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100% Izuku x Reader / Chapter 1: Chapter 1~The Milk
Izuku x Reader Izuku x Reader original

Izuku x Reader

Author: Strxberrii

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1~The Milk

Haii! Lol so this is my very 1st fanfiction! I'm a huge bnha fan so I felt like writing a fanfiction! Anyway, Deku is like mah fav because he's so cuteeeee so I decided to try to write a fanfiction of him x the reader! I hope all my teachers writing lectures have paid off! Hehe so let's get on with the story! I hope u guys like it! ^^

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

Y/N! Are you almost ready!?" You hear your mom shout from downstairs.

"Yea, just grabbing my last minute things!" You reply.

You brush you short/long h/c and take your final look in the mirror. You grab your mini backpack and luggage and find your mom downstairs. You guys lock the door and head outside, you both glance at your house.

"It'll be a while till we'll be back" she says.

"Yea. Wow, a whole summer without being home, heh feels kinda weird." You say.

Your mom nods and then starts the car, you hop in. You and your mom are taking a vacation in Musutafu, Japan. (Where a smol broccoli lives btw ;) ) Just for the summer though.

~time skip brought to you by potatoes~

You arrive in Musutafu and holy crap is it beautiful! There are tons or cherry blossom trees surrounding the town. You left in late May so the schools here are still in session. You've just finished 8th so next fall you will be in high school. Your quirk is teleportation beam, basically you can teleport and shoot beams with your hands kinda like lasers but a bit more bigger. But there is a downside to your quirk, if you use to much power you become really weak, so you have to recharge your power a lot. But if you can control your quirk enough then you won't have to recharge as much. You can kind of control your quirk but sometimes you can accidentally shoot beams and teleport not on purpose.

"Y/N help unload the luggage" you hear your mom say in the distance but you're too in awe of your surroundings. You start to take out your notebook and sketch the trees and take random notes

"Y/N did you hear me!?" Your mom says, you snap out of your mood.

"Huh? Oh yea." You say as you grab the luggage.

You're staying at a little house in a neighborhood surrounded by cherry blossoms. Once you're in the house you're still in complete awe. You run around the house in excitement trying to see all the rooms and what the house looks like.

Your mom laughs a bit. "I can see you like the house Y/N"

"Like it? I love it, this is absolutely the best!!" You say moving your arms in fists up and down.

After you finish unpacking you ask your mom if you can walk around town a bit and explore the city. She says yes. You grab your mini backpack and pack pocky sticks, your phone, your AirPods, and your notebook. And you head out the door. You walk around town and look at all the gift shops with your latte in your hand ( Yum! Lol now I want a latte XD ) Your phone beeps, you check it. It's a text from your mom.

"Hey Y/N do you think you can pick up some milk from the store?" She texts. You respond with a thumbs up.

You arrive at a small grocery shop and you get the milk, you also pick out some more pocky sticks. (tee hee) You're texting your mom with the items in your hand then suddenly you bump into someone.

"Ah!" You say as your fall and the milk spills every on the ground. In your mind you think. "Damnit, now I have to clean this up"you look to see who you bumped into. You look up. You see a boy with green curly hair with blushing cheeks. Your heart feels all flustered inside. You stare at him trying not to blush.

"Oh crap I'm s-sorry! I-I should have been looking where I was going" he says. And starts mumbling other stuff.

~Izuku POV~

I bumped into someone. Mmmmm this is so embarrassing I think to myself. I look up to see who it is. Then suddenly my heart starts beating fast and I can feel my face become red. "Holy crap she's cute" I think to myself.

"Oh crap I'm s-sorry! I-I should have been looking where I was going" The words just came out of my mouth. I don't know why but suddenly I wanted to know everything about this girl. I help pick up her items.

"I-I I'm really sorry again" I say covering my face with one hand to hide the redness of the blushing on my face.

~Your POV~

"Oh, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have been texting with a handful" you laugh nervously.

Your and his hands meet when you pick up the pocky box, you can feel your face blush a bit then u look up at him. He's covering his fave with his other hand. You wonder why. You let go so he can pick up the pocky box, he hands it to you.

"H-H-here" he says. As he mumbles other words but you can't understand him.

You take the pocky sticks but you and him slip on the spilled milk. He lands on top of you, his hands on your upper chest.











You stare at him and feel your face turn bright red. He quickly gets off.

~Izuku POV~

I land on top of her. Oh crap oh crap oh crap! I felt my face burning with redness.

"O I um! I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean it, it was just just how I f-fell" I try to explain.

"Holy crap she's even cuter up close!" I think to myself. I quickly get off now with both hands on my face covering my blushing. Aaaaa what do I do now!

I get up with my clothes drenched in milk, yuck! I give out my hand to help her up. She refuses though since she's already halfway up. Wow so much for a good first impression, I think to myself.

"Sorry about that…" the girl says, trying not to make eye contact. She signals a worker to clean up the mess.

"Ugh this is so embarrassing" I say under your breath.

~back to your POV~

You can't help stop replaying that scene in your head when he was on top of you. You cringe inside and feel all flustered.

"H-here" he says, handing you his jacket while the worker cleans up the mess.

"Oh, um, thank you!" You say taking the jacket, and putting it on.

" It's so warm and cozy" you say. He smiles with the cutest smile ever. You blush a bit but smile back. You try to hand the jacket over to him since it's his but he refuses.

"Oh, um n-no you take it. You n-n-need it more than me" he says still with his hands on his face. You smile as in thanking him.

The worker finishes cleaning up the spilled milk and hands you a new milk jug. You thank him and pay for it. You look at the green curly hair boy, you make eye contact with him one last time, and of course his face is still red from blushing.

You smile and say"I-I'll see you around!" As you wave bye.

He waves bye but he looks a little sad, you can tell in his face somethings bothering him. But your mom was expecting you home so you had to. You look at him one last time then walk out. You slightly look back again, and he's still staring at you. You can't help but blush. At that moment you just want to know everything about this boy. You hope that you'll see him again and you walk home.

UwU I hope you guys liked this chapter! It was really fun writing it! I'll probably write the next chapter either today or tomorrow depending on how busy I am with school. If you guys like this chapter feel free to comment and drop a like! 🌸🍡😋

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