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96.83% Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic) / Chapter 150: Chapter 149 - The War On Heaven Part 3

Chapter 150: Chapter 149 - The War On Heaven Part 3

Location: ???

Time: 3 Weeks into the Invasion

In the cafeteria kitchen, Jeanne with a few others gathered and was preparing for lunch. Together with her are a few volunteers.

"Done!" "Done." A chorus of voices said before Jeanne toned down the heat cooking a massive pot of stew and then she turned around to look at the girls.

"Mhm. Everyone did a great job." Jeanne said as she collects the potatoes and carrots that the girls help peel and cut before she moves them to the countertop to be rinsed.

For the past few weeks, Tina, Alices and surprisingly Sirin, had been helping Jeanna whenever it's possible. The former two are just willing to help while the latter wished to learn how to cook.

Sirin's first day helping in the kitchen was disastrous to say the least. She had experience helping her biological parents in the past as a waitress in their tavern. She assumed working in the kitchen was easy until she tried it. Jeanne still can't forget when Sirin tried to chop vegetables using her power and accidentally cut the whole countertop in a slip of hand or the time she mistook sugar for salt or the time she dumped a whole pot of boiling hot oil down the sink.

But after a few weeks, Sirin had become competent enough to make simple dishes in an attempt to impress Adam, although that invoked Tina's rivalry. Hence why both of them are here helping her. As for Alice, she just tags along with her older sister and wishes to be helpful whenever she is. Not that she is complaining. Jeanne is happy to have them two helping her constantly since her other option is the Mass Produced A-Doll that Angeline made which lacks personality and is lifeless like a doll that follows orders to the letter. That's why the girls are better assistants than the A-Dolls. At least she wouldn't be bored.

"Well, it's done. All left is to add the chopped potatoes and carrots. Then wait another ten minutes for them to soften and then it's done. Easy right?" Jeanne explains while Tina and Sirin nod while taking notes.

Once the two were done taking notes, Tina looked around and then said, "We can help set up the food station right?" She points at the front of the cafeteria where the food will be served later.

"Of course." Jeanne replied gratefully without a reason to decline the help she can get.

But, then. Someone suddenly stumbled into the door of the cafeteria kitchen before suddenly falling down to the ground but was quickly caught by Tina who reacted quickly.

"This… Miss Tanya?" Jeanne called in surprise and quickly went to check on Tanya.

It hasn't been long since Tanya joined the crew and everyone accepted her quite well considering she was once an enemy.

Tanya looks disheveled, pale and dehydrated. It didn't take much guessing to find out why because she herself immediately talked about her situation. She had been taking a tour to the manufacturing area to use the 3D Printers there to make herself a few things and furniture but accidentally got lost and stumbled into that maze-like area dedicated for housing the Mech Units. She could only escape after encountering a group of maintenance A-Dolls passing by the area.

"No wonder I didn't see you last night and this morning." Jeanne facepalmed because no one taught Tanya how to use the emergency teleport function yet.

"Next time, if you are lost. Just say, Emergency Teleport, then includes a destination. Remember, you can only teleport to a public area like the Cafeteria, Training Room, Recreational Area or your own assigned room. Also, remember it's for emergencies only, not to be used for your convenience because it uses a lot of energy." Jeanne taught Tanya about this function while Sirin in the background casually flaunts her Herrscher of Void power by opening a portal to her room and pulling Bella into the Cafeteria to help set the dishes and utensils.

"Yes, Mi— Uh… Jeanne." Tanya almost saluted out of habit.

"It's fine. Since you are starving. Come and sit. I'll prepare some snacks for you while you wait for lunch to be served." Jeanne offered before she pulled out some leftovers from the breakfast and reheated them in the microwave.


Location: Command Room, Orbital Fortress 01

Time: Same

"Recall the fleet. Tell them to gather up. I finally found their Divine Realm." Adam declared which is great news as they can finally mount an attack at the heart of the enemy's base.

"Make the necessary preparations. We proceed as planned after the fleet is regrouped. This… will hopefully be the final battle." He said with a slight hesitation before he stood up from the commander seat and left.

"Yes, Master." Angie replied faithfully as he left before she turned around after he exited the command room and set her eyes at the beautiful horizon, the peripheral of the Divine Realm which Adam explained is a space that exists outside the space and time, aka the Void.

To look for the Divine Realm manually without the coordinate is like searching for a needle in the middle of the ocean. But with the constant traffic between the Divine Realm and the material universes, Adam eventually managed to pinpoint the location. But not without exhausting significant effort and constantly using The Almighty to scour the void.

After leaving the Command Room, Adam drops his facade of normality before he reaches for the wall, almost stumbles but he quickly teleports himself back into his Meditation Room.

As soon as he arrived, Kyoka Suigetsu already materialized herself and supported him as he breathed weakly and his face paled.

"Master… you promised me you wouldn't." She looked hurt but nursed him regardless.

"This is just a mild annoyance. After I rest a little, I will be alright." He closed his eyes and swiftly fell into his brief rest.

Kyoka Suigetsu looks at Adam with restlessness and worry. He is becoming more and more reckless as the battle draws out. He overexerted him especially when using his power even when knowing the irreversible damage they cause. The reason was The Almighty.

No, it's not the power itself that has a problem. That's not the case. Instead, Adam had used The Almighty to first gather information about his opponent to make advance preparations. However, when he tried to see the outcome of his battle against Deus X. Regardless of method, he can win 99 out of a hundred of the attempts but after taking devastating losses. But in all of the visions, he would be the sole survivor regardless as he is the only one powerful enough to survive a battle with the help of Fragment of Nihility.

