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30.43% I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Blonde Siths have more fun.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Blonde Siths have more fun.

As I was walking to the elevator, I heard some commotion.

"Look, it's out of my hands. Because you enrolled so late, the Duke wants proof of loyalty to Sith, alright?"

I see a tired man pleading with a cute blonde Acolyte. He looks so fed up with her. Poor guy.

"I understand that part." The blonde girl speaks with confidence but then falters. "But why must it be a slave. Perhaps a criminal."

I notice a slave on their knees. A dead look in their eyes. They've clearly resigned to their faith.

I pause as I approach, watching the scene unfold from the shadows. The blonde Sith stands firm even as the instructor's frustration mounts.

"It must be a slave because the Duke demands complete submission," the teacher hisses. "A criminal may fight back, may plead for mercy, plus they're inherently deserving of justice. A slave knows only obedience. An innocent child, by contrast. We can only accept you if you kill this innocent slave."

He shoves the motionless slave forward, placing a lightsaber in The blonde's reluctant hand.

"Prove yourself now, or leave this academy forever."

The blonde Sith hesitates, the glowing blade hovering inches from the slave's bowed head.

'What is with her hesitation? Should I help her?'

I feel the Force flowing through me as I focus my attention on the blonde Sith's arm. I can sense her inner conflict, her desire to prove herself colliding with an impulse to show mercy. With a subtle gesture, I use the Force to guide her hand, and the ignited lightsaber strikes true, ending the slave's life in an instant.

'There's my good deed for the day.'

The blonde Sith gasps, startled by the sudden motion. She stares at the body crumpled at her feet, then turns to look with confusion at the teacher. He smiles, pleased by what he believes to be her ruthless action.

"Well done, Acolyte," he says. "You have proven yourself worthy of being Sith. The Duke will be pleased by this show of loyalty."

I release my hold on the Force, allowing the blonde Sith control once more. Horror creeps into her eyes as understanding dawns. She did not choose to swing that blade. Her gaze darts around the shadowy edges of the room and, for a moment, lands on me, though I quickly obscure myself from view.

The teacher dismisses his new pupil, who exits with a haunted expression. As soon as she is gone, he turns to the remaining slaves.

"Remove this mess," he commands. They silently comply, indifferent to the loss of one of their own. The teacher strides away, satisfied.

I let out a long breath. By intervening, I spared the blonde Sith from committing an act that may have destroyed her spirit. Yet I also robbed her of choice in the matter.

I follow the blonde Sith from a distance as she exits the training hall, her hurried steps echoing down the dark corridor. She glances back nervously as if sensing my presence, though I remain cloaked in shadow. After a few twists and turns, she ducks into an empty meditation chamber.

I wait a moment before entering behind her. She whirls around, igniting her lightsaber in a defensive stance. Her eyes widen in recognition.

"It was you, wasn't it?" she demands. "You used the Force against me back there."

"Yeah." I smile kindly. Maybe this is my chance to make my first friend in Korriban. "I wanted to help you out."

She scoffs. "And who are you to decide that?"

"Someone who wants to be your friend," I reply gently.

She scrutinizes me a moment before deactivating her blade. Her shoulders slump as the initial adrenaline of fury fades.

"Why did you intervene?" she asks quietly.

"He would have killed you," I speak in a confused tone.

'Surely she must know Sith do not fuck around if they are too afraid to find out?'

The blonde Sith lets out a weary sigh.

"You're right. He would have killed me if you hadn't stepped in. I...I should thank you for that."

Her words come out reluctantly as she struggles to show gratitude in this den of backstabbing Sith.

I give her a reassuring nod. "There's no need to thank me. I'm not like the others here."

She studies me for a moment as if trying to discern my motives. "Then who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before."

"My name is Vex Eras," I reply. "I'm new to the Academy. Still finding my way, I suppose."

"Vex..." she repeats softly. A flicker of understanding passes over her face. Her eyes then go wide.

"You're Zenna Eras's Sister!."

I shift uncomfortably, the mention of my sister "I am," I say simply, meeting her gaze.

She tilts her head, curious rather than judgmental. "Yet you intervened today not for your own gain but for mine. That is...unexpected here."

"I accidentally killed one of the professors earlier." I shrug. "I'm nervous that I'll have bad karma, plus you seemed nice." I shrug again

The blonde Sith studies me for a long moment, perhaps sensing.

"Well, Vex, it seems we both walk a fine line here." She extends a hand tentatively. "But thank you again for today. I'm Jaeall, by the way."

I smile

'Finally, I made a new friend!'

