Looking at the dragon egg he was holding Marcus felt like it was worth all the risk he made, as he made his way towards his home .
While constantly getting a lot of stares from time to time but he choosed to ignore them all since, he knew no one aroud could pose a serious threat to him .
Since he was a brozen stage teamer who serves as the fifth stage of defense in battle and since both demon and beast haven't wage war for quiet a while .
Giving Marcus the free time he needed to train his scarlet blood moon wolf to the third stage while also buying a dragon egg with a high price, which sould be able to ash in a few day according to his calculation.
Walking through his quiet neighborhood Marcus noticed that he was being followed from the shadows, he couldn't really tell how many they where but he could tell from their heat signature that they sould be above five.
As a scary smile boomed across Marcus face since you guys want to steal my precious egg from me why don't we make things a little more interesting. Marcus though as he started heading towards a abandoned factory.
Boss why is he changing direction? billy asked in confusion are you always this dum sometimes or just pretending? Scott asked .
"Of course, we have been noticed by him that why he is heading to a isolated area so we could get the privacy we needed, but his courage is going to be his downfall.
Scott said with a crazy smile while licking his lower lips as all his subordinate keept quiet, knowing fully well that their boss is about to get serious.
After making a lot of turns Marcus found his self standing at the front of a giant black door which was now begging to rust, due to how long it have been keept.
As he pushed the door apart with ease which produced a cracking and rustling sound. As a large amount of wind rushed out when the door was fully opned.
Which Marcus slowly entered the building while waiting for his uninvited guest with his back turned towards the door, and his hand behinde his back giving a intimidating aura.
As the cool yet cold wind brushed pass his body as his white hair moved as if it was alive, which after a while Marcus felt a lot of present behinde him which his eyes eliminated a green aura .
Which also immediately vanished as fast as it came, so you guys decided to also follow me here? Marcus asked without turning back .
"Very impressive, "very, "very impressive, I must appluse you for your boldness and the way you choosed to take on this matter, you choosed a Worthy buried ground to dispose your body when we take your life and your sprit.
Scott said while licking the tip of the kinfe in his hand, you see this knife am holding could take the life of a peak sliver tamer talkless of a brozen stage tamer, your fate here is sealed either choose a easy death or a hard death.
On finishing his words a mighty rush of wind entered from outside of the factory blowing everyone body that was present, sending a mixture of both fear and anxiety both toward the prey and the hunter.
"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Is that so? I see now I see, which Marcus let out a creepy laugh without turning back towards his killer let me ask you all a question which do you prefer black or red?.
Marcus asked in a serious tone while patiently awaiting a reply, which kind of adsurb question are you asking Scott said as he instantly vanished Into the shadows.
Is that so? Marcus said which after five to six minutes Marcus stepped out of the abandoned factory as blood covered his whole cloth also dying a portion of his hair red .
As the saint of blood mixed perfect with the air what a perfect night I had to kill again, Marcus said as he instantly vanished erasing all evidence of his self .
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