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57.14% Is this just a dream? / Chapter 12: Camping out

Chapter 12: Camping out

After the battle with the monstrosity the group has finally the possibility to take a rest. The guards have gathered around the campfire, the king and the princess went back to the tent. Arion is now left alone with the guards, but due to their prior behavior he is unsure what to do. It seems like the guards aren't really fond of him. So he decides to take a walk around the lake and take a look around. The lake seems to be completely surrounded by the forest there is not a single opening whatsoever. But the landscape is outstanding to look at. Arion now walking slowly to the left side of the lake, keeps looking at the water. As Arion hasn't eating for a while he starts to wonder if the lake is inhabiting some fish. As this thought has peaked his interest he decides to take a closer look by going for a swim. As the weather outside is sunny and pretty warm, there is no real reason to fear a cold. Arion is still wearing his clothes from the slave house and decides to simply remove the outer layer, and go for a swim in his underwear. This is also actually the first time Arion has the possibility to take a look at his own body. It doesn't seem muscular and rather skinny. "Damn I look fragile", thinks Arion. But without giving it much thought he jumps right into the water.

Arion now fully submerged, attempts to take a deeper look. The lakes is a lot deeper and darker at the bottom as he initially thought, so it is difficult to determine what is down there. He keeps looking to the left and right, where the sun is able to hit the bottom of the lake. The water is very clear, so as long as he doesn't dive too deep he can see pretty good. On his dive, he can make out a few fish the size of a salmon. As he perceives them, it feels like his stomach is voicing its own thought by making a rumbly noise. Arion now packed by his hunger launches an attempt to catch the salmon like fish.

During this time, back at the camp, Disilphon leaves the tent and tries to find Arion. But as he can't be seen anywhere around he looks at the guards and asks if they have seen him. "Went for a walk around the lake, or he ran off, at least that's what it looks like", the guard points out. The king a bit enraged by the comment answers: "When he returns tell him I called!". The guards nod and turn their attention back to the fire. Meanwhile Arion was able to catch three fish, and leaves the water again. Arion simply grabs the remainder of his clothes and makes his way back to the camp. As he reaches the camp, the guard react with an annoying look, as if they would have been happier if he didn't return. "We thought you ran off", one of the guard says. "No, I am not that stupid, if I would do that I would be hunted whenever someone sees me, first because I am a runaway slave and second because of my horn. The only real option for a somewhat calm life is to stay here and do as I am told.", Arion answers. "Tzz, By the way, the King called for you."

As Arion wants to make his way to the tent, Orelia is just leaving holding her stomach, as if she was quit hungry. She immediately perceives the fish that Arion is carrying, and waves in the guards direction. "You don't mind if I give these fish to the guards, so that they can prepare a meal?", Orelia asks. "No Please do, it is not like I can cook, so it would be better if someone else does it", Arion responds. He hands over the fish to the guards and says: "The king wanted to see me?". Just at that moment the king comes out of the tent: "There you are, we need to find a solution for our food shortage, apparently ...", during his voicing he perceives the fish in the guards hands. "Oh, you went fishing?". "Yes, as I am hungry myself, and there just seems to be like a giant lake behind, I thought why not give it a try."

The guards have finished preparing the food, and as it seems to be custom, the king and the princess receive the best parts of the meal and eat first. After they finish their meal, the guards eat. The rest that is left behind, which wasn't really much, but a few fish pieces and a bit of the broth with a single piece of bread is for Arion. He is still able to fill his stomach with enough food. After the whole meal is finished, The king asks if Arion wants to sleep in the tent. Arion is taken extremely by surprise and does not know how to react. The main reason, Orelia would be sleeping in the tent as well. But Arion does not really want to sleep outside where the guards are considering their tides towards him, he accepts. Instantly the faces of the guards change and you can see disgust and jealousy. Upon entering the tent, the only things that are visible is the entrance, and to big curtains on the left and right. Orelia instantly disappears behind a curtain on the left and the king behind a curtain on the right, which only leaves the small entrance space. "This is still better than sleeping outside", Arion thought and sits down on the ground attempting to get some sleep.

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