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Chapter 18- A new Knowledge

At the time of Ye Lingling took the Immortal Herb, 

This is the colossal sea world in the Divine Realm where the God of Destruction Hui Mie and his wife, the Goddess of Life Sheng Meng, were flying over the great sea. 

"Dear!, Are you feeling it as well?" said Sheng Meng as Hui Mei listened to his wife and his red needles hair transformed to silver hair as he summoned his Destruction Sceptre in his palm and stared at the dark illuminating aura spot in the sky.

"You have some guts to come here, Rakshasa God," Hui Mei said in a deep voice. 

A slender leg stepped out of the dark illumination aura, revealing a glamorous woman wearing a black suit with orange gems embedded in the armour that she was wearing, a fringe of her smooth grey hair covering one of her eyes, the other red menacing eye glancing at the couple with an aloof enchanting face. 

Hui Mie was angry by her aloof demeanour, therefore his purple destruction element erupted from him, forming an orb on his palm while gripping the Destructive Secpter. 

"Calm down, Dear," Sheng Meng replied with a sweet smile as he relaxed and took back his destruction power.

"All 1st class Gods were ordered to meet at Divine Realm Headquarters, so I am on the way to go there and in the middle I crossed with you two," Rakshasa said with an emotionless face.

She nodded to the Goddess of Life and passed them on her way to the Divine Realm Headquarters. 

"Hmm? Is he also calling us?" Hui Mie looked perplexed after Asura God communicated the message to both of them. He gazed at the sky where the 1st Class Gods were moving at a high speed in the direction of Divine Realm Headquarters. 

"It's OK dear, you know there's a time difference to the Douluo planet, and Sea God should have already gone to the Divine Realm Headquarters," Sheng Meng stated, as Hui Mie nodded and accompanied Sheng Meng to the Divine Realm Headquarters.


The present time of Douluo planet compared to Divine Realm, 

Liu Erlong was caring her kid in the Lush Mountain of Blue Tyrant Academy, who had been sleeping for hours after Ye Daiyu's treatment. With a slight smile, she gently caressed her son's blonde hair. 

'Never thought I'd experience this many emotions in my heart after my first love, this kid really made me love again totally,' Liu Erlong thought as she looked at Liu Feng in the bed. 

"Hmm..." Liu Feng slowly opened his hazy eyes and smiled tiredly at his charming mother's face. 

"Don't wake up Honey, your body is still not well, so rest today for a while," Liu Erlong said as she took the wet towel from his brow, and Liu Feng nodded. 

"" Liu Feng asked with the last of his power, and Liu Erlong's heart filled with joy when she saw her son's worried expression for her. 

"I am fine, Honey, sleep peacefully," Liu Erlong said as she kissed Liu Feng's brow and he closed his eyes. 

"How's that kid?" inquired Dugu Bo, who had come to Blue Tyrant Academy to look for his Granddaughter after spending a week in the Sunset Forest, but all he saw was her crying, and Ye Daiyu explained all that happened. 

"He just needs some sleep to recover," Liu Erlong stated as Dugu Bo exhaled with relief. They both headed to Ye Daiyu,  seated inside the Guest room with a somewhat tired look. 

"Liu Erlong, your behaviour did harm your child, nightmares can be dangerous for a child's mental health, for my son I strained him so much that sometimes he could have nightmares, I didn't care about those nightmares but suddenly he got the very high fever," Dugu Bo said while sitting in the chair and explaining his past with his son, for considered a lot. 

"Then I run around like an idiot for my son's treatment and ashamed for my actions therefore with no experience in parenting is hard and that's why you should ask out for help anytime because I know what that feeling is when your child is in pain," Dugu Bo said. At the same time, he cast a glance towards Liu Erlong, who was sitting in the chair across from him. 

"Thank you very much for your help," Liu Erlong said with a bow, but Ye Daiyu only smiled and tapped her shoulder. 

"Now, on to the main topic, there's still one month until their spirit ceremony, and we need to prepare everything for their safety," Dugu Bo stated, as Ye Daiyu sighed with a headache. 

