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85.18% In Lookism as Gojo / Chapter 23: The Prey and Predator IV

Chapter 23: The Prey and Predator IV

Alex POV

The glow of the monitor cast eerie shadows in the darkened room as I sat hunched over my desk, eyes glued to the computer screen. Multiple tabs cluttered the browser, each one a portal into the chaotic streets of Central Seoul. I could hear the faint hum of the server in the background, the only sound besides the rhythmic tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. The tension in the air was palpable, like the calm before a storm.

"Firstly, there's some big shot behind all this," I muttered, my voice low and focused. The satellite images were fresh, updated just minutes ago, but something about them set off alarms in my head. My gut was screaming that something wasn't right, and in this line of work, gut feelings were as good as facts.

"What do you mean by 'someone big'?" a voice crackled through the earpiece. The tone was strained, barely masking the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. I could almost picture him in the driver's seat, knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel in anger. The sound of him punching the wheel confirmed my suspicion.

"Bro, basically, it's like this. All the main roads to Central Seoul? Totally blocked," I explained, my eyes never leaving the screen. The satellite image of Central Seoul was dotted with bright red caution signs, each one marking a roadblock or a construction site. But it didn't add up—construction of this scale couldn't just pop up out of nowhere.

"It shows there's some emergency construction going on, but that's a cover because I'm pretty sure everything was fine just 3 hours ago," I added, zooming in on the images. My fingers flew across the keyboard as I pulled up timestamps, comparing the current map with older ones. The discrepancy was glaring, like a flashing neon sign in the dead of night.

"Due to the rain, traffic's less, but the vehicles are being rerouted everywhere, except the location you sent me," I continued, my mind racing as I analyzed the various roadblocks and diversions. The satellite feed was clear—someone was orchestrating this with military precision. But why? And more importantly, who?

"Can you at least tell me what's happening there?" The desperation in his voice was impossible to miss. He was a good guy, but way out of his depth. This wasn't some petty gang fight or a simple turf war; this was something bigger, much bigger.

"I don't know. I'm virtually blind. Every electronic device in that building is fried, from the T.V remote to the router, and even the network signals are blocked—probably the work of an electromagnetic pulse generator. On top of that, the electricity is cut in the entire city," I said, my mind ticking like a clock as I pieced together the puzzle. The EMP was a game-changer, a device that could knock out all electronic devices within its range. Whoever was behind this had resources, serious resources.


"Just in case your donkey brain didn't understand, it's a device that has the power to knock out all electronic devices within its range," I cut him off, knowing he needed a clear explanation. This wasn't the time for jargon or technical terms—he needed to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"Not even a single digital footprint left behind, so they are professionals. I think it's something big this time, and it's exactly happening where you are going. The department is bribed enough to have multiple checks at the main roads," I explained, taking a sip of the warm coffee sitting beside my keyboard. The bitter liquid burned as it slid down my throat, but it helped keep my nerves steady.

"Sigh... So, what's the fastest route?"

I smirked, knowing the answer wouldn't be what he wanted to hear. "There's no way your dumbass is reaching there before 4 hours. And you're underage, no license, and an IQ lower than a Neanderthal. Seems like it's not just the police there; the private Kim Sung escort boys are on the scene too."

His sudden outburst of anger was almost comical, the fury in his voice clear as day. "YOU FU—"

"Just in case your donkey brain didn't understand," I interrupted, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "Neanderthals, also written as Neandertals, are an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans who lived in Eurasia until about 40,000 years ago. Basically cavemen with exactly your face." I rattled off the information in a single breath, my tone as deadpan as ever. Sometimes, the only way to get through to him was by mixing a little education with the insult. Another sip of my steaming hot coffee and I was back to scanning the satellite images.

Beep Beep—

"Hello? Hello?" I called out, frowning at the sudden silence. "Huh, did the bitch get scared?" I muttered under my breath, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. Something was off, way off.

After being in this line of work for so long, I thought I'd seen everything Seoul's underworld had to offer. But lately, things had been getting weirder and weirder. Blocked roads, citywide blackouts, and now this eerie silence? It was like the city was turning against us, throwing obstacles in our path for reasons I couldn't begin to understand.

The sudden ring of my phone made me jump, the loud sound cutting through the quiet tension in the room. I straightened my back, glancing at the screen to see who was calling. It was Harry Nam. My heart rate spiked, but I forced myself to stay calm as I answered the call.

"What's going on?" Harry's monotonous voice came through the line, as cold and emotionless as ever. It sent a chill down my spine, not because of any harshness, but because it felt like the calm before a storm.

I quickly relayed everything I knew—the blocked roads, the blackouts, the strange disturbances that had been popping up all over Central Seoul. It all sounded insane when said aloud, but this was our reality now.

"What's he up to now?" Harry asked, his tone flat, yet I could sense the undercurrent of tension.

I hesitated before responding. I'd been keeping an eye on Axel through the CCTV feeds mon Harry hyungs orders, and what I saw left me deeply unsettled. "He's been fighting... non-stop," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper as I recalled the brutal scenes I'd witnessed. The alleyway had turned into a war zone, blood splattering across the walls as Axel fought wave after wave of opponents.

At one point, Axel had paused mid-fight, turning to look directly at one of the security cameras. It felt like he was staring right at me, his eyes glowing with an eerie blue light that pierced through the darkness with a face devoid of any human emotions. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down my spine, even though I knew it was just a recording.

There was a long, heavy sigh from Harry's end of the line, a sound that conveyed a mix of disappointment and frustration. "I told you to watch his moves, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," Harry said, his voice laced with a quiet reprimand.

I felt a wave of defensiveness rise up. "Isn't it normal for him, though?" I shot back, trying to justify my behavior. Axel had always been unpredictable, his actions often bordering on the thin line of insanity, but it was part of what made him who he was I thought as I stared at the paused camera feed in front of me.

But Harry wasn't having it. He hung up without another word, leaving me sitting there with the dial tone ringing in my ears. I leaned back in my chair, the cool leather pressing against my back as I stared at the blank monitor in front of me.

"..fuck fuck fuck.." I need a name or else he is gonna tear me apart

The city of Seoul was a labyrinth of secrets, and I was starting to realize just how deep this rabbit hole went. The roads were blocked, the power was out,

I checked the satellite feed again, but the images were static, showing the same blocked roads and the same darkness covering Central Seoul. I had been blind for hours, unable to get any clear visual of what was happening on the ground. It was like someone had thrown a blanket over the city, cutting off all lines of communication and leaving me stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

What was so important in that location that someone would go to such extreme lengths to keep everyone else out?

I replayed the footage in my mind—the way he had looked at the camera, those glowing blue dots in his eyes. It wasn't normal. Axel had always been intense, but this was something else, something otherworldly. And I didn't like it one bit.

I glanced at my phone, half expecting it to ring again. Harry's voice echoed in my head, that sigh of disappointment that cut deeper than any words. I knew I had messed up, that I should have kept a closer eye on Axel. But how could I have known? How could anyone have predicted shit like this!?

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