"You're thinking too much." A short white-haired blue-skinned man said while moving around with closed eyes, easily dodging all of my blows. I punched forward, trying to erase all of my thoughts and allow my body to just move on its own.
"Come on, you're close. The fact you have my experience should make this easier for you." He said seeing how close I was to learning Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Autonomous Ultra Instinct is a very rare and highly advanced mental state. It is notorious among the gods for being exceptionally difficult to master, even for them.
Ultra Instinct wasn't a transformation, not a Martial Art, but a state of mind. Autonomous Ultra Instinct is considered the "absolute peak" for those who master the martial arts. It effectively allows for every part of the user's body to think and move independently of all the other parts, as opposed to how a person normally has to think about their movements beforehand and let the command travel from the brain and through the nervous system, a sequence which wastes precious fighting time, as command signals only travel through the nerves so fast.
With each part of the body able to think and act on its own, the user of this technique can automatically react to any situation or threat with the perfect move at the perfect time. They don't even need to acknowledge the threat, meaning the user can still fight effectively, even if they are focusing on something else.
Step one was simple. The user must clear their mind completely and abandon any distraction or thought that would disrupt the focus of their body so that it concentrates only on the current struggle through natural reaction.
"You're getting it." The Grand Minister said with a smile seeing me enter an absolute clear state of mind. I let out a soft breath, my eyes closed. Seeing this, the Grand Minister shot forward, punching towards me, just for me to dodge.
The Grand Minister smirked and began attacking me at a speed that only grew faster and faster, forcing me backward nonstop, unable to react to all of the attacks even if we both had equal strength, speed, and so on. I was hit In the stomach, sending me to my knees.
"There are levels to ultra instincts, you only stepped upon it. You have yet to master to attack, you can only use it for defense at the moment. You seem to have copied me dodging, which helped you start using Ultra Instinct, truly you are talented." The Grand Minister said lightly while I caught my breath.
"Ultra Instinct does a lot for the body, it brings out the full potential of one's capability. You know that the mind holds power over the body, believe you are sick and you will grow sick. Think you are drinking alcohol, you will show the side effects of drinking it. Ultra instinct takes this and turns it into strength for you." The Grand Minister said calmly
"Self-movement is just one of the benefits of mastering this power, other benefits is the power to harden your body to an unimaginable level. The ability to move faster than ever, since all of your muscles are working together, boosting your speed hundreds of times greater depending on the degree you have mastered it too." The Grand Minister said lightly while having me enter Ultra Instincts once more.
"This time, your eyes will remain open," He said to which I tried to keep my eyes open, but although my eyes were open, I wasn't focused. The Grand Minister shot forward, punching me. With seemingly perfect timing, I moved, dodging the attack. The Grand Minister was holding back his punches knowing that I was getting used to Ultra Instincts the more he pushed me.
After all, I had the Grand minister experience, the more I fought like this, the more I could absorb his experience. I was far more talented than him, I should be the most talented being in the DC omniverse, which would explain how I was able to enter Ultra instinct within a few hours of training... but that wasn't good enough, I had 1 day until Darkseid attack.
The Grand Minister pushed me to my limits until he hit me. He had me quickly recover before he had me fight him again. I didn't back down and fought, each time I was defeated, just to come back stronger than before... well, not stronger, but my mastery of Ultra Instincts growing.
I slowly mastered my skills to a level where I could start counterattacking. This was my 4th attempt at entering Ultra Instinct, but that wasn't good enough, leading to me mostly moving to block the attacks.
On the 6th attempt, I gained the ability to think while in ultra instinct, but my thoughts were lagging, not good enough.
Hours passed with every entrance of Ultra Instincts leaving me stronger than ever before. I was truly a genius, for within 24 hours, I reached a level where I could remain in Ultra Instincts 24/7, my body and mind being the ultimate weapon.
"Well, this should be good enough to help them. Later, we can work on adding martial arts on top of that, I will teach you every martial arts I know." The Grand Minister said to which I nodded while paying my respect.
"Thank you sensei," I said jokingly, to which The Grand Minister smiled while I opened my eyes. I let out a deep breath feeling my current body, from every cell to every limb of my body, they were all now able to work together with the rest of my body on instincts alone.
