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Chapter 9: BAB 9

I checked it with [Vision] and sure enough, it was a goblin.

"Wow, it really is a goblin."

Using the skill I had acquired a few days ago [Presence Detection], I checked the surroundings with a large scope. I detected many monsters around.

"What the heck is going on?

While thinking I decided to finish off the goblins I saw.

"[Fire Missile]"

A fiery missile hit the goblin until it caught fire and became particles of light.


Using teleportation magic I teleported to the place where the monster was.

"[Wind Missile]"

"[Fire Ball]"

"[Lighting Strike]"

"[Slash Black]"

"[Wnd Slash]"

I continued to teleport and finish off the monsters that were around using all the skills I had. Fortunately, the monsters that appeared were only low-level weak monsters. Most monsters appeared in deserted places such as small alleys, abandoned buildings, or bushes.

Thinking the reason these monsters appeared might be due to someone's interference, or because something happened in the world due to the mixture of various worlds. Or the last possibility is that the Goddess herself gave rise to these monsters.

It's very possible that the Goddess sent these monsters but I'm not sure. Thinking how random the appearance of monsters could be. If monsters appeared in a country in large numbers it would bring havoc and disaster.

I can eliminate these monsters, but stopping them from appearing is beyond my ability.

"I'd better go home, instead of thinking about this here. And also I'm tired of dealing with these monsters."


Over the past 4 days I've eliminated a lot of monsters that have sprung up. Now not only slimes and goblins appeared. There were spider monsters, ants, wolves, hedgehogs, lizards, as well as various low-level monsters. In fact, when I went home with Shizuku or my other friends. I had to distract my friends and make excuses for them not to see the monsters and for me to finish off the monsters.

I also watched various channels on television and realized that there was no news related to the appearance of monsters. The monsters that appeared were only in this city. Although I'm in Japan the city I live in here is not in the original Japan. This city is Tokyo here, however, in this world this city is called "Tokiwa."

This corroborates that these monsters were intentionally sent by someone. Most likely, they were all sent by the Goddess. However, what was the reason for sending these monsters to me? Didn't she tell me to live freely? But for what purpose?

"Hah!!! I wish I could communicate with the Goddess. But, unfortunately, I don't have the skills to communicate. Even so, you can't just conclude that the Goddess sent it. It's just a possibility."

"Ahhhg!!! It's quite tiring to finish off the monsters until they stop appearing."

Although eliminating all of them was a very troublesome task. But I couldn't ignore these monsters, somehow a sense of responsibility arose from within me. Perhaps it was Kuroo's nature.

"Good morning, Kuroo"!

"Good morning, Tetsuro!"

As usual, my classmates greeted me when I entered the classroom. I greeted them back. It was also Yuka and Shizuku who greeted me.

"Have you heard, Tetsuro? Did someone say that there was a strange screaming sound behind the school yesterday?" Yuka said to me.

My hand stopped as I was about to put my bag on the bench. Don't tell me that monsters have appeared around the school.

"Heh... Is that true?"

"Some people also said that they found a monster. I wonder if that's true?"

"If you think with common sense it can't be. It seems like what they saw was a new animal or an animal they haven't seen yet," Shizuku approached as she said.

"Ehh!!! But some students said they saw something like slimes or what they call goblins."

It's bad if anyone manages to take a picture of the monster it will cause a lot of trouble.

I'd better exterminate all the monsters that appear. I thought about it after hearing Shizuku and Yuka talking.


The lesson started and I just listened to the lesson while activating the [Presence Detection] skill. During the several changes of lessons nothing happened. At 11pm I felt quite a lot of magic from my detection skill.

'Some monsters have appeared.'

I slowly stood up, several students looked at me with curious gazes as well as confused expressions.

'Damn, why does it have to appear at a time like this. At least find a better time than this when they appear.

"Kuro? Is something wrong?"

Confused by my sudden movement. Sensei questioned me.

"Sensei!!! I seem to be feeling unwell. Can I go to the infirmary?"

Staring at me for a while, sensei then nodded.

"Well, it's better that you check your body at the infirmary, rather than your body getting worse."

"Do you want me to take you?"

Yuka asked me with a worried tone and a hopeful expression.

"No need. But thank you for worrying about me."

I said with a smile and walked out of the classroom. I also slightly glanced at Shizuku who was looking at me with a worried expression.


After defeating the monsters that appeared, I went home with Shizuku. Thankfully the monsters that appeared were not too difficult to defeat because they were just like the monsters I faced before. Plus I already knew the monsters' weaknesses from my previous life.

However, I'm sure that in the future I'll face much stronger monsters.

"And finally he-"

"Hah!! That was unexpected."

As Shizuku and I walked home while chatting. An unexpected light appeared before us.

'This is bad.

"Ah! What is it?"


The moment the light appeared I distracted Shizuku by changing the direction of her gaze. Utilizing that I used [Widn Slash] to cut off the monster's head.

'That was close! Why did they appear in a place like this?

"What? What happened?"

"Nothing. It was just my imagination."

After answering Shizuku, we continued our steps. Once again a light formed in front of us.

"Something's flying!!!"

"Eh!!! What's flying?"

Once again seizing the moment used [Wind Slash] to finish off the monster.

"What's flying?"

"No, it's not. It must be my imagination again."

"Looks like you're still sick of being able to imagine things."

As we talked we continued walking. For the third time a light formed before us.

'Again? You've got to be kidding me.



I grabbed Shizuku's shoulder and forcibly turned Shizuku's gaze to face me. Shizuku was dumbfounded by my action and her cheeks turned red after realizing how close my face was to hers.

"There's something in your hair."

Using that excuse, I pretended to pick something up and used [Wind Slash] to finish off the monster.

After confirming that the monster was gone and nothing else appeared. I released my grip from Shizuku's shoulder. Shizuku held her cheeks which were still red.

"Why... why did you do that all of a sudden?" Shizuku said as her eyes wandered.

"Geez, she looks cute when she's shy.

We continued our journey home with a somewhat awkward atmosphere.

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