I showed Gwen and Ben the improvements to the base. I also had the robots scanning the books and brought in my ninja library. The lab was alos working on scanning the various weapons I had, such as the Totsuka Blade, and Samehada from the 7 swordsmen. I wanted to be able to create weapons for the girls and those were some of the best I had.
"So what's up with your cousin why is she so grumpy." I ask Ben as Gwen had been giving me nothing but a hard time.
"Well she's been a bit of a bitch since her boyfriend went insane and we had to lock him in the Null Void. Not much I can do for him right now." Ben explains.
"Ah, I see." Not my problem. "Well I'll try to avoid her then."
"She's not all that bad once you get to know her." Ben tries halfheartedly.
I just raise my eyebrow.
"Yeah...she has been kinda rude." he says sheepishly rubbing his head. "Eh I'll talk to her later. To be fair though, the eyeballs in the lab and the dismembered arm with a face are kind of suspicious."
Alright I'll give him that one.
"Plus a gathering of children with special bloodlines? A bit worried you might have tried to absorb them or experiment on them or something. However if you can copy abilities with a touch that goes out the window." Ben says.
"I have one of the bloodlines that predates all thier abilities, kinda like the primogenitor." i explain.
Still going to need to copy the others just in case because Kaguya is different from Hamura and Hagaromo.
"Still just have to make sure you aren't experimenting on or torturing children." Ben says with a shrug.
"People who abuse children should be beaten to death." I firmly state.
"Can't agree more with you." Ben says with a nod.
Anyway i switched to my paths body and separated into 8 once more. Turns out quite a few of the aliens require physical changes to swap to so I cant just combine a lot of them willy nilly. I only wanted the Gray Matter and Upgrade combo anyway for a super upgrade.
My Naraka path quickly morphed into a Fray Matter with rinnegan like eyes. As for my Asura path which was fully mechanical, it swapped into an upgrade.
The Naraka path was pretty much useless as it could only summon the hell king for interrogation and healing of the paths. So why not make it a genius and have it study.
There seemed to be some kind of protection in place as its thought process was extremely quick. But only for that body, the senses were dulled for my other bodies to probably prevent my brain from exploding.
As for the Asura path, it could be Upgraded as it was mechanical so what better body to use then Upgrade?
The change was it had the white rinnesharingan instead of a normal eye in the middle of its head which looked odd.
"You can use multiple forms at once?" Ben asks with shock.
"Yep, from that primogenitor bloodline I gained 7 extra bodies." I explain.
I planned to have the Naraka path do some studying on things that weren't classes, i would have the animal path sit through basic ninja classes which I would start tomorrow. Most clans in the Naruto world started training at 4 years old so I got a bit of catching up to do with the girls, Kimimaro had a bit of training from her clan and Yugito. But the rest were just orphans besides Anko who had already completed the ninja academy. I'll need multiple different classes.
Oh well.
Ben and Gwen hung around for a bit and played in the Arcade with the children and my adult trio. I was busy setting up the classes and making communicators for everyone, well my paths were.
The gray matter body started to learn medical procedures for eye transplants, so that I could give Anko and the others Sharingan.
The evil look on the face of Anko when I said I would be giving her a functional Sharingan that her previous master couldn't even get. Priceless. The only one not getting new eyes would be Nagato.
This would be great for martial arts training and memorizing things. Since it could almost instantly copy martial arts and ninjutsu. It wasn't a cheat like skill for nothing.
Took part of the day but by lunch with the help of the robots scanning the various books, and Amelia who got a bit of an upgrade and seemed more human. We had a fully planned out class schedule for everyone.
Ben however got called away on hero business. But he let me use his tower and gave me access to the junk room. This also let me download some information from the various databases such as more medical knowledge and some information on aliens I could transform into.
Just because i had the aliens didn't mean i knew what they all did, or what they were called. Same with my fighter bodies and ninja bodies i needed to train and study them.
Speaking of ninja, the jutsu and martial arts were all rapidly being optimized and printed out.
Making my life sooo much easier. There were even new jutsu being created to fill in gaps.
It was good stuff.
So just like that, the very next day classes started and everyone got involved and were excited to start learning ninja skills.
Even I was excited.
I had the healing body attending the classes I needed. It was odd going to classes with children but they were all very obedient children. Rook, Stella and Amber were joining the classes too.
Need to find some weapons that ghost types can hold. I'm sure I could ask Ben if those exist here. Problem is Stella can hold a weapon, however if she becomes intangible the weapon doesn't, if she becomes invisible, the weapon doesn't. So it's kind of hard to carry a weapon as a ghost unless it's a ghost like weapon.
Ah well that's all for later on.