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66.66% ichor (finnick odair) / Chapter 8: two; the second reaping

Chapter 8: two; the second reaping

The days following the announcement, Isla continued training. After the games, she never stopped training with her trident, and she perfected her knife throwing. She needed something to keep her distracted daily, and this was the best thing.

Finnick did the same. He trained with her daily after his own games. And now, they trained harsher than ever. There would be no mentor, no safety nets. They were up against experienced people. Victors. There would be no mercy, no second chances.

Eventually, the day of the reaping came. Isla never in a million years thought she would be going through this again. She dressed herself in a white dress similar to the one she was reaped in and tied her hair back with a white ribbon. She was escorted to the square by a group of Peacekeepers and saw Finnick being escorted from his house as well.

They discussed it before, and they wouldn't let anyone see how much this affected them. Finnick knew she was going in with him, and he knew he couldn't let it show how much it affected him. Annie Cresta was the only other victor District Four had. But, they couldn't subject her to the games.

Both Isla and Finnick knew she was never the same after her games. Isla felt especially guilty considering she was the one who coached Annie through hers. Isla would without a doubt volunteer to take Annie's place.

They arrived at the square, and Isla was made to stand beside Annie. They looked like sisters, both with red hair and tanned skin. But Annie was shaking, her eyes were wide and afraid. Isla held her hand tightly. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Annie. I promise."

Lavender walked forward, a solemn look on her face. It was different this year. Usually, she didn't have time to grow attached to the tributes, but this year, she knew them, and she knew them well. And she simply couldn't put on a smile to mask her sadness.

"Right. Ladies first." Lavenders hand went into the bowl and picked up one of the two pieces of paper inside. She unfolded it and cleared her throat. "Annie Cresta."

A loud shriek came from Annie and Isla hugged her tightly, whispering calming words in her ear. Then, she let go of the girl and lifted her head high. "I volunteer."

Annie's shrieking subsided, but her tears were still going. Isla squeezed her friends hand once more before moving to stand beside Lavender; who then moved to the men's bowl and pulled out the only paper in there. "Finnick Odair."

Finnick made his way over to Lavender and stood beside her. Then, he reached his hand out and Isla took it. They raised their hands up high, determined looks on their faces. They weren't smiling.


Haymitch stood in front of a huge screen, looking over at Katniss and Peeta, who were sat opposite him, their eyes on the screen.

"Cashmere and Gloss." Haymitch spoke, gesturing towards the pair who gripped each other's hands, and were grinning at the camera. "Brother and sister. District One. They won back-to-back games, Capitol favourites, lots of sponsors. They will be lethal." He explained as the pair raised their joined hands together and smiled at the camera.

Haymitch clicked a button and moved on. "And the other half of the Career pack. Brutus and Enobaria." The pair had their joined hands lifted high as they yelled out happily, Enobaria baring her fangs.

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss inquired, looking disturbed.

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out." Haymitch's simple response came back.

"She's committed, I'll give her that." Peeta commented.

"Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters. But brilliant, and weird. Real tech-savvy. He won his games by electrocuting 6 tributes at once."

"The morphlings." A picture of some malnourished looking victors pops up, they were pale, hollow cheeks, big eyes. "Masters of camouflage. Basically won their games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self-medicating ever since, which I applaud. Not a threat."

Then the screen changed to show a bronze haired guy who smirked at the camera, and by his side a redheaded girl. "Finnick Odair and Isla Delmare right?" Katniss spoke up.

"Yes. They both won their games at 14. Youngest ever. They're both extremely humble."

"You're kidding."

"Yes, I'm kidding. He's a peacock, total preener, and she isn't too far from it. But they're the Capitol darlings, they love them here, charming, smart and very skilled in water. Especially in water."

"What about weaknesses?"

"Each other. They grew up together and she won her games for him, and mentored him for his. If they're trying to protect each other in any way, it exposes them."

"Victors like that have to know that they aren't both going to make it out."

"Well Katniss, worry about that later. And I hope when they go, it's quick. They actually aren't that bad, especially Isla, she's a pretty wonderful person."


The train ride to the Capitol was quiet, the pair sat together in the main compartment, Isla leaning her head on his shoulder. They didn't have a mentor, they were the only victors left, so, it was up to them to get sponsors and make sure they got what they needed in the games.

