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41.48% Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice / Chapter 173: Lavinia and the girls in Eiji's harem

Chapter 173: Lavinia and the girls in Eiji's harem

"Ano... So you were told by Eiji-san to be our bodyguard and magic teacher? Leave aside the latter but is the former really necessary?"

Momo looked at the beautiful blonde woman in the witch's outfit in confusion.

"Hmph! Eiji, that man is too much. Although I am a little interested in learning magic so that I can defeat him. What Momo said is right, after all so far there aren't many people who have ever dared to attack us."

Nana folded her arms between her flat chest and snorted. The other girls who were also there in school uniforms felt that what the pink-haired girl said made sense. However, hearing Nana was interested in learning magic to defeat Eiji, they gave the girl a funny look because she never learned from experience, right?

Who had been slapped many times before for provoking Eiji?

By the way except for Grayfia and Kuroka, originally all the girls living in Eiji's house were about to leave for school together, but before they did a woman named Lavinia Reni who introduced herself as a witch came to Eiji's house.

So the girls were now sitting in the living room and looking at the blonde woman.

The blonde woman, Lavinia nodded and waved her hand, instantly a magic portal opened beside her. Before the girls, especially Grayfia suspected she was going to do something bad.

Lavinia explained. "Don't worry, I just want to point out some suspicious people that I recently defeated on the way here."

"These people seemed to have ill intentions towards one of you, and as Eiji-san's contracted mage, I was doing one of my duties as a bodyguard."

What came out of the portal Lavinia created were six green-skinned people with ugly faces and long tongues frozen in ice cubes. They were definitely not human, they were aliens that made the girls dumbfounded.

"It's Balkea!" Lala exclaimed as she recognized the green aliens. They were the same kind of aliens that Ghi Bree had chased to Earth to marry her before being killed by Eiji.

"Balkea?" Repeated Rias with a question mark. Except Momo, Nana and Run. The girls from Highschool DxD were seeing those green-skinned creatures for the first time.

Akeno, Asia, Grayfia, Kuroka, Sona, and even Irina and Xenovia who had established a good relationship with everyone overnight also looked at Lala curiously.

Lavinia who was carrying the corpses was also curious, after all it was her first time seeing those green-skinned creatures. It wasn't difficult to defeat those creatures, with her magic, she could kill and freeze them with a single wave of the hand.

"Ah they are actually a kind of Alien from the planet Balke. A few months ago, Ghi Bree who is from the same planet also came to earth."

"That guy was one of my suitors who almost harassed Yui and I at school, but he was already killed by Eiji."

The heroines there suddenly remembered that Eiji's inner voice had said a few things about the person in question. If they were not mistaken it was a small villain.

"So these people are also... Are they also Lala's suitors?"

Lala frowned slightly at what the crimson-haired girl said, she was also actually fed up with her suitors. Obviously her father must have announced her and Eiji's engagement, but there were still people who objected as if they had the right to interfere in her life.

Although Lala was innocent and kind, she also felt uncomfortable and a little resentful of the people who kept pursuing her.


"Hm~ I don't think so, except for Ghi Bree who if I'm not mistaken has a high status on her planet, I'm also not sure why these people came to earth." Lala put a finger to her lips and looked confused.

Honestly, she didn't care.

Rias and the others were the same, after all, those people were already taken care of by Lavinia. But what happened clearly made Lavinia quite useful.

Lavinia waved her hand again, all the corpses disappeared into the portal. Now the woman smiled and said, "Eiji-san didn't ask me to look after everyone of course. Not everyone here needs my protection anyway."

While saying that, her gaze fell on Rias, Akeno, Grayfia, Kuroka, Sona, Irina, and Xenovia. Some of them seemed to be stronger than her and some were probably no worse than her. Lavinia honestly felt that Eiji didn't really need her, even if she didn't do anything to defeat the aliens, when they decided to attack these girls, none of them would succeed.

The only ones who still needed his protection just in case were probably the girls named Lala, Nana, Momo, Asia and Run. There were also girls named Yui, Haruna, and Mai who did not live here.

To be honest Lavinia still underestimated Eiji before because she thought being the bodyguard and magic teacher of her girls would be easy, but she didn't expect the number of girls in question to be so large.

