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100% Impassable shield / Chapter 2: My plans and leaving the capital

Chapter 2: My plans and leaving the capital

Sitting on the luxurious beds inside the visitors' room, everyone was staring intently at their own gun as they went over the description.

The sun outside the window had already set before I even noticed.

That's how focused everyone was reading the descriptions.

(Motoyasu) "This is Emerald Online, man."

(Ren) "What is this? I never even heard of that one. "

(Motoyasu) "How ignorant can you be? It's such a famous title yet. "

(Ren) "Of course I know games like Odin Online and Fantasy Moon Online, aren't they really popular too ?!"

(Motoyasu) "What are these? It is the first time I hear about them. "

(Ren) "Eh?"

(Itsuki) "If I can interfere, people. This world is not an online game, but more like a console game! "

(Motoyasu) "Neither is it, bro. This is a VRMMO, right? "

(Itsuki) "Hah? Bem, para começar, este mundo não é como jogos em que você clica e usa um controlador para operar? "

Confuso, Motoyasu inclina a cabeça em uma expressão melhorada durante a nossa conversa.

(Motoyasu) "Clique? Ao controle? A que tipo de jogos retrô você está se referindo? As pessoas geralmente não querem dizer VRMMO quando dizem 'jogos online' hoje em dia? "

(Itsuki) "VRMMO? Como no Multiplayer maciço de realidade virtual on-line? Que tipo de ficção científica é o tipo de mundo que você está tentando criar? Você está sonhando acordado aqui? "

(Itsuki) "Muito bem, então ... senhores, eu gostaria de pedir a cada um de vocês para nomear um jogo em seu mundo que tenha a maior semelhança com este."

(Naofumi) "para mim este mundo é idêntico a um anime e um romance leve até que estivéssemos lá"

(Itsuki) "Ah. Para mim, este mundo é como um

jogo de console chamado Dimension Wave. "

'Acho que eles perceberam que eu posso conhecer o futuro'

(Itsuki) "Como é que estávamos lá? Não que eu não acredite, mas precisamos de provas"

Motoyasu concordou e Ren assentiu

(Naofumi) "Well, I already showed the first one who ever found me again, Iwatani Naofumi, 22 years old, university student"

(Naofumi) "First test, Ren died saving his friend from a serial killer, Itsuki by a dump truck and Motoyasu died being stabbed by two girls, is this good or does it want more?"

Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu looked at me in shock

Everyone wanted to ask questions but I only answered basic things like monsters, when the stores wave occurs and these things they wanted more but I deserved to say it and called everyone close and said:

(Naofumi) "There are people spying on us now they are on the ceiling so I don't want to divulge too much, when we leave here after hunting on the first day we'll order ourselves at the inn xxxx and I'll answer all the questions, for now it's okay ok?"

Nobody wanted to agree but they nodded

(Vassal) "Brave Heroes, your meals have been prepared."

Everyone went out the door, the guide then took everyone to the knights' dining room.

The castle's dining hall was like a scene from a fantasy film.

A complete banquet filled the table like a buffet.

(Vassal) "Everyone, please go and eat and wish."

I call the vassal and say:

(Naofumi) "Excuse me, could you please get me a sleeping pill or potion? I have insomnia and I can't sleep without it"

(Vassal) "Of course shield hero consider it done then I will take it to your room"

After finishing our meal, we went back to our room to get some rest. Soon my potion arrived I took it and without anyone to see I absorbed it with my shield

Shield unlocked: potion shield

Defense +2 speed +1 dexterity +1

Ability: allows to create potions and when used by the user increases the effect of potions.

Shield Unlocked: sedative shield

Defense +3 speed +1 dexterity +1

Ability: makes the target calm down from frenzy or on vulnerable targets makes them sleep soundly

I changed my shield to the sedative shield used by the three of them. I ensured that the queen's shadow was following me, I sneaked through the castle to the dungeon, put the guard to sleep, stole the keys and some silver coins and went into the dungeon, face a cell and I saw Eclair Seaeto and I said:

(Naofumi) "Hello I am Naofumi the shield hero I will set you free if you promise to help me fight being my sword and then?"

She looked a little elusive because I didn't say who I'm going to fight against and then she said:

(Eclair) "And what plan is going to put me a slave crest? If so then how am I going to trust that it won't do anything to me?"

