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41.02% It's a Brand New Adventure in the World of Pokemon (HIATUS) / Chapter 31: A Tale from the Known

Chapter 31: A Tale from the Known

"Leaf, long time no see…"

Leaf's sudden appearance stunned all of them, including Gardevoir. Leaf and Yoake made eye contact and look at each other as they felt a reminiscing feeling from the past, before the event that took place. She noticed Gardevoir, who was standing beside Yoake and was shaken to see how fast she grew.

"Gardevoir, I can still remember you being the small Ralts clinging on Yoake's shoulder." Leaf murmured to the Pokemon. Gardevoir chuckled as she was blushed from the trainer's compliment.

"Ren, long time no see, how's the league so far?", "Good, I managed to make a good Pokemon team so far."


"Leaf, why are you here?" Yoake sighed as he cut the two's sweet talk as he asks his former babysitter the question he wants to ask her ever since she shows up recently.

"I'm here to tell you about the thing that happened earlier. Professor Oakido told me to find you as soon as you were live on TV." Leaf stated. "TV?"

Leaf realized that everyone wasn't aware that the thing that happened earlier was being broadcast throughout Kanto. It was a huge headline for Kanto as no one knows what happened nor understand it. It was a big talk throughout the news and this made both Professor Oakido and Leaf quickly rush themselves to find Yoake and Gardevoir. She took out her phone from her purse, opens it, and reveals the news to them.

"Breaking News: A Gardevoir(?) went on a rampage in the heart of Fuchsia city." Brock read the news headline. In the article, there was a stolen image of the Gardevoir, looking at a white figure on top of a rooftop. It was Ren. They documented her entire encounter with a random stranger, something that she can use later on.

"That's me?" Gardevoir muttered as she realize that the thing in the picture was her, it was her who cause the rampage and troubles earlier. She couldn't tell if it was her since it was her, the body was her, but the soul and mindset weren't.

As much as Leaf doesn't want to admit that they caused the troubles in Fuchsia city, she has to make them acknowledge something that only a few people know, the cause and the 'thing'.

"Listen, you two have the ability called 'Battle Bond'." Leaf stated. She decided to tell the reason and cause of what happened earlier, everyone has flinched from her words as they have never heard of battle bond before.

"Battle Bond?" Ren repeated with utter confusion.

"How about we talk about this privately?" Leaf suggested as she closes her eyes as she tries to hint at them about the nuisance the guide has been giving to her for the past few minutes. Janine noticed how Leaf act and saw the guide as well, she then nodded and uttered.

"Guide, please leave us and Leaf. How about you sit with us?" Janine stated as she moved herself giving enough room for Leaf to sit beside her. Leaf nodded and walked to the space that Janine layout for, sat on it, and begins to explain Battle Bond to them.

Ren gained a bit of interest in 'Battle Bond' as she was curious about its power, origin, and secrets it has. She was the first one to ask about it.

"May I ask what battle bond?" Ren kindly asked Leaf.

"Right, here. Let me call Professor Oakido first." Leaf placed her phone in the center as she calls the professor from her phone. The professor accepted the call and greeted them. An old man with gray hair, tanned skin, wears a lab coat with a Roton flying nearby, observing the call with its mischievous smile.

"Professor?" Yoake greeted the professor on the other end.

"Ah Yoake, Gardevoir…" The Professor paused for a moment and saw Ren, who was sitting nearby. "Ren, long time no see."

"Hello, Professor." Ren greeted with a smile.

"Now, I assume you two want to know about Battle bond?" The Professor asked the two trainers, they nodded as a reply. The Professor knows the reason why Leaf called since it was the only reason besides finding information regarding Red's location.

"Okay. There is a myth surrounding about Battle Bond that is something to do with the creation trio (Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga) and Arceus itself. It was said to be a gift to the humans, others said it was a curse or a parting gift. We aren't sure why they gave this sort of power to humans but they only gave it to those who have the rarest blood of all… The Blood Type called K."

