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99.23% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 130: Afterwards

Chapter 130: Afterwards

"What are you talking about, Will?" Sandra asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a while now. I honestly don't know if we can even go back to our world, but let's be honest we already knew that. I need to be sure you're safe, that everyone in this world is safe, and the only way to do that is if I kill every monster. I don't know if I can afford fighting another mountain dragon or something far worse. Of course Amelia will be spared."

Will realized something important, what if there is another monster as powerful as the mountain dragon? What's to stop another dragon, or a cyclops, or an ogre, or a scorpion, or a measly goblin from being born with such power?

There was only one method Will could think of, mass genocide.

With the constant threat of the Witch looming over him he cannot risk fighting another major threat.

The existence of the Witch for now Will decided to keep it a secret from everybody, there was no point in worrying anybody about a threat that may or may not happen.

This did have one major downside, killing every single monster meant no more essences to be harvested, and thus the number of magical weapons will be limited. But with the 800+ chests filled with the mountain dragon's parts Will knew he was set.

"I get what you mean, I really do, but are you sure you want to do this?" Sandra asked. She, and many others, thought the same thing.

"I think so. I think I have to do this."

The Great Sage did thought of mass genocide like Will many years later, but all he could think of were downsides to it, in fact even he couldn't guarantee to kill every single monster. In the end he thought it was best to let all the monsters live, especially since he has had his fill of hunting monsters.

"If you think it's right then do it. But please don't regret it later."

"I probably won't."

"And also, after you're done can we spend some time together? I know you're busy but I miss you."

"I missed you, too. Sure, if nothing else happens we can spend time like before." Will gave her a hug and teleported away.

The same day Will ordered all his pack-a-punched Golems to find and destroy any and all monsters, the only exception being Amelia. Will made it clear that all the monsters they hunted were to be collected.

At that moment, hundreds of Golems spread out to all parts of the world.

Before it took dozens of Golems to take down a single dragon. Now a single pack-a-punched Golem could take down a dragon with a single bullet.

In the same day all of the Golems had killed tens of thousands of monsters. The world had never been more at peace without monsters killing families and destroying their homes. It was known as the massacre of monsters because that's what happened.

One problem Will faced were the sea monsters, none of his Golems were equipped for underwater exploration. For now he decided to let the sea monsters be until he can find out how to make Golems that could move in water.

Of course Will would never step foot inside the sea as he was still scared of the sea and the sea monsters.

One day, a Golem would find something unexpected.

"Master, I found something near a village"

"What? What did you find?" Will was prepared to hear they found another zombie or worse.

"There is a secret underground bunker. Inside there are many people. I do not know if they are stuck or not, but they most likely are."

"Show me."

Will teleported to where his Golem found the secret bunker. 

It was so well hidden no one could find it unless they knew where it was. The Golems found it by chance.

Inside were a bunch of villagers with many wounds and infections due to not being able to cure their wounds.

To see the door finally open made them squeal out of pure joy. But to see a strange person wearing dragon scale armor made them feel weary of him.

And there was something else about them, they were all deaf. By this point they are getting used to being deaf.

Realizing talking was of no use Will touched one of them with his healing glove. The man tried to jump back but Will managed to grab his arm, and healed him right then and there. The man could hear again, he was beyond shocked.

"What happened?" Will asked.

"Did… I can hear again! I CAN HEAR AGAIN!" He ignored Will and began jumping around like a toddler. Everyone was staring at him, they couldn't hear him.

Everyone was equally in pain and depressed as that man was before being healed.

"Stop, tell me what happened." Will asked, again.

After a few minutes the man told Will everything.

They were all plotting to revolt against the kingdom after being forced out of their homes due to the large amount of debt they accumulated from taxes. 

During the battle between the Great Sage and the mountain dragon the door leading out of the bunker got stuck. No one has been able to leave the bunker all this time. Luckily they had food and water to last them for a few weeks at most.

The ones who were leading them were none other than the Rebel, Clement.

To hear that name again Will was surprised, he had almost forgotten about him and was sure he was dead by now. 

Clement was the first person Will saw in this world. He had also mistakenly taken his magical gun, which he then gave it to the princess of the Reyes kingdom, who would give it to Clement somehow.

Will always thought there was something going on between Clement and the princess.