After getting acquainted with these girls and explaining why she came here, this was the first time she saw all the residents of Eiji's house. Except for the man himself, everyone living here was a woman!

And all of them were beautiful women who were no less than herself.

Lavinia knew all the girls were heroine after knowing their respective names considering Eiji had mentioned moments with them in his inner voice.

Now she was a little dizzy, teaching magic was fine, but she wondered if she could really take care of so many girls at the same time?

As if understanding what she was thinking, Sona, Sitri's heir from the underworld suddenly spoke up.

"Lavinia-san, I understand. Except for me, Rias, Grayfia-san and the others. We can take care of ourselves, and you don't have to bother teaching us either. Maybe my fiancé means you should prioritize girls like Lala, Nana, Momo, Run, Asia, Yui, Haruna, and Mai."

"Hey we're not so weak! I can..." Nana wanted to say something, she was dissatisfied that Sona seemed to think she and her two sisters were weaker than them even though it was true. However, her mouth was silenced by Momo before she could finish speaking.

Run was also as dissatisfied as Nana, but she saw Lala looking at her younger sister and said, "Nana, there's nothing wrong with what Sona said. So you don't interrupt first, okay? Let her finish talking."

"Uh... If that's what Ane-ue says, fine."

The naughty and noisy Nana actually obeyed immediately hearing a few words from Lala.

All the girls were used to it, but it was Lavinia who was seeing a scene like this for the first time. She looked at Lala who smiled innocently at Sona as if telling her to continue, the devil heir nodded and had no arrogance in front of the girl.

Lavinia didn't know how the relationships of all the women in this house would be if there was no Eiji, different from what she thought, everyone seemed to have a good relationship. The girl named Nana, she was just a little mischievous and grumpy, but there was no real hatred when she was dissatisfied with what Sona said.

And from the way all these women looked at Lala, even though the girl was not the strongest in terms of power out of everyone here, she somehow seemed to be the center of women like Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, and Grayfia Lucifuge who looked at the girl as if she was the real hostess of this house.

"So Lavinia-san."

"Yes?" Lavinia wondered what Sona Sitri really wanted to say?

Sona smiled slightly. When she first saw Lavinia's appearance, she knew Eiji would be interested in this woman. Not just because she was a heroine, but because she was very beautiful and hers was also very big. After knowing Eiji all this time, how did she not know her fiancé was deliberately making Lavinia do unnecessary things like being his bodyguard and his womans magic teacher to keep her by his side?

The man was very greedy, his intention to keep Lavinia by his side was good because it was also to separate her from her protagonist, Tobio, whose body was stolen by someone else. But besides good intentions, there was also greed in Lavinia's beauty.

Although Sona wasn't entirely in favor of Eiji having too many women, but she knew she couldn't stop the man. Even so, she could still oppose if the women who wanted to join Eiji's harem were bad women or not good enough.

But Lavinia Reni... As one of the heroine, she was not bad and she must also be able to hear Eiji's inner voice like them.

Sona was not against Lavinia Reni becoming one of her sisters, even not long ago her older sister, Serafall who had an ambiguous relationship with her fiancé she approved in the end. Speaking of Serafall, after being caught masturbating while calling out her fiancé's name, the woman seemed very embarrassed and had been avoiding her a lot lately.

Sona sighed at the thought of her older sister, but it was the woman's own problem whether she really wanted to be with Eiji or not.

"Sona Sitri?"

"You can call me Sona, Lavinia-san. There's no need to be so polite."

After all, it won't be long before we become sisters.

"Um... Okay, Sona-san. Do you have any suggestions?"

Lavinia didn't know what Sona was thinking, if she knew... Would she still be able to escape? Not sure.

"Un, I do have a suggestion for you. Because the number of girls you need to take care of is quite a lot."

"It must be hard for you to take care of them together, especially when there's no way they'll always be in one place like now, right?"

Lavinia felt that what Sona said made sense, in fact that was the problem she had been thinking about since she saw how many women Eiji had.

She nodded at Sona in response.

But what Sona said next confused her.

"So how about you become one of the teachers at our school?"



If Eiji knew what Sona was doing, he would give the woman a thumbs up and even kiss her.

Good woman...

You really are a good woman.

Without being told, Sona had a tacit understanding of him.

