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10.86% I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird / Chapter 5: Shadows of Affection

Chapter 5: Shadows of Affection

A week had passed since Life Day, and things had returned to their usual routine, or as usual as things could be in a household of Sith. Unsurprisingly, Zenna had faced zero repercussions for killing Rax in cold blood. If anything, our family seemed to commend her actions, praising her for eliminating a potential threat. I felt a little bad actually, Rax's family had to pay our restitution for causing a commotion on our planet.

'Eh, oh well, I guess.'

Might makes right, I guess.

Zenna, though, had been more overbearing than ever since that day. Her protective nature seemed to have intensified, and she rarely let me out of her sight. It was suffocating at times, but I couldn't deny the warmth of having someone care so deeply about me. She Says she's protecting me, but we haven't left the castle grounds since that day. Don't get me wrong, it isn't really that big a deal because I basically never go out regardless, but still, we could be at least going out to eat, you know?

Still, I was curious about this person Zenna was supposedly in love with. She hadn't mentioned anything about it since Life Day, and it wasn't like her to keep secrets from me. 

'I just want to know if it's someone that's going to have an issue with a freeloader like me; I'm planning on riding Zenna's coattails to the fucking moon if I can. Shit, maybe instead I could find a hard-working moff wife in the academy when I go in a couple of years? Food for thought.'

'Wait, do they even let women be moff's? Well, I guess the empress is a woman? Ugh, so much planning to do.'

Today, Zenna and I were lounging in the castle's library, a massive room filled with old holobooks and holocrons. I was flipping through a particularly dusty old holobook.

'How the fuck does a digital book get dusty? This library is literally covered in dust. We have servants, do they not dust?'

I flipped through the holobook, looking for something new to relieve my life's sheer boredom. 

'Perhaps a Sith kamasutra book'

I blush, thinking about what the force could add during intimate times. As a double virgin, these thoughts had no place here. 

*I sigh* 

As I fell back into my comfortable hole of depravity, I noticed Zenna staring out the window, lost in thought.

"Hey, Zenna," 

I called, trying to break her daydream. Zenna is no good if left to her own devices for too long.

"Who's this person you're in love with? You mentioned it on Life Day but haven't said anything since."

She turned to me, her eyes narrowing slightly. A look she doesn't usually show her darling brother.

"It's… complicated, Vex. I'm not sure how to explain it just yet."

'This is ominous. Maybe she fell in love with one of her teachers? Is that frowned upon here too, I wonder?'

I ponder for a moment. I raised an eyebrow. Zenna, the one who was always so direct and confident, was being evasive? That was new. I make an evil smirk, feeling the power of the dark side overflowing within me. Fueled by the need to hear this wonderfully hot gossip she wishes to keep from me. 

"Come on, Zenna, you can tell me. I'm your brother. It's not like I'm going to judge you. Even if it's some creep older than you, Zen."

She sighed, a hint of frustration in her expression. 

"I know, Vex. It's just… not the right time. Trust me, okay?"

I nodded, though my hunger for tea was far from quenched. 

"Alright, I'll drop it for now. But you know I'm here if you need to talk."

'She's lucky I like her more than I want to annoy her because ifIdidntIwould just keep sulking till I got my way. But alas, this is not the way for Darth Relic. The lonely Sith that no one deserved, but the one we all so desperately needed.'

As Zenna stared at me with a slight frown, we heard the sound of the main door opening. Someone was entering the castle. Zenna's eyes lit up with excitement. 

"That must be Sola! She's here!"

I frowned, trying to recall the name. 

"Sola Corde? The daughter of the Duke of Korriban?"

Zenna nodded enthusiastically. 

"Yes! She's my best friend from the academy. I told her all about you. She can't wait to meet you."

The mention of the Duke of Korriban made my stomach twist. My parents had looked pale when they heard Sola's name last week, and now I was about to meet her. 

'I still haven't learned how not to be a weird fucking freak in front of women my age.'

I braced myself as Zenna practically dragged me to the entrance hall.

'Please, Santa, hear my prayer. Please make Sola a hot girl with red skin, horns, a tail, giant fucking cannons, big dommy mommy vibes, and also super cool with a goon maxing boy like me.'

Standing in the grand foyer was a girl around Zenna's age. She was stunning. Long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Surprisingly not as busty as Zenna. She was also human like Zenna and I, which just feels like a tragic waste of this goddess. She wore the typical attire of a Sith noble, but her presence was anything but typical. There was a confidence about her that bordered on arrogance, yet she carried it with such grace that it was almost captivating.

"Vex, this is Sola," Zenna said, her voice brimming with excitement. "Sola, this is my little brother, Vex."