"Where is Clement now?" 

The man led Will to a room in the bunker.

There was Clement, he hadn't given up hope and was planning on carrying out his revolution. 

Will didn't have to ask how they were all deaf, it was because the mountain dragon roared and made them all go deaf. The bunker was actually somewhat close to the bunker, the fact that it still remained intact and no one had died was nothing short of a miracle itself.

Clement was shocked to see him.

"Wait, its you?! Will Connor?" 

The last time he saw Will he was wearing exotic wooden armor. Even though the armor he's wearing was different, there wasn't another being alive that could wear such strange armor.

Clement has heard of what he has accomplished, and was happy because many of the rebels who had cold feet went to live in the Sun kingdom. Since then he has heard nothing but praises from the Sun kingdom.

"It's been a while."

"..." Clement couldn't hear him.

"Oh, heheh, right." 

Will grabbed Clement's shoulder healing him of all his wounds. 

"Woah, I can hear again."

Will glanced at the paper Clement was writing on. It was a detailed map of the Reyes kingdom. Clement was still plotting to kill the king and overthrow the kingdom, but the biggest hurdle he would have to face is the Great Sage, who is now dead.

"You're still plotting to take on the Reyes kingdom?"

"I am. But at the rate it's going it might end up destroying themselves."

"You don't need to bother anymore with the Reyes kingdom, or the Great Sage."

"What does that mean exactly?"

Will snickered, "So much has happened recently…"

Will told everything to Clement leading up to the Reyes kingdom's annihilation. Clement was very shocked to hear what happened. Although he knew that the mountain dragon was dead, because the powerful shakes were gone. 

To hear the Great Sage die, and the Reyes kingdom gone felt all too surreal.

Clement regrets not being there when the Empire attacked the kingdom. His goal was not to kill the king, but to make him wish he was dead.

"By any chance, did you get your magical gun back? I gave it to the princess some time ago and she said she would give it to you."

"I didn't get it back unfortunately. We didn't get a chance to meet one another."

"Also, I somewhat remember you calling the king at the time 'Phobia King' or something like that?" Will has been living in this world for 8-9 months now, but not once has he heard the name "Phobia king" come out of anyone's mouth but his.

"A few weeks before you were summoned, the king wanted to have, in his own words, a 'cool nickname' so he settled with 'Phobia king' which is honestly bad. He made sure to get everyone to call him that for a while, before he eventually scrapped the idea because he hated it."

"Yeah, the name is cringe."


"Anyways, last question: something I don't understand, why did you have so much hate for the Reyes kingdom?" Will asked.

"Not the kingdom, I only hated the king. For a little bit of context: I was the Reyes kingdom's best shooter, and I was supposed to also teach the new batch of heroes how to use guns. My son was a brilliant blacksmith, in fact he was the one who created the magical guns, and the magical guitar."

"Magical guitar?" Will asked because he thought he heard him wrong.

Clement got a guitar that was on the ground inside a protected case.

"The guitar can take on the shape of any projectile weapons, sniper, minigun, rocket launcher, you name it. It was my son's most brilliant weapon, and he was doing it for laughs because I love playing the guitar."

"Where's your son now?"

"He's… not with us anymore. He would've been 22 by now. You see, a few months before you heroes were summoned… My son hanged himself in his own room. It was the worst day of my life."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Same here. He didn't leave a note or anything. but I still found out why he did it. He had a fiancee, a very pretty lady. I found out that the king fancied her and wanted her for himself, she agreed because he's the king and all that."

"So he threatened her using his status as king?"

"No, I wish, then my son instead of killing himself out of sadness he would've done something else. She agreed because he had money, power, status, our family wasn't that poor compared to others, but you cannot compare our financial situation with the king. Once my son found out she was leaving him, he took his own life."

"Oh… I get it now."

"Since then I really hated him, but I could never kill him because of the Great Sage, but that made me realize I could hurt him in worse ways. So, when the hero summoning occurred, I thought it was only fair to take away his only child like he took mine. In the end I didn't do anything."

"Where's his ex-fiancee now?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. She could be dead or dying for all I care."

After a while Will left the bunker, not before healing everyone else and restoring their hearing.