She even tricked... I mean suggesting to Lavinia that she become a teacher at school. Don't know the details, what's certain is that Lavinia will spend more time with his womans.

And the protagonist Tobio? Eiji didn't know and didn't care what the man's fate was after being hit by bad luck for 24 hours from yesterday, but the man must not have realized the woman he liked was in the process of getting to know her future sisters who was related to another man.

That man was Eiji of course.

"Eiji, what's with your bad smile? Is there someone suffering?"

"Ahem! Of course not. Mai, why do I get the feeling you think I'm the type to smile when I see others suffering?"

"You're not?"

Eiji was silent, he looked at Mai in school uniform who went with him to school. After eating the Kiro Kiro no Mi fruit, the girl didn't vomit, she ate the fruit to the end and said it tasted like apples.

Of course, unlike in the original work where the devil fruit has a very disgusting flavor that makes people vomit just from eating a little bit of it. The fruit given by Miss System has a good taste like a normal fruit and without any side effects that make devil fruit users not have to fear sea water and sea stones.

If Mai wanted, she could swim at the beach with it and do many things there.

¶{Doing things? Why do I feel like you're saying perverted things, host?}

Miss System... That's just your imagination.

Eiji knew Lala, Rias, Sona and the others must have left for school first. He and Mai were a bit late coming to school, but there was no stopping them.

The reason he and Mai were late, actually it was only because he was helping that rabbit girl to understand and control her devil fruit ability. Fortunately it didn't take long, Mai was a smart girl, at least there was no need to worry that the girl would accidentally hurt people or objects around her.

Now, the girl held his hand with a smile as beautiful as a flower while walking, she was in a good mood, especially when she could adjust her weight at will.

Since she just ate the devil fruit this morning, the power of the devil fruit was also not excessive, besides being able to make her body as light as a feather, Mai could make her weight reach 100 tons.

That was not the limit of her devil fruit of course, it would take time and training for her power to reach the height of Miss Valentine or the woman named Mikita who also ate the Kiro Kiro no Mi fruit in the original work, but Mai was already satisfied with that although she also said she would try to train in her spare time according to the training method he gave her.

"No, maybe only for some people."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Mai looked at him flatly, but there was still a smile on her pretty face now prettier after the exercise they did last night.

She knew the few people Eiji was referring to must be people like the protagonist.

"Mai, the third grade building is approaching. Although I'm reluctant, it's time for us to part ways."

Eiji clearly changed the topic, Mai knew but she stood on tiptoe without caring if anyone else saw and kissed him.

"Then I'm leaving."

Waving her hand after kissing him and leaving, Eiji watched the bunny girl run towards the third grade building. Mai was becoming more and more proactive after last night and what was given to her this morning.

The girl had fallen completely.

Eiji smiled softly.

"Host, do you want to check the rewards?

What Miss System said caught him off guard.

"Wait, does what I did yesterday count?"

Honestly, Eiji just went with the flow and spent more time with Mai just because he wanted to. He never thought about rewards in the process.

After all did it even change the plot or something?

¶{Of course, besides making the heroine Mai love you so much, there's also her younger sister. Did you forget about Nodoka? Because of you, in the future she won't have anything to do with the protagonist Sakuta anymore.}

¶{Even if she accidentally meets the protagonist Sakuta who suddenly breaks free from your control, she won't be mesmerized by the protagonist halo because she has a crush on you, host!}

"Nodoka has a crush on me?" Eiji was confused, how did the blonde girl like him? Is it because he teased her a bit in the bathroom?

Wait! Don't tell me it was because of the accident they had in the bathroom! It must have been Nodoka's first time seeing a naked man, and that man was still very handsome and she accidentally saw his sword, even held it twice so she must have been thinking about him all night, right?

Eiji knew he sounded narcissistic, but hey... There's no other reason that makes sense other than that, right? After all, Nodoka herself said that she had never had a relationship with a man before because she was always busy with her school and work.

At least before meeting her older sister's boyfriend.

However, knowing his identity as her sister's boyfriend and future brother-in-law. Nodoka would definitely not confess her fondness for him, she would just suppress her feelings and try not to think about him too much in that way.

Poor girl.

Eiji would think about it later, for now...

"Check my reward."

"Eiji, what a coincidence."


While Miss System was distributing his reward, he looked back only to see two familiar people.


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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