My simple walk felt so... light. Even if I used mortal levels of speed, I could easily keep up with a speeding car... which was just amazing to think about. With my body's full potential working together, I was the perfect martial artist... well, as soon as I began training in martial arts. Martial arts will be important since they would best teach me how to throw a punch and all types of ways I could bring out my fighting capability.
I went on to take a shower, it had been days without a shower, and it left me feeling dirty. I rushed to take a bath, and once I was out, I went on to sit before the TV to look at the news.
"Well, this is a weird TV," I said while looking at the TV, I was left speechless as this TV looked like a multiversal TV that seemed to have a channel for anything I could think of. I went through the TV manual, and soon got the hang of the strange TV and went on to watch the news, which showed the sighting of strange monsters around Gotham City, Metropolis, and Central City.
I went on to create clothing, I was butt naked right now, but that should change. I needed to create combat clothing, one that would be enchanted with magic. I didn't care to hide my face, I didn't want a double life.
"While I'm at it, I should record everything... but I don't have a phone or anything like that. I could just create a spell." I said while waving my hands, creating a spell that would allow me to record things and install them into a phone or something.
I did this in no time, before pausing when I sensed something, a ripple in space-time, something which I only picked up thanks to my instinct.
'I should work on improving my 6th sense to such things.' I thought going on to also create a spell that would allow me to see things from afar, and project them to the TV, so on the TV appeared the sight of a scientist trying to run away with his son who was half dead.
I cast a spell on the screen, allowing me to see the future Cyborg's current state. This wasn't a comic, so there was a chance he wouldn't become Cyborg. I frowned while looking at the mother box, which was the thing that had exploded. I wasn't experienced enough to see all of its secrets, forcing me to rely on Anos's experience to see through its secrets.
'I see...' I thought seeing how the mother box was under Darkseid's control, this was bad as it could lead to some unwanted problems in the future. I watched as Cyborg's father rushed to save him, but seeing as they most likely didn't have plot armor, I cast a spell.
"Hurry to the Red room." Cyborg's father yelled seeing the parademons heading towards them, they ran, but this was real life and not a comic. How could scientists carry the future Cyborg, a football player who was currently out cold? They were struggling to pull the future Cyborg, but to their joy, the future Cyborg grew lighter.
The Parademons suddenly slow down, buying them time to reach the red room, which is the safest place but it also allows the future Cyborg to begin transforming into Cyborg. I stood before the TV, which now showed two images, one of the Red Room, and the other of Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman.
I was mainly helping Batman, although he was skilled, he was but a normal human. I slowed down the Parademons which aimed to attack him, slowing them down enough so he could deal with them one by one, or whatever he wanted to do.
I studied his skills, he was truly skilled, making it seem like he was superhuman. If there were only 2 Parademons, he could take them using tricks, but anymore was pushing it.
Superman flew off, leaving me frowning as the guy just left Green Lantern and Batman without explaining anything. This only increased my job... I couldn't forget Cyborg, I had to move to prevent Darkseid from doing anything to his mind. Although I could erase Darkseid's attempts later, it might cause Darkseid to be alarmed. I rather Darkseid thinks something went wrong with his scheme, that by chance, his plan failed.
I couldn't forget other heroes across the planet, I had to ensure that all of the important people lived. Then again, the Parademons weren't trying to kill anyone and were instead trying to capture them. I just needed to ensure those important for the future of Earth lived, as for the others... well, I wasn't strong enough to worry about all of them.
This took a lot of effort, and I began cursing as to why plot armor couldn't help these guys a little. But this hit home how doom this world was at the rate things were going... Well, I was able to relax somewhat when all of the heroes united... well, Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Green Lantern, and Cyborg united.
As for the rest of the heroes worldwide, I left them to do their own thing after casting a good luck spell on all of them to prevent their deaths.
"What a pain... and that should be Darkseid," I said while looking toward where I sensed the dark cold aura. He was strong, but I was stronger.
I sat back and watched as the group fought Darkseid, only to quickly be defeated one by one, their teamwork was trash, and Darkseid didn't have mercy for any of them. He attacked to kill, not to injure, and to give them a chance to regroup... this wasn't a comic book, and I couldn't sit back and let them try and combat him or else they would all die.
"Gatom." Casting a teleportation spell, I was swallowed in light before I appeared not too far away from where Darkseid was currently...