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56.81% I was Rifted Homeworld Mass Effect / Chapter 50: Warhammer 30k-40k Part 7 (Not Edited)

Chapter 50: Warhammer 30k-40k Part 7 (Not Edited)

That should have been it. But it wasn't. The others cheered in victory. I took the time to restore what I could. Seeing Angron, Jaina injured next to me I casted a healing spell to help with the recovery. I was already running it on myself.

Then it happened. The hole the Tyrannids came from tore open wider. A Blood Letter started to descend. His crimson wings caused my two hears to shiver. I was not prepared for this.

I looked to the psykers. "Fall Back now!" They were stunned as well the Gladiators. "Do not cast any physic powers and move back!" It wasn't working. "Dam it!"

System: Willpower Check Successful 27

"Raaah" I pushed all the Psykers back with a wave of my own energy. It worked. The Blood Letter looked directly at me. I put Slannesh away as I double gripped the axe. It was only slightly restored. "Recover you two? Do not come help until you are actually able."

"No we will fight with you right now. I have enough strength to do some serious damage." Jaina said.

"No. The warp will invade your mind and mess with your head. I do not want to risk you changing into a demon or exploding. These demons are nothing like what you are use to. He is nothing like you have faced before." I said to her. I watched to make sure she understood. She didnt. "A weakened psyker should cast, especially near a hole in the warp!"

"I am fine! No way will it effect me!" Jaina said. Her voice was sure but she didnt understand the danger we faced. Sometging kept telling me it was a bad idea. She started to cast a spell, I had to stop her.

"Thump," Jaina dropped to her knees as I punched her in the gut. I siphoned the energy she gathered from the spell and recasted regen on her and Angron.

Looking to Ruma who ran up I gave her the order. "Take her back. If she tries to come back to the battlefield knock her out. Get a bomb ready for me if you can."

"We are fresh out." Ruma said picking up Jaina. She gave me a look and winked. "I am totally giving you a roll in the hay later." Taking off I smiled at her retreating figure. "Something to look forward to."

"I will be ready shortly." Angron said grunting.

"Angron.. do whatever it takes to survive." With that said, Istarted to jog forward then picked up speed. I met the Demon before he landed. With a upward swing of the axe, the pressure didnt hurt him in the slightest but it pushed him off course.

"Hehe," the demon chuckled. "We have been waiting for you Sunstrider." The demon landed on the ground with a thud that shook the place. Landing down I stared at him. "You are so full of rage.. so full of.. hatred. Come join us.. you will be fulfilled like no other has before them."

"Damn you really no how to tempt a guy." I said smiling at him. "Concussive Shot!" I fired at his face

As he dodged it, I jerked my hand to the left causing it turn. Wrapping it back around I charged at him with the axe. "If you were a female demon you might have had a chance

I am that shallow that it would work a little better." Swinging down, the demon's machete like fingers cut right through my armor. I was to slow. "Argh," my back was cut open on the left side. I put my clothes back into my inventory. It was beyond damaged for now.

Health -43

I took a step back. Then took two steps forward. My powers wouldn't allow me to retreat. "Well.. huff..huff this is just not.. fair.." My breath couldn't catch properly. I couldn't reregulate myself either. My knees wobbled as they almost touched the ground. I put the axe down for support.

"How .. pathetic." The demon droned out. His hand raised up and back handed me. "Bam!" I went sailing though the air and hit a broken grav tank. Crawling out the demon was already on me. His hand raised high as he punched me furthur into the wreckage.




On the fourth swing I raise my hand. "Schluck," I turned my hand into a straight point. Surrounded by my Misty Fist as a spike.

"Roarrr," the demon bellowed as he reeled back. His hand lifted into the air I was still holding the spoke in his arm. I tried to worm my power throughout his hand. The muscles were to tough.

"You still have fight left in you." The demon beamed in happiness. "That is good. My Master will be pleased." Swinging down he tried to slam me into the dirt.

"Tup," I placed my hand down and pushed myself forward on it. Rolling in the dirt I stood up.

"Huff..huff.." My lungs were in serious pain. Even with all the upgrades I was past my limits. Should have just spent everything on upgrades as a Space Marine. Then it happened again. The axe started cracking. I placed it in my inventory. I used the last of my restorative items. Well tried to anyway. "All out! Memo to self always buy 99× of everything for battle." The Blood Letter bellowed as it charged at me.

"Roooaarr!" It sole focus on me. It wanted to rip me apart and devour my soul.

"Overlord' Fury!" It was now or never. No more trump cards. No more Items, weapons, armor. My allies couldn't help me. My Misty Fist became alot more powerful. The healing abilities inside the spell was faster as well. As the hands flated above I sent a right towards the Blood Letter.

""Smack!" The blow was strong enough to knock some teeth out its mouth. "Whack" it didnt flinch h from the blow as it moved in and punch me in the chest and head. Its massive fist connecting on parts of my body with ease. The size different made this worse for me.