When they did arrive at the Capitol, they linked their hands, and raised them high, earning cheers and screams from the Capitol citizens. They are lead away by their prep teams and given complete body polishes, where they are poked and prodded, and the teams shed a few tears at their beloved tributes leaving once more.

Then, after lunch, Isla's stylist- Aqua, comes in with a garment bag draped over her arm. She dismissed the prep team and set to helping Isla put the outfit on. It was a white cloth bralette, which looked like it had been ripped from something else, giving it a shipwrecked vibe and she had it paired with a skirt that looked like a net. The less clothes she wore, the happier the people of the Capitol would be.

Her makeup was dramatic and highlighted the already beautiful features of her face. The last touch was adding a flower to her messy red hair and applying some red lipstick to her plump lips, before Aqua lead her to where the rest of the tributes were gathered around their carriages.

She made her way to hers and snagged some sugar cubes, saving some for Finnick and herself, and gently feeding the horses the rest of them. "Isla."

The redhead turned around to see her best friend and district partner, and he looked gorgeous. He was draped in a golden net that was strategically knotted near his groin, making him very close to being naked. "Finnick."

"You look amazing." His eyes never left her face however, they stayed looking into her own green eyes.

"Thank you. I could say the same about you. Though, I do think you should have just ditched the net, I don't see the point, I mean, you're basically naked."

"You're telling me, my stylist insisted on this."

"So did mine. I think they want the audience to see the most of us as they can."

"Understatement of the century." Finnick rolled his eyes. She grinned, and motioned for him to open his mouth, and when she did, she popped a sugar cube into it.

Finnick smirked and shut his mouth, crunching on it. "Sweet."

"I know you love them." She replied, tossing one into her own mouth. She held out her hand, where a few others were, and offered it to him. When he took it, his fingers grazed the palm of her hand, and it grew hot. "I'll see you in a bit, Finn." She kissed his cheek and left, headed towards Johanna Mason, victor of the 71st Hunger Games.

"Jo!" She called.

The District Seven girl turned around and a huge smile grew on her face at the sight of Isla. She opened her arms wide and Isla ran forward, clutching her friend in a hug. "I can't believe we're back here."

"Not like we had a choice." Johanna was the only female victor in her district. And she had come to the capitol with her partner, Blight.

"You and Finnick, huh?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Sweetheart, I can sense the sexual tension from a mile away."

"I- No- That's not-" She sighed, there was no point in trying to cover it up. "He doesn't feel the same."

"Have you even told him?" Johanna looked exasperated.

"No?" Came the sheepish reply.

"You need to tell him before the games."

"I will, I will."

"Promise?" Johanna knew Isla never broke her promises.

"I promise."

Isla looked around, seeing Finnick talking to Katniss. "I best go save the poor girl. Bye Jo, love you."

"Love you too."

Isla made her way over to Finnick and Katniss, when she heard Finnick say, "What about you, girl on fire? Do you have any secrets worth my time."

"Finn, I don't think she would tell you if she did." Katniss watched as the gorgeous redhead placed a hand on Finnick's shoulder and smiled brightly at her.

"Oh, you never know, Isla." Finnick looked over at her. They both looked back at Katniss expectantly.

"No, I'm an open book." She replied. "Everybody seems to know my secrets before I know them myself."

Finnick smiled, "Unfortunately, I think that's true." His eyes flickered to the side. "Peeta is coming. Sorry you have to cancel your wedding. I know how devastating that must be for you." And with that, he tossed another sugar cube in his mouth and turned to Isla.

"Go, I'll be there in a sec." He nodded and walked off to their carriage, greeting Peeta on his way there. Isla turns to Katniss. "I don't think we've met, I'm Isla Delmare."

"I know who you are. I'm Katniss Everdeen."

"And I know who you are, girl on fire. I'm sorry for Finnick, he can be a little blunt, you could say, with people."

"It's alright. You really care about him, don't you?" Katniss prodded, then she saw Isla look down at the ground.

"Him and Johanna are the only people I have left. So, yes." Then she edged closer to the dark haired girl and whispered. "Happy Hunger Games Katniss, and may the odds be ever in your favour."

Then, she walked off, smiling at Peeta on the way. Katniss blushed, feeling warm at how close the girl had gotten. The procession starts and Isla turned to Finnick. "Shall we wow them?"

