If someone had asked Nyle if he had ever thought of attending a ball, even the most insignificant and minuscule one ever created, he would have laughed straight in their faces. First, he had never attended a ball in his life, and if he had his way he never would. Second, he didn't know how to dance even if his life depended on it.
Yet here he was, trampling down the cold steps that led to the archive area of the Main Quarters with the agreement to attend the one to be held in two weeks at the majestic Moon Palace, the imperial building where only the most lustrous could set foot inside. How the hell did it came to this?
But that was in the future. Right now, with Avron at his side, he had to focus on examining the files he had previously left on the table. Between those lines written in inky black, sometime in an almost illegible handwriting, sometimes in a perfect one, Nyle hoped to find information, hints, suggestions, anything that would have enabled him to find the answers he was looking for. Even though he had made a deal with Athiel in the hope that these mysterious contacts of hers could provide him with some help, he had no way of knowing if that route would bear fruition. If he wanted to find the culprit, he had no choice but to leave no stones unturned.
After grabbing the first of the many parchments that were going to share their knowledge with him, he began reading inside his mind. Avron, who sat down near him, also did the same.
16th of the Winter Solstice. Imperial Year 863. Fifth Era.
Upon arriving at the site, things have immediately appeared serious. The victim, a human woman that was later identified by her family, was killed in what had appeared a ritualistic way. A shudder had immediately spread among us who had some reluctance believing what was right in front of our eyes. How could anyone murder a woman that was as innocent as fresh snow? How could anyone taint something so pure and…immaculate? What kind of monster was hiding in the Capital? What dark impulse drove that monster to such atrocity?
Those were all the questions that had appeared in mind as I looked upon the still body of the victim. Those were also the questions that would haunt me until that monster was finally apprehended. If only I only I had had more foresight, perhaps she would have been the only one to suffer such a fate. Yes. Because ending up in the clutches of that beast, whom we were later able to identify as a human shoemaker named Eithan Volter, were other victims.
All of them belonged to social classes that had nothing in common with each other, so we quickly discarded the possibility of that link between them. It would have been almost impossible for them to have interacted with each other in a significative way. Perhaps if the murders had occurred in a smaller city, that might have been a possibility worth pursuing, but not in the Capital. Too many social gaps prevented this possibility from being even remotely plausible.
We then examined their origins, but again it was a washout. The only thing that all them had in common was the ritual that madman used upon them: he wrote strange nonsense words with the victim's blood on the body after exporting the heart. Only upon his arrest did we discovered that the exported hearts had been sacrificed on a pyre at the behest of the entity his sick mind had birthed.
Inquisitor Idan Stormhart
Nyle stopped reading as his eyes readjusted themselves to the dim light that was reigning in that basement. Avron instead, who was completely quiet and with his eyes completely focus, was still busy finishing the document he had picked up from the pile that was in front of them. And judging by the time the hands of the clock were marking, they would probably be segregated inside till midday, if not even evening. Such was the price if they wanted and edge on everybody else. Still, they could at least share a couple of words before going in head strong.
Wanting to at least speak for a brief moment to metabolize the information he had just read, Nyle spoke out in a faint voice. "So, how's it going? Found something interesting in there?"
"…No…sir." Answered Avron. By the tone of his voice and the look of his eyes, Nyle understood that he was still upset with the pact that he had made with Athiel. Maybe Nyle did mistake when he took the decision to inform him of what had transpired inside the privacy of Athiel's office as they left the welcoming shop behind; but that was just the way he was. That, and nobody would ever believe the word of a rookie if ever decided to inform anybody. Well, at least he hoped so…
"Oh, c'mon. Don't tell me you're still sulking about that? You can't be that foolish."
"Foolish?" asked Avron, raising his eyes to meet his. "Isn't it crazy to make a pact to help yourself? And in exchange for confidential information? That's s-"
"Listen, Avron. I might not have decades of experience like Inquisitor Eldrin, but I know how these things work out. If you think you'll became the shining paladin of justice that will never compromise, then you're dead wrong. Trust me, you either gain yourself an edge, or anyone will take advantage of you. I learned that the hard way."