"Blood Type K?"

"Yes. It was said that the power of Battle Bond only flows through the descendant of a mediator between man and monster three hundred thousand years ago, and that blood type was called K."

"Mediator? Was there a war between Man and Pokemon a long time ago?"

"I afraid so."

"It was the only way for Man and Pokemon to be united in one banner, both spiritually and mentally. However, through current archeological foundings, it's been found that there are barely any records of someone using Battle Bond, even those who have the Blood type K."

"If that's the case… then war is very rampant back then."


Everything went silent for a while as they try to process the amount of information that the Professor gave to them. Yoake was stunned by the most since he realize he has the blood type K thus giving access to one of the most powerful abilities known to man, he was a descendant of a mediator, but who the mediator was is still unknown.

"Professor, may I ask the effects of Battle bond to both the trainer and Pokemon?" Gardevoir raised her hand and asked a question. The professor was shocked as he hears a Pokemon talk like a human being for the first time, he was speechless for a few seconds and quickly snaps out of it as Rotom slapped him in the head.

"Interesting, When did you learn how to talk?"

"Just recently."

"Hmm, it seems that Battle Bond gave you a human-like behavior, interesting. Well, for the effects, we aren't sure since there are barely any records of someone using Battle bond, until now."

"Since Yoake has the Blood type-K, he might be the only known record as of now. I'm not sure about your sister, since you know, she's not a trainer and barely uses her Pokemon for battles. Heck, I'm not even sure if your family knows about it since Battle Bond is just a myth but the thing that happened earlier shows how powerful Battle Band can be."

"Ren, since you're the only one who made an eye to eye contact with the thing earlier, what did you feel or noticed?" The professor asked the white trainer. Ren takes out her Pokedex and reveals the data she got from the battle she had with the thing earlier.

"Well, it just looks like Gardevoir but the parts of her that are known to be colored green is black and red. It feels like you're looking at a person, not a Pokemon. It feels like there is a third thing inside of it, I'm not sure if that thing was even Gardevoir nor Yoake…"

"However, my Pokedex manages to capture its abilities that it used against me."

"Drought, Clear Body, Run Away… interesting." The Professor muttered as he looks at her Pokedex.

"Gardevoir, your ability is trace right?"


"Interesting, if my theory is correct then Battle Bond's main ability is to use an ability that is fit for a specific situation."

"How about we battle to test that theory. The Professor wants to see the power of Battle bond while you want the Soul badge, right?" Janine stood up as she offers a battle to the trainer.

"A Battle would make sense, it will bring the true potential between Yoake and Gardevoir…" Oakido muttered.

"You bet I am. Don't hold yourself back, show your true strength so that we can show ours." Yoake accepted the specialist's offer. Leaf noticed the confidence of the trainer, not knowing that he wants a death sentence. This was his fifth gym, and Janine isn't a push-over. Having access to a Mega stone, mainly the beedrillite, and unique Pokemon from different countries, it's safe to say that Yoake's training wheels are ripped out from his bike as he enters the stronger parts of the league.

"Okay then," Janine said as she walks to a nearby station. She presses a button and a hatch pops up from the wall. The hatch has six Pokeballs, even though she wants to use all six of them to see how powerful Yoake is, but the Indigo league rules stated she's only allowed to use four Pokemon only since she is his fifth badge. She took four Pokeballs, and a glove that has a Mega stone in it.

Janine wore the glove and headed back to the group as she prepares for a fight.

"Shall we?"

Yoake and Gardevoir went to their position in battle while Janine went to hers. The others went aside to observe the entire battle. Leaf, for the first time, will be able to see how Yoake battles right in front of her. She takes out a Pokeball from her belt, presses the white button in the center, and releases a Pokemon from it. A small ghost-like Pokemon pops up from the ball has a pair of thunderous wings and a small orange body, it was a Rotom.

"You have a rotom?" Brock asked the trainer.