Will even offered Clement and everyone else a home in his kingdom, everyone denied his offer. They did not want to live under a kingdom again, even if it was another one. Will respected their answers and let them be.

Clement and everyone would now live their lives in a nearby village. Clement would continue to lead the people who continued to follow him.

A few days later, Will was lying in his bed naked, beside him was Sandra who was sleeping on top of his chest with the sheets covering their bodies, and with his arm around her.

Will had taken the next few days off to spend time with the woman he loves. If any problems were to arise his Golems would immediately report to him.

How the existence of that zombie came to be was still a complete mystery, but he counted himself lucky that the Witch didn't escape from her seal. Will feels bad for her, as it was the third hero who cursed her to become bloodthirsty in order to enslave her and Roy.

There was no need to tell anyone what truly happened, it is a story that has lasted for three hundred years. Will also felt that if he were to tell the real story, Samuel's name would become popular. Will did not want the old bastard's name to be famous and neither did the Great Sage. It was better if he was forgotten.

A few more days later Will would see Adaline again. Adaline was in front of his kingdom, beside her was Grace, Arbor, and Silvas there to accompany her and see Will.

"Adaline!" Will hugged her, while Adaline placed her head around him and was acting like a happy dog who got to see her owner after so long. 

Will was so focused on Adaline he forgot the three elves. The three elves could only awkwardly watch from the side. They were here because Adaline really wanted to come, and also because they wanted to talk to Will about something.

After they were sure that the Witch hadn't returned they felt it was safe to leave the forest.

Adaline immediately ran towards Sandra, Sandra laughed and welcomed Sandra with open arms.

Grace and Arbor walked towards Will. Grace grabbed his hands, once she did, her eyes became moist and said profoundly, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Grace was crying heavily and snot came running down from her nose.

"Will, thank you so much for sparing the elves." Grace looked at him. She pulled back and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Before she really thought all those 350 elves were dead. To see them all back alive, with some injuries, made not just her but everyone happy. 

The sad news was that two died, and their bodies hadn't been recovered so they couldn't give them a proper funeral.

"Because you showed them mercy," Arbor interjected, "they can go back home to their families. Instead of it being a dreadful day they are home, alive and well. Sadly I think some of them won't ever forget or forgive you for killing Radix, or Parum."

"I don't really care." Will said. "If there is a next time I will not spare them. Make sure to tell them that when you go back."

"We will. Also, we wanted to give you something." Silvas said.

Silvas then handed Will a bracelet. 

"There's a ton of seeds, fruits, and vegetables inside; like watermelons, pears, pineapples, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, onions, corn, and more. This food is something only elves can enjoy. We know about your ability to grow trees and plants, so we gave you this as a thank you for what you have done. And also for protecting my dad when you guys fought that dragon."

"Your dad took out one of its eyes, that was a lot of help."

"I had to help out my friend, and I'm glad I did."


"William, I heard from Lea that your creations are killing all monsters, is that true?" Silvas raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, it is. I can't have another mountain dragon or something worse happen."

"Does that also include… organic creatures as well?" Arbor asked.

There was a species Will could not kill, the organic creatures, the same species as Adaline. Those creatures live in Lea's forest and are under her constant protection, to kill them means intruding in her territory. And something inside him told him that she is not going to eliminate an entire species because he tells her to.

Will did not feel like killing them either so he ordered his Golems to spare them if they saw one. And also, Will felt that if one of them did grow up to become a powerful creature Lea would take care of it otherwise it'll risk the elves' lives.

"No, I'll leave that up to Lea." Will turned around to see Adaline circling around Sandra,

"Good. I don't agree that all monsters should be eliminated, but I also understand why you're doing it."

"Will, can I ask what you did to the bodies of the two elves who died?" Grace asked.

"I disposed of them. They're ashes at this point."

Will could not tell them he was going to use their bodies to create magical items and did not plan to give them back. To him those bodies were more like payment for sparing the other elves' lives.


After exchanging a few words the elves were ready to leave, with Adaline staying behind.

"Wait, don't you guys want to stay? I have a loooooooot of empty rooms." Will asked.

"With a kingdom full of humans? I think we're good." Grace chuckled awkwardly. 

They might be friends and the kingdom belongs to Will, but that doesn't mean that humans and elves are on friendly terms. Who is to say humans won't mistreat them? Or who's to say elves won't do the same to humans?

