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Chapter 2: BAB 2

I felt my body floating and slowly opened my eyes. What I saw first was an empty white room with no end in sight.

"Argh!!! My head hurts like hell."

"It looks like you successfully completed the mission I gave you, despite some annoying problems."

A soft and delicate voice spoke. The voice came from a woman who appeared suddenly in front of me. Her face was beautiful and graceful. With her beautiful clothes and white shawl. Her hair was a bright sky blue color.

"There were some unexpected variables when I carried out my plan."

"But thank goodness that it's over. This is already the umpteenth time you've completed the mission I gave you."

"Well, it doesn't feel like much has passed."

You must be confused about what happened. Let's summarize it in a few parts.

My name is Firly, I am an 11th grade high school student. My hobbies are badminton, reading novels and comics. I also joined the martial arts club.

If you're asking what happened before, it's because I was reincarnated. That's right, I died and then reincarnated. My death was due to an accident, not really an accident but more of an incident. I died while returning home from school and helping someone who was robbed. Due to my lack of caution, the robber stabbed me in the stomach. I died of blood loss.

After my death, I thought I was going to the afterlife. But, what I saw was that I was in an empty void. Many question marks arose in my mind. Soon a very beautiful woman appeared in front of me. The woman revealed that I was dead and introduced herself as a Goddess who guards and oversees the universe of this world. She was called the Goddess of Goodness. I didn't believe her at first but after she showed me things that were beyond reason, I had to admit.

Just as I was starting to calm down, the Goddess said that she needed help. Hearing that of course I was confused. She was a Goddess and she was asking me for help. However, she explained that Goddesses are just people who watch over and maintain the balance of various worlds in different universes. They cannot interfere in the affairs of that world. If they interfered directly, the Gods and Goddesses would be punished, which would automatically make them burn up or get entangled in chains and get punished by the creator.

Hearing that, I asked about the creator. The goddess explained. The creator is the supreme god, while we are the angels who were appointed as gods and goddesses to manage the balance. Her power is at a much different level than theirs.

Then the Goddess of goodness told a story. In the past, it was not the Goddess of Goodness who oversaw the universe, but the God of Tranquility. The god of tranquility ruled the various worlds in his universe in an orderly manner. However, over time the god felt bored watching over the peaceful world. The god came up with an idea to give power to good people and bad people to see the reactions they gave. But, the god of tranquility was afraid of punishment. However, the god of tranquility accidentally found a way not to get punished. At first he only tried to give his power to a few people. Because the participation of his power made the world a lot of bloodshed and uncontrollable things. Seeing this, the Goddess of tranquility felt her blood boiling and her heart racing. But slowly the god of tranquility began to give his power to various people in different worlds. She wanted to see things like that again. Her addiction to it was out of control until finally, the creator found out she was interfering in the world. The creator immediately burned the God of Tranquility without further ado. However, before the God of Tranquility was burnt to ashes, he distributed fragments of his power to different people from various worlds, causing chaos. The god of tranquility laughed out loud like a madman as he burned, earning him the nickname the god of madness for acting out of character. For this reason, the Goddess of Goodness took the place of overseeing the universe of this world. The goddess of kindness is given a lot of authority to improve each world, she is allowed to interfere with that world. Killing those who gain power if that person is dangerous. It's still very difficult to fix though. Because there are worlds that are not monitored that will be destroyed first. That's why the Goddess of Goodness needs help. She wanted me to reincarnate and gave me a mission to observe the person who has the power of the god of tranquility and decide whether that person is good or bad. If the person was good I was to guide him or her in the right direction, whereas if the person was bad I was to guide him or her in the right direction.

I agreed to help the Goddess of Goodness. The Goddess of Goodness gave me the strength to face those people if anything went wrong. I also made a blood contract and a promise with the Goddess of Goodness that served to not betray each other.

When I reincarnated into the world, I thought it would be easy. However, unexpectedly there were many obstacles and hindrances, and things didn't go according to plan. A few times I was a little confused and discouraged but I still persevered. After completing several missions in various countries. Finally I got used to it, the reincarnated world is quite diverse such as the ranker world, murim world, ninja and samurai world, hero world, magic world, demon king world, Sci-fi world, zombie world, apocalyse world, monster world, and various other worlds. Until I finally arrived here.

"Thank you for helping me until now. You must have had some trouble and I apologize too," the Goddess of Goodness said sincerely.

"You're welcome, there's no need to apologize either. I'm also quite enjoying being reincarnated in a different world after all."

"Even if you say so, it feels bad if I don't reward you for your hard work all these years. Ah!!! That's right. How about you reincarnate into another world?"


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