"Nope, One of professor Oakido's lab assistants loaned me theirs to observe this battle."

Leaf lifts her phone from her hand and shows it to the Rotom, the Pokemon headed to the phone, possessing it, and started to use the phone hands-free. Both Leaf and the Professor can watch the entire battle and observe it properly hassle-free.

"It is quite an honor for me to use our battle as a case study to understand Battle Bond," Janine stated.

"How do you think Yoake will handle this?" Brock leaned to Ren as they begin to hypothesize how the trainer will handle the entire battle.

"We don't know Janine's Pokemon yet but if she's going to use the traditional rule of the league, Gym Leaders or Specialists are only allowed to use Pokemon that are native to the region, she might have Muk, Weezing, Golbat, Venomoth, and Beedrill. But I'm not sure…"

"Now let's talk about Yoake's Pokemon. Having Gardevoir in the front line is a double blade for Yoake, being effective and weak to Poison is gonna be a problem. He always tells me in our training that he always wanted to have a Nidoking and if he manages to get one, it would be a good tank to counter Muk or a possible toxic stalling from Janine…."

"Having Victreebell to suck out any possible toxic spike is good but still a bad play if he does that."

"How about the Mega stone, what Pokemon will Janine might use?" Brock asked as he looks at the Mega stone on Janine's glove.

"Let's see, Beedrill, Venusaur, and Gengar are the only Poison-types that can Mega Evolve. Both Mega Gengar and Mega Beedrill can easily give Gardevoir a beat down." Ren stated.

"Wow, you have a lot of knowledge in strategizing huh?" Brock was impressed with the white trainer but she disregarded it.

"Nah, Yoake was the one who taught me about strategizing and stuff."

"Hey Leaf, don't you think it's quite unfair that Yoake doesn't have access to Mega Evolution while Janine can?" Brock asked Leaf after having a discussion with Ren.

"I was planning to give him a Mega Stone and a Gardevoirite but Yoake having a Mega Evolution would be too unfair since Yoake already has Battle bond." Leaf stated.

"Is anyone ready?" The Professor asked the two through the Rotom Phone.

"Yup," Yoake answered the Professor's question while Janine nodded.

"Pokemon, GO!" The two synchronously said as they threw a Pokeball into the battlefield.

Yoake threw in Nidoking on the battlefield while Janine threw in Beedrill. Yoake felt a deja vu like feeling as he faces the Beedrill while having a Pokemon from the Nidoran line, he felt a reminiscent feeling from four years ago. The day that he will never forget, a day filled with adventure, a new friend, a promise, and the day that kickstarted his career.

"Nidoking, use Earthquake!", "Beedrill Mega Evolve and use U-turn!"

Janine tapped the Mega stone with her finger and Beedrill begins to mega evolve into an intimidating and powerful version of it, Having four stingers pointed to the enemy with an angered look. It charged with full speed and hits Nidoking first, the Pokemon quickly went back to its Pokeball.

"Weezing Tank the Earthquake." She said as she threw in her second Pokemon. Two huge spherical Pokemon popped off from the Pokeball and didn't take damage from Nidoking's Earthquake as Levitate was activated.

"Nice Pivot." Yoake complimented the Specialist.

"Weezing, that thing is only weak to Gardevoir, and it's immune to Nidoking's Earthquake," Brock commented.

'Not bad.' Ren thought.

'Poison-type Pokemons are an interesting case, most of if not, all of them are dual types or have an ability that can assess their weaknesses. Also, have access to toxic spikes which Venoshock might be found to use if done right. This does kinda remind me of last year's virtual competition, Tentacruel being used to set up Toxic spike and rapid spin to clear out their side's hazard while using Venoshock and Wrap to faint a strong Pokemon, It was very annoying back then but it's a good thing I used a lot of steel and ground types back then…' Yoake commented in his thoughts.

Yoake realized how to handle the situation and decided to do something he was familiarized with.

