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57.14% IN LOVE AGAIN / Chapter 4: The Mistake 2

Chapter 4: The Mistake 2

🌺 Chapter 3



°~° RANI °~°

I stood up from the floor and walk back to my office, how am i gonna clear this mess that am into

Have never in my life made a terrible mistake has this, am known has the best surgeon in the whole of kerala city

How am i gonna face the world when they know that i made a mistake in the surgery i perform and to top it all

He is the famous actor, he is love by the world, am i gonna come out of this mess i put myself

I heard a knock

Come in" i shouted to the person hearing, the door was open Shalini my hand nurse walk in with a big smile plaster on her face

Good news doctor, Rohit is finally awake"she said

Oh really" i said in a low voice

Yes doctor and am very happy"she said

Okay let's go and do some check up on him "i said standing up from my chair

We both walk to rohit room, shalini opened the door and we walk in we saw his manager and one beautiful girl in his room they were both discussing

Good day" me and shalini greeted them

Good day doctor" they said together

I moved closer to rohit on the bed he look so handsome when he is awake

He looked at me and we made eye contact, i was quick to remove my eyes from his cause am feeling guilty

He as the best eyes ever his eyes are green in color, his brown curly hair fell to his neck,he as a pointed nose and Small red lips

Are you feeling any pain" i said

Yes in the left side of my stomach"he said

You're feeling pain in that particular area because that was were the bullet hit you" i said

He nods, so when will i be discharge from the hospital" he said looking into my eyes i don't get the reasons why he is looking at me

We have to keep an eye on for 24hrs after that you can be discharge"i told him he just nod his head

You will have to follow us so you can take the list of medicine"i told his manager

Sanjina you have to go with them"the manager said to the girl beside him

The three of us walk out from the room

Are you his girlfriend" shalini ask sanjina who smiled at her

No am not his girlfriend am not even up to his class"she said with a smile

Then who are you to him" shalini said

His assistant" she said

Oh shalini breathe out, i never new i was holding my breath" shalini said

Making me and sanjina to laugh

We got to my office and i gave her the list of medicine she's to buy

I did some few walk before i closed for that day, i went home and vritika was still around

Welcome rani "she said standing at the door

I thought you already left"i said

No i will still be around "she said rolling her eyes

Stop rolling your eyes, every soon it will fall out from is socket " i said

Is not possible" she said and rolled her eyes again

Who told you that's not possible, look at your socket is getting weaker and your eyes is not has bright as before"i said holding my laughter

Are you sure"she said with a worried face

Am a doctor vritika and i know what am saying" i said

She ran to her room and i laugh out the laugh i was holding, she always love rolling her eyes in a dramatic way

I went to my room and showered, and went down stairs to meet vritika

She's watching a movie act by rohit

My heart beat when i saw him, and i remembered i still have a problem

I sank to the sofa tiredly, i looked at the TV he was kissing a girl

Vritika was smiling

I so much love this boy, i wish i can see him face to face"she said

You loved someone that you have never seen face to face"i said

Yes he is so handsome"she said

I said nothing again i just put all focused in the movie

Rani will you still go to the blind date i set for you"she said

Vritika am not in the mood for all those things, am in big trouble"i said

What do you mean by big trouble"she said

Is a long story"i told her

Just cut the long story short"she said

I told her how rohit was rush in to the hospital, how i did the surgery and forgot the little time in his body

Her mouth was wide opend after i finished my narration

What are you going to do"she said

I don't really know vritika"i said

This is real trouble"she said breathing in

Why don't you perform another surgery for him before he leaves the hospital " she said

I can't perform another surgery for him, for now cause he just on down go a surgery and any moment from now it will cause a great damage to his system"i said

Don't worry we will look for way"she said giving me a hug

°~° ROHIT °~°

I have been discharged from the hospital since two days ago, the doctor that attend to me is very beautiful

Rohit you are having a show this evening" sanjina said

I know"i told her with a smile

I stood up from my bed walking to the sitting room when i felt a great pain on my stomach, it was so painful as if i was stab

I fall to the ground and past out

I opened my eyes and find myself on my bed, why did i past out

I walk out from my room to the sitting room there was no body looks like my manager and assistant already left

I went back to my room took my phone and called him

How are you Rohit" he said

Am fine did you come to my house"i said

Yes i came i saw you sleeping on the floor so i took you to your bed, and besides why were you sleeping on the floor "he said

I just felt like to" i told him i don't want to tell him that i past out

Okay but don't sleep on the floor next time, i already canceled the show till tomorrow" he said

Okay bye"i said and i hung up on him

°^° RANI °^°

Rani Rani" vritika yelled my name that girl is really a pin in the ass

I stood up from my bed and walk downstairs

Vritika stop yelling my name " i said when i got to the sitting room

Sorry rani, i just wanted to inform you that Rohit is having a show to perform today"she said with a smile

So that means i have to be there in order to carry out my plans "i said

Yes rani, you have to try your best to be friends with him, since you're the doctor who treated him it will be easy" she said

Okay what time will the show start"i said

4:00mp and you most dress to kill"she said winking at me

I gave her a knock on her head and ran to my room

Am coming for you"she yell

I checked my walk clock it was 2:50pm i better get ready

Have came up with a plan on how to get the time out of rohit body all i just have to do is to be friend him

I took my bath and came out minutes later, i put on a marching bra and pant

I slide into my sliver open back gown that's up to my toe

Vritika"i shouted her name

Huh am coming"she shouted back

Why are you calling me "she said walking into my room

Please help me with my makeup"i said

Okay"she said and brought out my makeup bag, she started the makeup

I want a light makeup"i said

She did my makeup and wave my hair to my right shoulder, she helped me put my silver earrings and also brought out a silver heels for me

I stood up and catwalk to the big mirror in my room

Wow, i love the makeup thank you"i said

You're welcome my love"she said giving me my handbag

We both walk out of my room i checked my time it was 3:45

Lemme walk you to the car"vritika said

Don't forget your purpose of going to the show don't get carried away with handsome rohit " she said opening my car door for me

Alright"i said entering into the car

Bye"she said


I started the car and drove off to the venue

I got to the venue 4:05, 5mins late i alighted from my car and walk to hall

I look for a empty seat and sat down

Rohit was already performing on stage

What a talented guy, he was singing and also dancing,everybody was shouting some crazy girls was trying to go on stage but the bouncer stop them from going on stage

I smiled at the funny way he was dancing he smiled a big smile and his deep dimples show so beautiful

He stop dancing and hold his stomach in pains, he staggered back and front, the bouncer was raining to help him but he fell down the stage and pass out

Look at what i have done, he is going through pain


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