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Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Dangerous Illusion

Can you believe what's happened. I Know. Me Neither.

Ive just been thinking about recent events and wow, i've actually spoken to and lay on Christopher fucking Adams, i don't know how much better my life can get.

So, to catch you up to speed, i last saw Christopher at the aftermath of the party, but since then we've been texting and he asks to ring, but then my anxietys like 'hello? you're petrified of ringing anyone', and then like what if it's awkward as hell, well then Harper, you've lost all hope of getting with Christopher *sigh*

He text me the other day to tell me he wont be around for a while as his band have gone to Glasgow, so i feel this is the perfect time to tell my girlfriends what the fuck is occurring...

I tell both Zoe and Avery, and their faces look like theyve just seen me die and go to heaven like fucking lighten up this is good news.

A : ok Harper, ive heard of you having a crush and maybe becoming slightly obsessed but this is ridiculous. Like, i know you like older men but he's old enough to be your Dad, can you not see that.

HJ : Okay Zoe, you need to back me up. How sweet was Christopher after the concert? Well that's what he's been like every time i've seen him. So, Avery i know he's older but trust me he's got the spirit age of someone in their 20s.

Z : That's true to be fair, he was the nicest guy that night and he doesn't remotely look anywhere near his age Avery.

A : if you're happy Harper, then im happy. Im just going to be a little cautious, i don't want you thinking you're in love, but he sees you as a friend.

The girls went home, and as soon as that door shut my face turned. What the FUCK. I wanted to tell them because i'm excited, not to get a fucking lecture. There's a reason i'm not carrying on in University. Aren't girlfriends supposed to encourage you and at least make you believe someone fancies you. After all, it is what makes us girls 'crazy'. You put three of us in a room and we come out thinking we're Destinys Child and that all men fancy us and that we're gods gift to men, when in reality we look like we're on daybreak. Not a pretty look.

I mean, Christopher definitely fancies me right? Look at everything that's happened, surely he doesn't see me as just a friend. Well, you know what, next time he rings, im going to pick that shit up and answer it like Kelly Rowland would. So that next time i have a mother's meeting with the girls, they don't think i'm such an obsessive psychopath.

Oh fuck. Big fuck. No fucking way. As if i summoned him or something, Johnny rings. Okay deals off, im not prepared to speak. Im going to stutter. But i find my body doing the complete opposite. My thumb is pressing accept what the fuck am i doing. Oh god i've fucking answered it, ive got to speak to him now. Okay, inner Destinys Child get the fuck out and present yourself...

HJ : "Hi Christopher, what's up?" *oh god i sound too happy*

C : "Hey H, nothing much i was just wondering if you could do me a massive favour when i get back to Manchester?"

HJ : "Yeah sure, what do you need me for?"

C : "Okay so i have this function that i need to go to, something about the band, im not too sure. And my manager has said we all need to bring someone and, you know, Paul has got Cheryl and Jack's got Belle, and well, um, you see, i was wondering if you'd come with me? it would be really great if you could, you know, come with me"

HJ : *internally screaming* "Yeah of course Christopher, i'd love to come with you. It will be nice to properly see the band and talk to them"

C : "That's so great, it's at 21 Stories in Manchester on September 21st. Ill pick you up at 6:30pm sweetheart."

HJ : "Yeah that's good for me, and thanks Christopher, i can't wait"

C : "Anytime Harper, bye sweetie"

Oh fucking lord. Why the fuck did you say that. 'Cant wait' oh that sounds so cringey. Why am i like this, all Destinys Child one minute and as soon as i'm on the phone i turn into Miranda. Buttt... he called me fucking sweetheart that has surely got to mean something. And, the fact Paul and Jack are both taking their wives. And Johnny's taking me. You do the math.

Well guys and girls. We've reached the 21st and its currently 12pm and i'm considering whether to start getting ready. I got my outfit the day after he rang (which was 2 weeks ago, keen i know). Im wearing a tight fitted, knee length, burgundy dress - im sure it's got a proper name but i'm not Gok Wan - it's plain as i didn't want to look like i was at my prom but i also didn't want to look your casual daybreak. Anyway i can always jazz it up with some jewellery. I curl my hair into beach waves, and do a red/brown eye look with a dark nude lipstick. I check the time and see it's 5:49pm.

Okay Harper, we're slightly early but we had to take that chance in case anything went wrong or you know, had a mental breakdown because you eyelashes wouldn't stick down - that still happened btw, but because my dumb-ass got ready at 1pm, i still had time.

I hear a knock at the door and it's got to be him, i go and open it and oh god.

What is it about men in dinner jackets?! Black ties make even the most geeky bloke look gorgeous, and as for the already good-looking ones - well, it sends them into sex appeal overdrive, and that's exactly what Christopher's done.

I must have been daydreaming because he's staring at me, i am literally the definition of an embarrassment.

C : Harper? You ready to go?

HJ : "Just fucking wow" *i just said that out-fucking-loud*

"Erm, yep. Ready as you are, let's go"

Yeah let's go Harper, that's a great idea, otherwise the world is going to swallow you whole.

On the slow walk to the car, Christopher complimented me and said how nice i looked, and he complimented my hair, and jewellery, and makeup. But obviously because i'm British, all i could get out was a 'hum thanks Christopher you too'

I think part of me is completely and utterly mad.

Once we got in the car and he put the radio, the god-awful awkwardness seemed to go and we spent the car journey laughing and talking about how Glasgow was.

But soon enough we were going to pull in, get out the car and embarrass myself further...


The next chapter carries on from this, and Christopher and Harper get closer...

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