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100% IN THE WORLD OF TENSURA / Chapter 3: The lazy walk

Chapter 3: The lazy walk

Clay pov

After burning veldora's hair i feel safe so safe that i could let my guard down but i already didn't put a guard up in the first place. i already feel lazy in my new form damn i have my same body but the difference is my personality which seems to have my previous and buu personality mixed,great what a combo.

At one side of the ring there is a anime fan who digested many crazy quotes and on another side we have a menace no,that doesn't suit him the ultimate menace suits him perfectly .

I look at the grumbling dragon who had tears in his but he is not letting them flow as he had to be a tsundere, i say "cant you just forgive this friend of yours veldora sama" he looked at me and said"do you know it feels to lose your hair?" He asked in a surprisingly serious tone.

"It means you are becoming saitama?" Then he looked at me and said "what's a saitama?" I was suprised at this statement what do you mean you don't know who the caped baldy is what i thought but i remembered that this is another world,hmm i really am talking to a true dragon in real life,he said"knowing you are losing your hair is not terrifying but the fact it will never come back is terrifying "(this is totally what my friend said to me this morning)

Wow thats such a good quote maybe i can make veldora give more such quotes to me "hey do you want to know about manga?" He looked at me intrested "what is a manga?" I just had to give a defination to him without him knowing i am an otherworlder (this dude didn't reveal he was isekaied)

"Manga is a sacred book which gives us information about the other worlds" i say he looked at me fascinated as i am an powerful person "you have information about other worlds,are you a multiversal being created by my brother?" Created thats a big word,but i heard from dark that this universe acts like a multiverse so basically what he says that, his brother is a higher existence in this world who can travel everywhere in this universe like some fanfic protagnists or he was given a higher responsibility like acting god.

Ok thats a lot of information to take with some words but from what i heard from dark was there was a primordial trinity which ruled all of existence and dark was one of them so he had access.well it seemed it took the permission of one of these 3 beings to travel the true multiverse because all universes were different some universes even acted like a multiverse like this one for someone to cross a universe it takes a lot of power but if the said world is in part of the universe then it takes considerably the least power depends on the universe you are in.(an idea for a multiverse were all my books are connected)

So as i walked veldora said this"you know you are strong but there are stronger entities in this world then you can realise ,you have immense physical strenght but that doesn't work against someone who has a skill which opposes you lets say there are multiple enemies so why not be a little careful ".(this will be broken)

To which i was suprised as he was right, there are many skills in this world one may even stop my skills from working to this world i am basically a slime in human form with the powers of a god.

Wait god,yeah right god so if what i think is correct majin buu ate many 4 kais which gave him access to god ki but it is unawakend he even ate the grand supreme kai damn i am feeling strong yet i still have potential to grow stronger then it,well it appeares we just talked and walked like this 3 days straight till finally reaching the entrance hmm damn that was a lazy walk.

Well to think this cave was actually this big well we talked a lot but before leaving veldora came to me and said "i have decided a name for you". I was suprised but waited in anticipation to what name this tsun-dragon will give me ,ha how i wish he was a girl(he is weird,he may even sound gay i know but due to him mixing with buu his emotions grew but don't confuse this with love, his dragon fetish is making him think all of this)

"You can decide our family name as we both will be brothers?"when he said a family name i could not help but think should i call him Uchiha veldora or senju veldora or Uzumaki veldora but my craziness took more place and i named him"kaimetsu"for his last name which i will also take i say

Then he names me "kusura" to which(now don't complain i already said i am bad at namingbut i tried giving a meaning 😅do you know how bad i felt when none of you named him)now that i see it kaimetsu means destroyer of world and ku means void combining it with asura gives kusura

(Don't complain the name means asura of void,destroyer of worlds combined😭 i know I didn't do well but i tried)

Well kaimetsu kusura that sounds bad but saying it sepreatly sounds good kaimetsu veldora or kaimetsu kusura

And we stopped to have a vacation as veldora liked my name suddenly i felt my magicules grow. As i fell slowly started getting dizzy

/notice evolving the individual kusura into god of destruction.....failure...reason unawakend god qi /

/unique skill great sage evolved into ultimate skill "wisdom king:Raphael" successful/

/unique skill "predator" evolved into "Gluttony" successful/

/"ultimate skill wisdom king: Raphael" requesting permission for evolving kusura into god of destruction .....failed....skill Raphael forcefully awakens god qi/

/the individual kusura evolved into god of destruction successful/

/the individual kusura gained "hakai"/

/the individual kusura gained ultimate skill"God of destruction :shiva"/

/the individual kusura gained ultimate skill "god of space-time yog sothoth"/

/the process of evolution will now begin/

As i hear this sounds i slowly fell asleep veldora knowingly took me to a safe where no monster can attack me

20 minutes later

I woke up from my slumber opening my eyes to see a hazy veldora until my vision clears to see i am good,well i see veldora besides a rock a manga in his hands looking at me "yo,whats up" he looks at me smiling and says "you went through evolution" what do you mean evolution? am i a pokemon to you well its okay atleast he kept me safe

{Master,Monsters commonly undergo evolutions that might drastically change their skills, intelligence, looks, and magicule capacities. In most cases the only requirement is reaching a certain level of magicules, but certain conditions must be fulfilled in some cases so there is a change in you due to evolution}

As great sage no Raphael said that i looked at my appearance which turned to look like a black slime and now this is my new true form

I turn into my human form and it's still the same it looks like it doesn't change form which i am naturally given by dark i looked around to find i am still having my clothes on me ho i remember veldora saying that my clothes were made of magicules which are connected to me so they can stay with me even if i change into my slime form.

I look at the skills i gained

{Master gained new skill

"God of destruction:shiva "

"wisdom king:Raphael "

"God of space time yog sothoth "

God of destruction:shiva

Sub skills

Immeasurable strenght:there is no measure to the users strenght he can be considered to be having infinite strenght

Master of all:this ability helps you control mindless creatures making you friend of all animals and monsters

The third eye:this third eye was supposed to be on the forehead of the user but due to unknown interference it reached his hand.this ability destroys anything wether it be man or god into oblivion

Erasure:you can erase anything even concepts as the user likes

Aura of destruction:the most powerful aura in existence able to manipulate all energies which can cause destruction including turn null.

Wisdom king:Raphael


Thought Acceleration

Analytical Appraisal

Parallel Operation

Chant Annulment

All of Creation

Synthesize/Separate :Allows the user to merge two things together or split things apart into more basic components.

Alteration : The ability to modify and evolve skills.

Future Attack Prediction : The ability to predict attacks in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill is not its ability to predict, but that whatever it predicts is guaranteed to happen.

God of space-time:yog sothoth


Copy : Allows the user to copy and obtain the skills and techniques of those they are fighting.

Seize : Allows the user to rob power from their opponents, depriving them of their skills and techniques.

Force Takeover : The ability to rob power even from those weaker than the user but at a higher energy cost.

Space-Time Manipulation :the ability to manipulate space-time

Absolute End:It damages the target via the severing of space, overwhelming them with both magical and physical phenomenon. If used properly, it is as powerful as an Ultimate Skill and can even harm a True Dragon.

Infinity Prison :It entombs the target inside of an infinitely vast imaginary space for eternity and prevents any interaction between the inside and outside. It doesn't weaken over time and cannot be damaged via standard physical damage

Temporal Manipulation :ability to manipulate time according to the user

Time Leap : Allows the user to see their future memories.

Time Stop :ability to stop time

(Damn he is becoming too op)

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