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80.55% In Harry Potter with OTS System / Chapter 57: CHAPTER 55 – It’s starting

Chapter 57: CHAPTER 55 – It’s starting



Okay, this chapter is longer than usual. 3k words, which I think is the longest I've made for this particular fanfic. Also, to clarify, the last chapter, the 54.5 one, was a small chap I wrote as it came to my mind while I was drunk. I thought 'why not' and wrote it. The other character that appears there is from my other Fanfic, TNEE. It was a brief apparition, and I don't really think I will do something like this later on unless it comes to my drunken mind to write something similar. Also, this is the last chapter from the hard time skip, so the pace will slow down again.

Thanks to everyone for reading! And as usual, any feedback is well received.


Days before leaving Hogwarts, Logan woke up in his room, without any knowledge of what happened to him.

"Ugh… What happened yesterday?" Logan said as he sat upon the bed, holding his head for a sudden weird migraine. Meanwhile, the system just kept its silence. "I remember that I went to the Forbidden Forest and turned into my Animagus form… but after a while, everything just blanks out… do you know why, system?"


"Really? So weird… how did I even come back to my room?"

[You did what you normally do. Levitated here through the window, invisible.]

"Is that so?" Logan frowned. "But why can't I remember?"

[You were really excited yesterday while turned into your Anubis form, maybe because of that?]

"Mm…" Logan pondered for a moment before shrugging. "Must be that. There's nothing much that I know about that form, so maybe my animal or monster instinct took over? I must really research into that. Don't wanna be losing my consciousness while turning into my Animagus form."

[Yes, we better research it deeper. We might even find a trick to how to use your Animagus form's powers while turned into a human.]

"Right." Logan said before standing up from the bed and stretching. "Well, I better start my day. I will be back in London in a couple of days."

[It's almost time.]

"Yes." Logan nodded. "It will be soon time for the story to start." He stared at the exit of the window, to the clear blue sky.

The rest of his stay in Hogwarts was completely worry-free. Without homework or classes, he was free to just spend time with his friends. He even stopped using the time-turner, leaving it inside his inventory just in case, but not really having the need to go train for what was left of the year.

The House Cup was given to Ravenclaw once again thanks to Logan getting points on most of his practical classes, except for Potions. Apparently, the only reason why Slytherin usually turned out winning the House Cup, was basically because Snape liked to give points to them whenever he had the chance, and because Ravenclaw's house, in general, wasn't that interested in the competition.

Though thanks to Logan getting points through Charms, DADA, and Transfiguration, as well as helping the younger students of his house, and even his classmates, he managed to gather quite a few extra points, getting ahead of Slytherin, even if for only a few points. At this point, Flitwick had quite a great impression of his student, the same with Professor McGonagall, who was the one fetching him from the orphanage and has noticed his growth in Transfiguration classes. Also, not losing points to Snape played an important role, and he did thank Liz for that.

After classes ended, he was received on King's Cross Station by Madam Isabella, who received him with a hug and took him to the orphanage, hearing some of his stories from the school, though in a way that wasn't so obvious for the people nearby, keeping up the secrecy.

The months leading to September were quite relaxing too. Logan decided that it would be best for him to relax, seeing as how the main story would start and things would get pretty chaotic sooner rather than later. {Four years it's not that long…} He thought as he considered the time he had before Voldemort came back to power again. And just as he thought about it, he started to consider different plans.

"Letting Voldemort get back would allow the story to continue as I know it." Logan muttered as he looked at the different key points of the movies he still remembered. "But… letting that happen also means that things will get pretty dangerous for a lot of people…"

[Yes. But if Voldemort isn't defeated, then the war wouldn't really end.]

"That's true…" Logan sighed. "I guess I'll have to think of something… maybe tracking him down when he's at his lowest, destroy all the Horcruxes and then throw Harry in front of him so he can try to kill him, and destroy the last fragment of that thing?"

[That sounds like a plan.]

"Ha… oh well, I'll just leave this to my future self." Logan said. "Of course, it's not like I'll allow all things to happen like on the movies."

[Mm? Why?]

"My moral code, of course." Logan said as he put a hand on his chest, his nose pointing high.

[Are you sure it's not for the points.]

"No comments." He quickly retorted. "Anyways, what matters is that I won't allow that many bad things to happen. I'll stop whatever I can, and help whoever I can. Okay?"

[Right, right. Oh great savior.]

Logan just clicked his tongue as he looked through the plans he just wrote, before grabbing them and saving them on his inventory, where no one will find them.

As such, the countdown begin, and soon enough, it was time. Keeping track of the boy who lived was easy thanks to his magic, and as he kept the wand hidden inside his inventory, he didn't risk it getting captured. He watched as Harry met Hagrid for the first time, having a really weird feeling about it. After all, this was something that he only saw in the movies, and to be able to see it right in front of him? It somehow hit differently than simply meeting with some of the characters, or standing inside Hogwarts's castle. After all, this meeting was what set everything on trails. The first time, the child who lived met the start of his destiny.

