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79.38% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 104: Titanium

Chapter 104: Titanium

After an hour, Will had built something meant for taking down large monsters should his sentry turrets and golems fail to protect his kingdom.

He had built cannons by hand, which is something he can indeed craft thanks to the guidance of his advanced golem. There were multiple cannons around the inside of his kingdom and some outside as well. Luckily coal and other substances his golems mine could be used to create gunpowder.

None of these cannons shot cannonballs, instead they all shot extremely long net chains that were meant to wrap themselves around any dragons. The best part is that all the net chains have three cursed enchantment {slavery} {fatigue} and {weakness} it was a bit pricey but worth it in his opinion.

The reason he is using metal net chains is because Will still doesn't know if ordinary items could take down dragons with their scales. It was better to use cursed enchanted items to bring them down.

As long as a single one of the net chains wraps itself around a dragon it will fall.

The whole point of the net chains was to subue Amelia should she transform into a dragon. Of course it might serve other purposes like taking down Victoria or other threats.

He had a single golem stationed beside every cannon. They will aim and light the cannon at a moment's notice.

With the newly added defenses Will could safely bring Amelia back to the kingdom, which he did.

"Thank you, heroes." Kat's father said expressing his gratitude to Will and Sandra, his daughter, Kat, was beside him. His family was currently resting in their new home.

He really thought for a moment that these two heroes would have taken Amelia/Maid away from them.

"Thank you, Mr Scary Eyes." Kat said with a smile.

"Are… are my eyes that scary?" Will asked, doubtfully.

"That's… what they used to call you." Sandra looked at Will confused.

"What???" Will had never heard that name before.

Mr. Scary Eyes is the name that was given to Will by the children who he had saved. The name never went public because Will decided to lie low at the time, and gave all the evidence to Jasmine.

A few people knew of the name 'Mr Scary Eyes' Sandra knew because Bruce told her after he had overheard a few commanders talking about the event.

"Wait, he's Mr. Scary Eyes?" Kat's dad looked at her daughter. When she described him he had glowing blue eyes, and wore wooden armor.

"He is Mr. Scary Eyes.." Sandra said.

"What?" Will was so confused.

Kat ran up to hug Will. Will looked at Sandra and back at the little girl, confused, not knowing what to do.

"Thank you for saving me, hero." Kat said. She didn't think that the one who saved her, along with 9 other kids, would turn out to be Will.

"Saving you? Wait, were you one of the kids I saved from Taker?" Will didn't recognize her, but after saying he rescued her, one thought came to mind: the kids he had saved at the time.

At that moment someone else hugged him, it was none other than Kat's father. He was crying.

"Thank you… tha-nk you so much. Th-thank you!" The father could not hold back his tears, and his voice cracked. Will is the one who saved their daughter from a cruel fate. He had saved his family.

Will was as still as a statue for a minute until the father apologized, thanked Will a few more times, and brought Kat back to their home.

After that had happened Sandra went to take a nap with Adaline, who was still traumatized. Sandra and Adaline did not have a good relationship, but Sandra knows just how much Adaline means to Will and so she does want to get to know Adaline a bit better, and being there for her seemed important.

Will would have done the same, cuddling with his girlfriend and Adaline, but he had a few important matters to attend to, the foremost had to do with his revenge.


The king was angrily eating good food while sitting on his throne. He looked at a report in his hand that had many detailed reports about the kingdom's income, so far it has reached a new low record ever since the kingdom was first built.

"Not good at all, this is not good. People are leaving the kingdom and are refusing to pay taxes or don't want to continue supporting the heroes. Item prices are skyrocketing. Food is becoming scarce (mostly for the 'peasants') because farmers are not getting paid enough, and I haven't heard anything from the Sun Kingdom. I don't even know what Victoria has done!"

The person who was keeping tabs on Will's kingdom died when a piece of rubble went through his body after Victoria had caused that giant explosion with her fist.

Technically there was another person who reported to the king, it was the one person who gave the three disposable heroes a ride to the kingdom, sadly he had died as well.

And now the king has no one who can tell him anything at the moment. He had sent out a noble to keep tabs on the Sun Kingdom. He had no choice but to send a noble because nobody else wanted to go to the Sun Kingdom, not for free anyways. Even so it would take a while before the noble could report anything to the king.

The king pinched his glabella with his fingers. It seems problems keep rising, he knew the reason, it was the tax laws, but he couldn't back down now because he truly needed the money. He believed that once these heroes are strong, prepared, and geared well, they will bring the kingdom lots of money and then more people will want to live in the kingdom again.

The obvious question he never asked himself is, 'when exactly will that happen'?


Harmony walked up to her dad with her bodyguards behind her.

"Yes, honey?" The king faked a smile upon seeing his daughter.