Avron cursed, attracting the wrathful gaze of the woman who was minding her own business. Clearly she didn't care about what they were discussing, but she also made it really clear that she would not tolerate such behaviour.
After a quick apology, he then continued to vent his frustration out. "Damn it. I had hoped to leave all those things behind when I left my family. I always detested those kinds of sly games."
Nyle eyebrow shot up in surprise as he understood the meaning behind those words. Surely he must have misunderstood. "Wait. Did you say that your family is used to those kind o-"
"I…I'm sorry, Inquisitor." said Avron as panic was setting in. Something, however, that he quickly covered up. "I must have misspoken."
Huh. What a curious reaction. What did he want to keep hiding so energetically that he even lied so blatantly? Nyle didn't have a single clue. However, he was certain that it must have been something the he didn't want to be known. This was the only way to explain the brief, but utterly intense, look of panic that had troubled Avron shortly before he recomposed himself.
On another occasion, Nyle would surely have gotten to the bottom of it. Besides, as the lone wolf that he was, he found it difficult to "trust" anybody, if that word could even be applied to him. Let alone someone like Avron, whom he did not know at all. But now the priority was something else. He had neither the time, nor the inclination to investigate a recruit who, for all he knew, could only be hiding something superfluous that was about his private dynamics. So he decided to let the matter drop.
At least for now.
"…Anyway, as I was saying, sometimes you must be sly in this kind of things. I don't like it any better than you do, but that's just the way it is. You have to accept it."
"…Is it really?"
"Yes. There's a reason if I'm still an Inquisitor after all."
Avron looked surprised. "I know I shouldn't ask, but can you tell me what happened? I have heard some rumours, but no one was able to clearly tell what was the reason for your-"
"I don't want to talk about it." answered Nyle drily. Now that was something that he wouldn't tell a stranger like him.
"…Not even if-"
"Even if-"
After a moment of silence, Nyle sighed declaring. "Listen, get on my good side, and I'll tell you all you wish to know. But not now. Let's go back to the task at hand before we lose any more time. I don't know about you, but I would like-" a yawn escaped him. "To end this before evening."
"Yes." answered Avron after a brief moment of silence. "I would like that too."
"Then let's not waste any more time."
The conversation died down as the two men went back to reading the vast pile of documents that was in front of them. Their contents, or rather, the accounts that had been stuffed between the files, contained in them all the experiences and wickedness that people had been able to inflict on others. Needless to say, reading those lines was certainly no easy feat, nor one for the faint-hearted.
In some cases, where the bodies of the victims had been pierced, stabbed, or subjected to any kind of abuse those twisted minds had birthed, a document compiled by a High Physician was attached to the account. In it, it was clearly described, in no uncertain terms, the cause of death and any trauma suffered by the victim.
It was through one of those documents that Nyle noticed a certain resemblance to the body of poor Nyvor Grellyn.
23rd of Autumnal Equinox. Imperial Year 879. Fifth Era.
The victim's body arrived inside these very halls the previous week. In order to preserve it, along with the amputated arm that came along with it, for all the examinations that were necessary to get a more complete picture of the situation, it was submerged in a cooled tank thanks to ice arcanism. In doing so, the remains have responded perfectly.
Following are the results:
Death occurred the day before the discovery. It is evident from the colouring of the skin and other unimportant factors. As for the cause, it was due to massive blood loss, obviously as a direct result of the amputation of the arm. While the blunt trauma to his head, which was for sure delivered while he was alive, could be misleading, further examination has outrightly excluded the possibility of internal bleeding. The bruising around the impact zone is only a further confirmation.
Now, regarding the skin's incisions.
Firstly, it should be noted that every single laceration that has been inflicted on the body was done after death had already occurred. The total lack of bruising and dried blood make it so.