"Right. I want to say we could find a way to work to settle our differences, but that's not going to happen, is it?" Will said.

"You know, that's exactly what Roy said to me many years ago, and I agree with him. Humans and elves will always hate each other, some might find it in their hearts to love and forgive, but the hate will always be there no matter what."

Silvas did work on finding a way to have the elves get along with humans, and the Great Sage also did the same for humans, but there will always be discrimination against the other race. It was so bad both Roy and Silvas gave up trying.

Humans will always want to enslave the elves. And elves will always find ways to kill or try to destroy humans. The hate between the species runs too deep.

If the elves did not have Lea to protect them, or if the humans didn't have the Great Sage to protect them, one of the species would have dominated the other a long time ago.

Though humans have lost their greatest protector, they have Will now to protect them, and that is why many elves hate him more so than before.

Sadly some things will never change no matter what.

The elves ended up leaving while Adaline stayed behind. Will offered them a ride in one of his Helicopter Golems, but they declined his offer as the thought of flying in a metal creation of his made them feel unsafe.

After welcoming Adaline back home Will felt complete again. That day all three of them, Will, Adaline, and Sandra, slept outside in a patch of grass while watching the stars.

Later the Empire would elect a new leader to lead them. It would be none other than Veronica, Valerie's most trusted friend.

Before Valerie disappeared, she left many letters to her men stating that if something were to happen to her while she was still the Empress, that she elects Veronica to be the Empire's new Empress.

Valerie even stated "I trust Veronica completely. Whatever she says, follow her and trust her as you would with me." Veronica couldn't help but smile as she shed a single tear. Not because she was going to be the Empress, but because Valerie trusted her that much.

When the Empire was founded by Valerie's grandfather, he laid down some important rules when deciding a new ruler: 1: An Emperor/Empress cannot have more than one heir to avoid major conflicts. 2: An Emperor/Empress can elect anyone they deem worthy as the new leader of the Empire. 3: In the case of an Emperor/Empress dying before officially electing a new leader the new Emperor/Empress will be elected based on popular vote.

Veronica really thought that one day Valerie would birth an heir, and she would teach him or her how to run an Empire, and Veronica would also be there to aid the new Emperor/Empress. Never would she have thought that she would be the new Empress.

Veronica had no idea how to lead an Empire. She had followed Valerie for so many years yet she felt as if she didn't know anything. Everything Valerie learned from being an Empress she learned from her father, who learned from his father, who learned from a book titled: Sun Tzu: Art of War.

Valerie's grandpa was the founder of the Empire.

With the letters being officially the final orders of Valerie, they had no choice but to accept. Many were against it, many felt that their Empress was alive and there was no need to replace her so soon, others felt that there were more qualified individuals that should be the next Emperor. In the end, Veronica would be crowned Emperor.

Veronica would do her best to lead the Empire. The best way to do that is to be there for her people like Valerie did. Valerie rarely ever took a day off. Whenever they fought against monsters Valerie would be there, whenever someone needed a night guard Valerie would volunteer, whenever there was a problem she'd be there to fix it, whenever there was a major decision to make that would affect the lives of everyone in the Empire, Valerie made sure to get the opinions of everybody first before making a decision, like going to war with the Reyes kingdom.

A problem arose that troubled Veronica, what were they to do with the prisoners from the Reyes kingdom?

They had thousands of prisoners of war locked up in holding cells being observed 24/7 by men carrying weapons. Those who would attempt to break out were either sent to the mines, or were executed on the spot.

The reason most were not attempting to break out is because of the Incredible Golems. Two of the Incredible Golems were also keeping watch of the prisoners.

Many of them were miserable, especially the heroes. The life of comfort and safety from their old home was gone, which was replaced with luxury, riches, fame, and fine food, but that was also stripped from them, now they're in a cell eating nothing but oatmeal and water.

For new Veronica decided to keep them in cells until she can decide what to do. 

Will let the Empire keep five of the Incredible Golems for the time being, letting them borrow five was no problem. He also hoped that Valerie would return but the chances were very slim.

As for the Reyes kingdom, it had been stripped of everything valuable. Valerie liked books, scrolls, anything that contained information, so all those items were safely stored. All enchanted weapons were also taken. All ores, clothes, food, painting, corpses of the past heroes, the items which the heroes were buried with, everything was taken.

