Character Info
(I advise you put comments on title lines since editing and updating a paragraph deletes your comments. I plan to have this be up-to-date information. Meaning some future information would be visible before it is released in the actual story so proceed with caution because there will be mild spoilers for a series of arcs ahead of time.)
Name: Silvantus Malborne
Level: Lower-Middle (41)
Race: Orsimer
Gold: 517
Date: 8/10/201 4E (8th of Frostfall, Loredas)
Time Passed: 2 Month 1 weeks 2 days
Standing Stone:
Thief's Stone-
>Ambush: Sneaking and sneak attacks are 10% more effective.
>Thief's Path: Learn all Thief skills 10% faster.
Base Form Level [ERROR]
Health: Lower-Middle
Magicka: Lower-Middle
Stamina: Middle
Health regen: [ERROR]
Magicka regen: [ERROR]
Stamina regen: [ERROR]
Carry weight: 580
Werewolf Form: Young Alpha
Health: Middle
Magicka: Lower-Middle
Stamina: Middle
Health regen: [ERROR]
Magicka regen: [ERROR]
Stamina regen: [ERROR]
Carry weight: 620
Werewolf Abilities
Hircine's Blessing (2): The Blood of the Hunter flows through your veins, empowering your lethal strikes and healing your wounds through the consumption of your prey.
Perk List: 34/34
Skill Levels
Alchemy- Novice [0] (16)
Alteration- Adept [0] (32)
Archery- Adept [2] (33)
>Archery Mastery (2): Ranged weapons do 40% more damage, and critical strikes with ranged weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of Archery.
Block- Apprentice [0] (22)
Conjuration- Novice [0] (15)
Destruction- Journeyman [4] (51)
>Destruction Mastery (2): Destruction spells cost 50% less Magika, and Destruction spells are 0.5% more powerful per level of Destruction.
>Merciless Cold (1): Frost spells and effects cast on others are up to 20% more powerful, based on the target's missing Stamina percentage.
>Frostfall (1): Frost spells reduce the attack damage of their targets by 25% for 5 seconds.
Enchanting- Novice [0] (15)
Heavy Armor- Adept [1] (37)
>Heavy Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of heavy armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of heavy armor in combat.
Illusion- Novice [0] (15)
Light Armor- Adept [1] (32)
>Light Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of light armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Light Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of light armor in combat.
Lock Picking - Adept [2] (46)
>Lock Picking Mastery (2): Weaker and weak locks are easier to pick.
One Handed- Adept [3] (44)
>One-Handed Mastery (2): One-handed weapons do 50% more damage and critical strikes with one-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of One-Handed.
>Clash of Champions (1): Attacks with swords reduce the target's attack damage by 10% for 3 seconds.
Pickpocket- Adept [3] (44)
>Pickpocket Mastery (2): Increase pickpocket chance by 40% and carry weight by 100.
>Thief's Eye: When you enter a major city, illuminates a random citizen for 300 seconds. If you interact with the target during this time, they will carry valuable items based on your pickpocket skill once every 12-60 hours.
Restoration- Apprentice [3] (26)
>Restoration Mastery (2): Restoration spells cost 50% less Magika, and Restoration spells are 0.5% more powerful per level of Restoration.
>Descending Light (1): When you enter combat, rapidly regenerate points of Magicka equal to half of your Restoration skill level per second. This effect gradually diminishes over the course of 15 seconds. The regeneration does not stop while casting.
Smithing- Journeyman [4] (50)
>Smithing Mastery (2): You can create steel and bonemold items at an anvil or forge and improve them twice as much.
>Dwarven Autocannon (1): You can create Dwemer Autocannons at a forge or anvil. Use the "Dwarven Autocannon" power to deploy them. Cannons fire parallel to your crosshair for 30 seconds, dealing damage equal to 30% of your Smithing skill, if you are within 12 feet.
>Meric Smithing (1): You can create Dwarven items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.
>Advanced Workshop (1): You may choose to upgrade one grindstone or workbench to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. It improves items one tier higher (items can be improved beyond Legendary). Can be "Disassembled" by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another of the same type.
>Arcane Blacksmith (1): You can improve enchanted weapons and armor.
>Remote Control (1): Your Dwarven Autocannon now fires regardless of the distance between it and you.
Sneak- Journeyman [4] (68)
> Sneak Mastery (2): Sneaking is 40% more effective.
>Spot Detection: Once a day, outlines all humanoids within 150 feet that are detecting you with a green glow for 180 seconds.
>Light Foot: You won't trigger pressure plates.
Speechcraft- Master [4] (89)
>Speech Mastery (2): Sell items for 20% more. Your intimidation attempts are four times as likely to succeed.
>Performer: Grants the "Perform" power. Once a day, play a song to entertain up to 5 people within 50ft and collect a donation from each, based upon your speech craft skill and the amount of gold they have on them.
>And the Universe Listens (1): Shouting restores points of Health, Magicka and Stamina equal to your shout cooldown in seconds. You gain Speech experience when shouting based on your shout cooldown.
Two Handed- Novice [0] (19)
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