Secondly, even to the naked eye, they appeared as evenly deep. However, after a careful examination with the correct tools, it quickly became clear that was not the case. Some, mostly those carved on the muscular fascia of the chest, had different depths of cut, as if who inflicted them had encountered some degree of difficulty. The other wounds, however, were so close in the various measurements we have repeated several times that they can be considered of the same size.
Furthermore, given the condition of those lacerations, it should be noted that a sharp object with a smooth blade has been used. Also, given the different depths, I believe there could be more than one hand at work.
In the end, I believe the killer first cut off the arm, and only later knocked him out with that blow to the head. Death must then have occurred in no more than ten minutes.
In case a further medical confrontation is needed, I remain at the disposal of the Ministry and all those concerned.
Team 72, High Physician Vodril Isenold
Nyle rubbed his eyes as fatigue was beginning to become almost impossible to bear. Now that he noticed it, the hour had indeed grown late. The clock placed above that woman's desk, who was supposed to be one of the archivists, read seven o'clock in the evening. Of that woman, however, there was no trace left. In her place, a long-bearded, dark-haired dwarf, hidden behind a pair of rounds- rimmed glasses, was sitting.
Unlike his colleague, who had mostly been completely disinterested in their quest for knowledge, at least until they did something to disrupt her own personal agenda, he was keeping a close watch. Nyle could not know it, immersed as he had been in examining all those endless files, but the man had not let them out of his sight for even a second since he had sat down. Whatever it was due to some work ethic that he blindly followed, or if he simply didn't trust anyone, no one could had known.
It was certain, however, that he was no mere archivist. Of this, Nyle had no doubt. He could read it in his eyes that he was more than the eye could see. Who the hell was that dwarf?
Some movements near him made him stop that thought.
"Finally!" said Avron as he put down the very last file that was left to examine. The giant stack with which they had begun now laid on the near cabinet. "This is the last one, Inquisitor. We have finally finished."
"Yeah. I can see that. So, tell me. Did you…?"
"…I'm not too sure, sir." said Avron thinking. If he was still upset with him, he sure hid it well. "There were some things that seemed to sort of match what we are looking for, but nothing seemed to fit right. At best, we have some similarities."
There he went again with that damned sir. If he really was obligated to team up with him for who knows how long, that word had to go. Not that hated respect, but hearing it all damn day was a fucking headache.
"Don't add sir. Just call me Nyle, while we are at it."
"But…" confusion appeared on Avron's face. "Won't the others c-"
"I don't care what they think. Let them spew bullshit if that is they account to. It's their loss, not ours."
"Won't that hinder you?"
"Hinder me?" Nyle's eyebrow shot up as he slightly smirked. "No. The maximum they can do is annoy me to death."
"…Alright, si-"
The glance from Nyle made him quickly stop. "Alright…Nyle."
"Good. Now let's put everything back where we found it, least we anger him." said Nyle, pointing at that mysterious dwarf. "And let's grab something to eat. It's almost dinner time."
The first dish of the delicacies that they ordered arrived after mere moments. Its scent of fresh fish made them salivate at the mere thought that they were about to eat one of the most famous dishes in all the East Block: the famous fresh fish soup of the Exelance Tavern. Many had been those who had unsuccessfully attempted to replicate the unique flavour the chef and owner of the Exelance, a human man with a beard as thick as it was long who was rumored to hail from the great norther kingdom of Isevind. Only he, however, seemed to be able to make up whatever concoction he put into it.
"There you go, Nyle!" said the waitress, who laid the two portions she had brought them on the wooden table. At the center, beside the pitcher of crystal-clear water from which they poured their drinks, there was a basket full of bread baked that morning that they could, if they felt like it, eat freely.
"Thank you, Halena."
"And who's this young man, hmm? I have never seen him before."