(Naofumi) "No slave crest, only your promises, but you see, because after giving me your word, you can't go back, it's my ability"

She thought a little longer and said:

(Eclair) "I Eclair promise to fight and be your sword and never betray you, satisfied?"

(Naofumi) "Yes, now I will set you free"

and so I opened the cell and took off her handcuffs we decided that she will escape through the window, climb the wall and go to the inn xxxx to give her half the silver coins and meet us at night tomorrow night.

I went back to the room and sleep all night

After breakfast, we were called impatiently by the king.

As expected, there was not much noise this early in the morning; it must be around 10 am based on the position of the sun ... We got the calls as soon as I was thinking about it.

We quickened our pace, our chest filling with anxiety as we were on our way to the audience chamber.

(Vassal) "Honored Heroes have arrived."

The doors of the audience chamber opened wide, and inside there were twelve people

(King) "As promised yesterday, I recruited companions who will accompany you on your journey. Apparently, everyone gathered here has already chosen which hero they would like to accompany. "

At the time of the division, Ren 5, Motoyasu 4, Itsuki 3 and I was expected 0

(King) "Well. Who knew, I would never have imagined that a situation like this could happen. "

(Minister) "There is a considerable difference in charisma between them."

The Minister then began to whisper to the King

(Rei) "did any rumors spread like that…?"

(Motoyasu) "Did something happen?"

(King) "To be honest ... it looks like there's a rumor spreading around the castle about you Heroes, or more specifically, about the Hero of the Shield."

I pretend surprise and say

(Naofumi) "Hah ?!"

(King) "According to the legends, the Heroes who come to this world must meet a certain condition. Apparently only you did not meet this condition, so is the rumor. "

(Malty) "Ah, I would like to accompany the Hero of the Shield."

(Motoyasu) "Oh? Oh really?"

(Malty) "Yes."

A lovely girl with red semi-long hair. Her face is very pretty, isn't it? She has young facial expressions, and is still slightly smaller than me. What a pity he has a rotten soul.

(Rei) "Would anyone else like to fall into Shield Hero's protection?"

In that scene ... no one showed any signs of movement.

The king blew out a wailing breath.

(Rei) "So, there is no one else. Unfortunately Shield Hero, it looks like you will need to escort additional talent yourself. But don't be afraid, as I will give you a bonus on your monthly war fund that will be distributed soon. "

(Naofumi) "Yes"

(King) "So now, here are your monthly war funds. Brave Heroes, please use this with a clear objective in mind. "

Four bags full of money were distributed to us. And a slightly larger bag of money was handed over to me.

I heard heavy tinkling coming from inside.

(King) "Shield Hero will receive 800 silver coins, while the others will receive 600 each. Please use this money to buy equipment for you. "

(Malty) "Err Shield Hero, Myne is my name. We will work together from now on. "

(Naofumi) "nice to meet you"

Crossing the bridge that connects the castle to the city, a splendid city appeared before me.

Even though I saw several glimpses of it yesterday, seeing it up close made me realize the vivid charm of this parallel world.

The streets were paved with stones and had signs dangling from the buildings.

This place was enveloped with the tasty fragrance of food. I am really moved, both internally and emotionally.

(Naofumi) "What are we going to do now?"

(Mein) "First, we should go to a few Item Shops, and probably a Weapons Shop to get equipped. This will consume most of our funds. "

Mein was jumping while she took me to the Weapon Shop.

After 10 minutes walking from the castle, Mein stopped in front of an obvious store with a giant sword painted on its plaque. Passing through the door, one could see weapons hanging on the walls, just as one would imagine when a Weapon Shop is mentioned.

There were also other needs to venture out, like complete sets of armor.

(Erhard) "Welcome!"

The store owner greeted me cheerfully as I entered the store.

We bought a plate armor for me along with a green cloak and clothes, as well as a rope of metal remains that Erhard observed while my shield absorbed, Myne wanted armor but only won a sword, I bought four bars with canping equipment and pans all this cost me 550 bucks, I had 250 left I put everything on my shield that acts as an inventory I turned around and said:

(Naofumi) "Old man I want to make a deal you will be my exclusive blacksmith I will only buy from you I will give you 100 bucks and reveal something that will give you a lot of money in return let me touch all your shields"

(Erhard) "And what do you get out of that boy?"