The tower where the Great Sage lived was also raided. But the Great Sage did not care for materialistic things anymore. All they found was a recipe for corn soup, a sketch of a woman, his clothes, photos of his descendants and his first three wives, and that was all.

The Reyes kingdom was now an empty shell. Veronica thought it had too much history to simply tear it down. She hasn't decided on what to do with the Reyes kingdom, either occupy it or leave it there.

The one thing the Empire didn't take was the summoning circle, because Will took it to ask Lea for her help as it was her father's creation.

Veronica wanted the summoning circle, because it was the only thing Valerie really wanted. The reasons for it were unknown to everyone but her.

Veronica sent a few men to deliver a new communication stone to Will. The only one who could communicate with Will was Valerie, but even her communication stone was also gone.

Since then Veronica did her best to be the best Empress she could be. It was a tiring, and tedious job, she knew what she signed up for when she decided to accept Valerie's wishes for her to become Empress.

A few weeks later Will would receive the new communication stone from the Empire. He was very surprised that Veronica was the new Empress, but it made sense as the Empire could not go on without a leader for too long.

Both Will and Veronica had a short chat through the communication stone. Will learned that the prisoners of war were still alive. 

Will offered to take the prisoners from her, some of the heroes Sandra knew, like Bruce and a few others, and most were good people. Veronica declined and said she'll take care of them.

Everyone knew that Will could take them by force if he wanted to, but he didn't, he didn't have any conflicts with the Empire, and solely fixing problems through violence isn't something he shouldn't do unless it was necessary.

Will also returned the summoning circle to the Empire in person as it technically belonged to the Empire now, he owned nothing from the war, even though people call it a 'war' it was more of a one-sided defeat. 

It was of no loss to him. The summoning circle wasn't anything special anymore, it was just a stone platform at this point.

Veronica would meet Will in the Empire's throne room. To not see Valerie there felt weird. To Veronica, Valerie not being here to greet Will was also weird for her.

The deal was he would give Valerie control of five Incredible Golems during the war, and in return Will received all of the Empire's mana stones, except advanced tier mana ores, in advanced payment which is what helped him win against the mountain dragon.

Will was a man of his word, and he proved it by returning the summoning circle. Will let them know that the rumbling had broken the summoning circle. It will never summon another hero again.

He also let her know that he will not make a deal with the Empire again if it includes trading his weapons. Not because he didn't trust her, but because why would they even need weapons anymore if it's not to use it against the Sun kingdom?

The Reyes kingdom is gone, all the monsters were still being hunted down by his Golems down to extinction, Lea's forest was still untouchable. In short all threats to the Empire were gone, except for one, the Sun kingdom.

Veronica thanked him and sent him away. The summoning circle not functioning anymore didn't matter to her, the next time it could summon another batch of heroes was in 99 years, by then she was sure she would be long gone. She kept it because to her, having the summoning circle in the Empire made her feel that Valerie accomplished what she wanted for so long.

Will returned back to his kingdom. He was building something to seal the Witch if she did come back, the idea was given to him by his Golem. He was building a prison so well guarded and so isolated no one could break in or out, as long as they couldn't teleport.

Will had the idea to craft a powerful prison to hold off even the Great Sage, but how? There are only two materials that can accomplish that: anti-hero metal, and the mountain dragon's scales.

Since he did not have an abundance of anti-hero metal, the mountain dragon's scales were the only reasonable option. But he didn't just want to build her a prison, he wanted to restrain her. He got the idea of using something similar to what he saw in the first Kung Fu Panda movie, when they had the main antagonist's movements sealed completely, aside from his tail.

Will built her a small prison, made entirely out of the mountain dragon's scales. It was a very small room that could barely fit a person, and it was all enchanted. It was located in the middle of nowhere far from his kingdom. 

Inside were many pincers with spikes of many sizes attached to the wall, one would go around a person's head, eyes, mouth, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, elbows, waist, breasts, stomach, ribs, legs, feet, thighs, and knees.

Each pincer was designed to impale the prisoner with its tiny pointy spikes to seal its movements. It would cause a lot of pain to the person and kill anyone.

