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Is this life even worth to be remebered by anyone? Is this life even worth to be remebered by anyone? original

Is this life even worth to be remebered by anyone?

Author: for_u

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I'm Sun Lim

She entered the class after she was called,

After that Principal leave it to their Class-room teacher,

"Good morning, everyone

I-I... My name is Mo Hua"-She shouted and bow her head down,

Everyone in the class started to laugh after the incident,

Class-room teacher slams his desks,

Everyone gets silent and seem focused in a split of few seconds,

He walks near of Mo Hua and holds her shoulder gently to comfort her in the new environment,

"Well, no need to be shy, Miss. Mo. They all are you friends from now on"-Home-room teacher speaks in a soft voice,

She dares to take a gaze at him and finds he is smiling and seems friendly ,

She also smiled back at him,

"Hello ,dear friends. I'm Mo Hua which means  Flower and pronounce it as H-waa"-Mo Hua re-introduce herself with a confident face whiling smiling,

Hui-Fei noticed she was like that same girl when he  heard her introducing herself again infront of class,

"Okay,Miss Mo from now on  you  should sit on  the same row where Hui-Fei sits." -Homeroom teacher replies where with a huge smile,

"Okay sir, would you mind if I ask you who is Hui-Fei ? Is that student  a girl 🤔🤔?"-Mo Hua asked her home-room teacher,

Everyone starts laughing 😆 after hearing her,

Home-room teacher again had to silence the class,

HE again slams at his desk with a stick of his,

"Silence"-Home-room teacher shouts like an angry lion.

They again became silence,

Home-room teachers takes a deep breath for 3 times,

"Listen, Miss Mo. Hui-Fei is a boy's name and he is one the A grade students of our class and if you becomes friends then it might help you to get good grades but

the problem is he is less sociable"-Home-room teacher expains her about Hui-Fei in few words,

Mo Hua starts look at every boy and,

'Sir, the boy you were talking about who is less sociable .Does he sits in the second-last brench of third-middle column "-Mo Hua questions her class-room teachers .

"Yes he is *with a smile and turn around* Lim, why are you sitting at Hui-Fei place. Where is he?"-class-room teacher asked Lim

"Sir ,my bro has told me to sit infront of him so I can focus more on the study and from now on we both had decided to change our sitting order."-Lim answers

"Oh really, okay then *turn back at Mo Hua*

Miss Mo he is Sun Lim the one who is sitting behind him will be Mo Hua .

And I think I shouldn't keep you here standing for whole class, please take your seat "-class-room teacher explained her,

Mo Hua starts walking to her desks,

As soon as Mo Hua sits in her desks,

"Hi, I'm Sun Lim .

I hope we can be friends."-Lim asks her to be his friends.

Hui Fei poke in his back with his pencil ,

Lim looks back,

"What's you problem? Just sleep 💤 😴  don't disturb me"-Lim whispers in pain

"That should be mine phrase, 'Don't disturb me"-Hui Fei whispers Lim  while feeling sleepy,

"Are you looking for a fight?.

Let's settle the score during our lunch break"-Lim asks Hui Fei.

"Ahem, Don't disturb the class "-Class-room teacher replies Lim without looking at him,

Then they become silent,

Mo Hua smiles at Hui Fei,

She waves her hands,

"Hi"-Mo Hua with a huge smile over her face,

Hui Fei looks away and start taking nap ,

The class gets over

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