Taking note of the date, he decided that it might be a good idea to make an early trip to the Diagon Alley, who knows, maybe he got to earn some points by meeting the protagonist of the story there.

As such, he went back to the orphanage, and reaching an agreement with Madam Isabella, he went the next day to Diagon Alley. If anything, he thought it would be a good time to check on his investments, sell some of the stuff he got from the Room of Hidden Things. He also had to make a visit to Ollivander's as he promised the old man he would show him his wand every year.

The next day soon came, and Logan found himself standing outside of Ollivander's. He knew Harry would soon come here, as he has been tracking him with Exiva, the spell that allowed him to find people relatively close to him. Meanwhile, he decided he would talk with Ollivander to show him his wand.

As he entered the store, he found out a tall and stunning blond woman, whose face, which Logan could slightly see from the side, seemed somewhat cold. She was apparently paying for a wand, as he saw she was carrying a small wand box with her.

"Thank you, Madame Malfoy." Ollivander, after receiving the wand, thanked her with his usual weird smile. The woman slightly nodded and turned around to leave, crossing eyes with Logan, raising an eyebrow as she did. "Oh, Mr. Taylor. I see that you're here to the annual check of your wand, is that it?" Ollivander said from behind the woman.

{Malfoy? Is that Draco's mother? She has to be… But she somehow looks different from the movies, like… prettier? Younger, maybe?} Logan thought for a moment as he looked at the woman who walked passed him uninterested, and with an I'm-holier-than-thou kind of face. {When Rowling made these pure-blood wizards she sure made sure to make them as stuck-up-their-asses as possible, jeez…} He thought with an inward sigh as he walked towards Ollivander. "Hello Mr. Ollivander, yes, I'm here for the annual visit." Logan nodded.

"Very well. Let's see how much has your wand growth." Ollivander said with one of his creepy smiles as Logan took the wand from his holster and gave it to him.

{This guy has the kind of face that would show up behind a cut wooden door while screaming 'Here's Johnny!' with an ax on his hands.} Logan thought.

[I understood that reference.] The system suddenly said.

{…Right.} Logan just brushed the comment away.

"Well, well… This is interesting." Ollivander suddenly said as he looked at the wand.

"Mm? What is it?" Logan asked, after being brought up from his thoughts.

"Your wand, Mr. Taylor, has somewhat changed. More than I've ever noticed on another wand." Ollivander said as he gave a glance towards Logan. "If I had to guess… I would say that your wand's loyalty has… increased. I don't know what you two have experienced in the past year, but this wand, Mr. Logan, has quite an affinity to you. It's something amazing, and something that I have only seen in a certain type of wands, like those made from ash wood or those with a unicorn's hair as the core."

"Mm… It doesn't sound like it is something bad, right?" Logan asked with a tilted head, to which Garrick showed a deeper smile.

"It certainly isn't, Mr. Taylor." He said as he took another look at the wand. "It certainly isn't..." Ollivander's eyes scanned the wand as if he was trying to pry it open. He did so for a few moments, before giving it back to Logan. "I also see that you haven't taken the proper care to it, I wonder why, Mr. Taylor?"

"Haha…" Logan chuckled awkwardly. "Well… I've been busy in school, and I… kinda forgot...?"

"Hm… I see." Ollivander said with an eyebrow raised. "I must remind you, Mr. Taylor, that just as wands give their loyalty to a Wizard or a Witch, they can also retrieve it. I must insist that you take care of your wand properly. It is, after all, an amazing wand, and a relic that's been in my store for a really long time."

"Right…" Logan nodded while scratching the back of his head. "I'll be more careful to remember."

"Excellent." Ollivander smiled, just as the door's bell rang, the door opening with a small, lanky kid coming inside. "It seems we have another customer… Oh, this sure is amazing…" Ollivander muttered his last words as his eyes landed on the lanky kid.

"I think you're busy, so I better leave. Thank you for taking a look at my wand, Mr. Ollivander." Logan said as he glanced at Harry.

"It's always a pleasure, please don't forget to come back next year, and also… remember to take care of your wand, Mr. Taylor." Garrick said.

"Yes, I will." As Logan turned towards the door, he noticed the small kid that was looking at him. Logan felt that he was looking at him with a somewhat fearful expression. {Talk about traumas…} He thought for a moment before stopping beside the kid. "Hey. Is this your first time around here?"

"Y-Yes…" The kid nodded.

"Well, I guess you will soon be attending Hogwarts then." Logan smiled, before extending his hand. "The name's Logan. Logan D. Taylor."

"H-Harry. Harry Potter." Harry, who extended his hand to shake Logan's, also presented himself.

"So you're Harry Potter, huh?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "I've read about you. Kind of famous, aren't you?"

"Huh… Yes… I've been told so." Harry nodded with a shy expression.

"Mm… I don't think it's really a good thing." Logan said as he rubbed his chin. "It might bring some unpleasant attention." He shrugged and then patted the kid's shoulder. "Anyways, you'll soon be my underclassmen, so I guess you can ask for some help if you need it back at the castle."

