/ Fantasy / Inter-dimensional Portal

Inter-dimensional Portal Original

Inter-dimensional Portal

Fantasy 30 Chapters 14.4K Views
Author: Wisewrites_0627

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Magical, weird, funny, ridiculous and frustrating piece of art. A group of teens living the ordinary life of going to school, getting a girlfriend/boyfriend, going to prom and so on, ends up on a field trip that changes their lives forever. Will the change in their life be for the better or for the worse? Will they get their dream lovers? Will they remain the same teens who biggest problems is how to get a date for prom or would they have to mature much faster than their peers? Only time would tell the change in their lives. Should they embrace it... or fear it.

General Audiences
  1. Wisewrites_0627
    Wisewrites_0627 Contributed 349
  2. Zenithnovels
    Zenithnovels Contributed 10
  3. Akpaego_Uyo
    Akpaego_Uyo Contributed 6

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It's a nice book, the first chapter was actually very easy to visualise. it was written in such a way that the message the author was trying to pass through was clear. although, there are a few mistakes in the punctuations, the book is overall nice. keep it up 💓

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This is a really cute book filled with mystery and magic. The writer did a great job with pacing, and with the characters vastly different personalities.

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  • Writing Quality
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  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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