Health -23

"Thump," I planted my foot in the ground to stop my stumbling. Seeing a piece if wreckage nearby I lifted it up. It was a star cannon from a tank. The crystal was still there. Running forward I swung it like a baseball bat hitting the Blood Letter in the chest. The crystal shattered from the impact and only dented the armor. Reaching out I pulled the fragments to me and held them around my chest psychically as I drained the energies left inside. The small pick me up was worth it.

"That barely tickled." The Blood Letter wiped its chest off. Throwing a piece of wreckage towards me. "I like using terrain it so much fun. He ran back towards me. "There are so many more buildings to throw you through. Let's see if we can break them all with your body." His voice was sinister and gleeful. I felt like Batman fighting against Bane for the first time. I did not want my back broken.

When he came close I fired the Crystal's at his eyes. "Ting, ting," they hit but barely did damage. However they served there purpose damaging one eye. The demon stopped as his skin started to smoke a little. I had charged the Crystal's with Mental Cleansing. They used warp energy so it made sense at the time.

"Ragh, you will pay for that Sunstrider!" A demonic sword formed out of nowhere. Burning with chaos fire he swung it at me. I couldn't dodge. Using my Mist Fist as a shield I braced myself.

"Tsh," my fists dissapeared. His sword lost its flames. He was just as shocked as I was. Pulling Slannesh from inventory I had to use something. The blade was dull in power. Barely even a force weapon currently.

The demon smiled with gaped mouth. I would have laughed but didnt. I didnt want to piss him off even more so. As his sword came down. It was knocked off course.

"Boom," a rocket blew it to the side. I looked over to Angron carrying a rocket launcher. It looked comical in his big arms. He then threw it at the demon smacking it in the face. Taking his maul of his waist he activated it. The energy around it was dim and fluctauted.

System: High Pull target found.. pulling from Warp space..Warhammer Fantasy... Techlis has sworn loyalty.

'A wave of termagants re running towards allied forces.

I looked to my left and saw the elf appear. I was to busy to care right now. So I told him what to do.

"Close the hole in the warp or go kill those bugs!" I jumped in helping Angron fight back the demon.

"Understood." Techlis said as he floated off to kill the Tyrannids.

"Get down Angron!" I yelled. It was to late for him to move. I pushed everything I had into moving faster. Swinging the sword at the demons sword I felt the break.

"Snap," My swinging arm broke back. It took everything I had to push Angron down and out the way. The sword from the demon didnt stop.

System: Strength Check 33 Unsuccesful Willpower Check 36 Succesful Constitution Check 41 Successful

"Schlk," it cut down the left side of my body separating my bones and nerves. I felt my primary heart stop. My left side lungs stopped working. The sword stopped at my knee. I stabbed Slannesh into its sword wielding arm and held it in place.

Health -239

I just stared at it. The only thing keeping me up was my psycho power. Nothing else was usable. I could feel the warp calling to me as my vision started to blur. It had to be done. I felt so raw the warning bells in my head no longer mattered. I saw the tinge of Renegade option for the very sky itself.

Pulling on the psyche nearby I raised my left arm. With the opening inside my body. I funneled in any power I could grab through the opening. My psychic gland burning with raw power that threatened to explode.

Angron had jumped and bashed the demons chest in. The flesh parted open and I fired.

"Concussive Shot!" I managed to say as a little small blast fired out into the opening. I dropped down on the ground landing on my back. I heard a thud and watched my health flicker back and forth.

Health 3

Health -1

Health 4

Health -3

The System message went off. I thought for sure It was over as I closed my eyes. I felt the power of the warp wash over me. It felt as if it invaded every part of my body, mind, and soul. I tried to yell to Zelda to run. It was bad enough my digimon couldn't flee since they were a part of the node.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes ready to fight the endless hordes of demons in the warp.

That was not the case. I watched as my health was going back up. Looking to my left I saw a man dressed in golden armor with long hair.

"Sangui..ius.." looking back at the hand propping me up I saw a man with a stoic face. Short blond military cut hair. "Lionnel.. you need to let you hair grow out." I was out like a light after that.

I woke up inside an infirmary. I felt Zelda's presence immediately. I couldn't access my Nether World for some reason. Seeing she was meditating I left her be.

I opened my eyes and watched as the Archon an Autarch made there way over. Relief I felt from their biotic strands. That and joy.

"Glad you guys made it. So what happened." I waited to hear the tale. Before they could start I heard yelling.

"Move you bloody pointy ear before I got you." The voice remind me of a Norwegen butcher I met once. The second voice was deep and sound of a Asian descent in away.

"He is right! Move! It is not like we will hurt him." In walked two of the Primarchs. It was Leman of the Russ. Leader of the Space Wolves. With Jaghati Khan leader of the White Scars. Definitely looked like the pictures.

"Look at you string bean." Leman said as he approached closer to the bed. He stopped and snarled at my gladiators who stepped in front if him. "Loyal but foolish. Move whelpling." He started to raise his hand to hit the gladiator that stood unflinching.

Needles to say I was angry. "Leman enough!" I started to get out of bed before I felt a hand pulled me back down. It was Jaina. I didnt even notice her earlier. "Oof," I grunted as I leaned back.

