Journee came out of her room after getting ready and found Kay and William in the kitchen. Kay had sandwiches and coffee ready for her. All three sat down, ate food and were ready to leave. Journee fought with both of them about driving her Jeep, but both her fathers shot her down.
It was finalized that Kay would drive her and William would take his car back to his house. Kay took his 1964 silver Aston Martin DB5. Kay loved that car and Journee got her love for cars from him. The way she took care of her Jeep, she learned it from Kay.
Like no one was allowed to touch her Jeep, no one was allowed to touch Kay's Aston Martin. She always used to tease him by calling him 'James Bond'. Both were excellent drivers, but they didn't allow each other to touch their respective vehicles. William was never particular about his car, but he was jealous of how Kay and Journee could bond over cars.
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