"It was very difficult to get my Clan members to agree for my granddaughter not to awaken the spirit in my Clan's Spirit Ceremony," Ye Daiyu said, and this is why Liu Erlong didn't ask her for help with Liu Feng because both Dugu Bo and Ye Daiyu are busy preparing for their granddaughters' Spirit Ceremony. 

"According to my Fenge'r, their Innate spirit power should be above 10, but are you sure you want to awaken their spirits in my Academy?" Liu Erlong inquired, while Dugu Bo and Ye Daiyu had come here to perform the Spirit Ceremony in the Blue Tryant Academy. 

"We both decided to perform the Spirit Ceremony here because the academy has many mountains," Ye Daiyu stated with a smile, while Liu Erlong had a blank expression and understood this Academy was established on the very outskirts of Heaven Dou City. 

"And I've already prepared everything in a mountain to build the Spirit Ceremony," Dugu Bo said as he sipped the cup of tea with a slight smile, while Liu Erlong shook her head, knowing they wouldn't listen to her after they had decided to do so. 


Liu Feng's health improved over time, and his relationship with Liu Erlong grew even closer than before when Liu Erlong wholeheartedly devoted her heart to Liu Feng while forgetting about the past love trauma. 

In the training mountain, 

"Nature Transformation-Wind style"


Liu Feng's mouth blew an invisible wind short to the big boulder, and a smile formed on his face as he looked at the smashed enormous stone in front of him. 

'Not bad, I can do Fire, Water, and Wind Nature transformation techniques, and there's still one week for Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling to awaken their spirits,' Liu Feng mused as he walked to his home in the Lush mountain, where Liu Erlong awaited him. 

"Mommy!" said Liu Feng with a bright smile as he leapt to her. 

"Ara, my son is becoming a diligent boy to train every day," Liu Erlong said as she cradled him in her arms and walked into their home for a bath. 

"Hehe, I can't wait to see the spirits of both Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling," Liu Feng remarked as Liu Erlong scrubbed Liu Feng's body with her foamed hands. 

"With the Immortal Herbs, those two would have already become very talented, and I, too, can't wait for them to awaken the spirits," Liu Erlong stated, rubbing his blonde head to wash away the sweat from his training. 

"And Mommy, Can I go to Spirit Ceremony Mountain?" Liu Feng inquired, leaning against Liu Erlong's breasts. 

"You are very interested in the Ceremony array?" Liu Erlong questioned as she approached Liu Feng and laid her chin against his shoulder. 

"I want to know the mystery of spirit awakening using that Ceremony array; if I study it, I might be able to know the enigma of Spirits," Liu Feng stated with sparkly eyes, while Liu Erlong realised how her child was able to build his own techniques. 

"OK, you can visit the Poison Douluo, but don't bother him because there was only one week for the Spirit Awakening Ceremony," Liu Erlong stated while Liu Feng's face beamed with delight.

He kissed Liu Erlong's cheek while twisting his head, and Liu Erlong slightly chuckled and pulled him out of the bathroom to dry him up. 

"Be careful, and don't forget to come early to eat Fenge'r," Liu Erlong instructed her son, who had dressed up after bathing. 

"OK, Mommy, meet you in the dining room," Liu Feng said, flashing his body and teleporting to Spirit Ceremony Mountain. 

"Haha, this kid is growing up fast, and it's already been a year," giggled Liu Erlong, who couldn't help but feel the time had flown by too quickly, even though she wished she could stay with her son like this for an eternity. 

"Hmm?, You kid getting good at your Space technique," said Dugu Bo, who had grown younger as his long green hair had been trimmed to short, revealing a handsome face. 

"What can you do, Gramps, I am very talented, and should I call you big brother from now on?" remarked Liu Feng, glancing at Dugu Bo, who had several black lines on his forehead. 

"Hoho, really you want to be grounded again?" Dugu Bo smiled as he looked at Liu Feng, who shivered when he saw the devil's smile of Dugu Bo. 

"I'm joking Gramps, don't take it seriously," Liu Feng said as he rushed inside the newly built building where the Spirit Ceremony would be held the next week. 



So for spirits of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling do you have any ideas after reading the previous chapters and I already thought the spirits.

Question- 1)Rakshasa God is male or female?

2) Does anyone remember the time difference between Douluo planet and Divine realm

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