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100% Is this just a dream? / Chapter 21: Before the Duel

Chapter 21: Before the Duel

After introducing Mina to Orelia, Arion proceeds to explain everything that happened. From the moment he entered the lock to the moment they left. During the explanation you can see confusion in Orelias facial expression. It seems like to some degree she believes what she is told and to some degree she doesn't. But Arion can accept this, because if he hadn't experienced the situation himself, he would have a hard time believing it.

After letting the explanation sit a bit in her mind, Orelia asks: "So if Mina actually is sword, can she freely change her forms?". In response to the question, Orelia and Arion turn their heads towards Mina. She simply nods without saying anything and closes her eyes. Just after she closes her eyes, Arion thinks he can perceive a slight shimmering around her. During this moment Mina disappears and a sword appears in front of Arion. Taken completely by surprise, Orelia nor Arion know how to react. The sword itself, isn't really that spectacular. It is in a faint jade greenish color and has the appearance of a chinese sword, that Arion saw in Cultivation movies. "You should grab me?", resonates inside Arions head. His facial expression changes to a mixture of surprise and confusion, but he is sure that the voice is Minas. He turns his head slightly to look at Orelia, to see if she heard anything too. But she is still captivated by the sword and there is no indication that she heard anything. Just staring at it won't solve anything, Arion thinks and abruptly grabs the sword.

The moment he touches it, he can feel his head being bombarded with information. How to handle a sword, martial arts, knowledge about vampires and even more. In this single brief moment Arion understood what Mina meant with she knows, yet not from where. All this information just popped up in his head. As the three of them are still standing in the middle of Arion's room, Walters voice can be heard: "Dinner is served". "Aah, by the way Mina, do you eat too?", Arion asks, and similar to before the response just appears in his head: "I can, but it is not needed, the only thing that I really need to eat is your powers".

Arion, Orelia and Mina, still as a sword, make their way downstairs to the dinner hall. As they enter the hall, Arion is surprised to find no one except Walter. "What about the king, or ...", before Arion can finish his thoughts Orelia voices: "What about father and mother?", "They have guests at the castle and will return at a later notice", he responds. Arion is impressed as Walter holds himself continuously as a butler, or as a butler he is used to from movies and series. Dinner itself, isn't out of the ordinary. Some bread and soup, followed by some kind of bird meat that tastes similar to chicken but is a bit tougher to chew. During the dinner, Orelia hasn't spoken a single word and as Arion isn't sure if this is common he just does what Orelia does, eating in silence. After they finish the meal, Orelia says: "Do not forget your duel with Julius tomorrow, I will not tolerate defeat". Arion answers confusingly to Orelia's statement: "Defeat? Didn't you say before that defeat for me is close to impossible". "I still think it is not likely to happen, but the handicap you were given is rather big. You must defeat him before he can land a single hit, this would also mean that if he hits in an underhanded manner, he would win", Orelia continues. "This seems to imply that he will definitely attempt something like that", says Arion. "Mina, do you think he has a chance to win, after you heard all this", Arion voices inside his head in an attempt to communicate with Mina in her sword form. "This Julius, is he human", resonates inside Arion's head, to which he responds without talking: "Yes". Mina doesn't hesitate by answering instantly: "Then no, he has no chance". Arion is extremely surprised by her certainty, but still he thinks that there must be a giant difference between the strength of a human and the strength of a non-human.

After the dinner, Orelia says: "You should prepare yourself for tomorrow and get some rest". Arion nods and both of them make their way upstairs to their respective rooms. "Is there anything specific I need to know on how to handle you?", Arion asks Mina. Upon finishing his question, Mina changes back into her human like form, directly out of Arion's hand. "I don't think so, the knowledge you need should be already inside your head, my only suggestion is to trust each other", she says. Arion agrees with her as they are to some degree partners. But now that both of them are alone in his room, he actually gets conscious about her presence. Beforehand he was to busy with other stuff, like understanding the situation, to realize that Mina is actually a pretty cute girl. "I hope you don't mind if I keep nibbling on your powers?", Mina asks. "You were actually consuming them all the time, I didn't notice", Arion answers. "Yes I have, the fastest way to get power would be by sucking your blood though", by saying this, Mina slightly blushes and turns her head to the lower left. "Damn that's cute", Arion thinks, "but I should definitely get some rest now". Arion turns around and makes his way towards the bed, at this moment while Arion isn't looking Mina transforms back into her sword form and stands herself against the wall next to the bed. As he sits down on the bed, he sees Mina leaning against the wall as a sword, but he still gets a bit nervous. Sleeping in the same room as a cute girl like her, even though that she looks like a sword now. "I shouldn't think too much about it and simply get some sleep", he wonders as he lays down. It doesn't take very long for him to fall asleep, as it has been a while since he last laid down in a comfortable bed.

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