'In my past life, I fell in love countless times (Lie 4 times), but in this life, if you don't count my wet nurse, this was the first time I've fallen in love. Oh, to be young again.'

Sola's eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, I felt like she was peering straight into my soul. It was unnerving, but I held her gaze, refusing to be intimidated. It didn't take. The anxiety of talking to a hot girl mind-blowingly out of my league washed over me.

"Nice to meet you, Vex," Sola said, her voice smooth and confident. She stepped closer, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Zenna's wouldn't shut up about you back on Korriban."

I nodded, unsure how to respond. My palms were sweaty as I patted my pants nervously.

"Uh, nice to meet you too, Sola."

Zenna beamed, clearly thrilled that her two favorite people were finally meeting. 

"Come on, let's go to the garden. It's a beautiful day."

As we walked through the castle's corridors, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sola was scrutinizing me. She was taking my measure, no doubt. Probably wondering how someone so plain could be Zenna's brother.

'WaitIforgot I'm like strong as fuck. In theory, I'm way stronger than Zenna.'

With my newfound confidence filling me up, I noticed a strange twitch in Sola's eye. She seemed to have a keen interest in me, which made me uneasy. I tried to push the feeling aside and focus on enjoying the day.

'Is this Sith plotting something?'

We reached the garden, a sprawling expanse filled with exotic plants and flowers from across the galaxy. Zenna led us to a shaded pavilion, where we sat and chatted. Well, Zenna and Sola did most of the talking. I mostly listened, trying to get a read on this new arrival.

"So, Vex," Sola said, turning her attention to me. "Zenna tells me you're quite the scholar. What have you been studying lately?"

I chortled but tried to not die laughing. I am anything but a scholar.

"No, no, I don't know why Zenna would say that.'

Zenna furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Wait but your always arguing with the holicron guardians in the library, and you hole yourself up in your room screaming how the "forbidden knowledge is just out of reach" if your not reading ancient stuff what are you doing."

'You bitch! Now Sola knows I'm a fucking gooner! Uh, I feel a headache coming on from this conversation.'

Sola gave me a shit-eating grin. "Forbidden knowledge, huh."

'Keep teasing me, Sola. I don't care how much my head hurts from my embarrassment; I still have that Jedi's lightsaber, which I stole. God, I will use it.'

Sola stared at me, but something felt different all of a sudden.

Zenna nodded vigorously in response to Sola's question. 

"Vex is incredibly smart. He's always been talking about ancient Sith from the past, like Tulip Horde."

"It's Tulak Hord"

Sola corrected my sister in a serious tone. Sola eyed me up like I was an enemy of the state. No longer treating me like I was just some little brother to be teased.

"What do you know about Tulak Hord?" Sola barked at me.

I felt a blush creeping up my neck. 

'What is it about dominant women that makes me respond? This is my goddamn wet nurse all over again. Ugh.'

"I just think it's really cool that someone could kill 1000 Jedi all on their own."

Sola's eyes suddenly seemed highly focused for a moment.


Sola kept her eyes trained on me until they softened into something more usual for a girl her age. Almost like she was getting into character.

'Maybe she too has social anxiety?'

As the afternoon wore on, we wandered through the garden, Zenna and Sola chatting animatedly about their time at the academy. I followed along, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the garden. But every now and then, I caught Sola glancing at me, a curious look in her eyes. Every time I accidentally make eye contact with her, it's like I can feel her trying to read me. 

Eventually, we returned to the castle and settled in the library. Zenna and Sola continued their conversation while I buried myself in my datapad. I briefly fell into my own world, shitposting on Space 4chan about how Togruta cum is good for human skin. Tragically, no one fell for it. I frowned.

At one point, Sola excused herself to use the restroom. Zenna took the opportunity to sit beside me, a worried look on her face.

"Vex, are you okay?" she asked quietly. "You've been really quiet today."

I sighed, setting aside my datapad and quickly closing any incognito tabs. 

"I'm fine, Zenna. I'm actually really happy to see you so happy to see your friend, you always had trouble making friends growing up."

Zenna smiled a hint of pride in her eyes. "Outside of you, she's my best friend, Vex. She's always been there for me at the academy. I trust her."

I nodded, feeling confused by her words. 

'Oh, is my sister a lesbian? Are these two, in fact, already an item? This would be a strong get for Zenna, very commendable.'

I made a shit-eating grin as I praised my sister in my head. Zenna tensed. She could already feel it in her bones. I'm up to something.

Before Zenna could stop the train that was about to derail, Sola returned, her expression unreadable. She sat down across from us, her eyes once again locking onto mine. 

"So, Vex," she said casually. "Tell me more about your studies. What other Sith lords of old do you have an interest in? I'm genuinely curious."

I turn to Sola, maintaining my dastardly smile. 