"Huh… Right… Thanks…" Harry smiled awkwardly.

"Great, see you then, Harry Potter." Logan said with a nod as he walked towards the door.

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've met the one and only child who lived! Harry Potter himself! And you even left a slightly good impression on the soon-to-be-savior! This is the first step to raising the pig for slaughter before Dumbledore! Go on and sent the sacrificial lamb to its destiny!]

[500pts have been earned]

{I swear that these things get weirder by the day…} Logan thought with an awkward chuckle as he went outside the store. "I guess this is it for the day." He muttered as he looked around. Not only did he go into Ollivander, but he also finished selling some of the stuff he had with him on a really sketchy store in Knockturn Alley, but also went to Gringotts to take a look at his investments. He even got the time to buy some other things, like sweets for Madam Isabella. {Well, I guess it's time to go home, I already got some points from this visit, I'm sure I'll get more as the years advance.} Logan thought for a moment before going towards the Leaky Cauldron.

He, of course, made sure to open his eyes wide and see if he somewhat found someone from the main cast. But with no luck.


September 1st. It was finally time to return to Hogwarts, and as such, Logan was awake since early that day.

His vacations had been short, and he hasn't done much, not even training. Most of his time he's been planning on what to do for the next years, or slacking off, simply creating runes using the excessive amount of blank runes he had on himself. He created a good set of runes of all types, from damage ones to fields and some sudden death runes just in case. Though in his own words, a Sudden Death rune would be a one-of-a-kind item, as it would be bad if someone saw him using an Avada-Kedavra-like spell with a more visual effect.

Muninn, as usual, wasn't home. Though Logan was sure that the bird would soon come back as it knows where they lived, the thing is really intelligent, at least enough to know that today was the day they were going back to Hogwarts. As such, he wasn't really worried about leaving it behind, the bird even knew the way to Hogwarts, so it was all good.

As it was soon going to be the time for him to go to school, he stood in front of the mirror, getting ready. Mostly trying to comb his hair in a way that it didn't look too messy, as Isabella requested from him. "You should at least dress presentably! What would the girls there think if they see you with that messy hair of yours!?" She said to him, on multiple occasions with different words.

"Ha… This is a pain…" Logan muttered to himself as he at least got it under control. Finally, he decided there was just one last thing to do before grabbing his things to leave towards King's Cross. "It's been a while huh?"

[Yeah, lately you almost pay no attention to the system. Well, I do think it's not bad to stop worrying that much about your current stats.]

"I just don't want to be too fixated for now, and well, it's not like that much has changed." Logan shrugged as he opened his status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 57

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 14920pts



Inventory (Size limit: 940oz/26.64kg)]

"Mm…" Logan looked at his stats. "I've won a few points since the whole spending I did, well, around two thousand and something more points. Quite more than I thought, with how little I've been getting."

[Yeah, and five hundred of those come directly from meeting Harry Potter yesterday.]

"Yeah." Logan nodded. "Hopefully, I'll start raking points from now on. And well, I think I'll be fine with the ML too. I'm not that hurried. Well, I better get ready to go." With a shrug. Logan finally started to prepare for everything he needed to get inside his trunk to take to Hogwarts. This year he was a third-year, so he was looking forwards to Care of Magical Creatures, and also to Study of Ancient Runes, as he thought there might be some resemblance between an Arcanist's runes and those from the wizarding world.

He has been studying the runes from the course, and they weren't that similar to the ones he inscribed on the blank runes. They did have a somewhat resemblance in that they were more of a form than the old Norse runes he researched online.

For example, the Sudden Death rune spell turned the blank rune into a dark-grey rune, with a black skull with two crossed bones below. So it was a clear signal that meant death. And the runes of the wizarding world, at least those he has been looking into, seemed to have some figures, like the numbers that some had animal shapes.

But the Norse runes he researched on the library actually were fewer and had specific meanings, they were more of an alphabet.

Funnily enough, when he tried to use his Arcanist spell Runic Inscription, he wasn't able to figure out how to inscribe the rune at an instant. He activated the spell as he usually did with his Arcanist's spells, and his hand did shine for a moment, but as time passed with him trying to leave his mind blank to receive any sudden inspiration, the glow disappeared.

After trying a couple more times, he thought about inscribing one of the runes he remembered from his usual rune spells. He did succeed in inscribing the rune on a wooden plank, only to be disappointed as nothing happened with the plank. No magical effect, no nothing.

With lack of success, he decided that he will try again on the RoR, where he was able to practice more. And as such, he was prepared to once he got to Hogwarts once again, he would start practicing more with his runes, which wasn't going to be far in the future, seeing as it was already time to go to King's Cross Station.

{It's starting. Harry's first year, and the first encounter with Voldemort.} Logan thought with a stern face as he grabbed his luggage, ready to go out. With Muninn, who was already back from who-knows-where, perched on his shoulder.

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