"Dad, it's getting worse out there. We need to do something."

"You're right. Sadly the heroes aren't exactly too eager to go outside yet. Let's give them more time." The king had his faith in the heroes he summoned.

"How much more time, dad? It's been what, 4 or 5 months since they got here? And at least 10 of those heroes have stepped foot out of the kingdom. When will the rest do something?"

Before talking to her dad, Harmony had a good talk with the majority of the heroes to convince them to do something for the people in the kingdom and the nearby villages. Those people needed help.

As a princess she had some power, but all the decisions were ultimately up to her father.

Most heroes had the same excuse, "I need magical items before I can step foot outside." or "Too lazy." or "Why would I do that? You guys kidnapped me and now you expect me to work for you?" or her favorite "My bee stepped on a dog and died." She had no idea how the last one even made any sense. How can a bee step on a dog and kill him? Or was it the bee that died?

Harmony knew that even if these heroes were fully equipped with magical tools they would never leave the kingdom. And they couldn't even threaten them because they are so sensitive, either they will leave the kingdom, die, or join the Empire.

Harmony has read records of past heroes and none of the past heroes were ever this much of a pain in the beginning.

"I don't know, Hon. Just be patient. They'll eventually come around when the time is right."

"God…" Harmony saw that she wouldn't budge her dad by any means. "By the way dad, when I was talking to the heroes, a few of them were missing."

"Yeah, William, Sandra, Josh, Peter, Victoria, and 3 more are gone. They'll be back." The king kept tabs on all heroes who leave the kingdom.

"Apart from Will and Sandra, no one has seen Josh and Peter in weeks. No one knows where they are gone."

"The Great Sage told me, they were going out to tame some dragons." The king smiled at the thought of Josh taming a dragon. It's never been done before, but if he manages to do it it would be amazing.

In fact many heroes have done the same as Josh. Sadly not one has been ever to tame one, but many have killed dragons and earned fame, glory, and fortune.

"But, that's not possible."

"I know. But Josh is the only hero with the strongest offensive ability ever seen, apart from the Great Sage. And Pete, or Peter whatever he likes to be called, can talk to animals. I have high hopes for them."

"Didn't Josh already have a dragon? You know the one that can transform into a… little girl?" Harmony asked, she couldn't believe that is an actual sentence coming out of her mouth.

"Yeah, but the dragon died. Shame, really."

"So he's headed to the black mountains, the place where all the dragons live, to tame a dragon?"


"And you think he can do it, despite the Great Sage having never been able to tame a dragon? Won't Josh and Peter die?"

The king's face froze for a solid minute as his mind went blank.

'How the fuck did I never think of that?'

He had forgotten that in the black mountains, while many heroes have gained a lot from going to the black mountains, many more heroes have fallen and most of their bodies were never retrieved.

The first 100 heroes to be summoned over 200 years ago, the Great Sage had actually warned them repeatedly about the black mountains and the Goddess Lea. Some took it as a challenge and as a result many died. The Great Sage stopped trying after the 28th hero didn't learn his lesson.

Enslaving dragons is an option but not an effective one. Their strength can break apart any metal apart from anti-hero. In fact Maid/Amelia would be the first dragon ever in history to be successfully enslaved but not tamed.

"How long since we have heard from Josh and Peter?"

"I asked the heroes, nearly 3 weeks."

"Hon, can you do me a favor? Please send a few nobles to scout the area to find Josh or Peter, quickly." He spoke in such a soft and quiet tone.

Harmony had never seen this side of her dad, it was too calm, and frankly it made her feel afraid.

After Harmony left running, the king bend down while sitting on his throne, placing both his hands on his face contemplating how stupid he was to not stop Josh and Peter.

"What have I done? If I'm lucky they're both alive."


The bright shining light that peeked through his colored windows became dark very quickly. Then followed lightning, thunder, then heavy rain that covered the entire kingdom and further.

Most people liked the rain and they brought out their rain barrels, which as the name implies are wooden barrels that gather rainwater, this method has been used by men since the dawn of time.

The Great Sage had a troubled look on his eye. He held out his hand and gathered some water on his palm.

'Strange… oh, well.' The Great Sage thought, but paid it no mind as he couldn't care for now. It was just a little rain, and a little rain has never hurt anyone.

Outside the kingdom's walls is a figure wearing dragon scale armor as the rain went through the gaps of his armor, this is Will, and he was wondering why he didn't bring an umbrella or something to protect him. He was holding on to a large golden ball in his hand.

Will left the Reyes kingdom. The rain was only a part of his revenge. While it was not an instant result as liked, after a while they'll notice something is wrong once it continues to rain non-stop. And there is only one way for it to stop raining in the Reyes kingdom, and that one object is in Will's inventory, safe from anything.