" You are in no condition to get out of bed just yet." Jaina said angry. She looked at Leman causing him to smile. He took a step back. "Try not to cause to much of a ruckus please." Laying back down she went to sleep. A bandage in her face looked fresh.

"Ah she has fire in her. To bad she is an Eldar. She would make a fine Jarl." Leman said rubbing his chin.

"No a better Khan." Jaghati said. " Any way welcome to the land of the living brother. you have been out for quite some time."

"How long?" I had to know.

"A week." A voice said coming though the door. A man with a slight red tinted to his skin said as he walked up with a weird bag of glowing liquid. He changed the one currently hooked up to both me and Jaina. "There all better now."

Feeling the energy felt the rush. I immediately cast Cure at my highest level on Jaina then myself. Next was Regen and Heal. Once that was active Iused Mental Cleansing on the entire room and cast Cure again.

In a matter of minutes I felt the last aches leave my body. Removing the bandages I watched as the scabs vanished. The flesh still needed to recover despite the magic used. The damage was that extensive. Jaina moved a little in the bed but finally looked comfortable and no longer in pain. A few of the Gladitors removed their bandages as well.

"A little warning next time." Leman said. "But thinks for that. My shoulder had a really bad crick in it."

"No problem." I said looking to the Archon. "Tell me the loses we suffered."

"I think... I think you should wait till y oi I see better." The Autarch answered instead.

The door opened and in walked Malakor. 40 others walked in with him.

"We are all that remains of your units my Primarch." He said to me.

I gripped my hands so tight I felt my skin on my knuckles tear. My teeth were clenched so tight I thought I would break my jaw from the force I was using.

Zelda tapped my shoulder sending a wave energy through me. This triggered my Soul Power that calmed me down to manageable levels.

"So many lost."

"It could have been much worse." Malakor said. "When you gave that shot hit the demon its body started to tear. Cuts kept forming on its body. Angron kept bashing away at its limbs keeping it from really getting up."

"The biggest thing that crunched was you." A Gladiator said Stepping forward It was the woman from that village that was captured. "Your wound closed and you jumped up biting the the demon with your teeth. Your right arm finger nails kind of looked like claws. You were unconscious from what we saw."

"It was a good thing Angron was there. We may have lost you if he wasnt."

"Where is Angron?" I asked not really looking up.

"In surgery. The butchers nails are being removed." Leman said. "Thanks to that woman of yours he will be fine. Hopefully."

"Woman of mine?" I didnt know who he was talking about.

"He means Galtea." Ruma said coming in. The room was starting to get a little crowded. " She pass on a way to remove the blasted device. Nifty thing that it is." Tuma pulled out a syringe from her side pouch. "Here some go go juice to keep you from wielding out again."

System: High Cure-All has been applied. Healing trstraints have been temporarily removed. Soul is recovering.

I felt a lot better. The dark thoughts in my head dissapreared.

"No what?" I asked towards Leman.

"A meeting of the Primarchs." Leman said frowning a little. ",In a few hours anyway. Will you attend?"

"Yes I will be there." After I said that the two left.

"Ok.. Well Ruma sorry about your clansmen."

"Oh dont apologize for that. they loved even while dieting there were happy. This place is perfect. Pus we all became stonger. I like it here and so do they."

"Do you want to stay?"

"Hmm not for now. We wish to head back. We will definitely come back after we get better gear." Ruma was all smiles. She leaned in close to me and said "I still want that roll in the hay." Pulling back ahe stated at me.

"Sounds like fun to me. Before I forget. Take Jaina back to the ship." I watched as she followed that order. Looking to the rest I had to ask. "As for the Eldar what will you do now?"

"We will follow you of course" The Archon said. "You plan on saving my people from Slannesh, that is a worthy cause."

"I agree with him on that." Autarch said. "We will head to this ship as well and regroup and consult the charts. There are tons of Craftwords in danger right now."

"Very well. Hand me the spirit stones of the others. I will return them back to us."

"We have no wraith bone for them. Do you?"

"I will not use that method." Receiving the stones I spent the points to create bodies for each of them as the stones floated away from the bed. One by one the Eldar opened their eyes. They were not as strong as they were before but there was a stronger psyker power in all of them now. They were also more resistant to the warp. "That's better. Take to the ship and help them with there recovery." It was strange they were all bathe in the same energy Zion threw me into.

I looked to the Gladiators. "Were you able to recover the glands on the battlefield?"

"Some." Malakor said. But others looked damaged. I have them on your ship."

"Even if they are damaged I will do what it takes to fix that." I was not gonna act stingy with this people they were my first and I was gonna give them special treatment. "Do you all still wish to follow me?"

"Of course." They all said one be one. "No matter where you go."

"Good." I waved my hand over them washing them in each of my energies. A small part but enough to help them in the future. "Congrats on becoming the Legions first Veteran squad."

With a little cheering they finally settle down. We talked about what to expect in the future Alot of them were excited for the fighting a few wanted to just travel. Before I knew it, it was time to go to the meeting. As I walked I felt Zelda working on the statues again. Galtea finally messaged me when she was threw.

Galtea: Cant talk now. Heading to a meeting with the Council.

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