"Can you introduce me to your sister when you get a chance, I'm a huge fan as a first year. I heard her lightsaber skills are out of this world."

I sigh

'She's just using me after all, Tragic'

"Yeah, that's fine."


I lead Jaeall through the winding halls of the Sith Tower, the cold durasteel floors echoing our footsteps. Turning a corner, I pause outside an imposing door bearing the crest of House Eras, my family's noble house. This is one of the entrences into the Student council dorms. Actually dorm room is right near hers too so this is convenient.

"This is my sister's chamber,"

I say, suddenly nervous. What will Zenna think when I show up with an unknown girl in tow? She's always been overprotective.

Jaeall gives me an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be happy you've made a new friend."

'Hah,' I laugh inwardly.

I take a deep breath and knock sharply on the door. After a moment, it hisses open, and Zenna stands framed in the doorway, her piercing gaze flickering between Jaeall and me.

"Brother, I see you've brought a guest," she says coolly.

"Yes, this is Jaeall. She's a new acolyte and wanted to meet you. Jaeall, this is my sister, Zenna."

Jaeall inclines her head respectfully. "It's an honor, Lady Eras. Your brother speaks very highly of your skills with a lightsaber. I hope to train with you someday."

'Literally lies, I did not say shit. Fake ass blonde bimbo.'

Zenna's eyes narrow, but she maintains an outwardly polite demeanor. "Perhaps. I am selective with those I train, but any friend of my brother is...welcome." The word sounds forced, but she steps back and gestures for us to enter.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief as we crossed the threshold into Zenna's private chambers. That could have gone much worse.

'Don't jinx it.'

Zenna motions for us to sit at the elegant table in the center of the room. Her chambers reflect her noble status, adorned with lavish furnishings. Truly becoming of an heir of nobility. As we take our seats, a service droid brings three glasses of wine.

"Zenna, I'm 14."



"Sorry Zenna i just…." I awkwardly trail off and take a sip of the wine. It tastes bitter.

"Now, Jaeall, what brings you to our academy?" Zenna asks, her tone polite yet probing.

Jaeall meets her gaze evenly. "To learn the ways of the Force and prove myself, my lady. I aim to become a great Sith."

Zenna studies her for a long moment. "Ambition is good. But not all are destined for true power." Her voice hardens slightly. "Especially those who would seek to manipulate and scheme for their own ends."

Jaeall's eyes widen slightly. "I assure you, my lady, I am here with no hidden agenda. Only to walk the path before me." Jaeall starts sweating as if she's been caught in some lie. I keep sipping on wine, pretending im in game of thrones.

Zenna stands abruptly, her robes swirling around her. "My brother is young and naive. I tolerate your interest in him for now. But if you seek to turn him from his destiny, I will end you."

I sigh

'I wasn't even trying to fuck this one, Sis.'

Her hand drifts to the lightsaber at her belt. The threat hangs heavy in the air between them. Jaeall looks stunned, shaking her head in protest. "Lady Eras, you misunderstand, that was never my-"

"You are not worthy of him," Zenna hisses. "Leave this place and do not return."

Jaeall stands slowly, confusion and fear in her eyes. She glances at me pleadingly before fleeing the chambers. I sit frozen, heart pounding. I mouth out the words "sorry" as I turn back to Zenna. Zenna's gaze returns to me. Her expression softens slightly.

"It is for your own good, brother. She would only hold you back from your potential."

I stare at her wordlessly. Her protectiveness wars with my sense of big horny, leaving me conflicted. The door hisses shut, and I am left alone with my sister once more. I stare at her with a somber look.

"Is Sola worthy?"

Zenna frowns and sighs.

"She's not unworthy, I guess."

'That is a win no matter how you cut it.'


Jaeall's POV

As I sit at my desk fiddiling with a spcial communicator given to me by my master I cant help but feel annoyed.

[Please repeat, the transmission broke up earlier.]

"I said I made contact with the girl connected to Darth Relic. I met her brother through pure happenstance."

A pang of guilt washes over me as I recall the dead slave.

[Have you become friends with the girl?]

I sigh.

"She thought I was trying to seduce her brother, so she already hates me."

The voice on the other side pauses.

[Uhhh, okay. uhhhh. We really need to turn This relic sith at all costs. Please keep trying. At the very least, stay close to the brother. From our reports, he mostly just stays inside ...… doing uhhhhh… something.]

'What is with his hesitation'

"What does he do when he's alone? I don't understand."

The voice on the other end sighs.

[He masturbates, like a lot.]

My face blushes a crimson red.

'What does a lot even mean here?'


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