An entire day had gone by. The kingdom of Reyes noticed something very weird, the rain wouldn't stop. It wasn't just a light rain but a heavy rain with dark clouds, lightning, and thunder erupting non-stop.

The Great Sage also saw no problem with this. He's been living for 300 years, this weather is nothing compared to other horrible weathers he's seen before.

And the worst thing is, even he can't do anything about the weather. He is able to use very powerful abilities, but none of them can control the weather.

As the Reyes Kingdom was still unaware how much trouble they were in, Will continued to expand and improve his kingdom.

Will took care of the food problem by making a new farm far away from his kingdom. He bought various fruit and vegetable seeds from the Empire, as well as some wheat and rice grains. With this he can grow so much food.

It might have been excessive but he built a farm as big as a park, divided each section of farm equally by using tiny wooden fences, he even made a stone path so he wouldn't step over any of his precious crops. This is already turning out to be a better farm than Will had built before.

Will didn't know if this is how farms would work with so many seeds being so close together, but these foods will fully grow in a few hours so he didn't care as long as it continued to grow food.

In the center of his farm was a small but tall wooden building. Inside is a waystone which he can use to teleport to his farm at any point. And he had once tried to move the waystone using the {builder's touch} but it wouldn't budge at all no matter how hard Will tried.

So his farm wouldn't stand out too much at a distance, Will decided to add a small stone wall around his farm that was as tall as 3.5 meters and only one iron gate. On top, outside, and inside of the walls were no more than 20 sentry turrets, and 5 low-tier golems, as a precaution and to let him know when his crops were ready and if there were any threats incoming.

Will smiled a bit in comparing this tiny base to his kingdom.

Ever since the beginning he has gained a new appreciation for everything he has and has turned part of a barren wasteland into something beautiful.

No matter how ridiculous Will thought the odds were against him, he realized that he had the power residing in him to overcome these odds.

Looking back to where he started, he was amazed at how far he has come. (Miss you, Technoblade.)

7 days later…

The kingdom of Reyes was already fed up with the heavy rain since the third day. It had been 8 days since the rain started and everyone living in the kingdom wanted it to end.

Some desperate for money saw this as a business and made up temporary jobs, which was basically carrying a giant metal roof over people's heads to cover them, or some carried buckets of water outside of the kingdom for a small pay, but that would make a small difference for the kingdom of Reyes.

Farms were destroyed by excess water. The kingdom had now lost one of their sources of food, as if the 'peasants' weren't already starving. Bright side was now they had a nearly infinite source of water.

Bad side was that living conditions were worse than before: heavy rain, no food, houses that were always cold because of the weather, they couldn't even chop wood because it was wet.

Loud thunderstorms echoing every few minutes, and some of their homes were leaking water, some got so bad some were forced to move,

The king heard their complaints. He asked the Great Sage to do something since he knew it had to do something with Will, he didn't realize it until the 7th day when it started to rain.

The king sent Victoria to find if Will can control the weather and what had happened to the other three heroes that he sent before Victoria.

And a day after his kingdom was destroyed by Victoria all of a sudden there is this neverending rainstorm.

The Great Sage was doing fine by himself in his tower. He had heard what happened.

He claimed Victoria to be a 'fallen hero' not because she destroyed the Sun kingdom, but because she had killed innocent people as she destroyed Will's kingdom. Now she was a criminal and was hiding.

Victoria's classmates, and generally anybody who had come into contact with Victoria for more than 5 seconds, were more surprised that it has taken her this long to be branded as a wanted criminal. It was no surprise to anyone.

The king asked the other heroes for help, but that went about as well as he expected, nobody wanted to help.

As he asked them for help, he realized something 'what happened to the three heroes I sent to infiltrate the Sun kingdom? And what happened to Josh and Peter? I haven't heard from them in so long!'

Minutes later, while in the Sun kingdom.

Will had continued to make improvements to his kingdom. There were 2 giant walls surrounding his kingdom, much like it is in the anime 'Attack on Titan' except there were 3 walls.

The first wall was at the inside of his second wall, it was the last line of defense to protect his kingdom. It was the smallest wall but inside it was his castle which stood out from any other building, but underneath the wall was the most important which was the exotic flower seed, his bed where he respawns, the hundreds of golems working in his mine.

The second wall expanded further and therefore covered more land. Between the first and second wall lived all the villagers.

For the past week Will saw how more and more villagers kept coming to his kingdom to live a better life. Most were families, some were alone.

There was also a case of elves trying to enter his kingdom for some reason, he shooed them away because 1: they aren't Grace or Arbor, the only elves he trusts at this point.

2: he remembers that he got ambushed by some elves when he first flew to visit the Empire, although they couldn't do anything to him thanks to his armor.

