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66.66% In Lookism as Gojo / Chapter 18: Death is Cold

Chapter 18: Death is Cold

Unknown POV

Gasping for breath, I bolt, my steps painting the pavement with crimson. Fear chokes me—I'm still in shock from what just happened. All I know is they're after my baby, aiming to kill me.

Each step forward feels like an endless struggle, my heart is racing. I'm carrying the baby, hiding their face from these men chasing us. I can't let them hear the baby's cries; they're so desperate to catch us, going as far as cold-bloodedly murdering an old couple who tried to help.

Money means everything to them. I seek refuge in an alley, tears streaming down. These men are ruthless, and the thought of being caught terrifies me more than anything. I can't stop crying as I hold onto the baby, praying for safety.

In the whirlwind of emotions, the police suddenly appear. Covered in mud and rain grime, I struggle to catch my breath as I run toward them.

A little bit of hope flickers as an officer approaches, but that hope quickly fades as their expression turns predatory, a chilling grip of uncertainty tightening around me.

"Where do you think you're running Bitch!" sneers the officer, his voice edged with malice, his eyes fixated on me like a hunter stalking prey.

I had to run as they got closer. Even though I was so tired, all I could think about was my baby.

As I turned my side to run an officer hit my head with something heavy enough to make my brain shake and crack my skull. But I couldn't stop; my baby cried so loudly, seeing me hurt, and that reminded me that I had to keep going, even though my vision was blurred by my own blood mixing with the raindrops.

In a moment of desperation, I screamed for help, but the rain drowned out my voice and more people joined the chase. I felt them getting closer, almost reaching me. Amidst the darkness, I spotted a shop across the road with its lights still on.

I hurriedly made my way towards it, a safe haven in the midst of this darkness. I was so tired and drained, and in my hurry, I nearly stumbled and hurt my baby.

The street seemed to blur before my eyes due to the heavy loss of blood. With every ounce of courage I could gather, I fought off my terror and despair, all for the sake of the little life shivering in my arms, feeling the coldness of death.


General POV

A convoy of SUVs tore through the city's busy streets, their engines were roaring with a predatory fervor rushing past the signals.

These were no ordinary drivers; they were a trained cadre of ex-military and special forces, their pursuit signaling a mission far beyond the bounds of common law enforcement.

Their goal wasn't typical human behavior; it was more animalistic, a hunt driven by the hunger for money. They pursued a mother and her child, solely because the baby held the inheritance to Kim Sung's multibillion-dollar empire in its innocent cry.

Their precise teamwork and effortless communication reflected their extensive training in elite military units. This wasn't just a chase; it was a carefully orchestrated operation, each member moving with the precision gained from years of serving their country.

Their faces displayed the hardened determination of battle-worn warriors who have encountered many near death situations, now engaged in a serious mission.

As the convoy raced through the city streets, a tense and ominous feeling descended upon the surroundings. Pedestrians and late-night drivers, unaware of the ominous intent driving this pursuit, felt a looming sense of unease, they were parting ways like small fish among sharks as the convoy powered past.

Their urgent movements, precise communication, and methodical search revealed an unwavering resolve to find the unsuspecting mother and child.

Their innocence and their lack of awareness of the poisonous effect of money on blood relations had unwittingly marked them for a fate driven by the hunger for power and wealth..


On the topmost floor of a skyscraper in the heart of central Seoul, a middle-aged man stood, his demeanor exuding a sense of authority in his business attire. The veins in his temples throbbed with frustration and fury as he angrily spoke into the phone.

His fury reverberated through the room as he clenched the phone, veins pulsating on his temple. "Is it that hard to catch a dumb woman and that Son of a bitch?!" He shouted in anger, his words cutting through the air with a venomous sharpness. The urgency and frustration in his voice emphasized the gravity of the situation they were dealing with.

The voice at the other end of the line, calm and composed, sent chills down the spine as it responded, "Mr. Cain, the directive was to take down three individuals, with a bounty of 5 billion won for each target. However, you failed to mention that one of them was ex-military." The voice remained composed, devoid of the agitation evident in the man's tone, exuding a sense of control and authority.

The man's rage seemed to simmer down as he listened, a sigh escaping his lips.

"He's cost us too many lives. There will be an extra price to pay for that," the man continued, unfazed by the situation, displaying confidence that the escaped two will be eliminated by any means necessary.

"The contract must be fulfilled before sunrise. By 6 a.m., the funds should be in the account, or else the Kim Sung empire will cease without a successor." With that, he abruptly ended the call. His gaze fell upon a gruesome sight.

His hands were gripping a beating heart, an silent testament to the grim nature of his type of work.

The man holding the heart remained eerily composed, displaying an unsettling calmness as though devoid of any emotion. He muttered, "One down, two more to go," his eyes fixed on the still pulsating heart as if it were a lifeless object.

His previously emotionless face subtly transformed into a smile as the radio crackled, "Delta 3 reporting, their location is found at Dom's workshop, east of Seoul. Delta 4 will reach there in 10 minutes-Over"

Picking up the walkie-talkie, he issued orders in a chillingly calm tone, "Secure the area and stand by."

As he conveyed the instructions, his mind wandered to an imagined moment of glory, pondering the unsettling idea of holding an infant's heart in his hand, a disturbing creepy smile forming on his face as the car turned left and sped towards the east.


The middle-aged man, observing the the phone, muttered, "If you fail, you know what comes next." He spoke like a warning, acknowledging the slim chances of failure and the potential chaos if they managed to escape.

Peering through the heavy glass windows, he watched the rain pour down as he lit a sleek, black cigarette from a fancy gold pack. Running his hand through his hair, streaked with gray, his gesture conveyed weariness amidst the unsettling situation.

Walking towards the telephone, he dialed a number. As soon as a woman picked up, he instructed, "Prepare the media to release the news." 


[Manager Kim Arc will start somewhere between next 8 chapters]

[Harry Bro Gonna enter the fight after some Chap]

Aswin_SS Aswin_SS

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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