Graham looked at Officer Stellar. "No sir, as crime labs are closed at night. No one went that way," replied Officer Stellar.
"Shit! We really are screwed," Graham lowered his voice and signalled everyone to disperse. Only Henry and Journee stood next to him. "Find who did this, Jo."
"I will try my best. Sienna is looking into everything she can do. I hope she can find something," said Journee.
"Oh, the media is going to have a field day with this news. No one, I repeat no one talks to anyone about this. DCPI will issue a statement and we will go from there. Spread the news that no one will open their mouth," ordered Graham.
Graham looked at Journee and asked, "did you inform your father?"
"No, not till now. I was going to tell him in the morning," said Journee.
"Ha-ha," Graham started laughing manically. "He is coming here. After me, his was the phone that rang next."
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