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Chapter 2: Reborn

I am Yuuki Takahashi I am 30 years old and basically the richest man alive. My hobbies are gaming, watching anime, and reading fanfics and novels. When I was going outside under the guise of being a normal adult I saw a kid running across the streets he was chasing a ball that he seemed to have dropped. I was going to continue walking but then I saw a fast moving truck heading towards the kid. My instincts took over my body as I sprinted towards the kid. I successfully managed to save the kid but not my own. I felt pain on the right side of my body until it was spread towards my other body parts. I rolled on the cold hard asphalt road as I saw my very own blood in my eyes.

I think I saw people as well shouting at me but I couldn't hear what they say as my consciousness started to fade. The next thing I knew I was in some kind of void I felt I was here for a very long time.

"Oh look here guys a soul in the void"

<What is he doing here?>

[I don't know but judging from the fluctuating power it seems he had been here for millions of years]

'Huh?' I heard 'voices where were these voices coming from?'

<Sigh a pity why do these trucks do this anyway?>

"I don't know but I remember this truck blends in with the others so it's very hard to find even for us"


I screamed even though no sound came out of my non existent mouth. And I also realized how they didn't notice him thinking.

[Let's send him in one of our worlds and add a system but since we neglected this soul for too long I will let him buy anything he wants from the store]


<Great idea okay guys you can go now>

"Okay bye"


<yawn... let's get this over with>

And once again I lost consciousness by the time I woke up I saw a screen infront of me. It looked like those game status screens you see in RPG games. I saw somethibg blinking on the upper right corner of the screen so I clicked it. After clicking it another screen popped up beside the screen before.

[Hello child my name is ??? or what your people call God. This letter will give you a basic run down of the screen that you are seeing. But since you already know what reincarnation is based on your world's novels I dont think I have to explain that much. The four main functions of this system is Status, Shop, Ability page, and Skill page. You already know what the first two is so I'll skip it. Ability page let's you see all your abilities that you have gotten or bought from the shop and you can combine those abilities to make a new and better one. Skill page is the same but you need a lot of mana before you can combine anything. Also because we Gods took pity on you we will let you buy anything you want in the store. also I may or may not have broken the beginner pack so expect something there to may potentially be a strong skill or just something kinda useful. That is all and welcome to our universe

P. S. There are other universes out there but we don't govern them but you can travel to that other universe.

-System God]

I really wonder who gave me the letter as the name wasn't written in the end but thanks to it I now know I have a begginer pack. He said something about breaking it but meh who cares.

'Open gift package' I thought then I heard a voice which sounds like a... female? I then saw a screen about what I got from it.

[You obtained:

Rank for shop Admin: This allows you to buy anything you want in the store as there is no rank higher than this title.

Shadow Clone Jutsu: Uses users chackra to create clones of himself. Instead of chackra being used mana or spirit energy will be used instead.

500 gold: Highest kind of currency a person of this world can get as all coins only use these kinds of coins.

5 Max level Pill: Directly Maxes the level of the user to it's peak (Supreme Being Stage). Cannot be taken twice. Can be given to other people.

1000 Shadow demon stones: A stone that summons Shadow demons that is always loyal to you. If demon is killed they will revert back to a stone and be scattered around the world.]

I was dumbfounded what I got is seriously too broken. I don't know what shadow demons are but I can buy anything from the store now for free, shadow clones for other purposes, and a pill to make me the strongest there is in the world. I mean what the f*ck this is too much of a cheat.

I sighed but not forgetting to eat the pill I also clicked on the jutsu and answered yes to the question if I want to use it who wouldn't though. I felt pain for a moment as all the knowledge needed for using the jutsu was imprinted in my head hais I think this will be a common accurance until I die.



Name: Yuuki Takahashi

Age: 15 - adult (30)

Title: Admin

(Will not use currency for the shop)

level: 1000 (Supreme)

Strength: 10,000

Speed: 10,000

Will: 10,000

Intelligence: 10,000



[Skill Page]

[Ability Page]

I looked at my status and was confused I don't know what measures for strength are in this world but didn't question it as I really just want to live my life peacefully here. Oh it seems I forgot to mention the place I woke up in. I woke up near a lake that does not have any contamination in it, trees stretched out as far as I could see covering the grass plain, And a already build house with a note outside of it.

I walked towards the house and read the note.

[Yo my name is "*#@!? didn't understand that then just call me Life God of the 3 Gods that transmigrated you here. I took the liberty of making you a house which originated from japan in the edo period hope you like it. Also you do not have to worry about food we made a fridge that restocks everytime you close the door.

P. S. I put a fishing road in the storage relax and enjoy your new life here]

'What kind Gods' I thought as I stepped inside the house. It looked pretty cozy and I also noticed not a speck of dust could be seen. I wonder if it was the Gods' doing but thanked them anyways. I was oblivious that they actually heard my thanks and flinched to it but I didn't know because I was already in bed and drifted off to dreamland.

Chihiro_Yukino Chihiro_Yukino

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