"Actually, Sola, I'd like to ask you what your intentions are with my sister?"

Sola tilted her head, and she seemed genuinely confused. 

"What do you mean?" she followed up.

"Are you the one my sister is in love with?"

For what feels like an eternity, I hear nothing. Not even crickets.

'Wait fuck did I just out Zenna's crush on Sola before she even had a chance to properly confess? Santa, please kill me where I am, not because I fear Zenna's obviously terrifying retribution but because today I failed her as a brother.'

A somber energy envelopes me until I hear Zenna break out in the hardest fit of laughter I've ever seen come from her. She kept hitting my back as if to grab onto something so as not to fall. Her laugh seems genuine.

'Ahh, my head hurts again.'

As Zenna kept laughing, Sola cracked a smile.

"Your sister is far too in love with Lord Relic guy to even consider looking at anyone in the academy."

I go pale and feel a sudden chill run down my spine. My head aching even more than it did a second ago. I'm overwhelmed with emotion.

'My sister fell in love with my larp? This is terrible news.'

As I think this, Sola's smile falters and is replaced with a much creepier-looking one.

"You seem awfully pale all of a sudden. Are you afraid to lose your sister to some powerful Sith?"

'Oh, thank god she just thinks I'm a siscon. She doesn't know that I am Darth Relic.'

"Ughhhhhh," I struggle, having no idea what kind of lie to tell.

"I just want my sister to be well taken care of as she grows old."

Zenna finally chimes in after her laughing fit. Slamming her hands on my shoulders.

"You thought I was into Sola." she can hardly contain her laugh.

Sola feigned offense.

"Hey, don't be rude. I'm a catch! Anyways, Vex, you should be supportive of your sister trying to apprehend her own stalker after all."

'What the fuck? I wasn't stalking her that day! This is fucking LIBEL.'

"Darth Relic is stalking my sister?"

Sola's eyes lit up fiercely.

"Oh, you know his name?"

'My head hurts so much I think I'm gonna fucking puke.'

"I've heard of him. I heard he kills weak Sith for giving us a bad name."

I make up a story on the spot. It matches the character I came up with for Relic. He is the angsty villain type, after all.

Sola smiled and widened her bloodthirsty eyes at me.

"Oh wow, he sounds really cool."

Something in her tone made me feel like she saw right through me, like she knew I was hiding something. It was unsettling but also strangely intriguing. I couldn't help but wonder what she was really thinking.

'She doesn't have red skin or a tail, but my god, does she dommy mommy written all over her face.'

Right as I was thinking about Sola, she started choking. Karma, I reckon.

As the evening wore on, we continued to talk and laugh, the initial tension slowly melting away. Sola's presence, while intense, became more familiar, and I found myself enjoying her company. She had a sharp wit and even showed me pictures of her pet. It was a very cute Tooka named Tooka the Hutt. Not the best name but I've heard worse cat names I guess.

Eventually, it was time for dinner. We gathered in the dining hall, where a lavish feast awaited us. Father and Mother joined us, looking pleased to see Zenna and Sola getting along so well.

During the meal, Sola sat beside me, her proximity both comforting and nerve-wracking. She kept the conversation flowing, asking me questions about my studies and my interests. I answered as best as I could, trying to keep my nerves in check.

"So, Vex," Sola said at one point, her tone casual but with an edge of curiosity. "What do you do for fun when you're not badgering the Sith Holocron guardians?

I hesitated, not wanting to reveal that I got into arguments with people online as a hobby. 

"I mostly read or watch holodramas."

Sola laughed, a genuine, melodic sound. It seemed that her voice was beautiful when she wanted it to be. 

"Holodramas, huh? I wouldn't have pegged you as a holobuff."

I shrugged, feeling a bit more at ease. 

"Everyone needs a way to relax, right?"

She nodded.



Sola's POV, Later that night


I tuck myself into the guest room bed. Carefully trying to pull the comforter over me to maintain the tight tuck the bed had.

'It's nice to feel hugged while you sleep, I like the pressure.'

I can't stop grinning, for I have finally met the one I've been searching for all this time.

I'm in love with my best friend's brother. It's a shame she loves him too.'

I frown, thinking about that. Due to my strange bond with the force, I've read thousands of minds. Usually, I can only read someone's emotional state, but Vex didn't put up even the slightest defense. I might have to remedy this myself someday in the future, but for now, it'll be good that he won't be able to stop me.

'To think that monster's brother was hiding so much more than she was? The Eras family is clearly destined for great things, and I will be the hand that guides it. It was already foretold.'

'I blush, thinking about my destiny. I can't wait to see what we become.'

I smoosh the pillow I'm holding close to my face to try and calm myself down.

"I love you, my sweet Emperor Vex."

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