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Write a reviewHey there! Here are some web novel recommendations for whom share the same taste with me. If you like this story, my recommendations are worth a try!
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
So this MC is very OP, but also likes to keep a low profile. You will see this frequently throughout the first 31 chapters ( currently only 31 chapters as I write this.). I have learned to never get on the MC's bad side. Only trouble awaits those fools. The novel is not for everyone. But if you like an MC who is very secretive with his plans, powerful with his abilities and loyal to the ones he deems worthy, this novel is for you! I appreciate the hard work you put into this novel and I look forward to all your future releases. Please just don't drop the novel!
Reveal SpoilerHey, so I was wondering how many people are still reading. As a new writer, I would love it if you could all let me know what chapter you are currently on. Or if you stopped reading tell me what chapter and what made you not able to read anymore. These things are all helpful so I would appreciate if you could let me know
So far I am interested but I gotta say kinda ridiculous and stupid....3 years old and able to fight 15 year old apprentices..even I am calling BS,,,now make no mistake..I love OP madara level OP..but gotta be done at the right time..ex: maybe when he was 5 instead of the parents and clans reaction to all this is stupid..there barely is any ....other than the straight out praise..BUT eh!...I 'll let it pass but keep MC stupid OP but build it ,,,,,,also make him smart and make him use it secretly to **** with his a hidden Dragon?....add some romance and fluff but build...dont make MC a perverted retard like issei or make his lovers shallow..ex: they fall in love with MC cause he is the romance...goodluck and goodshow.......pairing:[elf princess? beast girl?...lamia?..just build the romance and if harem keep it small]
Hi there! Are you looking for inspiration? You might want to check out our Prompts Writing contest! Apocalypse, Isekai, LitRPG... Follow the three provided prompts and take the chance to win up to $2,000! Please Google 70daysthemedwritingchallenge to find out more! This contest is free entry and open to any writer at any country. If you had any query, please feel free to contact Good luck for writing!
Hey there! Here are some web novel recommendations for whom share the same taste with me. If you like this story, my recommendations are worth a try!
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
So this MC is very OP, but also likes to keep a low profile. You will see this frequently throughout the first 31 chapters ( currently only 31 chapters as I write this.). I have learned to never get on the MC's bad side. Only trouble awaits those fools. The novel is not for everyone. But if you like an MC who is very secretive with his plans, powerful with his abilities and loyal to the ones he deems worthy, this novel is for you! I appreciate the hard work you put into this novel and I look forward to all your future releases. Please just don't drop the novel!
Reveal SpoilerHey, so I was wondering how many people are still reading. As a new writer, I would love it if you could all let me know what chapter you are currently on. Or if you stopped reading tell me what chapter and what made you not able to read anymore. These things are all helpful so I would appreciate if you could let me know
So far I am interested but I gotta say kinda ridiculous and stupid....3 years old and able to fight 15 year old apprentices..even I am calling BS,,,now make no mistake..I love OP madara level OP..but gotta be done at the right time..ex: maybe when he was 5 instead of the parents and clans reaction to all this is stupid..there barely is any ....other than the straight out praise..BUT eh!...I 'll let it pass but keep MC stupid OP but build it ,,,,,,also make him smart and make him use it secretly to **** with his a hidden Dragon?....add some romance and fluff but build...dont make MC a perverted retard like issei or make his lovers shallow..ex: they fall in love with MC cause he is the romance...goodluck and goodshow.......pairing:[elf princess? beast girl?...lamia?..just build the romance and if harem keep it small]
Hi there! Are you looking for inspiration? You might want to check out our Prompts Writing contest! Apocalypse, Isekai, LitRPG... Follow the three provided prompts and take the chance to win up to $2,000! Please Google 70daysthemedwritingchallenge to find out more! This contest is free entry and open to any writer at any country. If you had any query, please feel free to contact Good luck for writing!