"Nidoking return! Victreebel Let's go!" Yoake said as he withdrew Nidoking from the battle and threw in Victreebel. Brock and Professor Oakido were confused about Yoake's decision but Leaf seems to understand what the trainer was heading for.

"Weezing, use Gyro Ball!"

The Pokemon slowly rotates itself until it is spinning at the speed of sound, it flings its body to Victreebell. The 'Flycatcher Pokemon' was hit, it was powerful but not enough to make the Pokemon fall to its knees.

"Victreebell, use Wrap!", "Oh no, you don't! Use Explosion!"

Victreebell extended its razor sharp leaves and strung it towards Weezing, covering the Pokemon's body as fast as possible to reduce the damage from explosion but it was too late as Weezing exploded. The explosion could have killed them all but a barrier blocked the explosion from reaching the roof, the trainer and the specialist and the three observers, it was a safety percussion since Janine's Weezing is know to explode when she knows that a super effective Pokemon or a Pokemon that can cause her trouble is drawn in to the battle.

Both Victreebll and Weezing fainted, the two withdrew their Pokemon as Yoake was a bit frustrated as he knows that Victreebell's Wrap is an answer to Beedrill's U-turn and that wrap would allow Gardevoir to faint it but since Victreebell is fainted, he has to think in order to counter Beedrill and Janine's two other Pokemon.

"Nidoking!", "Crobat!"

The two trainers bought in their Pokemon in the battle and still, Janine has something to immune to Ground-type Pokemon, especially Nidoking but defensively, Nidoking can handle the gym on its own. Yoake then remembered that Nidoking has Own tempo and Trash, he realized that he can do something very dirty for this battle.

"Alright, use Trash!", "Crobat use Zen Headbutt!"

Crobat glided through the air as it launches itself towards Nidoking with its head pointing towards Nidoking. The Pokemon was fast and big but Nidoking manages to dodge it, grabbed its wings, and slammed it to the ground with full strength. Nidoking slammed its huge body to Crobat and threw it to the near wall, creating a small crack on the said wall. Nidoking charged once more to do a final blow.

"Crobat! Use Zen Headbutt once more!"

Janine growled as she sees her Pokemon being beaten up. Crobat remained its focus, jumped from the wall, and hurls itself to Nidoking. Both Pokemon hits each other and both fling to the other side. Nidoking stood up but he was getting weak while Crobat fixes itself as if nothing happened.

"Trash once more!". "Finish the King! Use Zen Headbutt!"

Crobat rushed to the King's stomach as it gives a final blow, Nidoking fell to the ground after receiving a powerful headbutt. The king has fainted. Yoake was stunned but he was expected it to happen ever since the Crobat started to use Zen Headbutt. It was a two-on-three, Yoake has Fear the Fearow and Gardevoir left while Janine has a Mega Beedrill, a fast and strong hitting Crobat and an unknown second to the last Pokemon. He was frustrated but he turns to his right as he saw Leaf, observing the entire thing with utter silence, judging him with a mysterious look, it was a hint of a disappointing thought.

'Okay, you can do this. You're the virtual Pokemon international Champion. You won last year and this year. You can do this. Believe in yourself. You have to win for her. You have to be the champion and the be the very best…. You can do it.' Yoake was hyperventilated in his thoughts. Gardevoir can hear the panicking words in the trainer's mind, she knows that he can handle the situation.

'Yoake, you can handle it. I'm here for you.' Gardevoir telepathically said to her trainer. Yoake paused for a moment and saw Gardevoir was smiling, she wants her to win. He took a deep breath as he calms his down and continues his focus.

"Nidoking, return. Gardevoir, let's do it."

To be continued

PS: This is the last update for this chapter since I want to make the next chapter to be more interesting and this chapter being as its set-up. That being said, I'm going to write the next chapter probably on Monday so expect the update is gonna be released in the middle of the week. So yeah.

Pine_Pro Pine_Pro

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