"You know it." He winked, then grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together before lifting them high, and they both grin at the people around them. Isla blew kisses with her free hand, occasionally waving. Finnick winked at people and caught a flower, which he then handed to Isla, and she in return, kissed his cheek causing an uproar in the crowd as they watch their darlings.

After the parade had ended, Finnick helped Isla off the carriage, and she was approached by Haymitch, whom she hugged. "Can you and Finnick meet me on the roof at midnight, I have something to tell you."

She nodded. "Of course, I'll tell Finn later. It's good to see you Haymitch."

"Good to see you too Isla."

After he left, Isla walked with Finnick to the elevators. Johanna was stood between the elevator and the floor, holding it open. She called out for Isla. "Isla!" When the redhead looked over, Johanna motioned for her to join them.

Peeta and Katniss stuck their heads out to see what her response would be. And they saw her smile, then turn to Finnick, and say something. He nodded and kissed her cheek before heading to another elevator. Isla walked over to them, slipping her heels off and holding them in her hand.

When they are all in the elevator, Johanna turns to her friend, and asks. "Isla, sweetheart, be a dear and unzip me. This tree is awful."

Isla laughed and nodded her head. She reached out and unzipped the girl, who let it drop and then kicked it to the side, leaving her nude. Isla looked away and noticed Haymitch trying to hide a laugh. Katniss and Peeta looked petrified.

The elevator stops at the fourth floor, and Isla steps out. She turns, and winks at the rest. "I'll see you all during training tomorrow." And then with a little wave, she walked off, and just as the doors closed, they all caught a glimpse of her greeting a bronze haired boy. Finnick.

After dinner, Lavender left to her room, and Isla and Finnick were left alone. "Finn, Haymitch wants to meet us at the rooftop. Midnight, tonight."


"No idea. But I'm going."

"Well then, you know I am."

"Great. Well, I mean, it's not that late, so I guess I'll head to bed. Wake me up later?"

"Of course."

Isla smiled and began walking to her room. And when she got there, she changed into a pair of silk pyjamas, and lay down on the bed, covering herself with the sheets. A little while later, the door swung open and light poured into the room from the corridor. Isla lifted her head and squinted. Finnick stood in the doorway.

"Is it time already?" Her voice was husky, having woken up.

"No, we've got some time." Finnick stood awkwardly, looking down at his hands. He was dressed in some pyjama pants and that was it. Isla was concerned.

"Finn." She called, and when he looked up, she patted the space beside her. "What's up?"

He shut the door and sat down beside her. "I- I had a nightmare."

She merely ushered him over beside her. He lay down beside her and placed his head on her chest, letting her comb through his hair.

"It's alright, it'll all be alright."

Later on, a shrill noise sounded in the room for a few moments before disappearing. Isla opened her eyes and looked up at the clock. She shook Finnick awake. "Finn, time to go, Haymitch is waiting." The male groaned and sat up, running a hand through his hair, before he stood and held his hand out to his best friend. She took it and let him help her up.

Then, she walked over to the closet and grabbed a silk robe, throwing it on over her pyjamas. Finnick rushed to his room and pulled a shirt on before the both headed to the elevator and ascended to the roof.

When they got there, they headed right to where Haymitch stood, staring out at the skyline of the Capitol. "Glad you could make it." He greeted.

"What is it, Haymitch?" Isla asked.

"I need your help. What Katniss and Peeta did in the arena sparked the rebellion, and we plan on getting them out of the arena alive this time. We want to get as many victors out alive as we can. We're going to District 13. We can get you out, but if you accept, you have to protect those two at all costs.

"Who else is involved?"

Haymitch turned around to face them. "3, 6, 7, 8 and 11. And if you agree, then 4 as well."

Isla turned to Finnick for a moment before facing Haymitch again. "What have I got to lose? I'm going to die anyway, might as well take this chance. I'm in."

"I am too." Finnick nodded.

"Wonderful. On the day of the launch, I'll have tokens brought to your launch rooms, and when you show them to Katniss, she will know you're on her side. You won't regret this."

"I hope not." Isla said before turning and heading back to the elevators, rubbing her arms as the wind blew harshly. Finnick caught up with her and once she saw her shivering, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Isla, we can live. We can live." Finnick was still shocked at this opportunity.

"I know Finnick. I'm just as happy as you are." Isla smiled gently, tucking herself closer to him. When they arrived back to their floor, Isla kissed his cheek goodbye and departed to her room, leaving him to head to his own.

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