Not only that but Will knows that elves despise humans more than anything, especially heroes. One time he invited Radix to his kingdom because Arbor and Grace knew him, and Radix ended up launching an arrow through his head. What's to say these elves won't try to kill him or other people?

It was no brainer that Will rejected any elves that tried to enter his kingdom.

Anyways… Each wall had sentry turrets and cannons. Some cannons now even had cannonballs because why not? With the cannons it made Will feel that this was turning a lot more into a proper castle.

Will had lost count by now, but he knows he had more than 400 sentry turrets placed everywhere in his kingdom. The cannons were a bit lower in number with there only being 53 in total.

Golems stood at the outside of the castle, keeping an eye out for threats. It would be more fitting to call it an 'impenetrable fortress' at this point, but Will preferred to keep calling it the 'Sun kingdom.'

Right now Will was smiling at the thought of the Reyes kingdom's weather. Will they ever realize that he's the one that had to do something with it?

The king did realize it was Will until yesterday. The king sent out men to Will's kingdom to convince him peacefully to get rid of the horrible weather, they wouldn't be able to arrive till much later.


A fighter golem besides Will called out to him. It was made of a material that this world had never seen before, titanium.

About a week ago Will crafted the {metal converter} thanks to his golems working nonstop. He crafted titanium which was a mix of steel, iron, copper and gold. Together those metals transform into titanium.

Titanium is way stronger than steel and much lighter. Will replaced the fighter golems with titanium as well as the pickaxes. Titanium armor is an option but didn't feel like wearing it as dragon scale armor was still better due to its benefits.

But, making titanium armor for others than him wasn't out of the question either, especially for Sandra and Adaline.

Currently he waited for his golems to acquire the resources required to make {Sovereignty} which was basically pack-a-punch from CoD zombies..


"The three heroes you imprisoned are going to escape. One of them is barely able to get the cursed bullet lodged in her buttocks."

"Hmm… do nothing about it for now."

"Master?" The golem was confused. Shouldn't he do something about it, or at least order him to stop them before they escape?

"There's another golem stationed right beside the 'treasure' horde, right?" Will made sure to place two Golems along with the captured heroes, one to keep an eye out on the heroes, and another near the treasure horde.


"If they manage to escape… well, just blow them up."

At this point Will doesn't care anymore. Those three heroes have been imprisoned for almost two weeks. He really thought someone would come for them but no one has come. It made him feel that he wasted his time building that jail, and enchanting all that treasure with {explosion V}.


Will heard a mini explosion happen 10 minutes after he finished his sentence. The explosion happened far away and underground, but the sound of the explosion could still be heard from his kingdom.

"Golem… was that?"

"Yes, master. The three heroes are dead. I didn't even need to do anything. One of them got greedy and threw himself right at the pile of gold coins as if it was a swimming pool, which I have no idea why he would do that."

Although the one who is talking to Will is a mid-tier Golem with average intelligence, the advanced tier Golem could not understand why someone who has been rotting in jail, basically eating rotten stale food, would be greedy to throw themselves in a pile of treasure instead of running away.

Still it wouldn't have mattered as the Golem would have killed all three heroes immediately.

"Huh. Honestly, I thought they would have lasted a few more days. But just to be safe, send out a few Golems to check for bodies, although I doubt any of them would still be alive." Will seemed unfazed by their deaths.

Will noticed just how adamant he was about their deaths. He didn't even know their names but they were classmates at one point, they had some sort of connection. After what happened to Adaline and his kingdom, Will started to feel less sympathetic to any threats.

After all, Victoria showed no mercy and destroyed his kingdom ruining his and Sandra's hard work which they made for Alex, she almost killed Adaline, and also managed to kill Will by blowing away his head. Why should he show mercy to threats?

Will knew that there is no way Victoria knew about his respawn ability, if it weren't for that ability he would have been as dead as a dodo.

"And master… the spider golem you created has found something. I have quickly assembled all the Golems near the entrance of the cave."

"Oh? Tell me everything you see when I'm in the mines."

Will quickly teleported to the mines. He saw nearly all of his fighter Golems all standing guard near the entrance of that creepy cave, the number of Golems was near 100. All Golems were made out of titanium, were enchanted, and they all carried enchanted titanium weapons, the only weapons not made of titanium were those that are projectile weapons.

"What's wrong, Golem?"

"Master, I am currently looking at it right now. I see it but it doesn't see me due to the spider's small size. And I fear he's coming right toward us as we speak, and very fast." The advanced Golem said. All Golems were prepared to protect Will and his kingdom, as per his orders.

Will took out his enchanted guns from his inventory.

"Good. Saves me the trouble of looking for… whatever it is. You know what to do: if it moves it dies, if it dies… you move on."

And thus, they stood there, in silence, patiently awaiting…

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