The spikes were not enchanted, but had cursed enchantments of all kinds that would make the prisoner too weak to break out no matter how powerful. Will was going all out.

Will thought of simply installing a cursed enchantment of slavery on a collar, but he didn't want to use that on the Witch. He not only fears the Witches strength and immortality, but her ability to turn anyone into a zombie, she was a literal walking plague of death, and keeping her far away in a sealed room was the safest option.

How would the pincers work? It was simple, the entire prison was a Golem. Inside the pincers and the prison was made out of pure enchanted titanium, the outside layer was made of dragon scales to make it tougher. Golem cores can only be placed inside metal objects, and unfortunately dragon scales are not made of metal so Will had to rely on titanium.

Will believes that using anti-hero metal might be the better option, as it was also a metal, but he lacked the amount necessary to build another prison. He just wanted to build a prison right now as he doesn't know when she'll be back, that is if she does come back which no one knew.

The prison was complete. It was also airtight, which means anyone inside the prison would also suffer from lack of oxygen. Even if that doesn't kill the Witch the lack of oxygen would make her feel out of breath, and would make her slow to react due to the lack of oxygen that wouldn't be flowing in her brain.

Will had a few ideas on how to bring her to imprison her there, by overpowering her with strength, using his golems, growing gigantic, using his improved builder gloves like using telekinesis, or using himself as bait. He had many ways to bring her to the prison so he wasn't worried.

And when he does manage to lock her up, the prison would fall down thousands of feet underground to a dark secure room made entirely out of enchanted titanium. The walls, except the roof were made out of 12 inches of pure enchanted titanium.

There were hundreds of turret Golems all equipped with cursed bullets around the room, and were ready to shoot down the Witch if she did escape. Lastly Will would seal the exit with another thick titanium wall.

He also wasn't worried about being infected and turning into a zombie, if he does end up turning into a zombie he can just kill himself and respawn.

With that out of the way, Will was focusing on his life. The threat of the Witch was still keeping Will on guard, but the Great Sage lived in fear of her returning for the last 300 years. Will did not want that to happen to him, to wait for a threat that might never come.

Will knew he was prepared if she did come back, which is why he wanted to live his life in peace, with Adaline and Sandra, and taking care of the people living in his kingdom.

Now whenever he goes outside the people greet him by raising their hands high and saying "Praise the sun!"

"Isn't it beautiful?" Will said to Sandra who was flying beside him.

Both of them were high in the sky above the clouds.

Some time ago Will crafted an item that lets anybody fly whoever touches it (chapter 112) and he let Sandra touch it. With it she learned to fly.

Seeing her learning to fly and seeing her so happy made Will happy. She looked like a kid who just got the toy she wanted for her birthday.

"It's very pretty. Very pretty." She placed her head on his shoulders while grabbing his arm. The view of the sunset from the angle they were on was spectacular.

Upon seeing her staring at the sun, Will thought of something, what now?

Will had no goal anymore.

His first goal was to survive this world, and he did. His next goal was to create a base, which is now a kingdom. Next was to kill Victoria, which Sandra accomplished and he enjoyed it. Then it was to create Sovereignty, he achieved it just in time. Then he wanted to go to war with the Reyes kingdom for sending Victoria over which resulted in him dying, Adaline nearly dying, and leaving his castle in ruins. The Empire took care of that but he had a huge part in it by supplying them pack-a-punched Golems. Lastly he needed to take down the mountain dragon, which he did and now the Great Sage was gone. And now he was prepared if the Witch does come back.

Will was now the strongest man in this world. Nothing could challenge him anymore, and all future threats were taken care of, except for the sea monsters which he soon plans on eliminating all of them in the near future.

In minecraft there was always that goal of reaching the end, slaying the ender dragon, and returning home, but then what happens after? Does one simply start over? Or do they continue expanding their world?

'I guess… I'll just keep on crafting, building, and just living life to the fullest.' Will smiled. He looked forward to it.

"Hey, Sandra," Will looked over to her.


"I'm not good at this, but will you marry me?"

Sandra's eyes widened. Then her face was flushed red, and her eyes became moist, and there was a giant smile on her face.

"Yes. I really want to marry you."

Will hugged her in a tight embrace and they shared a passionate kiss and were slowing spinning in the air above the clouds. 

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