"His name is Avron." said Nyle absentmindedly. His eyes were transfixed on the smoking hot glazed earthenware bowl that was in front of his tired eyes. The tempting scent that was coming from it was something that felt like out of the world. "He's a rookie that will team up with me for some time. So be nice to him."
"…You? Really? You're not kidding?"
"It's not my choice."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." said Avron courtly.
"Did you hear that, Nyle? That's how you make in introduction. Not like you."
This time, as Nyle was breaking a loaf of bread into mouthfuls, he looked up with a charming smile on his lips. "If I recall correctly, you didn't exactly complain when I first set foot in here. Or should I have let that drunkard-"
"Ehi! Boss could have taken care of it himself; you know how strong Dagonir is."
"That's true." Nyle conceded. "Still, I don't think he minded my intervention, since he offered dinner as thanks."
Halena rolled her eyes. Then her attention turned to Avron.
"Never mind. So, Avron, how are you? Is there something that I could do for you?" Her eyes resembled those of a predator.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, I don't know." she replied as she leaned over the table with her hands. Her chest, which was hidden behind her waitress outfit, was now peeking through. "Can you imagine something?"
Avron's face painted red in a flash. Although he tried hard to hide it, his embarrassment was clear as day. "I…I…don't think…it's proper."
"Why? Don't you wanna have some fun? I promise you I-"
"Stop…it." said Nyle swallowing the first mouthful of bread. "You're going to melt him into a paddle."
She clicked her tongue. "Oh, c'mon! You're always so serious! And besides, this has nothing to do with you."
"That's where you're damned wrong."
He grabbed another piece of bread, only to voraciously devour it. Then, with his mouth still full, he explained his reasoning.
"While I don't "munch" care about what he does "crunch" on his spare time, as long as he's "chew" teamed with me, I expect him to "gulp" step up his game. He cannot be distracted." Finally, he swallowed the mouthful. "And you, my friend, are a one."
"Bet I could help wit-"
A man's voice, powerful enough to overpower even the constant chatter of the clientele, was heard from behind the door that led unmistakably to the kitchen, as a myriad of scents and spices wafted through the room. "Halena! Pork roast is ready!
Halena straightened up, before replying in a firm tone. Then, before disappearing behind the kitchen door, she looked at Avron on last time. "Don't be a stranger."
Avron had wanted to say something, but she quickly turned her back and went back to work. A sigh of mixed feelings, that went from excitement to embarrassment, escaped him.
"It almost felt like my heart was going to explode." he said still in a daze. "She sure doesn't beat around the bush, huh?"
Nyle looked him in the eyes. A slight smile was appearing on the corners of his lips. Seeing the rookie so embarrassed was more entertaining that he had initially thought. "She can be quite something to deal with. When she's determined to achieve something, nobody can stop her. Not even the owner, and he's a man whose headstrongness is widely renewed. Alas, I think you're screwed."
At the mention of that last word, Avron face became red once more. It seemed the pun had not been lost after all.
"…I…don't think it's the time or place to…and besides, I-"
"Relax. I'm joking. Daaaamn, I cannot even joke around during dinner. Now hurry up. The soup is getting cold."
After that, Nyle deliberately ignored him, concentrating each and every one of his senses in testing the delicacy in front of him. First, he took the iron spoon that had been provided to him, dipped it thoroughly into the rich dish that was smoking hot, only to take a good spoonful. Beautiful chunks of fishes, with their snow-white flesh, were submerged in a soup as red as the tomatoes used in it, with the tiniest pieces of vibrant green parsley that donned a fresh note to it. As he took the first mouthful of it, a content sigh escaped him.
Not matter how much time it might have passed since the last time he ate that, or how in that case, his stomach wasn't in perfect condition, it was always a joy to taste that unique flavour once again. Even on the crappiest of days, when everything seemed perfectly engineered against him, that concoction never failed to lift his spirit. At least in part.
The same, however, could not be said about Avron.