He cannot see a future where he can achieve victory with everyone surviving unless he fights alone. That would be an entirely different issue on its own because if he did fight solo, he would be fighting hundreds of Gods with only the Mechanical Quincy in his disposal.

Besides, even if Adam wants to fight alone. He didn't think his companions, his wives would allow him to. Unless he puts everyone under Kyoka Suigetsu's illusion…

It's either betraying their trust to keep them safe or risk bringing them to battle where death is definitely guaranteed. The answer should be very clear.

When Adam opens his eyes, Kyoka Suigetsu is next to him waiting faithfully to fulfill his order. She in some sense is indebted to Adam. After being essentially deemed useless and abandoned by Aizen, Adam willingly and eagerly accepted her. He uses her power even if it has severe side effects. He trusts and wants her. In turn, she will answer his trust and need for her with her loyalty.

"If that is your wish, Master. It shall be done." Kuroka Suigetsu stood up and held the Zanpakuto that appeared in her hands before she turned around. "Muramasa, please help me attend and look after our Master while I am away." Kyoka Suigetsu addresses the white robed Zanpakuto Spirit standing near the wall of the room silently.

Muramasa provides a wordless nod before Kyoka Suigetsu is satisfied and leaves the meditation room. He then looks at Adam's resting figure. A Zanpakuto is naturally empathetic towards their user and he could feel the feeling of guilt wrecking his mind even as he tried to rest. He wishes he could provide his Master any form of comfort but unlike Kyoka Suigetsu, his form might be undesirable which made him wish he had a more comforting form that can heal his mind.


Kyoka Suigetsu, used her illusion power to pretend to be Adam and she gathered everyone before she promptly put them all under illusion too.

The effect of the illusion was to simply make them think and believe they were fighting alongside Adam when in truth they were staying in a safe distance in the Void, away from the Divine Realm to be impacted.

After that, the rest of the day went as normal. Everyone makes the preparation while blissfully unaware of them being under Hypnosis. Well, at least that is what Kyoka Suigetsu assumed.

Unohana Retsu, is anything but the definition of normal. From the moment she learnt about Kyoka Suigetsu's power, she already had countermeasures in place for it. Just in case Adam turns against her. But she found out later that Adam was simply too kind to do such a thing under normal conditions.

Unohana had seen the sign and been anticipating it, the day Adam attempted something stupid. She had learned his habits and way of thoughts, he is too self-sacrificing for those he cares for, which is total opposite with how ruthless and uncaring he is towards his enemy.

But, she had anticipated he would do something as stupid as trying to take on the enemy alone. It started from the moment he started his pursuit to create the Mechanical Quincy army instead of turning the already powerful companions of his even stronger with Quincy power he can bestow. He rather created an army of Quincy from scratch which would be weaker compared to bestowing Quincy power to for example the shipgirls. His excuse were of course, the Shipgirls might be reluctant to fight in this genocide. But so far, only the shipgirl Richelieu did protest. Still, she still fights for him despite her initial protest.

So, the moment she saw his Zanpakuto Spirit putting people under illusion, she knew her prediction was true. However, she wasn't angry that Adam lied to her and tried to put her under illusion. Surely he has his reason to do this especially when he has The Almighty.

No, Unohana Retsu is angry because Adam tried to keep her away from all the fun. After all, she joined his crew under the promise of finding stronger opponents to fight and then Adam suddenly wanted to cockblock her from fighting against hundreds of powerful Gods and keep them to himself?! If this is not outrageous, she didn't know what else is.

No, she is not having this. She will not stand quietly after he goes back on his words.

With that, Unohana marched upon his private floor he kept all for himself and went straight to the meditation room literally next to the elevator. Due to her sudden and forceful entry, Muramasa sprung forward with his Zanpakuto, thinking an enemy had invaded only to found out it's Unohana eyeing the sleeping figure of Adam with a rather irritated and angry look but without any bloodlust that indicates she is here to fight.

"How long has your Master been sleeping?" She asked.

Muramasa lowered and dismissed his Zanpakuto before he replied, "Not longer than half an hour."

"I see." Unohana mutters silently before she says, "After he wakes up later, tell him I demand an explanation." Unohana left the message before she left the meditation room without much noise compared to how she initially barged in.

After that, Unohana returns to her quarters and waits while she prepares herself for the approaching battle. She must be at her peak state if she wants to enjoy the battle to its fullest. After all, her opponents would be Gods. Although much more lackluster than the God from her world, the Soul King which these Gods look like leech in comparison. Relying on Faith generated by Human instead of being the source of power himself like the Soul King.


AN: Aight, I'm sure everyone is excited. So, the battle starts in the next chapter.

In this chapter you can see Adam's reluctance to allow his companions to fight alongside him because of the guaranteed death rate for all participants.

I am sure not many agree to this decision of mine. But logically, this is what Adam would do if he looked into all the branching future paths if he allowed them to join and on each of those parallel futures, he found them all dead. Obviously, he would prevent it from happening at all cost. Even if he had to betray their trust because trust can be earned back if they are alive. If they are dead, it's over.

Also, I say 'Parallel Future' because The Almighty doesn't simply peer into the river of time with Clairvoyance power. No. It looks directly into the outcome of the action, thus a future of the outcome of a particular action after it had happened. So, yeah there are numerous other parallel timelines where Adam fought and everyone died except for Agent and Alice because he can rebuild their body and upload back their back up consciousness.

This may be relevant to those that like to speculate about the IFs. In one of them, he went crazy and rebuilt everyone as T-Dolls with Neural Cloud designed after each of his companions with Agent and Alice watch his descend into madness especially after he learned that he lost his only and first ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ that ▅▅▅▅▅▅ kept a secret to surprise him.

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