(Naofumi) "I get a reliable blacksmith and I can evolve my shield"

(Erhard) "OK, just don't damage them"

With that I copied all the shields and told the information that if a hero touches a weapon like his he would copy it and told him to charge for the touch of the other heroes, left with Myne and we went to the fields, getting there I asked the following question:

(Naofumi) "Myne, do you want to help me with everything I ask and promise not to lie and not betray me?"

She looked at me suspiciously but promised her poor mistake, I asked her to add me to the party, she had no idea what happened but sent the invitation before she even realized it, I told her to hunt for balloons until the afternoon and to be careful, she seemed confused because her body moved itself again, it was the funniest thing in my life.

I went hunting for balloons I also used the air attack shield, as I had no restrictions I could use several and with infinite sp I killed many, at the end of the day I was level 7 and Malty / Myne level 10 we went to an inn we had dinner, she offered me wine I drank and I breathed the following words:

(Naofumi) "You will not accuse me of anything, if you accuse me you will say it is a lie and defend me, you will not tell this conversation to anyone, you will go up to the room and go to sleep."

She looked confused but nodded against her will, got up and went to her room.

I left the hostel I went to the stores I sold the loot I bought several bottles for potions, and one for HP and the other for SP I have 140 bucks, I walked to an alley and waited until Belloukas came and said:

(Belloukas) "Hello sir, I have what you need"

(Naofumi) "Yes you do, let's skip the conversation and go straight to the goods"

He gave me a sinister smile and made a sign to follow him, I got to the canvas, the place stank like I was almost never vomiting but I kept my poker face, I went in and went straight to Raphitaliia I removed the cloth and asked him how much he wanted and he charged 50 I said 20 he said 45 and I 25 he said 40 and I said I wanted a sample of the slave paints he agreed.

I went to Raphitalia to present myself as Shield Hero, I took her as a princess and carried her, we concluded the contract, I drank the paints and I won the shields of slaves 1, 2 and 3.

I carried her to Erhard's store who looked at me a little strange I bought three changes of clothes, a dagger, I asked him to let her bathe and offer payment he refused but I paid for the clothes and dagger, with a discount he made for 12 bucks now I have 88 bucks, I bathed it dry and dressed, we thank Erhard and get out

I went to a tent and bought some snacks for Raphitalia I went to the pharmacy and bought a simple medicine, it will not cure but it will alleviate the effects, I asked her to take it with the HP and SP potion, she almost vomited but swallowed everything and pouted .

I picked her up and went to meet Eclair at the inn, she wore a cape, I sat next to her with Raphitalia on her lap I told the situation, I put Raphitalia to sleep with my shield, she won't wake up until noon, I gave 20 bucks for Eclair and I gave Raphitalia to her and went to meet the three heroes at another inn.

Once there, there was only Itsuki and Ren, Motoyasu must be enjoying his harem, I told him a few things about the church, the country and the waves, how to evolve the weapons, we agreed after lunch to find ourselves in front of the church to register, of course I didn't tell everything about the church in the country just basic information and leave.

Arriving at the first inn I went to Malty and asked her to come to the bottom of the inn at 7 am before the guards arrived, I told her to defend and deny me, after all I know that the church has already taken care of everything I put on my armor and all my belongings in my inventory, and i slept woke up at 6:30 am showered and had breakfast, Malty arrived shortly after the guards arrived.

The guards came up to me and accused me, their faces when mine denied everything, so they scouted us until the catelo, I entered the throne room together with Malty the King was surprised Motoyasu, Ren and Itsuki who were summoned to the court too were shocked.

Motoyasu accused me and Malty denied it, I demanded that the king give me compensation for false accusation, I pocketed 200 more bucks, and he promised me that he would investigate the culprit for false accusation, his worst mistake because now he would have to search, Motoyasu decupol and promised to trust me, a big mistake.

I left the castle, I told Malty to go to the blacksmith, she didn't even ask herself why she did everything I asked for, she just thought it was something natural for the heroes, I went to Eclair and Raphitalia woke up Raphitalia had lunch I gave 150 bucks to eclair I told her to buy equipment I added she and Raphitalia to my group I told them to wait for me at the blacksmith.

I was in front of the church with Ren and Itsuki we entered, as I was with them, there is no obstacle, we registered and took sand from the hourglass I unlocked the shield portal, we said goodbye I went to Erhard, getting there I met the three, I told Malty stop being adventurous go back to the castle, do nothing bad, defend me against any accusations, inform me of the plans of the church and never say anything to anyone, it was very easy it was a great skill,

So me, Raphitalia and Eclar went to Riyute village

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