He, with those cheeks still partially red, was eating with a completely calm look on his face, as if the whirlwind of flavours in that soup did not touch him in the least. Was it even possible to remain impassable in the face of such a complicated and utter delicious dish? Was Nyle the only one who was completely head over heels over that?
Looking around, because he just had to understand if he was the abnormal one between the two of them, Nyle had yet another proof of the popularity of the place. The endless rows of wooden tables scattered all over the place were filled with people of all the races. Everyone, without distinction, came to satiate themselves at the Exelance Tavern. And what were a good half of the customers eating? The very same soup that they had ordered. And by the looks of joy and satisfaction that were painted on their faces, they sure as hell were enjoying their dinner. The rivers of beer, wine, and any other alcoholic beverage that were constantly flowing on the tables might had something to do with it, but that was beside the point. Why was Avron so damn…expressionless?
"…Was it not to your liking?" asked Nyle as soon as he emptied the bowl. Not even the bread crumbs were left untouched. To him, it was just that good.
"…Oh! Uhmm…yeah. It wasn't bad." Avron answered absentmindedly.
It wasn't bad? No. It was fucking delicious. Nyle was now sure of it. That rookie was hiding something. What, he did not know, but he was sure of it. Some of his behaviours were too strange not to be so.
"…Anyway, after we have finished eating, make sure to rest properly. Tomorrow we'll pay a visit to a couple of people."
"Oh, sure." then he dropper silent for a brief moment. "…Might I ask who-"
"Arden and a certain High Physician named Vodril Isenold. I believe they ca- Oh!, thank you." the second order, a plate of fresh salad, had arrived. "They can be useful to us. There are some things that I need to ask."
"…Who are they?"
Now Nyle looked confused. Hadn't he told him about the case, amidst the huge pile they had sifted through, that had caught his attention? Strange. He was sure of the contrary. Oh, well. Maybe he was just tired.
"A senior doctor who worked on a case I came across during our research session. Which by the way, bring me to ask again. Did you read something interesting in those files? Something that could help us?"
"As I've said before, there wasn't anything spectacular that stood out. To be honest, I did find something, but…"
"…I don't' think it's anything useful. The vast majority of them described crimes that were either too old to be relevant, or too different from what we're dealing with. Not the mention the medical files attached to some of them. The injou- Ugh -" The right hand of Avron almost teleported itself by the sheer speed he covered his mouth.
By the look of disgust that was on his face, Nyle quickly picked up that he was feeling nauseated. A normal reaction. One that anyone, given the circumstances, would have had. Well, not Nyle. He instead was, for the most part, remained unfazed.
"Sorry. I…my mind has just wondered back to what I had stumbled upon reading a file. The things that had been done to the body were-" Another fit, this time more controlled, tried to overwhelm him. But he quickly regained control. "Horrendous."
"I can imagine. Those were all documents of the section -Violent Crimes-, so it shouldn't surprise you to have read those macabre readings."
"…I…you're right. I just thought that-"
Nyle shrugged. "Don't worry. It will became easier with time. Bur, leaving that aside, are you certain there was nothing useful? Like, really, really sure?"
"Yes. No doubts."
He huffed. He had hoped that, among those readings with contents that were anything but inviting, there had been instances of anything similar. To his knowledge, in the long and not always peaceful history of the Imperium, most crimes had already been committed. Sure, no case was like another, but they sure shared some degree of similarities.
Instead, it seemed that case, the one where High Physician Vodril, whoever that was, was involved, was the only thing that slightly resembled what they were dealing with. A peculiar thing that was certainly not lost on Nyle.
After that, the conversation came to a null. It seemed that neither of them were in the mood for further socializing. But that didn't matter. Tomorrow they would have plenty of chances for that. For now, however, they were content enough to simply bask in that happy atmosphere, that seemed so far out from reality.
Outside, beyond those walls, reality was cold and, in some instances, ruthless. But there, in the warm embrace of the tavern, all was carefree, happy, and simple.
If only the whole world could have been like that…
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review