Continuing with the training camp ace got to know the others in his group more. Hilda was a tomboy. She enjoyed exploring the forest areas and didn't care about getting dirty. She was going to be a trainer and challenge her regions gyms circuit when it was time.
Dawn got out of her shyness and was able to talk with the group. She didn't really care for camping and was more interested in the beauty of the forest. She wanted to be a pokemon coordinator who takes part in contests for beauty and such.
The young Jenny, who ace found out that her first name was Emily, was from saffron city and she was also a bit of a tomboy. She was enamored by the rangers and decided that's what she wanted to be when she was older.
The young Joy, whose first name was Mary, was a gentle soul who was from pewter city. She didn't want to battle herself but like the idea of adventuring. She had the idea of being a wandering physician, and heal pokemon as she traveled. It's not uncommon for nurse Joys who arnt interested in battling to want to adventure beyond the pokecenter, so the league set up a system for Young nurse Joys to follow a qualified trainer through their travels. If both the Trainer and Joy agree to the arrangement the league is prepared to supply both trainer and joy with necessary supplies, and a monthly income for both during the league circuit. Most if not all the Joys at the camp were trying to get into this program.
Chloe was a quiet girl. She seemed like she had no interest in Pokémon and seemed to only be here for her childhood friend Goh. She participated in the activities and she seemed to have a bit of fun but she seemed more interested in hanging out with Goh. Ace didn't mind because she was still a friendly girl and was easy to get along with.
It was the final weekend before it was time to return home. It was free time for everyone so all the kids were exploring the forest, the rangers were making sure no overly aggressive pokemon come anywhere near them. Ace was over by a river and was sketching some pokemon that were by it along with the landscape. Ace doesn't know why he enjoyed drawing, maybe it was something in his last life?
As ace was drawing he heard a childlike giggle. He looked around and saw nothing. Continuing his drawing he heard it again but from above him this time. He looked up and saw nothing. Going back to his drawing he then felt something plop on his head. Ace froze when he felt something on his head, and the next second a pink cat like thing looked him in the eyes from over his head then let out a cry of, "Mew!" With shock, ace dropped his sketchbook and fell backwards causing the mew to float there giggling at Aces reaction. The mew then picked up aces sketchbook looking at all the different drawings he drew.
After a minute with the mew looking through the book and ace just staring wide eye in amazement, the mew then close the book and floated over to ace, handing the book back over. The mew then flew around ace a few times then stopped in front of him looking straight into his eyes. Then mews tail moved and the tip touched aces forehead. Then a energy ran threw ace and something seemed to have unlocked within him, because he can now feel the emotion of the mew in front of him which seems to be showing excitement to what it has accomplished. Before ace could say anything the mew floated backwards giggling to itself then it teleported away.
Seeing mew teleport away, Ace could only sigh at the randomness that is mew. He then looked at his hands. Ace could feel there was something different after mew touched him, like he unlocked something. Ace then focused on his hand then a thin blue outline appeared. Ace muttered the word 'aura', cause that's the only thing he could think of that was close to what he was doing. Ace decided to experiment later and start heading back, so he picked up his sketchbook and started walking back.
As Ace was walking back he couldn't help but sense that someone was scared and hurt not too far from him, so Ace started to make his way to where he was getting the feeling. After trudging through the foliage and rounding a tree, Ace was met with a crying girl huddled against a tree. A girl with shoulder length brown hair wearing a sun floral hat with a pink one peace dress. Her knees seemed to have had a scrape on it and was bleeding slightly. 'Isn't this Serena?' Ace thought to himself. He remembered this from the anime. 'Isn't ash supposed to show up?' Ace thought again as he looked around seeing no sign of ash. After not seeing ash showing up Ace went up to Serena, "hey, what's wrong?" He was about to say are you ok, but that would be a stupid question seeing that she wasn't.
Startled because she didn't hear ace walk up she jumped in fright. She looked at ace with tears in her eyes, "I-i-i was following a P-pokemon. *sniff* and I t-tripped and scraped my knee. And I can't stand on i-it and-and" she then starts to cry some more.
Ace not knowing how to reply and comfort a crying girl, simply goes over to her, "shhh shhh. It's ok. Everything will be alright." Ace then pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket. Jane got Ace into the habit of always having a handkerchief, Ace just thought it was a custom thing so he didn't really mind it. He wrapped the cloth around her knee while trying to release calming vibes with his aura but he's not very good at controlling it yet so its only somewhat effective as Serena's crying starts to stop.
Ace looked at Serena and asked, "better now?" To which she nodded. Ace then looked at her knee and thought for a second. He shook his head and after he secured his stuff in his bag on his front, he turned around and motioned for her to get on his back, "come on."
Serena's eyes widen as she then shook her head in denial, "n-no I don't want to b-be a bother." She said meekly.
Ace just rolled his eyes and motioned again for her to get on, "it's alright. You can't stand and I can't leave you out here. Don't worry I'm quite strong." It wasn't a lie, ace has been doing exercises ever since coming to this world and he has decent strength cause of it.
After a minute of hesitation, Serena slowly got on aces back and after he made sure he had a firm grip, they made their way back to the camp grounds. On the way they talked with one another with Serena telling Ace she was from Kalos and how she wanted to be a coordinator when she was older. Ace told her he's from pallet town and the adoptive grandson of professor Oak, to which she was amazed at for some reason. He told her about how he wanted to travel the world with his Pokémon and challenging the gyms sound like fun.
When they were almost to camp they ran into ash and Nemona who were runing around with each other. Ash seeing Ace carrying Serena stoped and asked, "hey Ace, is everything ok?"
Ace still walking replied to ash, "she fell and scraped her knee. Can you both go and get one of the adults to help." Ash got a serious face while nodding then ran to go get an adult with Nemona right behind him.
The next few hours after getting back was spent with Serena getting looked over by nurse joy and also ace for being involved. After everything was settled and Serena was given a clean bill of health they were both let go. For the rest of summer camp Serena followed ace wherever he went. When she saw him drawing she asked if he could draw her to which he didn't mind. He was able to finish the drawing before the end of camp to which she asked if she could keep. Ace had no problem with it so he let her have the picture, which she held firmly. With that the end of the training camp came and everyone was sent back to their homes, with new friends made and fates intertwined.
Author note: so I would like help choosing starter Pokémon.
1.keep it to one of the three starters
2. Riolu
3. Zoura
Those are the ones I'm leaning twords. But if anyone has in interesting suggestion I'll take it into consideration.
Like always let me hear your guys thought with a comment or a review. Hope your enjoying my story.
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