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34.78% I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird / Chapter 16: Chapter 16:The Darth Side of the Moon

Chapter 16: Chapter 16:The Darth Side of the Moon

The classroom was filled with other students, most wearing expensive robes and regarding me with curiosity and suspicion. I did my best to stand tall and look confident as I took my seat. This was the advanced class on Sith philosophy and history, taught by the renowned Professor Elama. I had heard she was brilliant but could be extremely demanding of her pupils.

'After the enrollment trials, though, I'm pretty sure she likes me.'

A hush fell over the class as Professor Elama swept into the room, her black robes flowing behind her. Though not physically imposing, she had an undeniable presence that immediately commanded respect. Her piercing eyes scanned the room before settling on me for a moment.

"Welcome to Sith Philosophies, young Lords and Ladies," she began, her voice smooth yet firm. "I expect you all to devote yourselves fully to this class. Sith teachings are the bedrock upon which our society is built."

'This is some dark Hogwarts shit.'

She launched into a lecture on the early origins of the Sith Order, delving into ancient texts and belief systems. I found myself drawn in, impressed by her deep knowledge and skill at bringing history to life. The time seemed to fly by.


Professor Elama paused her lecture and turned to face the class. "Now, we come to one of the most controversial and mythical beliefs in Sith legend - the prophecy of the Sith'ari."

'Damn, I forgot about the Sith'ari'

The room grew deathly silent. I leaned forward in my seat, intrigued to learn more about this mysterious prophecy.

"The Sith'ari is said to be a perfect being, one who will rise through the ranks and bring about both the destruction and renewal of the Sith Order," Professor Elama explained. "Ancient texts prophesied that the Sith'ari will lead the Sith and destroy them - but in doing so, make them more powerful than ever before."

Murmurs rippled through the class as we absorbed this information. The prophecy seemed contradictory - how could destroying the Sith make them stronger?

'Fucking weak-minded fools. Clearly never read the Bane trilogy.' I clicked my tongue at the phonies.

Professor Elama raised a hand for silence.

"Some believe the Sith'ari will act as a catalyst, burning away dogmatic limitations and pushing the Sith to evolve beyond their worst nature. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, the Sith would emerge reborn under the Sith'ari's guidance."

Her words painted a vivid picture in my mind. I imagined a powerful figure rising up and revolutionizing the Sith Order. It was a compelling idea.

'Man, what I would give to talk to Bane just to pick his brain.'

"Of course, there are many who dismiss the prophecy as mere legend," Professor Elama continued. "But the allure persists. To this day, many Sith hold out hope that the Sith'ari will appear and usher in a new era of power and glory."

She gazed around the room as if weighing our potential. Her eyes landed on me and stayed there for far longer than I was comfortable with. Her lips twisted into a beautiful smile.

When the lesson ended, I gathered my things only to hear Professor Elama call my name. I tensed, wondering if I had already managed to disappoint her on the first day.

"Walk with me, young Eras," she instructed. As we left the hall, she regarded me with a measuring look. "I knew your father many years ago. He was...unconventional in his beliefs. I trust you will have a more open mind?"

I wasn't sure how to respond. She seemed to sense my hesitation. "There is great potential in you, I think. But you will never unlock it if you close yourself off to what we can teach you here. Consider that, young Eras."

"Professor Elamas, I have no intention of….."

Sola yanked my arm as I was speaking to Professor Elama, pulling me away mid-sentence.

"We need to go. Now," 

she said firmly, urgency in her voice. Professor Elama raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Sola dragged me down the hall.

"What are you doing?" I protested when we were out of Earshot. "That was incredibly rude."

Sola whirled on me, eyes blazing. "That woman is dangerous, Vex. You can't trust her honeyed words and false warmth. She's manipulating you."

I blinked in surprise. Sola had always been a straight shooter with me But this seemed more of a Zenna move.

"Manipulating me? We've barely spoken. Why are you so convinced she has ulterior motives?"

Sola's face softened, her hand coming up to cup my cheek affectionately.

"Because she sees your potential, my bright star. And there are those here who would try to sway you, to dim your light before it has a chance to truly shine."

'Pot calling the kettle black, eh?'

Sola smirked as she stared into my eyes more. I nodded slowly, knowing she only wanted to protect me. Perhaps she was being overzealous, but her concern came from a place of love.

"Come, we're expected at the council chamber," she said, linking her arm through mine. I let her lead me away, touched by her fierce devotion.

Sola and I made our way through the labyrinthine halls of the Sith tower, the cold durasteel seeming to absorb all sound around us. Sola's presence was a comforting warmth at my side, her arm looped through mine an anchor amidst the disgusting eye sore that was upper Korriban.

As we drew closer to the council chamber, I felt a nervous energy take hold of my core. I had learned how to kill, and I even learned to enjoy it. Yet being a part of a student council feels like it'll be a challenge to someone who sucks at making new friends. Sola gave my arm a reassuring squeeze as if sensing my doubts.

'She's always so quick to sense my mood. She must be an empath.'

