand with us, Criston. Be one of our champions."

Criston looked up, his resolve strengthening. "Very well, Gwayne. I will stand with you and the Faith. For Rhaenyra's sake."

Larys absorbed every word, his mind quickly processing the implications. He knew how important this information was. Without hesitation, he pulled his consciousness back to his own body, the rat scurrying away into the shadows.

Moments later, Larys made his way to the chamber where Jaehaerys and Daemon were still deep in discussion. He entered quietly, his expression grave.

"Your Graces," he began, "I have important news. Ser Gwayne Hightower has convinced Ser Criston Cole to be one of the champions for the Faith."

Jaehaerys and Daemon exchanged a look, understanding the significance of this development.

"Ser Criston Cole," Jaehaerys mused, "his skill with a sword is well known. This will complicate matters."

Daemon's eyes narrowed. "And his unresolved feelings for Rhaenyra make him even more dangerous. We need to prepare for this."

Jaehaerys nodded, his mind already racing with strategies. "Thank you, Larys. Your information is invaluable. We will use it to our advantage."

Larys bowed slightly. "I will continue to gather intelligence. We must stay one step ahead of our enemies."

As Larys left the chamber, Jaehaerys and Daemon turned their attention back to their plans, now more determined than ever to secure victory in the Trial by Seven. The stakes were higher than ever, but with their combined strengths and the loyalty of those around them, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Over the next couple of days, as tensions mounted and the Trial by Seven approached, new names began to surface. The intricate web of alliances and enmities grew clearer, revealing the depths of the Faith and Otto Hightower's machinations.

One evening, Ser Arryk Cargyll entered the chamber where Jaehaerys, Daemon, and their close allies gathered. He had a grave expression on his face as he relayed his encounter with the High Septon. "The High Septon approached me, asking me to join the Faith's champions. I refused, citing my oaths to the Kingsguard and my loyalty to you, my princes. He was persistent, but I made it clear I would not betray my vows."

Jaehaerys nodded, his expression serious. "Thank you, Ser Arryk. Your loyalty is greatly valued, and your information is crucial. We must be vigilant."

As the days passed, more names emerged. Lord Jason Lannister was among them. His ambitions were no secret; he desired to marry Rhaenyra and saw the Trial by Seven as a means to elevate his standing and gain favor with Otto. His involvement was a potential threat that needed careful handling.

Lord Jasper Wylde was another name that came to light. It was revealed that Otto had promised him the post of Master of Laws, intending to force Lord Strong into retirement after the anticipated death of his son, Ser Harwin Strong, in the trial. Jasper Wylde's ruthless ambition and willingness to do Otto's bidding made him a dangerous adversary.

Rhaenyra and Laena, who had been discreetly extracting information from Alicent, shared their findings with Jaehaerys and Daemon. The puzzle pieces were falling into place, and the picture they painted was one of a deeply entrenched conspiracy.

In a private meeting, Jaehaerys, Daemon, and their trusted allies convened to discuss these developments. Jaehaerys' mind was racing with the implications. "We now know the identities of several of their champions. Ser Criston Cole, Lord Jason Lannister, Lord Jasper Wylde, and of course, Ser Gwayne Hightower. We must prepare accordingly."

Daemon's eyes gleamed with determination. "We'll need to match their strength and cunning. Our champions are formidable, but we must ensure our strategy is flawless. We cannot afford any missteps."

Vaelar, who had returned with Garth and Myrcella, spoke up. "We should also consider the possibility of betrayal. Otto and the Faith are not above using underhanded tactics. We must remain vigilant and trust only those we are certain of."

Garth nodded in agreement. "Our strength lies in our unity and our loyalty to one another. We must leverage that against their treachery."

Jaehaerys took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "We will face them head-on, and we will prevail. The realm must see the truth, and we will expose Otto and the High Septon for what they are."

As they continued to plan and strategize, the sense of urgency grew. The Trial by Seven was looming, and with it, the fate of House Targaryen and the realm itself hung in the balance. But with each revelation and each step forward, their resolve only strengthened, and they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering determination.


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