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91.66% Infinite Worlds / Chapter 11: Fox tale.

Chapter 11: Fox tale.

They couldn't understand, didn't Fox leave this base for them? With the security outside how could it be empty?

"Alfred, why is it empty?" Iris could not help but ask.

"The base is currently in sleep mode to conserve energy, just give me a minute"

As Alfred finished saying that, the building started to shake a little, and soon many parts of the floor opened, and from it many walls, computers, machines and furniture started to appear, even a new top floor started to appear. In less than a minute they were inside a reception room, with 3 doors leading inside.

"The base has been awaken miss Iris, would you like to see the map?"

"Yes please" Said the 3 of them almost at the same time.

With the command, a screen appeared from the wall in front of then. And from it they were able to see many facilities and floors. The base had 2 floors above ground and 5 underground. There were many facilities, kitchen, bedrooms, storage, even pens and a underground areas connected to the ocean for aquatic fauna. The base is supplied by geothermal generator at the bottom of the ocean, and solar panels at the top. There was no living been besides them currently in the base.

"Miss and masters, the creator left a message for you in the meeting room" Said Alfred while they were checking the compound.

"Let's go check Fox message first, before we decide what to do" Suggested Iris.

While walking to the meeting room, with Alfred's guidance, they took the time to look around. all the common areas of the base were made of metal. Alfred told them that it was made this way for extra defense against invaders. Even the areas that had other materials like the dinner room and meeting room, only had a small layer of wood and stone, just to give a more comfortable visual.

The meeting room had a large wooden table and 21 chairs. A main chair in the corner and 10 other at each side. Behind the main chain was a big screen. When they entered the screen turned on and a play button was displayed.

They each took a seat looking at the screen, when they were ready Alfred played the video.

The video displayed this exactly room, and Fox seated at the main chair. For some reason he looked younger than before. like he had returned to his 20's.

"Hey guys good to see you together again. It's best to be between friends than to be left alone. Even though I prepare many version of this introductions in case only 1 or 2 of you appeared. It seems all my work was wasted since you guys came together.

I left this place here in case you guys decided to come, this is the only base I left behind and the closest to the new players spawn point. It was more of a bet since I didn't know if it would be destroyed or even if you guys would come here.

As you know, you are in the world or A. S.. Wolf I know hated the game, like any other survival one. Iris has only played 2 games in her entire life, so she is a no too. And Kano I knew he played it but not how much. so I will give you guys a brief description about the situation. As the game informed to leave this place with the rewards you need to defeat 3 bosses and the main boss. to access the main boss you need to kill the other 3 first, and to go to them you need to find artifacts around the continent.

However this is not a simple go kill mission. You are not alone, there are many players here too, and by my experience they will try to kill you just because.

Let's say that my arrival here wasn't good. Well, John, the ghoul that you met with me, was actually another player who tried to kill me. So when I arrived here i was a lot skeptical about new people. And to make things worse, I was attacked by the other players that though I was easy prey. I killed them of course, got a lot of points from it. And since I knew a lot of the ins and outs of A. S. and knew how to make many things, like guns, computers, medieval and modern constructions, it was kinda easy with this building tool.

In a few months I had build many bases and outposts, and had tamed many creatures. The taming works like in game, however the time for the creatures moves faster than the time for us.

I stayed alone all the time, until in one of my adventures around the continent, I met another player who also knew how to play this game. He had just arrived here and was building his base. We became friends while discussing about the game, and I ended up bringing him to my base. However I only gave him access to the base and some of the facilities.

In time, some of his friends came and joined us. And soon, we were a group of around 10 people going around the world, looking for the artifacts and taming creatures. One day without him knowing I decided to do a little test. I decided to give him 'Full access' to the base. And as I expected, right after placing him there he killed me.

Not long after I woke up in another base that I had. This base was a secret one, only I knew where it was. Calmly I walked to the central computer of the base, and started plan S.

What they didn't know was that, Alfred had been monitoring all our actions, and if they killed me, or removed my access from the base system, he would start all defense mechanisms and eliminate all the personnel inside all bases.

What about plan S? Well it was another counter measure. I made this plan in the first four months, since most of the players here were hostile and liked to play in a more aggressive style, I decided to follow it now.

Plan S was quite simple, SUBMIT OR DIE.

I had many bases and outposts around half the continent, when the plan started, all of them turned hostile and killed everyone who did not submit.

It was an extreme measure, but I was tired of everything. After this the population in the small continent fell to like ⅓ of the original amount. and only a few of the one that survived decided to submit. I planted a bomb spell in those that submitted, at my will I could explode it and destroy part of their body. I placed this as a last resort, so that I didn't need to care about them. All those that submitted got there own house, a safe place to call home, in exchange for the simple job of doing some physical work, like farming, taking care of the animals, collect materials and so on.

In time, I had some of them come with me in adventures, and I started to make a rank system like a company, the ones at the top had more advantageous. I didn't care about their background, only about what they could do. And after some time, they themselves, started to venture out of the protected area and meet those that didn't submit. When those that were against submitting at first, heard what they were losing, they changed opinion and decided to also submit.

Soon more than half of the people in there had joined or 'company', there were those to liked adventure, those that prefer administrative jobs, and those that wanted to give up but were not decisive enough to kill themselves."

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