Finally, we arrived. A pair of massive doors loomed before us, etched with archaic symbols. With a wave of her hand, Sola sent them grinding open, the durasteel doors rumbling against the floor. As we stepped inside, Zenna was already there, standing tall and proud beside her seat.

Her face lit up when she saw us, a smile breaking through her normally stern expression.

"Brother, I'm pleased you could join us. There is much to discuss."

I met her gaze, seeing past the harsh exterior she wore like armor to the sister who had always supported me, believed in me, and, more than that, the sister who saved me from my wet nurse.

'I scowled at the bitter memory. Zenna just had to butt in! I miss you every day, Rinka. May Santa have mercy on your soul as you sip champagne on the beaches of.....'

Sola tapped my shoulder with an annoyed look, ripping me from the past.

"Why must you spend all your time daydreaming Vex."

"True…. Hey, what does the Student Council even do here."

"Mostly just policing the students," Zenna spoke up.

"Like killing them?" I questioned

"Intimidating them," Sola spoke bluntly. Unamused with my question. "However, due to yesterday's brutal murder, our first task is to find this alleged Darth Relic and bring him to justice for an unsanctioned murder."

Zenna's eyes lit up like a life day tree.

"I nearly came when I saw the carnage my darling left for me on the Huttball court. And his beautiful note written for me to see." Zenna lost herself in a creepy delusion.

'On second thought, she would be like a pennywise clown girl. I do not fuck with scary clown girls.'

"Are we really going to try and track down Darth Relic?" I sigh annoyed im going to have to pretend to investigate a batman rip off.

Sola stares at me for a second, clearly trying to hold in a laugh.

"I mean, look at your dear sister; she is dying to know, isn't she?" Sola laughs.

"Even if we try to bring him to justice, he'll kill us." I counter

"Vex, have faith in my stalker. He's a good man, and he would never kill us." Zenna threw out the boldest remark I've heard today, and Sola just nodded her head in agreement. Sola's eyes stare into me. She smiles wide like she knows something.

'Did Jaeall tell her I'm Darth Relic? Nah no way.'

Sola's face twitches, and she shifts her eyes to her data pad.

'Did she get a message?'

"Where can we even start the investigation?" I ask

Sola seems to take a minute to breathe in and out for a second. Before lobbing a whole new bomb at me.

"Vex, I heard you walking around with some hussy the other day? Lady Jaeall, was it?"

"Oh, the Blonde bimbo?" Zenna's trance broke, and she started lore dumping onto Sola. "That blonde cow whore! She just wants good seed!"

"Jesus Christ, Zenna!"

Zenna stared at me.


"What do you mean what?" I spoke back at Zenna.

"Jesus Christ?"

"Ughhhhhh," I just sat there, lost. How could I even come back from this?

Sola interrupts this insane back and forth.

"Is she your girlfriend Vex?"

"Jaeall? No, no, not at all. I just helped her out."

Sola's hands tensed into a fist. "Helped her!" Sola Barked out. Her eyes narrowed, unsatisfied with my answer. "Then what do you know about her?"

"Literally nothing, actually," I speak

'Only that she's a Jedi undercover.'

Sola's desk creeks as she slams her fist down. Her brow twisted into an otherworldly anger.

'Maybe if all the Sith were like her, I wouldn't have to purge them all. Fuck do I have to kill Sola too? Nah, I'll just lump her in with family for now.'

Sola narrowed her eyes at me, studying my grimace.

"Well, I'm glad she means nothing to you. Girls like her are always vying for male attention. It's pathetic, really."

I resisted the urge to smile. Sola's jealousy was endearing, though completely unwarranted. I was happy to put the subject of Jaeall to rest. Sola was the only girl I cared about impressing, though I could never admit that out loud.

Sola stared at my hand for a second before turning away.

"Regardless. Go accompany your sister to find clues about Darth Relic. I have paperwork to attend to here."

I smile and follow Zenna's lead.

"You got it, Ms. President."



Sola's POV

Zenna and Vex's conversation echoes into the room as they travel down the hall.

"So, Is Jesus like an Exar kun type?"

"Ummmm, kinda, I guess."

Once they're finally out of Earshot, I use the Force to Slam the Door shut.


My face is beat red.

"To think the Sith'ari would rise up during my lifetime." I sit down and rest my head on my newly dented desk. "Well, Vex, if that's what you want, then I guess I'll start trying to figure out what that even looks like." I sigh. "And he confirmed Jaeall was a Jedi after all," I scoff. "To think one of the professors swore up and down she couldn't be if she was so willing to kill a slave." I sigh again. "But she knows Vex's secret. I'll have to be careful with her."

I carefully think about my problems.

"I'm going to have to teach Vex how to put up mental defenses soon. As great as it is to catch his stray thoughts, it leaves him wide open for mental attacks. It seems to be his only weakness that no one has noticed yet." I frown. "Still, It'll be such a bitter defeat to lose his constant narration. But Darth Relic will need this power if he is to become the Sith'ari."

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